Monday, April 4, 2011

HOLY AND LOWLY: I AIN'T SCARED...ok, maybe I am...

Man, that is one scary-ass picture. And while I would like to think of myself as being as brave as the "homies" in South Bend, as quoted by Louis, and say, after seeing the new blog photo "I ain't scared.", I must admit...I am scared...a little. Just look at those little punks. Nice change of pace there, Jamarcus. Let the people see what I am really dealing with... a bunch of adolescent males, who, though well dressed, are just one razor away from skin heads...Doesn't Chris look like that old guy on the Six Flags commercials? Doesn't Pete look like he would punch an old lady and steal her purse??And doesn't it look like Nate has a baldy wig on?? Jack doesn't really look all that bad.....way to go, Jack.

For those of you who don't know, about this time last year, the boy's tennis team (captained by Chris, manned by Jack and Nate, too) shaved their heads for Sarcoma Research in honor of a good friend who was diagnosed with cancer during his freshman year of college. The team raised almost $4000 that was donated to the Sarcoma Research Foundation at UW-Madison. There is actually an article about it in the UW Foundation newsletter, and I would provide a link to that article if I knew how...Annie and I shaved all those teenaged heads one night at our house, and only nicked up a few. It really was a cool thing, and the best news is, their friend is in remission, doing great, and everybody has hair again. Word on the street is that the tennis team (now captained by Jack, and teamed up with Nate and Pete---same circus, different clowns) is going bald again this year, and they want to donate even more money to Sarcoma Research.  Just a little pre shave shout out, so you all can save your nickels to make a pledge to a good cause. once the shearing begins..

Now, on to yesterday's results and tonight's questions: OK, once again, there appears to be a little ambiguity in the Holy question. One source says 20 scheckels (what's a scheckel and how do I get some?) and another says 50--so, both answers are right, and Judy will get 3 important speed points for being the first to buzz in with the 20 scheckel answer. I am so freaking fair here in this blog that I am like King Solomen. I just wish I had a crown. So, tonight's scoring is as follows:
John: TWO correct points, THREE for first with the holy, TWO for second with the lowly: Total: SEVEN
Chris: TWO correct points, THREE for first with the lowly, TWO for second with the holy: Total: SEVEN
Judy: TWO correct points: THREE for first with the alternative holy answer.Total: FIVE
Stacy: TWO correct points: ONE for third with the holy. Total: THREE
Tricia: TWO correct points: ONE for third with the lowly Total: THREE
Kim, Louis, Pete, Suechi, Mrs.Sarge, Amy, , TWO correctness points for all of you and here is tonight's EC. This was super tough for me and I was dying to add a few more points, but I vow to stick with the formula I set out last night. Now, let me point out, there are many of you deserving EC--Chris, love the photo, appreciate the effort, but tonight is not your night. I sent you a care package today. Hope that helps ease the sting.. Pete--you know you are my favorite, because you let me dress you like a girl for four years until we adopted Posey, and I will always love you for that, and even though you compared my body to Fergie (and Jesus??) and my face to Mila Kunis--which normally would be enough for at least FIVE big EC points, tonight is not your night either--but keep it up, I feel that your night is coming soon, Judy, Tricia, Stacy, and Mrs. Sarge, (I am currently in Science Fair hell and feel your egg washing pain....)-you all made me laugh at least once during your comments, but I am going in a different direction tonight as I award the EC points. While it may seem a little random, there is a method to my madness. And remember, every night is a new night--So,
Suechi: TWO EC points for you --I really liked the  support and positive comments to Kim and the shout out for Lady Irish Basket ball,  FOUR night total.
Louis: I do not know why that "homie" comment made me laugh so hard, but it did, and I loved that you were blowing off your school work to support the Lady Irish. THREE EC points for the effort (mentioning the diet did not hurt your score) FIVE points tonight--"I aint scared".
Kim: FIVE big EC points. You are a trooper with a great attitude and I just admire in a big way your grace and outlook. You have been a real star in this contest and I'm so glad that you are a part of the blog family. And for that, you earn SEVEN big, huge, points tonight.
Amy: TEN whopping points for you because you are going through RCIA!! People, we have a convert here, and I'd like to think that the wisdom and holiness of this contest may be partially responsible for bringing one more soul into the faith. I know this is not really true, but in my head, I am so taking some credit for this newbie. Holy and Lowly, swelling the roles of the Catholic church, one contestant at a time...No, seriously, way to go. I'm super proud of you. Just don't ask me for any great Catholic you can see, it's rather limited. An enormous TWELVE point night for you.  way to go.

