Monday, April 11, 2011


I am LMAO reading your comments. Big, huge thanks to John for introducing me to that little "abreev". (also the SYL) It took me a few minutes to figure it out (not the sharpest tool in the shed) but once I did, I was LMAO. I am going to insert that into as many sentences as I can. Be forewarned. Thank you all for the highly educational comments. I have increased my vocabulary tonight, what with Stacy's new word "shi theed" and young Peter's "shandals" LMAO at both...for a very long time. My dad also had a term of endearment for my sister Wendy's jocky high school boyfriend. And he was nowhere near as subtle about it as Stacy's co-worker. He called him "the mouth breather" his face. As in "Wendy, the mouth breather is here." as this kid stood in our kitchen. Nice. When I think about the way my parents treated our dates it makes me LMAO. My mom was always making them take out the garbage and stuff. And Dave McKeon makes my parents look like an amatures. He hates all of Annie dates, even the ones that wear shandals.

Here are the scores for tonight, and once again, I apologize, but I haven't had the time to do a big cumulative run for the week because I am too busy LMAO. I would let SYL with his fancy finance and statistics education,  run the point totals for me, but I fear that he would skew the results and I would be too lazy to check his work and then some undeserving shidiot would walk away with the prizes and I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I promise you, you will have a grand total before I leave for England.

BTW, I leave for London/Scotland on Thursday, so please stay flexible as I post from abroad while I am LMAO. I will post questions, but cannot promise at what time of the day because I will be so busy with Annie LMAO at all the crazy Benny Hill/Monty Python humor (actually kind of hated Benny Hill) This international timing issue may be the great equalizer in this contest, and I'm just hoping you will all cut me some international slack as I LMAO. I am SO crazy excited to go, that I can hardly stand it. And because I have a ton to get done before we take off, I will post last night's answers and scores without further delay. The answers: cats and Twister. I did not know the cat one, but did know the Twister one--totally typical (no holy, all lowly for me). On to the score board:
John: 2 for being right with both questions, 2 for being second with the Holy, 2 fore being second with the lowly--your total=6
Louis: good for you buzzing in first with that cat answer. Did you already know that one? 2 for being right, 3 for being first with the Holy, 1 for being third with the lowly. Your night's total: 6 (tied with your mentor, JH)
Stacy: 2 for being right, 3 for being first with the Lowly (Twister) 1 for being third with Holy=6 big points for you as well. The race is on....
Judy, Chris, Tricia, Amy, SueChi, Mrs.Sarge, Kim, Pete (welcome back to be the blog, Irish Pete, always a pleasure) 2 points for each of you.
Now, on to the EC-As I said, I am always looking for new terminology, and we all know "it pays to increase your word power". Tonight's 25 points will be awarded as follows:
Stacy: 2 points for teaching me "shi theed". I know it will come in very handy. And for the Doug joke. It made me LMAO. And for being the first contestant to visit Mrs.Sarge's new, luxurious office. (sorry, Tricia, I cannot believe someone beat you to the Pediatric punch!! Your total: 8
John: 3 points for introducing me to my new favorite term: LMAO. I will wear this one out. Your total: 9
Judy: 5 points for teaching me how to speak LA. I already was well aware of the phrase "F*@& you" but was unaware of the West Coast meaning. Good to know.  Your total: 7. nice work.
Pete: 10 huge points for the "shandals"  and for your "joke". It was the best one of the night. Almost choked LMAO. Your big, big total for the night=12. And, Irish Pete, you totally earned it. I can't wait to go to London with Dave "the diet Spartan" McKeon and listen to him tell me how many carbs are in a scone...should be a blast. Actually, Dave will be playing golf in Scotland for two days while Annie and I just hammer the Visa buying high priced foreign fashions. I cannot wait and will be LMAO all the way home. I am seriously considering bringing an empty suitcase just to fill it with goods from across the pond...
Finally, the last 5 EC points go to young Jamarcus McKeon. Playing basketball with Ben Hansborough certainly warrants some Extra Credit. There is plenty more where that came from if you come through with the autographed goods.

