Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hey, so nice to be back on the blog. I missed you guys. John, oh Lord, it was so awful watching poor Rory McElroy. The entire McKeon family was rooting him on and watching him implode. Thank God they finally took the cameras off the poor kid. It was like that year that Brady Quinn was sitting and waiting to NOT get drafted. As a mom, you just want to cry for these kids. But Rory was a total class act on camera after his devastating round. Mrs. Sarge--congrats on the move--talk about class act. Way to go. I'm sure one of my kids will get some nasty bug soon enough and I will see the new digs then. Louis, thanks for the wedding invite, get on that relationship now, young man.

Stacy, your play by play of 4pm Mass was dead on...OMG no offense, but that was one long Mass. It was physically painful to be there. Did you notice that the McKeons left a tad early at 5:10pm?? Sorry about that, we usually don't leave early (no, we just usually walk in late...) but we seriously couldn't take it any more. And Pete was laughing so hard at that screaming kid (and the SECOND screaming kid) that once again, our pew was shaking. Bottom line: if you are going to St. Mark, check the schedule. Fr. Stephen is dynamite and will change your spiritual life. Hit one of his masses to get the real feel.

All, thanks for the jokes. I love them. They will factor heavily into the EC awards for tonight.

I am going to speed post this bad boy, so that when this big tornado strikes and we all lose power, I will at least have the questions up and be all good on my end. And, I am only doing the scores from Friday's questions because doing the big weekly scoring takes me like two hours (don't ask--) and I really want to get this post up. So, here are Friday's results-Did you guys know that Brady Bunch question? I didn't know that OR that Martin Luther one...For some reason, this blog is making feel even dumber than usual.
Here are Friday's results:
Judy: 2 for being right, 3 for being first with the holy.  Total: 5
John: 2 for being right, 2 for being second with the holy, 3 for being first with the Brady Bunch one:=7 big points.
Tricia: 2 for being right, 2 for being were second with the Lowly, 1 for being third with the Holy=5
Amy: 2 for being right, 1 for being third with the Lowly--total: 3
Chris, Stacy, SueChi, Mrs.Sarge, Kim and Louis: 2 points for all of you.

Now for the EC before all weather hell breaks loose: (and I am adding five additional EC points just because it makes the EC work better for me...)
SueChi: 2 points for the promise of crab cakes AND explaining the finer details of the Brady Bunch episode--your total for the night: 4
Kim: 3 points for explaining the finer points of Martin Luther. (who knew??): 5 big points tonight and all of  our love, prayers and heartfelt thoughts. When life settles down and we both are off the wagon, we have a major date for Cheryl's cookies.
Stacy: 5 points for the summary of 4:00 Mass (excellent synopsis) and the jokes. Now you have 7 points for the night.
Judy: 5 points for the Pope joke--a Holy and a Lowly--hitting both ends. 10 points for you. Nice job!!
Tricia: 5 points for the nun/priest joke--loved it. 10 points for you as well. Way to stay in the hunt, way to keep the blog flowing.

I promise to tally the week's points tomorrow but with no further ado, here are tonight's questions:
  1. What is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in the Bible?
  2. What 1996 movie was hyped with the line: "It Will Blow Audiences Right Out of the Theater"
These are two pretty great questions. Do your best and feel free to cheat.


  1. 2) Twister with Helen Hunt

  2. And just to allow my followers/fellow cheaters an easier copy & paste:

    1) Cats
    2) Twister

  3. Am I the FIRST person to get the first question? #doinghugethings

  4. A dog is in the Bible because Jezebel is eaten by dogs. But I'm fairly certain that Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are not mentioned either. Just going for a little controversy here. Prince would be proud.

  5. correction: 2) gies are right

  6. 12) I'm still staying with llamas and guinea pigs...but just read itmyself...I am adding cats, too. Maybe all correct????????

  7. LMAO, jpulera.... Jaws? Really? Wasn't that "Don't Go In the Water?"

    Here are some of my favorite movie taglines.

    The Shinning: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

    Octopussy: "Nobody Does Him Better"

    This Is Spinal Tap: "Does for rock and roll what "The Sound of Music" did for hills."

    Wayne's World: "You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll hurl."

    Tommy Boy: "If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards."

    Office Space: Work Sucks!

    Love to hear some of your favorites!!!

  8. Cats not in bible
    Twister was the movie
    I was sure your lowly question would be from Brothers and Sisters-answer: Berklee :)

  9. One more to share

    The Simpson's Move: "See our family. And feel better about yours."

    Figured it fit well with the way Laurie talks about the McKeon Pew.

    And YES, Laurie, it was very nice of the network to keep young McIlroy off camera once he sucked it up and caved to the "Inevitable Human Weakness." Felt really bad for him. Still think he will be a great one. Talk about the yips!!!

