Thursday, April 21, 2011


Tonight will be a very quick post because I am suffering from delayed jet lag....and really need to go to bed earlier than usual. Also, Chris just got home with his posse, and in their honor, I just finished making 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies. I also made prime rib for Dave, because he is a living, breathing carb shunning spartan.... The boys, all ten of them, went off to Wingstop, our back up  kitchen, but will be back soon for food round 2: cookies and cheetos...or some other awesome combination like that.

Last night's questions once again raised some controversy. According to my sources, Perry Mason only lost one case. I'm not sure where everyone else is getting their answers, but you all sound pretty convincing. I will hold my ground on the Tamara Mellon/Jimmy Choo answer because I am a shoe expert, but this whole Perry Mason thing? I'm not sure. So, because I do not want to ace anyone out of these critical points at this critical time--I will accept one, two or three (or all of the above, Sara)  However, the  Holy answer is Fig Monday. (Sue and Kim, did you say Fig Monday? I couldn't tell. There were an awful lot of words in Sue's answer, and the word fig was in there so I'm counting it--for Kim, too)

Here's how the regular and speed points shake:
Brian: 1 for the Perry Mason question (did you answer the Holy question at all? ) and 3 for being first with it. I hope you are in this contest because you just got 4 points
Sara: 2 for being right, and 2 for being second with the Perry Mason question=4
Tricia: 2 for being right and 2 for being second with Fig Monday=4
John: 2 for being right and 3 for being first with Fig Monday and 1 for being third with Perry Mason=6
Suechi: 2 for being right (I think) and 1 for being third with the holy question ( I think fig monday was implied in your answer...)=3
Judy, Stacy, Kim, Louis and Irish Pete: all get 2.
I have not heard from Chris, Amy or Mrs Sarge--I waited as long as I could, but I really need to go get some sleep...sorry you guys, you can make it up over the next two 200 point days.
Here is some EC:
John: 10 pts for the US list=14 for you
Sara: 10 pts for jumping back in the game=14
Sue; 10 pts for the lengthy Raymond Burr and Holy lesson=13
Kim: 10 pts for the seat kicking story=12
Judy: 10 pts for the PhD in Perry Mason losses=12
Brian: 50 pts for refusing to google or wikipedia the answers. Who says honesty and innate knowledge doesn't pay? If you clean up these next two nights, Brian Pond, you could easily end up in the money. Nice job.
Special aside to Stacy--I know that you can't post from your hotel. No worries, keep emailing me, and once Jamarcus fixes my email, I will add your comments to the mix. Other aside to Stacy, just blew the protein diet for a spoon full of cookie dough. Whenever I get tired, all bets are off...and I could live on cookie dough, I have lived on cookie dough...

Very well done to all with the extra credit. You have two more chances to wow me with your humor, knowledge, talents and skills. 200 extra credit points ride on tonight's questions. No pressure, but let's not forget just how special that bead bracelet is, let alone those Long Island Iced, bring it home people. Don't ease up now. Kick to the finish.
Here are tonight's questions:

1. What event is associated with Holy Saturday in the Coptic Church?
2. Why did Liz Lemons say that she shouldn't have to serve jury duty?  

Remember, 200 EC points are on the line here. Answer the questions, give it your best shot and may the best man/woman/child win.


  1. venerates mary as the mother of God

  2. The Harrowing of Hades

    In the Coptic Church, as in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Churches, it is called "Joyous Saturday," because it is believed to be the day that Christ descended to Hades (sometimes called Sheol or Hell) and rose up to Paradise those souls that were held captive there. The tradition that Jesus "descended into hell" (in the words of the Apostle's Creed) is drawn from, among other verses, 1 Peter 4:6, which says the gospel was "proclaimed even to the dead" and 1 Peter 3:19-20, which says Christ "went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison, who in former times did not obey."

  3. 2) wearing a princess leia costume and talking like a weirdo

  4. 1) . For while some are satisfied to fast on Holy Saturday (and that is the only time when the Coptic Church fasts on a Saturday in the form of complete abstention), others abstain for two successive days: Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

  5. Way to be on top of this tonite, John!!!

  6. deserve EC for the 5 dozen cookies, prime rib dinner and catering to all of the guys!!! Plus, jet must be wonder woman...really!!!

  7. 2) adding on to my answer she said that she could read thoughts.

