Thursday, April 7, 2011


 Here I am again, posting up and taking names. Admit it, last night's questions were pretty great. Who doesn't love a levitating, sin smelling saint? for some reason, all those crazy saint stories just fascinate me. Man, I wish I could levitate,too. And Modern Family is the best. That episode still cracks me up and I have a huge soft spot for Cameron and Mitchell. Maybe it's the Asian baby.

You all gave great answers and good fun was had by all. Louis, good luck with the lovely Skylar. Keep playing it cool. Borrow Chris' awesome, epic penguin jacket and she will totally notice you and run right into your stylish arms  Mrs.Sarge, hope the move is going well, I'm sure you're handling it all with your usual good humor. Suechi, "adult racist Laurie"?? are you kidding me?  I about choked to death laughing so hard. You know that is getting some extra credit. Amy, how did the meeting with the Monsignor go? Feel free to throw down the Notre Dame card, but use it carefully. For some reason the Archbishop of Milwaukee hates ND, and tells me so quite often. It was from that whole Obama thing...blah, blah, blah...

Tricia, there is no way you can be any less churchy than the McKeons. Just ask my kids about the time they were laughing so hard during the parish mission that the entire section of pews was shaking and everyone around us acted like they were in an earthquake and kept turning and going ..."SSHHHH!!" It only made things worse..(this was just last year--it was awful and I think it was Pete's fault) .Just last week at Mass, Dave noticed that our kneeler had a little issue, so during the consecration (no big deal, just the MOST important part of the Mass-- except for the collection) he whips out some pocket tool thing, crawls under the pew and starts to try to fix it, and then gets kind of pissed because some pieces were missing and says in a loud voice (because he does not know how to whisper): "I can't fix this..It's missing some F'ing screws" ..nice...the people behind us were dying. Frankly, we have to go to Mass every week, because only like one out of every three seems to "take". Once when we lived in Ohio, I had to give a speech during 5:00 Mass about our school's Annual Appeal. (5:00 was "our" Mass, because it took me all day to get the kids ready for church) My kids were pretty little at the time, and when I left the pew, Pete who was like a year old, starting crying. (he used to be a HUGE mama's boy...kid you not), then he started wailing and wouldn't stop. Up at the pulpit, I finally just said, "Oh, for God's sake, just pass him up here" and the entire congregation just handed him up to me pew by pew. Of course, he immediately stopped crying once I was holding him.  At which time I said; "If you all give enough money to the school Annual Appeal, I promise that my family will start going to a different Mass" This is a true story. And Pete has been cutting up in church ever since.

THIS JUST IN: Like the psychic predicted, Nate McKeon got beat like a lame mule by the Prairie state tennis champ-6-0, 6-0. Good thing Jack wore that cool sport coat, because my day was all down hill from there:
First, as the boys are leaving for school, Nate informs me that he and Pete's toilet is plugged and has been for a few DAYS...nice. of course when I flush and frantically all know how this one ends. I scream for the infinitely stronger, better plunger Dave McKeon who is cursing like Sara Pond because he has an early meeting at work and does not want to get "toilet water" on his freshly showered legs...He plunges like a yeoman and fixes the main issue. leaving me to clean up all the residue...great.
Next, Posey shares with me this afternoon that during auditions for this little school theater performance, she had a brain freeze and the only song she could think of to sing was CeeLo's "F** you," which she wisely sang as "Forget You" but still managed to leave in some of the profanity (Posey has a history of totally blanking out during any sort of high stress situation--last year in a similar audition situation she forgot the words to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"). This year, we were not so lucky. So, as all the other girls are singing church hymns, Disney songs and the occasional Taylor Swift tune, my daughter is belting out--totally off key I am sure: "oh sh*t she's a gold digger, Well, just thought you should know n*gga...Forget You". I'm just waiting for the phone call....The important role of Fighting Tree Number Two has her name written all over it.
Finally, in the total capper of my super day, I got this odd notice from the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services--for those of you who do not know this, for the last two and a half years, we have been in the process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopis --note the words" in process". It is a total marathon, and getting worse every day. Seriously, as I keep telling our social worker, "the worst day at our house has got to be better than the best day in an orphanage in Ethiopia. What's the hold up?") which drove me into a total panic (generally, in most aspects of my life, I'm pretty on top of things, but this adoption stuff sends me into a total moronic, melt down, Posey-auditiony, panicky stupor and I am constantly messing things up or misunderstanding the direction. Every g.d. illegal alien is filling out the citizenship paper work with fake ids and a Spanish/English dictionary, but Laurie "law school cum laude" McKeon screws it up every f'ing time...) So, I send a big, long , whiny email to our social worker, asking what to do, and she wisely replies "Can you scan me the form, so I know what you are talking about?" I say: "Sure. Great idea".  Well, previously today, I scanned and sent a sketch I drew of Wendy's proposed fireplace mantle to her builder. So, in my blind panic to keep this adoption on track and keep the papers moving, I shove the form into the scanner, hit the requisite buttons and get this very nice reply from our social worker:
"hmmm....I see a drawing of a new entertainment center??  :)  It looks very nice, but I can't see the document....can you try again?Thanks!"  Mother-pus-bucket--could I be a bigger moron?? No..And of course, you know this social worker is totally thinking, "there is no way in hell we are giving this shidiot another kid. That little girl has a WAY better chance of making it in an African orphanage than with this family" That kind of sums up my day, but on the bright side, I'm not moving an entire medical office like Mrs. Sarge and Rory McElroy is leading the Masters, so I've got that going for me...

