Tuesday, April 12, 2011


OK! TMSTCW (or whatever Tricia's abreev was). Again, a super informative night on the blog. I am loving the abreevs, but I'm not sure if some of them will ever really take off, except the always popular GC (Go, Cubs) and even more popular GI (Go, Irish) and possibly the one about the tacos that John said. In regard to new language, while Bingage is interesting, I'm backing "shidiot" and possibly "shandals", both are descriptive, applicable to many real life situations, and roll right off the tongue.

I have also been enjoying the jokes very much. However, many of  them hit a little too close to home--does someone have a nanny cam at my house? As everyone knows, I'm no Betty Crocker (hoping for some help from Suechi on that front), when Dave McKeon gave me $5K, I spent it all on Burberry clothes for me and Posey and Longchamp bags(kind of like wife to be number 1 in Tricia's joke--this is a huge lie. Dave McKeon would never give me $5k--I would have to earn it---And also, Dave McKeon wears the pants in our house...(or I let him think that...)

Total aside and a true life confession: You know how tons of women love the scene in an Officer and a Gentleman where Richard Gere sweeps Debra Winger off her feet? Or the scene in Pretty Woman where Richard Gere climbs that fire escape and sweeps Julia Roberts off her feet? Well, do you want to know the movie scene that would sweep me off my feet? I don't care whether you do or not, I'm going to tell you any way. It's the scene in the movie GoodFellas where Lorraine Bracco tells Ray Liotta that she needs some money, and he says "how much?" and she holds her finger and thumb like three inches apart and says: "About this much" (I'm paraphrasing here) and then he hands her a big stack of cash like three inches tall. Man I love that scene. I just really do. (I'd even settle for a stack of singles that tall...just for the experience)

Sorry, back to the blog. I truly do love the jokes, especially the ones that hit close to home. Now, I have a few questions and comments: What is "words for friends" and would I like it? I thought my blog was "words for friends". Judy, did your mother in law actually say the words or just the letters SSDD? (I would love it if it was the latter, because that is just cool for a mother in law.) Pete, what is up with all the Phoenician stuff? Heres all you need to know about the Phoenician--it's a really great hotel in Scottsdale and your dad needs to book us some rooms. Finally, my new favorite abreev is ELE. I think it should be the reoccurring theme on the H&L for the duration.

So, since ELE, let's do another quick score for the night. The correct answers were: Lebanon and Bounce U. Here are last night's results:
Louis: 2 for getting the answers right, and 6 for being first with BOTH questions: Way to go. It's been a long time since someone got both answers first. 8 big points, Louis. Now go study for your next stats test.
John: 2 for being right, 2 for being second with the lowly and 1 for being third with the holy=5 big points
Chris: 2 for being right, 2 for being second with the holy and 1 for being third with the lowly=5
I am stating the obvious, but the men have swept all the speed points for the night. ELE, and the abreev about the taco. So, everyone else who answered last night--Judy, Stacy, Tricia, Kim, Suechi, and Pete--gets their two points--I waited as long as possible, but have not yet heard from Mrs.Sarge and Amy--sorry, ladies, I tried. Don't worry, there is always the EC points. And speaking of extra credit, here we go:

Tonight's EC is somewhat subjective, (Shocker, there) as I am awarding some of the EC based on my personal agenda:
Tricia: 5 big points for the "choosing a wife" joke and for reminding of the "Goodfellas" fantasy= 7 for you
Stacy: 5 big points for the "who wears the pants" joke. So made me laugh.= 7 for you
A little aside to Louis: I loved the Betty Crocker joke and will probably steal it, but since you just slammed on the speed points, I can't in good conscious give you any more points. and John, any joke about anyone walking into a bar always makes me laugh...add a nun and I'm all over it. ELE

Breaking News: this just in--just checked the blog again and Mrs. Sarge posted her answers in the nick of time and gets her 2 very big points Whheeeww. Now if I could just hear from Amy, my night would be complete. Now, back to dishing out the EC--
Suechi: 5 big points for fhe best dental appointment ever. Extraordinarily clean teeth AND the very best conversation.
Chris/Jamarcus: 10 super big, well deserved, awesome EC points FOR MEETING MONK MALLOY AND GETTING OUR BOOK SIGNED. I am so very, very excited about this latest development. Please, Jamarcus, don't blow this...cultivate this relationship carefully so that some time in the next few years, after we gradually introduce him to the rest of the shidiots (one at a time, one at a time) we can some how invite Monk Malloy to dinner. I would learn how to cook, if Monk was coming to dinner, or for sure order out from Mangia...or Charlie Trotters...or something   15 big, big points for you. Extremely well played. You've earned each and every one of them.