  8. On a sad note...I had to ditch my second lamb cake because it didn't turn out again!!!!! I made this beautiful batter from scratch and i don't know what the hell I did wrong again....but it just didn't bake right!!.. I used my grandmother's old cast iron lamb mold. It should have been the Lamb of God but it turned out to be the Lamb from Hell!!!

  9. Heading up to bed now so i can get up for bootcamp at 4:45am. I don't know if you will be over your jet lag in the morning , Laurie...if I don't see you at bootcamp....I'll check in with you on the blog.

    Good night!!!

  10. In Modern Theology Chapter 10, the Harrowing of Hades is referred to as the Highway to Hell. It is a reminder of Who Made Who? Come Hell or High Water, this tradition will Shake your Foundations and it took Big Balls to institute it as a ritual. It starts with the ringing of Hells Bells followed by the reminder that Satan is one Problem Child. The Riff Raff that occupies the Sin City of the underworld were all Shot Down In Flames. The reference to Hades however is really not the High Voltage of Hell but in turn Greek for the world of the departed. For some it is a Whole Lot of Rosie and for others more like payback for the Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and it Ain’t No Fun. The life you lead while here on Earth is that Long Way To the Top if You Want To Rock & Roll. Remember always that For Those About To Rock, Rock & Roll Ain’t Noise Polution and R.I.P (Rock in Peace).

  11. WOW THE BLACKHAWKS ARE KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES! Not even half way through the game and its Blackhawks 5 - Canuckleheads 0

  12. This is a comment from Stacy who was having trouble posting up from her hotel. She has set the bar WAY high, as this is probably the best thing I've ever read. Here is what she says:

    As the Holy and Lowly comes to an end
    And the final questions are about to be penned
    Much has been learned
    Google has churned
    So let’s summarize my new blog friends.

    Jamarcus was first on the scene
    Speedy to post while us old folks were green
    Monk Malloy in his sight
    McDonalds late night
    But as a baldie, he looks kind of mean.

    Jpulera is always right in there
    Night after night with trivia to spare
    I’m told she’s a stud
    But the lamb cake was a dud
    And her picture shows very nice hair.

    John Heinzmann has jacked the blog’s hits
    With jokes, facts and dating tidbits
    Trip to England was made up
    And that night that John stayed up
    Listing all those names must’ve been the pits.

    Mrssarge’s comments were late night and campy
    A big move got her style kind of crampy
    I did get to meet her
    Strep throat let me greet her
    Since I figured out she’s Tina Lampe.

    So Louis is gazing from afar
    At the hot ND basketball star
    The Stats exam: failed
    But Finance he nailed
    Now go get Skylar to know who you are.

    Tricia’s comments are always fun to read
    Now she’s really racking up points with her speed.
    Can anyone stop her?
    Only John is atop her
    IN POINTS, not where your dirty minds lead!

    Suechi seems like somebody who
    Is sweet, giving flattery when due
    Adult Racist Laurie, say what?
    That’s hilarious but
    I wouldn’t know you in a crowd of two.

    Irish Pete was late to the show
    He’s got info we all want to know
    His Dad’s shandals are the best
    Grandma’s dog is a pest,
    And his jokes are funny too, wouldn’t you know?

    Kim Pechous always found extra facts
    Didn’t let details fall through the cracks.
    Without a doubt
    Her inner Brenna came out
    And her many comments left nothing to lack.

    Amy is taking the RCIA leap
    Into a church with money troubles deep.
    With RSV for her son
    And Daisy camping trips to come
    It’s a while before she’s getting enough sleep.

    So in summary my fellow blog mates
    The banter has been really great.
    I underestimated the fun
    But I got NOTHING done
    And for Lent, my spouse gave up his mate!

  13. The event associated with Holy Saturday in the Coptic Church:The Harrowing of Hades. In the Coptic Church, as in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Churches, it is called "Joyous Saturday," because it is believed to be the day that Christ descended to Hades (sometimes called Sheol or Hell) and rose up to Paradise those souls that were held captive there. The tradition that Jesus "descended into hell" (in the words of the Apostle's Creed) is drawn from, among other verses, 1 Peter 4:6, which says the gospel was "proclaimed even to the dead" and 1 Peter 3:19-20, which says Christ "went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison, who in former times did not obey."