  10. Oh, Sue, you know me so well. I am totally engrossed in Brothers and Sisters, but was trying to get the whole "tornado" thing into the questions some how.

  11. Cat and Twister with Helen Hunt. Do I get any sort of blog dispensation bc I just got out of mass? If this truly is a holy blog my being at mass should only help my point total.

  12. Q: How do they say "f*ck you" in Los Angeles?
    A: Trust me

    Laurie...I know you wanted bar jokes...but I thought this one was funny!

  13. A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

    Tongue Twister humor, catch it.

  14. A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you." And the grasshopper says, "Really? You have a drink named Doug?"

  15. EC plug: today at bookstore bball my squad picked up another W, and I'm pretty sure the other team was crying after we took up out back and beat em 21-3. And what's more, Mr. Big East POY himself, Ben Hansbrough was there to watch and comment on the bloodbath. He and his teammate, Joey "don't put me in the game Coach Brey bc is stink" Brooks stuck around after the game to chat about the Masters and shoot a few hoops with us bc they thought we "had game." Will we win the tourney, no. but this is a solid consolation and could garner me some EC (and if Frank would do this competition, he could get some EC too for being a part of Team Mighty Whitie). Don't think about it, just do it.

  16. Stacy, I thought his name was Kevin?

  17. John - Kevin would never go into a bar. You must not know him very well.

  18. and here's a bar joke: Louis and I went to a bar. (joke bc we're both underaged and I look like I'm 12).
    Another bar joke: Pete went into a bar and beat everyone up like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, then Pete beat up Patrick Swayze.
    (this actually isn't a joke, it really happened)

  19. jpulera, Jaws? Really...?
    Someone's losing it ;)

  20. And I really like Jamarcus' joke... a lot.

    Better Joke? - Jamarcus and I went to a bar that got busted this past Friday!
    (Again joke because we're underaged, and an even greater joke because if we weren't underaged and could have gone, we wouldn't have because we were too busy studying and not fraternizing with unholy women!)... and not hanging out with such women makes us holy, like this competition... ergo, more EC points! Hooray.

  21. And I don't know Chris, with the bald look, as your kind mother suggested, you look more like the old, Six Flags dude then a prepubescent bro... we might get it?

  22. Really., about losing you still believe you have this relationship with Skylar? Again....she's out of your league!!

  23. Oh jpulera, this is embarrassing... I'm not sure if you're aware, but I'm kind of a huge deal. I got this relationship down.

  24. Thanks to Louis I don't have to work too hard tonight!!!!! Thank you Louis!!!!! Just so you know I'm rootin for ya!!!!!!!

    1) Cats
    2) Twister

    Thank you Laurie for the kind words. I know you feel my pain!!!

  25. Chris, did you really shoot hoops with Ben Hansborough? Can you get me his autograph on a basketball? Was he cool? Have you met Monk Malloy yet? Mother's Day is coming up and I would like his autograph too--get him to sign our book. Did Pete beat up Patrick Swayze last year (when he was fighting cancer) or in his prime, because when Patrick Swayze was in his prime, Pete was still being dressed like a girl.

    Louis, stay out of the bars (Jamarcus, that goes double for you) and go work on your relationship with Skylar (wouldn't mind her autograph either)

    Stacy, loved the Doug joke.

    Right now, I am watching Charlie Sheen on access hollywood--he is one crazy fool. And I'm a shidiot for even having it on the idiot box. good night

  26. Pussy cats

    Was so sure we were going to have a twister as the stupid channel 12 news kept cutting into Brothers & Sisters to pretty much announce that the world was coming to an end. I had to switch to channel 7 & not watch it in high def - urgh!

    What is a shidiot? I may not be able to understand Jamarcus' & Louis' homeboy lingo but I think I can catch onto shidiot quite easily.

  27. Sue - my son is at Mahone now. My little one is still at Nash though. Good luck with the upcoming nuptials. We will always love Kathryn. Maybe our paths will cross again someday.

  28. Yo Louis, I met my wife in a Bar. It's go time, you and me in the parking lot of the bar you don't go to. Don't be a domesticated animal not found in the Bible.

  29. Tricia, "shidiot" is a term that I stole from that Dennis Leary show "Rescue Me" (the foulest, funniest show on television. Does anyone know if that show is still on, or ever coming back?). I think it is the combinaiton of "sh*&&y idiots" or something similar. It is just so perfectly appropriate when dealing with my sons that I have made it my own: "What are you shidiots doing now?" "You shidiots have any homework?" "Go tell the shidiots that dinner is ready.." "When you shidiots get arrested, call your father, not me." We have also adopted many versions on the term: shids, shidiocy, shidiocracy, etc. (is also useful when describing politicians or other groups of miscrants) I find that this term has filled a hole in my vocabulary that I didn't know existed. Please feel free to use this term to your hearts content because once it gets into Websters, I will have the quiet satisfaction of knowing that I was responsible and my job as a linguist is done.