Now, here are tonight's questions:
  1. What Arab nation has the highest percentage of Christians?
  2. On John and Kate plus 8, what was the name of the place Leah went for her special day?
As a little side note, John from that show is a total creeper. Once again, no time for a top ten, got to post the questions.


  1. BOOM, first on both. Call me Holy, and f*cking Lowly baby.

  2. Lebanon is the Arab state with the highest percentage of Christians, and the Lebanese political system requires that the President be a Maronite Christian. Egypt is the Arab state with the largest number of Christians.

  3. In direct answer to the question, Lebanon is the Arab state with the highest percentage of Christians, and the Lebanese political system requires that the President be a Maronite Christian. Egypt is the Arab state with the largest number of Christians. In both instances, many members (though not all) of these Christians communities do not self-identify as Arab.

    Ok.... Lebanon has highest percentage.

  4. Hey f*cking lowly LOUIS...gotta hand it to you tonite! Must be because you are in love!

  5. For the record, I hate TLA's. (Three Letter Acronyms)

  6. Don't those college boys have some tests to ace? I really need to find some less easily googled questions. Soon I will be asking about what is in aisle number 5 at Woodmans (college boys won't know that one)

  7. Loved your answer, John:
    Lebanon is the Arab state with the highest percentage of Christians, and the Lebanese political system requires that the President be a Maronite Christian. Egypt is the Arab state with the largest number of Christians.

    2) Bounce-U

  8. Laurie - Have a great trip to England. Say hi to Kate Middleton for me... she and I have been playing phone tag for weeks now so she doesn't know yet that I can't make it to the wedding. If you've seen one, you've seen them all, right? I hope the papparazzi leave you alone! Good night, all.

  9. Not to worry Laurie, The young guns don't know how to close it out. Just look at Rory, Choke Cough Cough Choke Choke Cough. In the end the Wisdom of our years will prevail.

  10. Thanks suchi, it was much more complete that SYL's!

  11. I am really bad at telling jokes, and often at getting them actually, and am really bad at typing profanity and trying to fit it into my sad attempts at humor--could there be any extra credit for motivational statements or great recipes? That I can do. The funniest things I say or do are usually by accident, i.e. Adult Racist Laurie. Anyway I made some amazing fried rice tonight from the new cooks illustrated --let me know if anyone wants the recipe--sorry, Laurie, not exactly carb-free!

  12. BTW--Does anyone play words with friends? --I am always looking for another game--

  13. It's because we've already aced our respective tests that we were able to get on this, real quick... and I agree with jpulera, maybe my newly found love is making me want to win this even more, give her a good gift perhaps?

    Also, John, mine wasn't as complete because I'm too busy fending off the females to look for a long, wordy response... and you better not get ec points for that joke, racism is the opposite of Holy!

  14. I plan on meeting Monk tomorrow. I feel like Benjamin Braddock tho bc Monk does not know this yet, hopefully he's in his office. Otherwise I'll ask good old Wilson for some help in tracking down his fellow man of the Holy Cross. As for Psycho B, if he watches my next bookstore game, i'll shamelessly ask for his john hancock.

    As for lingo, the best ones are:
    TCB-Take Care of Business
    The H is O-The Heat is On (I came up with this before the stupid Miami Heat)
    DBG-Don't Be Gay
    ELE-Everybody Love Everybody
    DTF-Down Friendly
    IFSYFOYF-I finna smack your face off your face
    YSLSGAFM-You smell like shit, get away from me
    ILL-I Love Lamp
    Grenade-this is a term meaning fat ugly girl
    GFA-Grenade Free America; what I'm working towards
    FBO-Facebook Official
    BINGAGE-You just have to have the feel for this one
    CMBC-Chris McKeon Basketball Camp, it's a real thing
    ;( -(winking frowning face aka the pirate) I never use smiley's bc I'm a man, but I will use the pirate on occasion. It's the only face you'll ever need, no one will ever know what you're talking about.