    2. Liz said she could read thoughts so she could not serve jury duty.

  14. Stacy's poem is amazing--that's ok, I wouldn't know you in a crowd of two either!

  15. Some HOLY facts:

    In the Western church, Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday, just before Easter. It does not include Easter Sunday, which is the first day of a new church season known as "The Great Fifty Days," the time from Easter to Pentecost.

    Among Catholics, mass is typically not held on Holy Saturday except by special dispensation. Anglicans do not take Eucharist on this day, but instead engage in a simple liturgy with readings that commemorate the burial of Jesus. The altar is typically stripped after the service on Maundy Thursday and remains so until Easter

    Holy Saturday is the last day of Holy Week. In the Eastern Orthodox Church it is called the Great Sabbath, in remembrance of the fact that this was the day Christ "rested" in the tomb.

  16. Easter in Israel is essentially centered on one specific tradition, the Holy Fire ceremony, which takes place on the Saturday before Easter, and is the hallmark of this holiday’s season in Jerusalem for local Christians plus the thousands of faithful who make the pilgrimage to the Holy Land for this special occasion.

    All of Lenten and Easter events culminate in that moment, when the spirit of Jesus fills the tomb site in the Holy Sepulchre. According to their belief, a flame appears in the tomb and is caught by the Greek patriarch and an Armenian Orthodox priest and is shared with congregants holding candles in the church.

    Because this event is specific to Jerusalem geographically, it can be celebrated nowhere else in the world. Pilgrims, many from Greece, Russia, Armenia, Eastern Europe and the United States, begin lining up from the day before. Local Christians also join the throngs in an attempt to get into the Holy Sepulchre for the celebration.

    Who in hades is Liz Lemons!!!!!!!!
    I have now spent an insane amount of time trying to figure out this answer. Again this is the second time I am typing my answer due to my possessed computer!!!Can you feel the frustration emanating from this post (can you hear the swearing). I am waiting for the lightening bolt to strike me down!! My only hope is dispensation due to the decorating done for the Sader meal at the lower campus this week( stephanie you are the best wing man). Anyway wikipedia came through and now I know everything there is to know about Liz Lemons except for the answer to the question. So I am breaking my rule of cheating or stealing answers only every other day and I am going with Judy she seems to always get it right!!!! Thanks Judy!!!

    Loved your poetic recap of these 40 days.I believe you deserve the majority of the EC this time around .

    I also agree with Tricia(I believe it was in yesterdays post) what are we going to do when this is over. Congratulations Fearless Leader not only are you increasing your hits and working on a book dealt more importantly you are building bonds of humanity(told you" Alexandra" makes sense). I have found this thoroughly entertaining and it provided much needed humor and diversion during a very trying time!!!! Thank you!!!!

  17. It was Stacy's poetic prowess that I was referring to!!! Stacy you Rock!!!!

  18. Sorry about the Lamb Cake Judy!!! Three times the charm I say try it again! Good Luck!!!

  19. John I havent forgotten about the behavioral suggestions. It just so happens this has been a rather trying few days in the our household. gotta love those calls from school to end the day early. I am making mental notes. When the dust settles I will get back to you guys.....

  20. The Holy/Lowly challenge is close to done,
    Addicting, amazing and oft times fun-
    That adults would not just peek in blog liking phase,
    But come back countless times to complete each of their days;
    It's just kind of scary that we all had the time
    To answer, to question, to share the sublime.
    Think of all we could have accomplished, made right, got done....
    Nah, reading this blog was too much fun!
    The posts from mother's helper kept us in stitches, wanting more
    And wondering, "What else is this computer for?"
    The blogsters in this challenge were in it to learn
    But is was points and a shout out which we did yearn.
    I read of sickness, moving, baking and shopping
    Dating, dreaming, toilets and bar hopping,
    There was McDonalds, Harrods, St. Andrews and more
    I forgot, what was this blog for?
    Well, youcan',
    You have become a time destroying bomb!
    On the upside, we've learned things, some good, some not so much,
    But you kept us coming back just to stay in touch.
    So Jamarcus, Jpulera, John, Tricia, Louis, Irish Pete, Kim, Amy, Brian, Stacy, Sara and Mrssarge
    My respect for your time on this blog is so large
    Thank you all for the comments you posted each night
    And in life as in blog, may you each win the fight!

  21. Brenna---Liz Lemons is on 30 rock--LOL--be proud you didn't know!

  22. Ok Sue Love your poetic prowess as well!!!! YOU AND STACY DESERVE THE LIONS SHARE OR MAYBE ALL OF IT!!!!! VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!especially at this late hour!