Such nice work tonight, people and now, here are tonight's questions. They are pretty sweet:
  1. What town does Andrew the disciple come from?
  2. On the best new comedy on Fox,  that would be Raising Hope, when was Jimmy's almost friend Justin conceived? And what does Justin's dad do for a living?
Here are today's top ten:
  1. Chris McKeon for meeting Monk Malloy
  2. Parenthood--great show, love Amber and her craziness
  3. London, England--I will be there very soon
  4. Tina Turner--just downloaded more of her stuff, and it is all timeless--once she dumped that Ike fool, she became a legend
  5. Pink tulips--so springy, so pretty
  6. Friday Night Lights--I want to get the DVD of season five. I will miss this show.
  7. The terry lined yellow bathrobes from the Carriage House spa at Kohler--Dave McKeon bought us two back in the day, and they are keepers
  8. Kerry Wood--he will singlehandedly keep the Cubs in contention
  9. baby carrots and hummus--I think it is kind of legit on my diet
  10. ELE--words to live by
Time to put this blog to bed. Answer the questions...now


  1. Bethsaida by the sea of Galilee was where Andrew was from

  2. Bethsaida by the sea of Galilee was where Andrew was from

  3. bethsaida and gardening business

  4. 2) Gardening Business

  5. Justin was born during Homecoming (homecoming baby, while Jimmy was a prom baby) and his dad owns car washes- I just saw this I would trust me.
    Andrew is from Bethsaida in Galilee.

    First to answer both! Yeah!

  6. Again, to make it easier to copy:

    1) Bethsaida by the Sea of Galilee
    2) Gardering Business

  7. RE: Again, to make it easier to copy:

    1) Bethsaida by the Sea of Galilee
    2) Gardering Business || Homecoming

  8. Justin was born during Homecoming (homecoming baby, while Jimmy was a prom baby) and his dad owns car washes- I just saw this I would trust me.

  9. Jimmy's dad has a gardening business not Justin's.

  10. New development for the blog: Stacy did a spread sheet adding up everyone's points. John is out in front followed by Judy. Stacy just earned herself some SERIOUS extra credit. I will use Stacy spread sheet to update the scoring tomorrow. And because I am in such a good mood now that I don't have to add up all those gd points that I am going to remind you that the Lowly question asks about the profession of Justin's dad, not Jimmy's. Yes, Jimmy's dad does do yard work and pool cleaning, but Justin's dad does something else...

  11. ooh, aced out by Irish Pete...that's got to hurt.

  12. RE RE:

    RE: Again, to make it easier to copy:

    1) Bethsaida by the Sea of Galilee
    2) CarWash || Homecoming


  14. Justin was born during Homecoming (homecoming baby, while Jimmy was a prom baby) and his dad owns car washes- I just saw this I would trust me.

  15. Thanks, Laurie--great to see you!!! You would love Words with Friends--it is a scrabble game you play with friends on line.

  16. Justin was conceived on Homecoming (homecoming baby, while Jimmy was a prom baby) and his dad owns car washes- I trust Irish Pete. There is however between conception and birth. Conception is much more fun and usually does not last as long. Irish Pete must be a good Catholic Kid.

  17. Justin was born during Homecoming (homecoming baby, while Jimmy was a prom baby) and his dad owns car washes- I just saw this I would trust me.
    Andrew is from Bethsaida in Galilee.

  18. Justin's dad owns car washes and Justin was conceived on Homecoming.

  19. There is however A BIG DIFFERENCE between conception and birth. Conception is much more fun and usually does not last as long. Irish Pete must be a good Catholic Kid.

  20. I don't know John, I feel like birth's going to be pretty fun(ny) from this vantage point. Y-Chromosomes, FTW. To all of the females on the blog, too soon?

  21. ... and definitely more fun than conception, because we don't do that here... not until marriage, and we have met our respective soul mates to love and to hold, until death (or was it partying?) do us part.

  22. Justin's dad owns car washes and Justin was conceived on Homecoming.

    mssarge...I'm relying on you for this answer!

  23. Louis, in what universe are you second with car wash??

    John, as I've always said in regard to pregnancy: It's all down hill after conception. (I spent every pregnancy feeling like I was going to hurl up a big ball of fire for nine long months. I think Nate McKeon is so pale because I drank vats of Maalox while I was pregnant with him and it permanently coated his skin. I had pre partum depression because I just hated being pregnant..And I obviously had some serious short term memory issues as I was pregnant five times in a little over six years...