Now, for today's results:
John: still going strong; TWO for being right, THREE for being first with "great shoes, Laurie" and ONE for being third with St. Christina the Astonishing. Total for the night: SIX
Judy: TWO for being right, but because your St. Christina answer wasn't complete, I can only give you partial speed credit, so TWO for that; total: FOUR
Suechi: TWO for correctness, THREE for being first with the complete answer about St. Christina smelling FIVE
Amy: TWO for being right, TWO for being second with Holy one and ONE for being third with the lowly: your total for the night: FIVE big points--take that, Monsignor..
Tricia: TWO for  being right, TWO  more for being second with "great shoes, Laurie". That gives you a solid FOUR point total for the night.
Chris, Kim, Louis, Stacy, Mrs.Sarge: TWO points each. and now let's award the Extra credit: Let me just preface this by saying, Stacy, I really wanted to give you some EC, because I loved your joke, but I only have so many points to give away and Louis may well flunk out of school and probably needs the rosary to pray for a miracle or theTiffany bracelet to woo Miss Skylar, so I went with him tonight...super tough choice, though.
Louis: TWO extra credit points for sharing your love life, and recognizing the wonder of Chris' jacket. that brings you up to FOUR big points tonight
Kim: THREE big points for being nice to Louis, and showing love to the blog. Your total is FIVE
MrsSarge: FIVE big points for still posting in the midst of the big move, which takes you to SEVEN
Suechi: TEN whopping points for "Adult Racist Laurie" What, as opposed to "Child Racist Laurie??" I could not laugh any harder...I'm still laughing a little bit right now.

Now, let's move on to tonight's questions:
  1. Because last night's saint question was so popular, here is another one: This female saint loved music and is the patron saint of television, because she was able to see Mass on a wall when she could not attend. (please do not tell Pete or Dave McKeon this anecdote,because I'm sure they will both claim to "watching" Mass on the wall from now on...
  2. What was Mr. Baxter's job on Hazel?
Tonight's top ten:
  1. Original Penguin tennis sweaters and jackets, very cool
  2. Cole Haan slide-in suede slippers--Pete is wearing his tomorrow to school, he thinks they are shoes. They were cheap on, so I don't care.
  3. McDonalds ice cream cones: only 49 cents--and mighty tasty
  4. This month's Vanity Fair. every article is great, even the one about the King James Bible.
  5. Adult Racist Laurie--my new best friend
  6. Cee Lo's "Forget Me"--sung by a 5th grader...
  7. Alec Baldwin--he is super funny
  8. Bumble and Bumble shampoo--worth the price and the little hairspray is pretty great, too
  9. Chicago Bulls--they are pretty good and kind of have a shot at winning in the play offs, so I will never watch them
  10. Nate McKeon--took his whipping like a man. And that's good enough for me. We may be losers, but we are not quitters..
Good luck with tonight's questions and even more luck reading this whole big, long post.