(Confession: I just sent Posey upstairs to get Nate to help her with the whole Science Fair thing...I am way too old for this, and Dave McKeon is too busy rooting for Butler to notice he has a daughter. Also, way back in the day, Dave made this sweeping comment: "I don't do Science Fair". and he's stuck to that credo...nice gig if you can get it)
Keep those comments coming.Who knows what will strike my fancy tomorrow night?

Here are tonight's questions:
  1. Name the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (trying to keep this educational, folks. this may actually be something that Amy needs to know--now, I'm feeling some pressure to be a Catholic role model..that won't last long..)
  2. I'm already over it: On the series Teen Mom, name the couple who gave their baby up for adoption, the name of the baby, and the name of the couple who adopted the baby.
Have you ever seen that Teen Mom series?? It's just awful--it's like watching a house on fire...

Today's Top Ten:
  1. Lady Irish--man, that was a great game. We had to turn it off several times, because I felt that I was just bringing them down.
  2. Creme Brulee--I really want some, but it is not on the protein diet..
  3. Sarcoma Research--any kind of medical research at all
  4. The Primigi children's shoes on sale now on are great deals, I would not lie
  5. Nate McKeon--for guiding his little sister through the Science Fair.
  6. Nike Dri-fit running clothes--they really do work and aren't as binding as that under armour stuff
  7. The great big blue print looking map of the constellations at the Restoration Hardware outlet--it's super cool, and I kind of want it. It seems educational, sort of
  8. Butler Bulldogs--I am so rooting for them. I love their coach. He looks like he should be doing my taxes.
  9. Cubs Baseball--I know they suck, but I still love them and they are as of tonight playing .500 ball-it's never going to get any better than this all season. I'm giving them their love now..
  10. Amy Parker and all of those willing to make a conscious and knowing commitment to become a member of the Catholic Faith. When it comes to Christianity, you might as well go with the original.
Now, go answer tonights very easy questions and get some sleep.


  1. Discerning of spirits
    words of knowledge
    words of wisdom
    gifts of healing
    words od miracles
    interpretayion of tongies

  2. interpretation of tongues:spelling correction

  3. Discerning of spirits
    words of knowledge
    words of wisdom
    gifts of healing
    words od miracles
    interpretayion of tongies

  4. Oooh, so nice to see the women punching in first. How do you guys do this so fast???

  5. 1) Discerning of spirits
    words of knowledge
    words of wisdom
    gifts of healing
    words od miracles
    interpretayion of tongies

  6. 2) Couple: Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby: Carly
    Adoptive Couple: Teresa and Brandon

  7. And in case there's any confusion, the first couple, Tyler and Catelynn were the ones that gave their baby, Carly, up for adoption. And Carly was adopted by Brandon and Teresa, of course.

  8. 2) Couple: Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby: Carly
    Adoptive Couple: Teresa and Brandon

  9. It appears Catelynn and Tyler found time to give young Carly up between shopping for prom dresses and getting caught up in a string of lies.

    Clearly another testament to abstinence.

  10. My trick is to try to find the answer but keep checking back to see if someone else got it first. I had everything on the adoption except the adoptive parents, so Louis, I thank you.

  11. 1) Wisdom
    3)Counsel (Right Judgment)
    4) Fortitude
    6)Piety (Reverance)
    7) Fear of the Lord (wonder and Awe)

  12. catelynn lowell: mom
    baby: Carly
    adoptive parents?

  13. Couple: Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby: Carly
    Adoptive Couple: Teresa and Brandon

  14. adoptive parents: Teresa and Brandon

  15. Stacy,
    I do what I can. I was actually quite proud for buzzing in first with that answer... looks like procrastinating on studying for my stats exam tomorrow really paid off. Sure, I may fail out of Notre Dame for that, but at least I'll be a hell of a lot more holy (is that an oxymoronic sentence?)... thanks, Mrs. McKeon!