    Let's just hope Irish Pete is a good Catholic kid...some may beg to differ

  24. Louis, I have some land I would like to talk to you about. Oh, and a great deal on a bridge too!

  25. Mrs. McKeon,

    I meant third, my mistake. My head's just all over the place, what with my blossoming romance and talk of conception... jk, of course.

  26. John - I'm not following...

  27. Judy, I went with the "good Catholic kid", but thanks for the confidence in me.

  28. John, I would have to agree with you about conception being more fun... only until you hit the infertility world, then conception becomes a job... thermometers, timing, and a whole lot of work.

    Laurie, I am with you... Although I only had 2 kids/pregnancies. I hurled every morning like clockwork for the first 21 weeks with each boy. I was just too old to keep going to get to 5 like you.

  29. Just finished ready your posting, Laurie. And yes, my mother -in-law should have the copy right to SSDD(same shit different day)because she did come up with words/letters. If someone asked her what's new....she would sometimes answer "Oh,nothing..same shit different day." And other times she would just answer, "SSD."

  30. Laurie, thanks for checking back and noticing that I had posted just in the nick of time. Was a close one tonight.

  31. A sincere "Thank you" to all of you bloggers and to Laurie as the creator of the blog. As this contest got off, I was in the heat of move details and on some nights, working late, the comments, jokes, and banter, were what kept me going and gave me that little bit of extra spark. I don't know where you all get the jokes from - my husband will promptly tell you that I am not good at telling jokes, but they all made me laugh. Thank you!

  32. Then I'm proud of you Louis. Keep up the good work staying away from the CLSP's.

    BTW, here are some Holy & Lowly Acronyms:
    PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens
    DLTDHYWTGLSY = Don't Let The Door Hit Ya Where The Good Lord Split Ya

  33. Louis, is that the line you are going to use on young Skylar?

  34. Andrew lived in Bethsaida.
    Justin was conceived on Homecoming, and his dad owns car washes. Excellent job with the blog Laurie, keep it up! I hope you don't mind me jumping into the mix here! I couldn't help myself; it just looked like too much fun to pass up!

  35. Had 3 pregnancies and I never missed a day of work. Worked full time until the day each one was born. Two of them were born on my day off and another one I left work and went straight to the hospital.

  36. Louis..my homie...how is Skylar today?

  37. John - Now you lost me, CLSP? Center for Language and Speech Processing? Did you darty too hard today or something (btw, darty = day + party).

    Mrs. Sarge - I don't know yet, still playing the field and going over different strategies, have to pick the right one you know.

  38. And since we keep talking about babies and pregnancies and whatnot, and I feel the need to contribute in hopes of getting those, now-elusive, ec points:

    1) I was a wonderful baby. Apparently never cried, slept through the entire night, never threw temper tantrums, well behaved, walked at age 7 months (call me a deity)... and to top it all off I had a wonderfully, perfectly, spherically head that was all of the rage/made me look like an adorable bobble-head. What was there not to love?

    2) I refuse to have a baby until I am married and have a stable/legit income to support the little bugger... and of course, after some solid years of partying are behind me, gotta give the wifey my all (sans house music and shot lines).

    3) I made my mommy be in labor for 20 hours. Some could say I was simply a shidiot that wouldn't just get over it and fall into the waiting world... but I'd like to say I was simply helping (forcing?) my mother to contemplate and fully enjoy and feel the beauty of child birth... what a nice little shidiot I was, eh?

  39. "Cheap Little _ _ _ Poodles" and yes I Darty as often as possible.

  40. A nun in full black habit is walking past a bar when a drunk stumbles out, sees her, and punches her square in the nose. Before she can scream, he lands a combination one-two followed by an uppercut that even "Irish" Pete would envy. When she goes down, he starts kicking her with his scuffed business shoes (probably a nice pair of Buno's). As a crowd gathers, the drunk stops, staggers back, and slurs, "You're not so tough, Batman!"

  41. don't worry mom, by the end of the year Monk and I will be thick as thieves. He'll have a section of the third installment of his autobiography about us.

  42. John, I still don't fully get the acronym, but alas I may just not be hip enough. And I'm glad to hear your darty, it's one of my favorite past times... behind going to class and studying on the reg, of course.

  43. Bethsaida

    In Season 1, Episode 19, my high school friend Doug Wax played the Missionary. Just a little LF trivia there.

  44. So a nun dressed in a Burberry habit walks into a bar.........

  45. Tricia, you so crack me up. I believe that Larry is my son Nate. If you recall, back during the Burberry Challenge, my kids were not eligible to partake in the fun. So, they started making up fake names--hence, Jamarcus, Larry Sanchez and Balthazar Fleming. And to be honest, it took me a while to figure out the whole Larry Sanchez thing...(Even I picked up on Jamarcus and Balthazar) Interesting side note: Jack McKeon has absolutely nothing to do with this blog...ever. Probably a super smart move on his part.