  1. Mr. Baxter - lawyer
    Claire of Assissi

  2. St. Clare of Assisi – Patron of Television

    George Baxter was a corporate lawyer

  3. Mr. Baxter - lawyer
    Claire of Assissi

  4. Just started reading this month's Vanity Fair...the best magazine ever!

    Alec Baldwin...he's toooo cool!

  5. Judy, John, Stacy and Tricia--all beating the kid. Looks Jamarcus has lost a step. Hope his excuse is grade related.

  6. St. Clare of Assisi – Patron Saint of Television

    George Baxter: corporate lawyer

    You guys are sooo fast! Amazing!
    May I add to your top ten the tiny dishes at Pier 1--awesome for tiny desserts!

  7. Let me clarify: Good grade, studying hard related..

  8. I wish I had some tiny desserts, even in big ugly dishes.
    Judy, you are so right, this month's Vanity Fair is the best!

  9. Laurie - what mass do you usually go to? I'm thinking we'll sit behind you so we can watch the show :)

  10. How can the patron saint of television be a woman? No self respecting Catholic man would ever give up the remote to a woman even if she is a saint. What the H-E-double hockey sticks. What a bunch of pu$$ies!

  11. Tricia, we usually go to 4pm because we are all already awake and dressed. Sundays can get a little iffy. And we are a total circus.

  12. Have you thought about getting the latitudes and longitudes of all of your kids' birth cities/states/countries tattooed on your arm? Seven will top Angelina Jolie.

  13. So, this neutron walks into a bar and asks for a beer. The bartender gives the neutron his drink and the neutron asks, "How much will that be?" and the bartender says, "For you, no charge."

  14. Hmm....4 o'clock? I'm usually on my couch watching HGTV at that time.

  15. A bear walks into a bar and the bar tender says, "we don't serve beer to bears." The bear says, "serve me or I'll eat that lady at the end of the bar." The bartender refuses. The bear then eats the lady and says to the bartender, "how about that beer now?" The bartender says, I'm sorry we don't serve beer to drug addicts, that was a bar-bitch-you-ate!"

  16. We are working way harder to get number seven than we ever did for one through six. (let me rephrase that. I am working hard, Dave just shakes his head and keeps saying: "Do you know how old we will be if/when this adoption ever goes through? We will be collecting social security while she is still in grade school")...It took a little over two years to get Posey. We are now entering into month thirty of this with no real end in site. No tattoos for me, just want to make this move way faster...I'd just like to note that we were doing the international adoption thing back when Angelina Jolie was still drinking Billy Bob Thorton's blood...and Brad Pitt was dating Juliet Lewis. And I bet they pay people to do all their paper work...

  17. Actually I saw at the Catholic Store on Green Bay Road...that they now carry the St. Christina of Assisi eye glaases that portray "Mass on the Wall".....they are $24.95 I think.

  18. And I'd like to add something to the top ten, if you're taking suggestions. Harry and David's Sesame Honey Mustard Pretzel Dip. Very yummy and different - I keep a jar of it in my pantry at all times.

  19. I listened to him twice--he was talking kind of fast--I laughed every time I thought about that answer today. Hey, sorry about your shitty day, but on a brighter note when I googled "saint who loves music and saw mass on the wall" what was the FIRST, TOP thing in the google search???? YOUR BLOG NAME!!! LAURIE, YOU HAVE HIT THE BIG TIME!!!! They'll give you the Ethiopian little girl for sure now!

  20. First, I have been pretty busy this week, I'm bullshitting, I mean, writing some theology paper tonight and then have another test on tues, so after that i'll be outta the woods for a few days. I've missed the blog during this week and have cried myself to sleep knowing some technologically illiterate folks are beating me to the punch (use it as motivation you boomers).