  16. For the holiness, obviously not the failing out of ND part...

  17. Discerning of spirits
    words of knowledge
    words of wisdom
    gifts of healing
    words od miracles
    interpretation of tongues

    2. Couple: Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby: Carly
    Adoptive Couple: Teresa and Brandon

    We got thru the first round of bookstore bball and are ready for the next chumps. So if you wanna give me some EC for the W, feel free

  18. Fixing the spelling error I copied from jpulera...
    Discerning of spirits
    words of knowledge
    words of wisdom
    gifts of healing
    words od miracles
    interpretation of tongues

  19. Okay... usually when I am at work, I have a bit of a better shot at the top. I am sticking by my answer though - straight off of Wikipedia. Is there more than one interpretation Laurie?

  20. Wisdom is the first and highest gift of the Holy Spirit, because it is the perfection of faith. Through wisdom, we come to value properly those things which we believe through faith. The truths of Christian belief are more important than the things of this world, and wisdom helps us to order our relationship to the created world properly, loving Creation for the sake of God, rather than for its own sake.

    Understanding is the second gift of the Holy Spirit, and people sometimes have a hard time understanding (no pun intended) how it differs from wisdom. While wisdom is the desire to contemplate the things of God, understanding allows us grasp, at least in a limited way, the very essence of the truths of the Catholic Faith. Through understanding, we gain a certitude about our beliefs that moves beyond faith.

    Counsel, the third gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but counsel is supernatural. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we are able to judge how best to act almost by intuition. Because of the gift of counsel, Christians need not fear to stand up for the truths of the Faith, because the Holy Spirit will guide us in defending those truths.

    While counsel is the perfection of a cardinal virtue, fortitude is both a gift of the Holy Spirit and a cardinal virtue. Fortitude is ranked as the fourth gift of the Holy Spirit because it gives us the strength to follow through on the actions suggested by the gift of counsel. While fortitude is sometimes called courage, it goes beyond what we normally think of as courage. Fortitude is the virtue of the martyrs that allows them to suffer death rather than to renounce the Christian Faith.

    The fifth gift of the Holy Spirit, knowledge, is often confused with both wisdom and understanding. Like wisdom, knowledge is the perfection of faith, but whereas wisdom gives us the desire to judge all things according to the truths of the Catholic Faith, knowledge is the actual ability to do so. Like counsel, it is aimed at our actions in this life. In a limited way, knowledge allows us to see the circumstances of our life the way that God sees them. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we can determine God's purpose for our lives and live them accordingly.

    Piety, the sixth gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the virtue of religion. While we tend to think of religion today as the external elements of our faith, it really means the willingness to worship and to serve God. Piety takes that willingness beyond a sense of duty, so that we desire to worship God and to serve Him out of love, the way that we desire to honor our parents and do what they wish.

    The seventh and final gift of the Holy Spirit is the fear of the Lord, and perhaps no other gift of the Holy Spirit is so misunderstood. We think of fear and hope as opposites, but the fear of the Lord confirms the theological virtue of hope. This gift of the Holy Spirit gives us the desire not to offend God, as well as the certainty that God will supply us the grace that we need in order to keep from offending Him. Our desire not to offend God is more than simply a sense of duty; like piety, the fear of the Lord arises out of love.

    Couple: Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby: Carly
    Adoptive Couple: Teresa and Brandon

  21. Louis... don't give up on the stats exam studying just yet... boy, the mention of that class certainly brings back some college pain. I don't envy you. I think I will take the science fair work.

    So, Laurie, does Nate want some extra cash? I've employed one of your kids, perhaps he would want to help Jake with his project? Be thankful, Dave has taken a pass... Although Sarge is not helping with anything that would amount to progress on the project, he is very good at suggesting additional trials, other methods, that a 47 year old might think about this project. He is having trouble bringing it down to a 4th grade level... Ugh!!!

  22. mrssarge,
    My business statistic class would make pulling out teeth seem like a good time. Honestly, worst class ever. I usually have to make myself sit in the front row so I'm too embarrassed to actually fall asleep... it's struggle bus central though.