    Use any of those and you'll be in there like swimwear.

    Chin Chin, All for the EC, pip pip cheerio.

  15. And to add to Jamarcus' list:

    FUGLY - used to abreev and describe the fat and ugly part of a Grenade

  16. Oh, and:

    D-Bag - better known by the longer, scientific term "douchebag" (latin: noun)... as in anyone that would objectify women and call them grenades and/or fugly (jk, but really...)

  17. Mrs. Chiapetta, I play words for friends and fancy myself rather skilled. My sn is CMac1513. Game on.

  18. btw mom, don't get carried away with lmao, right now it's only you, other old folks, and jr high girls still throwin that around, just thought i'd fill you in.

    Also, for any men that read the blog, don't lol. ever. real men don't lol.

  19. And I just re-read through the original post and have some more comments to add:

    - I would be more than willing to tally the scores Mrs. McKeon, this dude's no shidiot and wouldn't tamper the results (except maybe by giving jpulera a couple of demerits for the lack of hope). And of course you could double check, with such a lovely blog and intelligent kin (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and young Jamarcus definitely has a bright nogger in that big head of his), I'm positive you could double-check the results like a champion, today.

    - I did not know the cat answer no, I just use and abuse google.

    - I'm very excited for the possible photos of festivities and LMAO'ing that may appear on my newsfeed in the coming weeks thanks to my FBO friendship with the elder McKeon. Please go to the Absolut Ice Bar, ask for John, he makes the best sho--- I mean, apple juice.

  20. Okay, I really can relate to the Dad hating the dates, OMG--Chip scared the girls dates to death--he would just come into the kitchen and stare at them--I had to explain that he could try to act civil and he would say "Why, I don't want them to like me." No problem--he would give the evil eye and that was the end of any weak at heart--but his cooking did tend to keep them coming back once they got over their initial (and very well placed) fear.

  21. Ok Louis...I guess I'm hopeless then...oh well.

  22. Jpulera, I have never in my life seen anyone use your abreevs. Demerits for leading the blog astray! Here are some good, trendy ones:

    TFM = Total Frat Move
    TSM = Total Sorority move :P (yes, smiley is necessary here)
    GTFO = Get The F*ck Out
    MLIB = My Life is Bro (aka ND's quads on any given day with 60+ weather)
    JK = Just Kidding

  23. And I merely kid jpulera, we're "homies", kinda...

  24. haha louis, i was gonna say the exact same thing about jpulera's abreevs, but I've been trying to play semi nice with everyone. Sorry jpulera, a lot of mine are made up too, but i've overused the crap out of em so that the gents of steds as well as lucky others know their meanings and feel in the know with these new age, crazy awesome abreevs

  25. Hey Louis and Jamarcus....I actually got those abreevs from a little booklet someone gave me...except for the SSDD old Italian mother-in-law has been using that one for years and years!!

    And Louis...why are my abreevs leading the blog astray? I know I'm a little out of the have to remember..I'm probably older than you mother. I'm trying to step into the loop alittle at a time!! JaMarcus thanks for playing semi nice.

  26. are we kind of "homies"?

  27. At the risk of being called racist again:

    lmaoshmsfoaidmt = laughing my a$$ of so hard my sombrero fell off and i dropped my taco

  28. haha no the racist ones are the best john, keep up the good work, i laughed at lmaoshmsfoaidmt

  29. GC and GN! (Go Cubs and Good Night!!)

  30. OMG( that about the extent of my abbreviation repertoire sp?) you guys are insane. I seriously can't even fathom keeping up.So I am taking the short but sweet route.
    Albeit entertaining I think I have a headache!!!!!

    There hasn't been an official census in Lebanon in since 1934, but it is believed they have more Christians than other nations.

    Leah went to Bounce U

  31. I said leading the blog astray with the unhip abreevs. And yes, we are "homies"... and will be even greater "homies" when you come to terms with the fact that I'd dominate at pushups, maybe.