  23. I honestly can say I have never seen 30 Rock. I wish I could say I haven't enjoyed other mindless or shameless tv shows (Jersey shore comes to mind). But sadly I am totally addicted just not to the one w/LIZ LEMONS!!!

  24. Thanks, have to get packing--leave in 4 hours for Easter in Minneapolis! Obviously, my priorities are a bit askew. Good Friday, a tough day to be cheery, give happy wishes, or to complain about anything (because of Christ dying on the cross, I mean). My Mom use to make us be completely quiet from noon to three--that was killer and only made me want to talk more. Anyway, have a nice, quiet, reflective day!

  25. Have a safe trip!!!! I grew up in Deephaven on Lake Minnetonka. Well we moved there when I was in 8th grade from Chicago. Love Minneapolis often wish we would have stayed there(Chuck did his GPR at the VA). But Charlie will be at St Thomas next year so I will have an excuse to go back a lot!!! Happy Easter to you and your family and to the entire blog family!!!!

  26. OMG--My sister lived in Deephaven on Lake Minnetonka--she died in Aug of 2001 (of multiple myeloma)but her husband still lives there--his family always lived there--Kenyon is their last name. Our daughter lives there now and will after they are married in July--not on Lake Minnetonka but in Minneapolis. It is a great area. St. Thomas is a beautiful school--I was very impressed when we visited.

  27. The Harrowing of Hades
    Liz Lemon can read people's thoughts

  28. Brenna...thanks for the encouragement for lamb #3!!!

  29. Stacy...such creativity about us all!!

  30. Why is Good Friday referred to as “good”? What the Jewish authorities and Romans did to Jesus was definitely not good (see Matthew chapters 26-27). However, the results of Christ’s death are very good! Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” First Peter 3:18 tells us, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit.”

    Everyone have a beautiful Good Friday!!!!

  31. Top 5 To Try
    Symbolism of Lily Flowers
    What to Do With Easter Lilies?
    Bouquets With White Lilies
    What Light Is Required for Easter Lilies to Grow?
    What to Do With Lilies After Easter?

    What Is the Meaning of Easter Lilies?
    Easter lilies represent renewal in the spiritual sense of Easter. These beautiful white flowers symbolize joy, hope and inspiration for many during Easter and well beyond. Do not discard Easter lilies after the flowers fade and Easter is over. They will come back with the right cultivation and care, in keeping with the Easter theme that they symbolize.
    Easter lilies signify rebirth and new beginnings in the Christian tradition. In religious terms, they herald the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the central celebration of Easter.
    In Leonardo da Vinci's "Annunciation," circa 1472 to 1475, the archangel Gabriel holds a lily, symbolizing purity, as he delivers the message that the Virgin Mary will be the mother of Jesus Christ.

  32. Judy - try telling your husband you need a new oven because your lamb cakes aren't turning out (it HAS to be the reason). Maybe you'll have better luck than I have had in the past. I've given up.

    Laurie - when I logged on this morning my son asked me why I keep looking at the page with the boys who have cancer? I had to explain it AGAIN. I agree with Stacy, get the one with those beautiful girls in it back up.

  33. You are safe Laurie!

    Just read this last night.
    "To enjoy the Jesus of scripture, we need to appreciate sarcasm, puns, enigmas and paradoxes -- all part of Jesus' arsenal, coming as he did from the doubly persecuted minority of Jew an independent prophet."

    The way I see it, this means that JC is reading the blog and LHAO!! Will he be coming to the reunion?

  34. Laurie-a high protein, Italian, Easter fritatta for your crowd:
    1lb.Italian sausage
    1lb.mozzarella cheese shredded
    1/2lb.provolone cheese shredded
    1/2 tsp.baking powder.
    Place eggs in large mixing bowl and lightly scramble.
    Cut sausages lengthwise,then into 1/2 inch slices.Add to egg mixture
    Add cheeses and mix well.Add baking powder and mix.
    Coat a large sauté pan with vegetable oil and heat over medium high

    Place a large scoop (ladle sized)into skillet and fry until the frittatas is golden brown. Carefully flip and cook until done. Keep warm in low heat oven until ready to serve.Serves 6.

  35. 1) For while some are satisfied to fast on Holy Saturday (and that is the only time when the Coptic Church fasts on a Saturday in the form of complete abstention), others abstain for two successive days: Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
    2) Wearing a princess leia costume and talking like a weirdo, also she can read people's thoughts.