    And I'm finding both my answer to the holy question, but also mrssarge's, but I'm going to stick to the original answer posted I think.

  23. Louis, I didn't sit in the front row, but I had it at 8:00a.m. and had to ramp up on the caffeine just to make it through. Hang tough!

  24. Laurie, If I end up in the pysch ward at the end of this week after the move, promise me you will come and visit!

  25. Kim, wanted to try to post this yesterday, but just wanted you to know that I am saying extra prayers and thinking of you.

  26. Who knew you can only have 4096 characters this will be a two parter.........

    Wisdom: With the gift of wisdom, we see God at work in our lives and in the world. For the wise person, the wonders of nature, historical events, and the ups and downs of our lives take on deeper meaning. The matters of judgment about the truth, and being able to see the whole image of God. We see God as our Father and other people with dignity. Lastly being able to see God in everyone and everything everywhere.
    Understanding: In understanding, we comprehend how we need to live as a follower of Christ. A person with understanding is not confused by all the conflicting messages in our culture about the right way to live. The gift of understanding perfects a person's speculative reason in the apprehension of truth. It is the gift whereby self-evident principles are known, Aquinas writes.[3]
    Counsel (Right Judgment): With the gift of counsel/right judgment, we know the difference between right and wrong, and we choose to do what is right. A person with right judgment avoids sin and lives out the values taught by Jesus. The gift of truth that allows the person to respond prudently, and happily to believe our Christ the Lord
    Fortitude (Courage): With the gift of fortitude/courage, we overcome our fear and are willing to take risks as a follower of Jesus Christ. A person with courage is willing to stand up for what is right in the sight of God, even if it means accepting rejection, verbal abuse, or even physical harm and death. The gift of courage allows people the firmness of mind that is required both in doing good and in enduring evil, especially with regard to goods or evils that are difficult, just like Joan of Arc did.
    Knowledge: With the gift of knowledge, we understand the meaning of God. The gift of knowledge is more than an accumulation of facts.
    Piety (Reverence): With the gift of reverence, sometimes called piety, we have a deep sense of respect for God and the church. A person with reverence recognizes our total reliance on God and comes before God with humility, trust, and love. Piety is the gift whereby, at the Holy Spirit's instigation, we pay worship and duty to God as our Father, Aquinas writes.
    Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe): With the gift of fear of the Lord we are aware of the glory and majesty of God. A person with wonder and awe knows that God is the perfection of all we desire: perfect knowledge, perfect goodness, perfect power, and perfect love. This gift is described by Aquinas as a fear of separating oneself from God. He describes the gift as a "filial fear," like a child's fear of offending his father, rather than a "servile fear," that is, a fear of punishment. Also known as knowing God is all powerful. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 1:7) because it puts our mindset in its correct location with respect to God: we are the finite, dependent creatures, and He is the infinite, all-powerful Creator.

  27. St. Thomas Aquinas says that four of these gifts (wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and counsel) direct the intellect, while the other three gifts (fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord) direct the will toward God.
    In some respects, the gifts are similar to the virtues, but a key distinction is that the virtues operate under the impetus of human reason (prompted by grace), whereas the gifts operate under the impetus of the Holy Spirit; the former can be used when one wishes, but the latter operate only when the Holy Spirit wishes. In the case of Fortitude, the gift has, in Latin and English, the same name as a virtue, which it is related to but from which it must be distinguished.
    In Summa Theologica II.II, Thomas Aquinas asserts the following correspondences between the seven Capital Virtues and the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit:[4]
    The gift of wisdom corresponds to the virtue of charity.
    The gift of understanding corresponds to the virtue of faith.
    The gift of counsel (right judgment) corresponds to the virtue of prudence.
    The gift of courage corresponds to the virtue of fortitude.
    The gift of knowledge corresponds to the virtue of hope.
    The gift of piety corresponds to the virtue of justice.
    The gift of fear of the Lord corresponds to the virtue of temperance.
    The seven gifts were often represented as doves in medieval texts and especially figure in depictions of the Tree of Jesse which shows the Genealogy of Jesus. In many such depictions the doves encircle a bust of Christ.