  32. Laurie one of the times I flew overseas we were able to go into the cockpit once we crossed the international dateline. I suppose they don't let you do that anymore. If you smile nice they might let you do it. Of Course, I was young and easily entertained but it was pretty amazing!!!!!!
    Actually now that I look back maybe you shouldn't ask. I do remember thinking who is flying the god damn plane. There were three pilots, one was sleeping . The second was reading the newspaper and I have no idea where the third one was.

    Happy Flying!!!!!

  33. Judy I believe young louis may be in need of a lesson in what real women can do. I propose you take him on with the pushups and Laurie too for that matter. Laurie could take him on w/the burpies and I will challenge him to a timed plank and stretching like a pretzel!!!!

    I believe we may be able to bring him down a few notches!!!!

  34. Lebanon and Bounce U

    Did you know:
    The Arabic name for Lebanon is Lubnan which means white - the colour of the Lebanese snow-covered mountains.

    Byblos, one of the world's oldest cities, has been inhabited since Neolithic times.

    Tyre is thought to be one of the oldest urban areas in the world.

    Phoenician cities included Byblos, Baalbek and Tyre. These ancient cities are inscribed on the World Heritage List.

    Phoenicians were seafarers and traders. They used the North Star as a point of reference for navigation.

    The Phoenicians were famous for producing glass, purple dye and cedar wood.

    Purple dye was very expensive as it took many shellfish (murex) to produce a small amount of dye.

    Salt, evaporated from sea water, was used by the Phoenicians to preserve tuna which they sold around the Mediterranean.

    The Phoenicians colonised the Aegean Islands, Cyprus , Rhodes, Sardinia, Sicily and Carthage (Tunisia).

    It is known that the Phoenicians traded as far away as Spain.

    The Phoenician alphabet, which consisted of twenty-two consonants, provided the foundation of the alphabet used today.

    The famous Cedars of Lebanon were valued as building materials in the ancient world.

    Solomon's temple and palace were built using Lebanon's cedar trees.

    Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab of Israel, was a Princess of Sidon who became the Queen of Israel.

    The philosopher and mathematician, Zeno of Sidon (around 150 BC-70 BC), was born in the Phoenician city of Sidon.

    One of the most important ancient Roman law schools was founded in Berytus.

    During the Islamic invasion in the early seventh century, the Christian sect that became the Maronite Church took refuge in the mountains.

    Lebanon was part of the Ottoman Empire for four hundred years.

    In the middle of the nineteenth century many Lebanese people began to move to the USA.

    During the Lebanese civil war, towards the end of the twentieth century, Iranian supported Shiite groups in Lebanon held a number of western hostages including John McCarthy, Jackie Mann and Terry Waite.

    In February 2005 Rafiq Hariri, a former prime minister of Lebanon, and at least eight other people were killed in a car bomb explosion.

    Fighting broke out in the summer of 2006 between Lebanon's Hezbollah group and Israel. The fighting, which lasted thirty-four days, was sparked off by the capture of two Israeli soldiers.

    Pierre Gemayel, a government minister, was assassinated in November 2006.

  35. TMSTCW (too much sh*t to compete with)

    Bounce U

  36. DLTDHYOTWO - Don't Let the Door Hit You On the Way Out.

  37. Louis - I know we seem old to you, but it was our generation that started the cool abbrevs. We invented FUBAR - F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition (or at least I think we did??? I was kind of drunk back then.)

    And let's not forget WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get. You see, young grasshopper, computer interfaces were not always friendly - we had to program them to make the page look nice.

    So, TTYL... I'll just seeee youuuuuuu, around. Ah, The Tubes.

  38. Stacy - I respect FUBAR. I've never used it, or even really heard of it, but given some of my choices on the weekends, FUBAR may need to be incorporated into my everyday lingo. (JK Mrs. McKeon, it was a joke!)

  39. In all honesty, I think Dave McKeon invented FUBAR, followed closely by CF (Cluster F***, and BU=Bitched up) These are highly technical terms that Dave has been using to describe many of his experiences in business. I have found that they are quite transferable to many "real life" situations as well.