  36. The Harrowing of Hades
    Liz Lemon can read people's thoughts

    Can you tell I had LOTS of time in the car on the way to Louisville? I really have had fun with this blog contest. While it will be a bit of a relief to get it done, I will miss the banter too.

    I'm off to a very large exposition center with 70+ volleyball courts and lots of whistles... yippee...

  37. Can you win if you're a man-child?... because I'm not sure I'm ready to officially commit to any one level.

  38. Did you hear the library at USC burned down?
    They lost both books and one hadn’t even been colored in yet.

    A USC fan called the hospital saying, “My wife is having a baby, what should I do?” The nurse asked, “Is this her first baby?” The USC fan replied, “No, this is her husband.”

    What does the average USC player get on his SAT’s?

    How many USC grads does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    20,000 - 1 to hold the light bulb and 19,999 to turn the house.

    Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, a classy USC Fan and an old drunk are walking down the street together when they simultaneously spot a hundred dollar bill. Who gets it?
    The old drunk, of course; the other three are mythical creatures.

    What do you call 20 USC fans skydiving from an airplane?

    Why was the USC football team late for their last game?
    Every time their bus passed a sign that said ‘Clean Restrooms’ they did.

    What's the difference between a litter of puppies and USC fans?
    Eventually puppies grow up and stop whining.

    What do you get when you drive slowly by the USC campus?
    A degree.

    What do you get when you breed a groundhog and the USC Trojans?
    Six more weeks of bad football.

  39. I also don't think any one of your other followers is making a 4 hour trek to celebrate the holiness and lowlyness in the best way we all know how: with the McKeons!?

    I'd just like to point that out, do with that information what you will...

  40. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    To get the hell away from Tricia's bad jokes...

  41. Thanks Tricia for the laugh this am. I actually laughed out loud I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Although the boys are very finely dressed. I think Jack pulled the look off the best!!!!! With Pete in a strong second. I think they all look handsome hairless or not!!!!

    I am wondering where the boys are, Louis and Jamarcus, a little too much wing stop last night or one too many chocolate chip cookies perhaps!!!!!

  42. I'm posting these for my ND fans. Louis, I thought you'd appreciate them. Feelings = hurt :(

  43. Hahaha, Tricia I go to ND! They're well appreciated, I was merely joking back and trying to induce what the young people nowadays like to call, "lulz". Feelings = mended

  44. Well I retract my last comment! Welcome back young Louis!!!! Where is your wing man?????

  45. Brenna, I wish I was carrying a Wingstop/chocolate chip cookie food baby... unfortunately, I am still at ND. I won't be up in Wisconsin for a day or two, but rest assured, I am here and ready to party/be extremely holy and lowly.

  46. And I'm guessing Jamarcus is either currently eating a burger and fries, helping his wonderful mother around the house, or recuperating from the no doubt debaucheries that must have entailed last night up in Wisco...

  47. Did you know that....

    The Bible, the world’s best-selling book, is also the world’s most shoplifted book.

    How's that for Holy & Lowly?

  48. Or that...

    Approximately 55% of movies released are Rated R.

    Ohhh, we're Lowly indeed.

  49. Apology accepted (I know you go to ND SYL). I may attend the same Easter mass as the McKeon's just to meet you. (ok, probably not, I'm on a church sabbatical, Laurie is trying to help me there).

  50. OR...

    People who drink coffee are less likely to commit suicide than people who don't.

    And people say it's bad for you... Starbucks <3

  51. I am truly going to miss the complete randomness that this high end "Quiz Bowl" has become!!!

    Do you ever wonder who comes up with the wacky and rather senseless word verification that one has to type in before posting????

  52. Tricia, that may be a small issue. I myself am not a Catholic prodigy... so uncertainty still exists on the whole "Easter mass" situation. While this challenge is definitely helping, I may choose to focus a little bit more on the lowly aspect and party, for Jesus of course, instead...

  53. Also, australian women are most likely to engage in lowly, explicit behaviors on a first date...

    Study abroad in Australia, eh... I see you.

  54. Oh, and more than 10 people a year, every year, are killed by vending machines.

    Please remember, that Ho-Ho's never worth it.