    Wow that was more work than I think it was worth. Don't you feel a little more informed now, though?????

    Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby Carly
    adopted by Teresa and Brandon

  28. Thanks Tina!!!
    I'm on the road tomorrow again. I hope I make it in time. I just don't want her to be alone!!!!

  29. Hey Tina just so you know I will come and visit you. When I was working on the psych unit I preferred the locked unit (kinda all makes sense now doesn't it?) The crazier the better!!!!

  30. Maxing out the character count on the comment section? Well done, Kim.

    Hey, Jamarcus, what was the score? Are you watching this Butler meltdown? I want to call for a running clock or something.

    Tina, hat's off to Sarge for even attempting to care about the Science Fair...Posey's project is definitely at the Fifth grade level. She is better at cutting than her brothers ever were, but the whole "scientific reasoning" is beyond her. Nate gave up, as he said "this project doesnt even make sense " Pete said: "Why did you let her pick her own topic? You never let the rest of us. This is what happens when you leave kids to their own devices. You're slipping, Mom." And he is oh, so right.

  31. Visit you in the psych ward? Hell, I'll be your roommate. Think of how much fun we'd have.

  32. mrssarge,
    I'm at t-minus 23 hours before the exam and I'm still useless... and oddly enough considering going out to celebrate my friend's birthday, and my possible transfer to Brown Mackie College...

  33. If I knew how to cut and paste...I would post Sue's long post and Kim's as well. So consider their posts right here.

    Starting here..Sue's:......
    Than we all can get the EC or bonus points!!


  34. I can Copy and paste so I will!!!

    Wisdom: With the gift of wisdom, we see God at work in our lives and in the world. For the wise person, the wonders of nature, historical events, and the ups and downs of our lives take on deeper meaning. The matters of judgment about the truth, and being able to see the whole image of God. We see God as our Father and other people with dignity. Lastly being able to see God in everyone and everything everywhere.
    Understanding: In understanding, we comprehend how we need to live as a follower of Christ. A person with understanding is not confused by all the conflicting messages in our culture about the right way to live. The gift of understanding perfects a person's speculative reason in the apprehension of truth. It is the gift whereby self-evident principles are known, Aquinas writes.[3]
    Counsel (Right Judgment): With the gift of counsel/right judgment, we know the difference between right and wrong, and we choose to do what is right. A person with right judgment avoids sin and lives out the values taught by Jesus. The gift of truth that allows the person to respond prudently, and happily to believe our Christ the Lord
    Fortitude (Courage): With the gift of fortitude/courage, we overcome our fear and are willing to take risks as a follower of Jesus Christ. A person with courage is willing to stand up for what is right in the sight of God, even if it means accepting rejection, verbal abuse, or even physical harm and death. The gift of courage allows people the firmness of mind that is required both in doing good and in enduring evil, especially with regard to goods or evils that are difficult, just like Joan of Arc did.
    Knowledge: With the gift of knowledge, we understand the meaning of God. The gift of knowledge is more than an accumulation of facts.
    Piety (Reverence): With the gift of reverence, sometimes called piety, we have a deep sense of respect for God and the church. A person with reverence recognizes our total reliance on God and comes before God with humility, trust, and love. Piety is the gift whereby, at the Holy Spirit's instigation, we pay worship and duty to God as our Father, Aquinas writes.
    Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe): With the gift of fear of the Lord we are aware of the glory and majesty of God. A person with wonder and awe knows that God is the perfection of all we desire: perfect knowledge, perfect goodness, perfect power, and perfect love. This gift is described by Aquinas as a fear of separating oneself from God. He describes the gift as a "filial fear," like a child's fear of offending his father, rather than a "servile fear," that is, a fear of punishment. Also known as knowing God is all powerful. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 1:7) because it puts our mindset in its correct location with respect to God: we are the finite, dependent creatures, and He is the infinite, all-powerful Creator.