    Next, Louis, thanks for the jacket shout out. It does make the ladies weak in the knees. I was surprised to receive it for Christmas a year or two ago bc believe it or not the Motherload was pissed at me on Christmas Eve (a recurring theme for 18 years and running).

    Next, mom if this doesn't get me EC idk what will: Fr. Wilson "B- Bill" Miscamble pulled me aside today after we all told him our intended majors (finance for this bum) and told me to double major/minor in history bc I have "proficient talents in the subject." This was surprising bc I dropped another "America is the best" comment during class today for the old Aussie (being #2 is for pussy countries). So yes, I will shamelessly brag about any of my very rare positive college exploits here on interweb to gain some EC bc I'm in it to win it (I'm not afraid to pull a "Tonya Harding" on any of your computers).

    Finally, I hope all of you bloggers enjoyed my little leave of absence. It's made things interesting... I'll be making your heads spin again come next week. Stay Classy and pray for Sean Vallero and his family.

  21. An older man purchases this awesome sportscar. He takes it for a ride and before you know it he's going 100mph. He sees a State Trooper in his rear view mirror and decides to speed up...and now he's going 120mph. He says to himself, "this is crazy", so he pulls over. The State Trooper says to him, "Sir, it's Friday, I have 30 minutes left on my shift and if you can tell me an excuse I have never heard before as to why you were speeding I will not give you a ticket. The old man says, "Officer, 30 yrs. ago my wife left me for a State Trooper and I thought you were bringing her back! The State Trooper said, "Have a nice weekend!"

  22. Laurie...I think if you just work hard getting #7 the natural way(if you know what I mean) might achieve your goal a lot faster and besides...Dave will be one happy dude! Jamarcus...ear muffs!

  23. Sue, get out of here???!! My blog actually showed up on a Google search? I am levitating like St. Christina the Astonishing. Thanks to all you great folks, the blog is hitting the big time...(or maybe not)

    Jamarcus, nice work with Fr. Bill. Always nice to have a priest in your corner, (just not too close). I'm all in for you getting a history minor (and for you having proficient talents in anything) Just don't tell dad. He's barely gotten over the fact that Annie is an American Studies/Peace Studies Major. If he finds out his oldest son is even thinking about anything unrelated to business, science or math, he will go Hinckley.

    And you are right: America is the best. That's why everybody else is trying to sneak there way over here. Trust me, no one is floating over to China or India on a rubber raft...Look it up, it's true.

    Stacy, I will be happy to add the pretzel mustard dip to the Top Ten, but now that I am going no carb, I will have to lick it right out of the jar...

  24. Ah, spring in Wisconsin--the predictable stories about potholes in the roads-and interviewing people about how hard it is to avoid them--really, that is news? How about devoting the whole time to how they missed 14,000+ votes????

  25. Judy, once we had FOUR sons in a row, we gave up on the homemade ones and decided to buy a girl. (I was worried we would have twin boys next) Dave McKeon gets all the happiness he needs. How do you think I get away with all of my great "ideas"?

    Sue, you know that happens EVERY single election. They just happened to catch it this time. According to the Waukesha lady crying on TV: "Human error was to blame". I use that one all the time too, so I feel for her.

  26. suechi - I'm doing the stir the butter dance with these new vote totals. I might even start yodeling simultaneously. Saw a great headline Kloppenburg Defeats Prosser! Opps! a bit premature don't cha think!

    PS. My boy, Rory started Spring off with a bang Minus 7. Laurie can you add a round at Augusta as a prize?

  27. Well, the stuff is loaded on the trucks, the phones appear to be working (true test tomorrow) and I am still packing my own desk and need to label all of the office computers before heading home. Need to get the post in before I lose my computer at work for most of tomorrow. Thanks for the support Laurie! We passed inspection, so I can open on Monday, yea! Now I just need to get all of the stuff organized - truly need your don't save it, toss it philosophy. Okay, the answers are:
    1) Claire of Assisi
    2) Corporate lawyer

    Thanks to all of the go-getters who helped with the initial answers.