  46. Ah ha - welcome Larry. Laurie I aim to please.

  47. I so do not have the time to try to "win" this thing (seriously, where do you people find the time???)...alas...always know that I am reading every single blog entry and every single stinkin' comment (by now, I blow right past the answers and focus on the jokes, smart ass comments, and friendly banter between followers). You guys crack me up!
    I play Words with Friends. It's my current mild obsession - grocery store lines, stop lights, any 30 second lapse in activity and I'm ON! Login is tough...ready??? sarapond. That's it. sarapond. I love Qs and Zs and TL and DW (how 'bout those acronyms?). Bring it!

  48. Laurie, so don't count me out...I'm still bringing you MAJOR hits. I'm there for you! Just behind the scenes, that's all.

  49. So a nun dressed in a Lady Irish #4 habit walks into a bar...

  50. (I think I win, BOOM)

  51. Don't even try Louis, I beat you to the punch with my nun joke. Good try though. I may be slow answering (ok copying) the questions but I'll beat you with my witty little sayings. I know how to please the blog master. PTIYPASI (put that in your pipe and smoke it). I didn't want you to strain yourself trying to figure out my abreev.

  52. I don't know Tricia, I'm definitely giving you a run for your money... Diggins > burberry, I think so.

  53. Now, if only some one had a joke that started "Monk Malloy and Sara Pond, both dressed head to toe in Burberry, walk into a bar..." that would be the ultimate...

    Tricia, refresh my fading short term memory--what was episode 19 about? And what did the missionary look like?

  54. What everyone else said........

    Laurie Friday night lights is a fan favorite in our house. Good to know you like it too. Do you remember the episode where the player w/the grandma who is confused( I am so bad w/names on tv,in real life its one of those things I just figure its too late try to fix it now) and the coaches daughter had sex? Well Jack,CHristian,Debo and Charlie all came in while I was watching it. I thought I should really turn this off because I wasn't sure if their parents would approve. Well I am here to say sadly I did not, love of the show won out over my moral judgement. Sorry!!!!!

    Have a safe trip and loads of fun!!!!!!!

  55. Laurie I have no clue as I've never seen the show. I knew my hs friend was doing something in it so I googled him. He does more stand in/stunt work. He was on several episodes of My Name is Earl (never watched that show either). Maybe we aren't as close as I thought we were ;)

    Louis - not so much in the joke department there buddy - I believe my nun joke is superior (get it - Mother Superior?) to your Skylar joke. BOOM! You shouldn't make jokes about your future wife, not nice.

  56. There were three guys sitting behind three nuns at a Notre Dame football game. The men decided to antagonize the nuns, to get them to move.

    So the first one says to the others (loud enough for the women ahead to hear), " I think I want to move to California; there are only 100 Catholics living there."

    The second guy speaks up and says, "I want to move to Washington; there are only 50 Catholics living there."

    The third guy speaks up and says, "I want to move to Idaho; there are only 25 Catholics living there."

    One of the nuns turns around and looks them all in the eye and calmly says, "Why don't you go to hell; there aren't any Catholics there."

  57. Monk Malloy and Sara Pond, both dressed head to toe in Burberry, walk into a bar. Which is weird because you'd think that one of them would have seen it there.

  58. 1) Bethsaida by the Sea of Galilee
    2) Gardering Business || Homecoming

    Hope I make in time tonight, I must have posted as you were posting as well. I blame Ava who was having nightmares about lizards all over the walls. Dn geckos are screwing with my sleep. Have a great trip!!!

  59. Also my gorgeous baby boy was rockin' a ND football jersey. Lots of compliments during Ava's Easter party at Cabrini. I was trying to kiss up as the principal has her masters from Notre Dame, as well as 3 of the teachers. Gotta get points where we can considering Ava's spunkiness.

  60. Laurie I have it all set up for you. When you are in London, stop in at Hermes (as if you wouldn't) at Mayfair - they will have my white enamel bracelet ready for you to bring home for me. Have them charge it to John as it's going to make a wonderful (& so well deserved) Mother's Day gift - big thanks!

    Have a wonderful time & do some window shopping for me. Can you post pictures on your blog? Hope so! Who is in charge of the remaining shids & Posey? I can stop by to whip anyone into shape if need be - just leave my number as "shid control". Seriously I doubt you have any shidiots at your house as they all live at MY house!