  30. I heard another great term at work when a man was talking about his daughter's boyfriend and he called him Shithead (shi' theed). When he was asked if the guy was middle eastern, he said, "No. Spell it out."

  31. Laurie...I believe Rescue Me will resume on July 12th for the final season.

  32. By the way, missed you this morning. You would have loved it....lots of outside running.

  33. Louis..good morning....are you conscious today?

  34. First let me thank John for defending my honor. Just to be clear, we were not unholy people cavorting around in a sleazy bar. We both worked there & it was also a restaurant. Does that put a better spin on it?

    Love 'shidiot'. It will be more appropriate for me to yell that at other drivers instead of dumb f*ck. Man if Andrew could speak he would be the foulest mouth 9 year old you ever met.

  35. Changing my answer to pu$$y cat. That's how it's spelled Laurie, right?

  36. jpulera, why wouldn't I be conscious?

    John, cool story Hansel. Maybe I should try and go to bars more often, see if I meet my future wifey there... in the small chance that Sky and I don't work out. Make sure to bring some Long Islands down from Kenosha for said parking lot pregame though!

    Mrs. McKeon, I'll try my best and get an autograph, don't you fret. And don't worry about us going to bars either, again, we're underaged and too holy for such debaucheries. And Ben's pretty chill, not as chill as Abro, but I've met worse.

  37. Oh, and you all will be happy to know I didn't fail my Finance test!! That means that hopefully Finance will offset my embarrassing effort in Statistics, and that maybe I won't have to be a babe, or belle, or whatever the hell mascot SMC Chicks are... or a Ho Cro Bro.

  38. Trying to find cheap flights to Europe makes you feel like a shidiot, true story.

  39. Also, my last verification code that I had to type in to post my comment was 'stripper', I shid you not. Blog reunion location idea sent from above?

  40. Mrssarge - True to form, Spracklin kids only need doctoring on weekends and holidays. So of course we were in the new office this morning... it looks great. Love the brown carpeting and blue walls, natural light in the treatment room. And everyone looked happy.

    Great job!!

  41. I believe I won a contest today - first blog contestant to visit Mrs. Sarge's lovely new office (it is very nice & has that wonderful new construction smell). Good job Tina & nice to officially meet you. My son of course was really not sick (shocking). Being the third week in a row he has called me to pick him up from school early due to headache, nausea, dizziness & blurred vision I decided to bring him in to have him checked out (was really hoping they would draw blood because it freaks him out & it would put a stop to his 'illness'). Diagnosis - big faker. That kid is the same amount of work as all the Von Trapp children put together. If my answers tonight seem a little slurred and/or off it's because I have drank myself into oblivion.

  42. Damn - I can't even win the first visit to the new doctor's office contest. I'm a real shidiot.

  43. Here's a joke:
    Dave McKeon decides to leave all the lights on in the house, go off his diet for a week, not make his kids pay for the two dollars they owe of their phone bills, stop buying shandals (shoe sandals), and instead takes his whole family on a vacation to Bermuda!

  44. Under the gun once again and finalizing a few last minute details of our opening day. I am going to lean on the studly young Louis and his answers. Thanks Louis!
    1) Cats
    2) Twister with Helen Hunt

    Catch up with all of you later!

  45. The "studly young Louis", I like the sound of that. And no problem Mrs.Sarge, it's the least I could do (and since our favorite, jpulera, didn't copy my answers, all is well...).

    Also, Mrs. McKeon, I am sad to inform you that young Jamarcus informed me at the dining hall today (after I came up to him, my conscious still heavy with the idea of a lack of McD's) that he had already gone twice since our last chat about his well-being.

    This was told to me while he caressed a plate of fries, a cheeseburger, and nachos... I propose a moment of silence for those arteries, and a hella loud "Shidiot" for that metabolism.

  46. Louis - don't get too accustomed to "SYL", true story here. My ex-college roommate has a younger sister who recently saw a very unflattering picture of me on my facebook. Her comment was "What happened, he used to be hot!"

  47. John - it took me like 10 minutes to understand what "SYL" meant. Going for the young abreevs, eh? Good work. And I'm not too concerned, I'm thinking that by the time I start getting right over the hill (and before I start hurdling down), science will have made something to keep me at SYL-mode... at least, I sure hope those tech nerds better.

  48.'re right I didn't copy....I'll deal with you shortly.....