  35. Did I mention that I hate UCONN and Butler shot like a bunch of pussies!!

    St. Thomas Aquinas says that four of these gifts (wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and counsel) direct the intellect, while the other three gifts (fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord) direct the will toward God.
    In some respects, the gifts are similar to the virtues, but a key distinction is that the virtues operate under the impetus of human reason (prompted by grace), whereas the gifts operate under the impetus of the Holy Spirit; the former can be used when one wishes, but the latter operate only when the Holy Spirit wishes. In the case of Fortitude, the gift has, in Latin and English, the same name as a virtue, which it is related to but from which it must be distinguished.
    In Summa Theologica II.II, Thomas Aquinas asserts the following correspondences between the seven Capital Virtues and the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit:[4]
    The gift of wisdom corresponds to the virtue of charity.
    The gift of understanding corresponds to the virtue of faith.
    The gift of counsel (right judgment) corresponds to the virtue of prudence.
    The gift of courage corresponds to the virtue of fortitude.
    The gift of knowledge corresponds to the virtue of hope.
    The gift of piety corresponds to the virtue of justice.
    The gift of fear of the Lord corresponds to the virtue of temperance.
    The seven gifts were often represented as doves in medieval texts and especially figure in depictions of the Tree of Jesse which shows the Genealogy of Jesus. In many such depictions the doves encircle a bust of Christ.

    Wow that was more work than I think it was worth. Don't you feel a little more informed now, though?????

    Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby Carly
    adopted by Teresa and Brandon


  36. Thanks Kim. I feel very well educated now. I appreciate your complete and accurate answers.

  37. Also, I'll add this, jic (that's "just in case", for all of our over-21 crowd...)

    Wisdom is the first and highest gift of the Holy Spirit, because it is the perfection of faith. Through wisdom, we come to value properly those things which we believe through faith. The truths of Christian belief are more important than the things of this world, and wisdom helps us to order our relationship to the created world properly, loving Creation for the sake of God, rather than for its own sake.

    Understanding is the second gift of the Holy Spirit, and people sometimes have a hard time understanding (no pun intended) how it differs from wisdom. While wisdom is the desire to contemplate the things of God, understanding allows us grasp, at least in a limited way, the very essence of the truths of the Catholic Faith. Through understanding, we gain a certitude about our beliefs that moves beyond faith.

    Counsel, the third gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but counsel is supernatural. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we are able to judge how best to act almost by intuition. Because of the gift of counsel, Christians need not fear to stand up for the truths of the Faith, because the Holy Spirit will guide us in defending those truths.

    While counsel is the perfection of a cardinal virtue, fortitude is both a gift of the Holy Spirit and a cardinal virtue. Fortitude is ranked as the fourth gift of the Holy Spirit because it gives us the strength to follow through on the actions suggested by the gift of counsel. While fortitude is sometimes called courage, it goes beyond what we normally think of as courage. Fortitude is the virtue of the martyrs that allows them to suffer death rather than to renounce the Christian Faith.

    The fifth gift of the Holy Spirit, knowledge, is often confused with both wisdom and understanding. Like wisdom, knowledge is the perfection of faith, but whereas wisdom gives us the desire to judge all things according to the truths of the Catholic Faith, knowledge is the actual ability to do so. Like counsel, it is aimed at our actions in this life. In a limited way, knowledge allows us to see the circumstances of our life the way that God sees them. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we can determine God's purpose for our lives and live them accordingly.

    Piety, the sixth gift of the Holy Spirit, is the perfection of the virtue of religion. While we tend to think of religion today as the external elements of our faith, it really means the willingness to worship and to serve God. Piety takes that willingness beyond a sense of duty, so that we desire to worship God and to serve Him out of love, the way that we desire to honor our parents and do what they wish.

    The seventh and final gift of the Holy Spirit is the fear of the Lord, and perhaps no other gift of the Holy Spirit is so misunderstood. We think of fear and hope as opposites, but the fear of the Lord confirms the theological virtue of hope. This gift of the Holy Spirit gives us the desire not to offend God, as well as the certainty that God will supply us the grace that we need in order to keep from offending Him. Our desire not to offend God is more than simply a sense of duty; like piety, the fear of the Lord arises out of love.