    Suechi, I respect your hesitancy with the profanity and am aspiring toward that (except I already failed like two sentences ago!) I will give you enormous extra credit if you can give me some recipes that have no carbs and don't involve a big slab of beef and some tomatoes. I can't even look at a naked burrito (without rice) ever again. Don't even mention KFC grillers, because I've OD'd on those too. So, you sovle that mystery and you will be my hero.

    Pete, nice job with the Encyclopedia on Lebanon. However, I prefer the Dave McKeon jokes...
    keep the abreevs coming. I will wow the folks in London with my innate US hipness.

  40. A newlywed couple moves into their new house. One day the husband comes home from work and his wife says, "Honey, you know, in the upstairs bathroom one of the pipes is leaking, could you fix it?" The husband says, "What do I look like, Mr. Plumber?" A few days go by, and he comes home from work and his wife says, "Honey, the car won't start. I think it needs a new battery. Could you change it for me?" He says: "What do I look like, Mr. Goodwrench?" Another few days go by, and it's raining pretty hard. The wife finds a leak in the roof. She says, "Honey, there's a leak on the roof! Can you please fix it?" He says, "What do I look like, Bob Vila?" The next day the husband comes home, and the roof is fixed. So is the plumbing. So is the car. He asks his wife what happened. "Oh, I had a handyman come in and fix them," she says. "Great! How much is that going to cost me?" he snarls. Wife says: "Nothing. He said he'd do it for free if I either baked him a cake or slept with him." "Uh, well, what kind of cake did you make?" asks the husband. "What do I look like," she says, "Betty Crocker?"

  41. On choosing a wife:

    A man wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three likely candidates. He gives each woman a present of $5,000 and watches to see what they do with the money.

    The first woman gets a total make over. She goes to a fancy beauty salon and gets her hair done, new make up, buys several new outfits, and dresses up very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much.

    The man was impressed.
    The second woman goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She gets him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent all the money on him because she loves him so much.

    Again, the man is impressed.
    The third invests the money in the stock market. She earns several times the $5,000. She gives him back his $5,000 and reinvests the remainder in a joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future because she loves him so much.

    Obviously, the man was impressed.
    The man thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money he'd given her.
    Then, he married the one with the biggest boobs.
    Men are like that, you know... There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

  42. A man and woman go to the honeymoon suite on their wedding night. The man takes off his pants, throws them to his wife and says, "Her put these on." She says, "I can't wear those - they're way too big." Her husband says, "That's right and you'll be wise to remember that I wear the pants in this marriage."

    The wife then slips off her panties, tosses them to her new husband and says, "Here. Put these on." He replies, "They're way to small. I can't get into those." To which his new wife replies, "That's right. And you won't if you don't change that attitude."

  43. Okay, Laurie.... don't know if I will make the post on time. Glad you are late tonight!
    2)Bounce U

    Thanks Louis!

  44. By the way Louis, apparently the SYL has stuck with you.... thanks for the help on the answers. Hope things are going well with the beautiful Skylar and glad to hear you did well on your Finance test. Also glad to see you are giving Jamarcus, John, and Judy a run for their money... keeps everyone in the game. Was a little concerned you had backed down on your competitive edge!

  45. Stacy and Tricia, thanks for the comments on the office. I appreciate it. Tricia, it was very nice to meet you in person. My staff got a kick out of you asking to meet "MrsSarge". Today, did not go quite as smoothly as yesterday, but was repaired fairly quickly. Long distance went out on the phones for some strange bizarre reason - thanks AT & T and the air conditioner is not working. Laurie, I believe the divine is really calling for me to drown myself in the vat of Long Islands because I can't seem to catch a break.

  46. I definitely like the SYL thing, an accurate representation I might add. And I will say, my studies/partying keep me rather busy and not on top of this blog all of the time, but I'm in it to win it (with it primarily being the batch of Long Islands, or the JCrew, I look sexy in JCrew).

    I'm not gonna not put up a good fight.