  55. I'm just wondering are all these little factoids implanted in your brain....where do you find the time

  56. I was just telling my son charlie that I have to meet this louis kid. you make me laugh out loud!!!!!

  57. Louis - then perhaps at the Easter Egg Hunt. I'll kick your non-catholic booty.

  58. Can I say something? This low-carb diet totally blows - I am on day 5 and am losing my mind. Crabby, hungry, tired.........maybe being skinny isn't all it's cracked up to be. I miss chocolate.

    Also - I'm beginning to hate eggs.

  59. Brenna, most of them are yes... just built up from years of television, secondary education, and the wonderful world on the web. God, I love America. I'm glad you're enjoying them, I've been told by quite a few I make lulz happen.

    Tricia, if I manage to be up in Kenosha for that, get excited to watch me dominate. Those eggs are mine, I take no prisoners. I'll be on those easter eggs like a fat kid on cake, or Jamarcus on burgers and fries, or Mrs. McKeon on Original Penguin.... you get the picture.

  60. Well, I am now getting the feeds to my work email. I heard the beep last night and logged on via my Blackberry. Tried to post and could not read the goofy styled letters and it would not accept my post. So rather than getting up out of my chair and go over to the home computer, I saw there were already 12 comments and I said...F that, stayed in my chair and wathced the BLackhawks clobber the Canucks.
    1. This has to be the Chet Coptic Church which means Holy Saturday would feature a Chicago Bear Game..."Allright everybody....."
    2. How could Liz Lemmons possibly serve on Jury Duty when Liz already serves every Monday and Wednesday mornings for her tennis team?

  61. I also think you all will find this link interesting:

  62. Be sure to cook the sausage first!

  63. Hi Everyone!

    1) Fasting and the Harrowing of Hades

    2) She could read thoughts

    Will go with the champs on this one! Thanks Guys!

  64. Laurie,
    Welcome Back! Thanks again for sharing your traveling stories and adventures. It was definitely fun. Sorry about missing Wednesday's post. Bad day! My furnace at the sight flooded and shut down - safety feature! We fixed that and then ran into some other HVAC issues which have monopolized my day. Anyone know a good HVAC company? Seriously.. if I don't fix this, Laurie, I may be knocking on Dave's door again looking for work. Said good bye officially to our old space and was not near a computer for most of the day.

  65. Welcome back Tina!!! Sorry to hear about the work troubles. Thank goodness its friday right????? Happy Easter ,Friend!!!

  66. Louis...make sure to keep in touch from time to time!

  67. Jpulera, I'm keeping in touch now?

  68. Tricia..I have a new double I no idea why I keep creating the lamb from hell!

  69. Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose? His powder puff is on the wrong end.

    Tell me you didn't smile. BOOM! POW! BADA BING! Etc. Etc. Etc.

  70. Another fun fact:

    The bible is actually made up of 773,692 words and would take someone 70 hours to read!

  71. John, I don't get it.

  72. Mrsarge...I know a great HVAC person.

  73. Tricia, I was LMAO about the "boys with cancer" comment. I've got Jamarcus on it. He will put up a different photo before the weekend is over. He has not been on the blog for a few days and is falling like a stone from the top five because he is currently entertaining his posse at chez McKeon. Fyi: Louis is not yet here and the other six young men (along with my own four) just polished off about 200 cheese bagel bites (lenten food of choice) as a little snack before heading to the movies...(is that allowed on Good Friday?? I guess it will keep the quiet thing going..)

    Last night's comments are top drawer. The EC will be rolling. Can't wait to see how this will all shake out.

  74. Save some cheese bagel bites for me!

  75. A fun fact about bagels:

    Bagels are the only traditional bread item that is boiled before they’re baked. Once shaped, they’re dropped in rapidly boiling water for 3-5 minutes on each side. They’re then drained and baked for another 10 minutes or so—never fried!

  76. Thanks Kim... appreciate the thoughts.
    Judy, I will let you know if I need your contact. They are here fixing things as we speak.

    Stacy, it was a pleasure to meet you in person the other day. Your poem made me laugh and was very creative. Sue - yours was as well. You ladies deserve that hard earned EC.

  77. Louis, after the contest ends, please keep us updated on the status of your love life with the lovely young Skylar. Also, don't give up on your Statistics class.

  78. Sue, you made me remember Holy Weeks of long ago. My mother used to make us sit quietly from noon until 3 also. After awhile, I decided it was easier to just go to the Good Friday service. We went Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday Vigil, and then, just in case we didn't get enough, back again on Easter Sunday before heading to my grandparents. I have many a fond memory of the Easter Saturday vigils and the candle wax dripping down my hands as we held the candles during mass. Good times.