  28. Laurie your blog showed up last night when I googled the question too!!!!!!
    Given that hey both pertained to Saints you just might be a little closer to canonization then the rest of us............ I can't believe there are already 30 + answers Seriously I thought you all would be doing something fun tonight, Oh wait it's thursday not friday
    Pope Pius XII designated her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to attend Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room.

    Mr. Baxter was a corporate lawyer

  29. Laurie - I give you credit with 6+ kids - you must have the patience of a saint. I remember when Andrew was born the first time all six of us went somewhere together in our van. John looks behind him & then says to me "When did I become a school bus driver?" Throw two more into my mix I don't think I could handle it. It took me eight months to finally get Andrew his "talker" and another eight months to get his special bike. I totally ran out of patience. Thirty months to adopt a baby? I'd have lost it long ago. At this rate you'll finally be able to adopt her so she can take care of you & Dave McKeon in the nursing home :) I'm available for adoption by the way - I'm quiet & do not make much of a mess. I would totally let you dress me up in Burberry & Original Penguin clothing.

  30. Laurie - I'm also doing the low carb thing, and the pretzel dip is really good on cold baby carrots too. You mentioned the tuna steak last week as a lenten reward - I must share that wasabi tuna at Twisted Cuisine (with no potato and extra veggies) was like Christmas in my mouth. I am struggling without the fish fry, grilled cheese or veggie pizzas these 40 days... How are you handling your high protein/no carb/no-meat-Fridays??? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

  31. So, this piece of string walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender tells the string that he doesn't serve his kind there. So the sting walks outside and frays his hair and ties himself into a knot. He goes back into the bar and requests a drink. The bartender asks if he was the same piece of string he refused earlier. The string replies, "No, I am a_frayed_knot".

  32. St. Clare of Assisi – Patron of Television

    George Baxter was a corporate lawyer

  33. I don't know why we're all comedians now, but I've got one:

    What do you call a Mexican, with a rubber toe?


  34. Okay, I'm not going to be home tonight, so I'm going to guess at the answers to tonight's questions:

    1) Council of Trent
    2) Oscar Goldman, head of the OSI (a government organization that develops new technologies), used Steve Austin as a test subject for an experimental procedure. His body was rebuilt using incredible cybernetic technlogy, making him the world's first bionic man.

    You never know....

  35. In the unusual event that I'm not right, I will gladly copy your answers tomorrow. Have a great Friday.

  36. St. Clare of Assisi – Patron Saint of Television

    George Baxter: corporate lawyer

  37. John--loved listening to the news today--7000 votes not enough to claim victory but Kloppenburg was sure her 250 margin was enough!!!??? Seriously....
    Anyway, Friday night and here I am waiting for Laurie's post--doing calligraphy to address our daughter Claire's wedding invites--she keeps calling to see how far I am and I keep telling her I'm farther than I am--a deadline is the best motivator..
    Happy Friday night to all!
    Stacy, loved your answers! Worth some EC for sure!!!

  38. Stacy, sorry, you were sooo close with the questions, but nice try. Here is how I am handling Lenten Fridays--I'm starving. Tonight, I had some egg drop soup. Last week, scrambled eggs. Next week, poached eggs....

  39. Hey tonight I made this awesome salmon with soba noodles, asparagus, and avocado and spinach--very tasty! Laurie-- try a poached egg on a crab cake--quite tasty!

  40. For high protein have your poached egg on Quinoa

  41. Sue, where do I get the crab cake? And you know it has carbs...

  42. Laurie, the box arrived! Thank you, thank you. Olivia was once again blown away and needed to try a bunch of it on. She's also begging to use up dome NUT cards to show off some of her "new Posey clothes". You are the nearest cousin-in-law EVER!

    Meeting with Monsignor Nelsonwas canceled to be rescheduled after Easter. Apparently I need to talk with him about having my first marriage annulled. I forget about that pesky little oops most of the time and am mortified to have to rehash it all over again. I'm making Markngo with me for moral support.

  43. Dang auto correct on my iPhone. Hate it. Wish I could turn it off.

    That should be some NUT cards (no uniform today) and the bestest cousin!