  79. Judy, sorry about your lamb cake. Brings back fond memories of Easter at my grandparents. There was always a lamb cake frosted and covered in white coconut. I haven't made one in years, but you made me think about it and go digging for the molds. Will have to make one for the boys.

  80. Oh, Mrs. Sarge, don't you fret. At this rate you'll get an invite for the wedding in a couple of months, get excited.

  81. Lamb Cake Hint or options

    1) Coat the inside of the cake pan with Crisco. Who, cares what is tastes like. It's a Lamb Cake! It's just supposed to look good as a center piece.

    2) If you must have Lamb Cake,
    Try this from Deerfield's Bakery. (They are the best!)
    Easter is not complete without a
    traditional Easter Lamb cake. Moist
    yellow pound cake. Buttercream,
    chocolate buttercream or coconut flake.
    Serves 6−8................... $19.95

    3) Screw the cake altogether and go for Lamb Shaped Butter available at most grocers.

    4) Just start drinking after Easter Mass and no one will even think to ask to see the thing before it's time to eat the hell out of it.

  82. John, your comments always have me rolling. Good for whatever ails you. Not only the super speed techno king, but great witty EC. Keep me in the loop for the divot viewing. With all the rain we have had lately, it should take pretty quickly.

  83. Louis, I will "save the date" and start shopping for wedding gifts. I think Laurie had some great
    suggestions somewhere in this blog!

  84. Tricia, if I were the master of ceremonies, I would award you ALL the EC for that f'n funny "cancer" comment. LMAO! Seriously...that had tears rollin'.
    John, be careful what you ask for! Laurie DOES know JC and he just may be invited to the reunion. It just may not be who you anticipate...
    Suechi, you're still gonna play WWF on your way to MN -- right?? You're up.
    You guys are funny...saying your good-byes and "remember whens" just like a gaggle of high school seniors. Contest or no contest, I'm sure all of you junkies will be posting it up just like the good 'ole days! Happy Easter!

  85. Louis, interesting coffee drinking tidbit. Probably what kept me from the suicidal thoughts was the overdosing on the coffee due to lack of sleep. Good to know. My family is probably pleased to know that my coffee drinking habit has kept me around for a bit.

  86. Sara, living with little John is a laugh a minute, you never know what is going to come out of his mouth.

    All I have to say is this: IF today was the day this contest ended and IF I was so lucky to be one of the winners and IF I could choose my prize I would pick the BOOZE! Why do these kids have so many days off of school? Seriously, when I was a kid we never had this many days off. What the crap? This just in: I just had to open the peanut butter jar for John - really? Good God, I'm going to have to follow that kid through life taking care of him. I'm sure his roommates at Notre Dame will love that as will his future wife. Add brushing his teeth to the list as I got a letter from Dr. Crawford today telling me John needs help with his brushing. How freakin' embarrassing. I never got letters like that when my girls had braces.

    So as you all are at mass tonight please pray for my sanity. No I am not going (will probably burn in hell). NO patience to deal with the devil children who I happened to give birth to.

  87. John - love your lamb cake tips.

    Louis - I don't get it either. Knowing John it probably has something to do with brown nosing (literally).

  88. Hey I physically watched the tooth brushing last night. Here is how it went.

    First of all, I was already in the bathroom brushing my teeth for a good 30sec when Little John entered the room.

    1- Look at self in mirror and try to remember why he was there.

    2- Get a surprised look on his face when he remembers.

    3- Turn on the water and get it to the perfect temperature and pressure.

    4- Find toothbrush and apply a miniscule amount of toothpaste.

    5- Run the toothbrush under the virtual fire hose flow of water so to remove all traces of toothpaste prior to beginning the brushing.

    6- Carefully run brush no more that three times over the surface of his teeth.

    7- Turn off water, tap toothbrush on the sink three times and smack lips in mirror followed by a aahhh sound.

    8- Leave thinking he accomplished his original goal.

  89. Yup - that would explain it. Should I print those steps out and bring them to John's next appointment?

  90. Congrats to you Laurie - 100 Comments on a Blog Post!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!

  91. LOVE the new blog picture - nothing screams Merry Christmas like dinosaur heads! Not as scary as the "C" boys, thanks Jamarcus!