  38. Also, here is some friendly advice to the competition. Don't sit and refresh you web browser to see if the post is there if you are currently on a screen that shows the comments from a previous post. It will not update you with the new post from our game show host extraordinaire Laurie McKeon. Between, parenting, watching Butler play pathetic basketball, working on a freelance graphic design project, admiring costumes on DWTS (yes DWTS was on again and the NCAA Game was in a reduced window on my computer screen)and answering co-workers emails about the ineptitude of some of our co-workers and refreshing the blog screen, something had to give. Tonight is was the speed points. I feel like Lucy just pulled the football AGAIN. ARRRGHHHHHHHHH!

  39. Just because I care for my fellow competitors I wanted to share this tidbit so you can learn from my mistake.

    Do not try and refresh your browser window to see the new and anticipated post from our extraordinary hostess Laurie if you are currently viewing the comments on an earlier post. It will just update new comments and you will think that the post is just very late.

    I guess between:

    1) Parenting
    2) Watching Butler play pathetically
    3) Working on a freelance Graphic Design project
    4) Checking out the costumes on DWTS (yes it was on again and the NCAA game was reduced to being displayed in a 3 x 4 window without sound on the corner of my computer screen)
    5) Answering emails discussing the ineptitude of some of the employees I work with at my office with a co-worker
    6) Refreshing the blog to cash in on Bonus Speed Points

    Something had to give. Tonight it was because of my own stupidity and I do not wish the same fate on any of you.

  40. ps. Butler shot like a bunch of p#$$&*s tonight.

  41. 1) Butler was extremely disappointing tonight.
    2) The Women's Irish game last night was more exciting than the pathetic excuse of an NCCC Men's Bball game tonight... that's kind of sad, but kind of awesome for my soon-to-be-girlfriend, Skylar.
    3) T-Minus 9 hours until my imminent statistical fail.
    4) I actually do miss the Pu$$y List, although the whole scarf thing threw me under the bus a couple of times.
    5) I <3 procrastinating.
    6) Do I get EC Points for trying to convince young Jamarcus to come to the library with me on Saturday night? (true story).
    7) Any true Chicago Bro follows the Cubs, no exceptions... if you don't you're a wanna-be hipster, or a pu$$y.

  42. Amy - Way to go with the RCIA. Don't make the mistake my husband did... He was welcomed into the Catholic church on a Sunday morning and our priest rubbed lots of chrism into his buzz cut and then we went skiing in the afternoon. His helmet still smells of olive oil and balsam! That is some fragrant stuff. Good luck to you.

    Kim - Please don't worry about the Spracklin girls' track lunches when you've got bigger fish to fry. I will say a prayer for you.

    John - Thanks for the tip... I think I may have been doing the same thing on the refresh? Only I'm not smart enough to figure it out.

    Louis - Do you look like Sandra Bullock's baby? Because that's the only Louis I know of.

  43. No problem Stacy, just trying to level the playing field. Just remember I'm here for all of you. That is as long as I'm on top of the leader board. ;)

    Anyone else psyched for the Masters this week. According to my weather Almanac (it's much more scientific than the Farmers Almanac), the Masters is really the OFFICIAL first day of Spring. I can smell it now. My pick to win the Green Jacket (Laurie, Green Jackets are very high on the fashion list and they go very well with pink ties)is a long shot but the kid deserves it. Go Rory McIlroy. Seems to be a good year for all things IRISH.

  44. Stacy - Not really, no... believe it or not I'm less tan and more adorable!!

    Also, t-minus 2:30 hours and I'm still useless at Statistics. I wonder what's the probability of me not failing this exam?

  45. I'm going to learn how to cut and paste so I can keep up with the "Jones"in this competition!! I want to look more Spiritual and Religious like my competitors!

  46. Late to post thanks to John’s f$%&ing computer “refresh” crap. Fell asleep before Castle ended (again) only to wake up to hear him feverishly typing away & I was way too tired to get up & start copying answers. So……..

    1. Discerning of spirits
    words of knowledge
    words of wisdom
    gifts of healing
    words od miracles
    interpretation of tongues

    2. Couple: Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby: Carly
    Adoptive Couple: Teresa and Brandon

    Stacy – How about Louis Armstrong? He looks a lot like baby Louis Bullock.

    Teen Mom – who is the ad wizard that came up with that show? Abstinence, abstinence, abstinence you young’ns. If you have any doubts my children are the poster kids for abstinence. Been saying that for years - they may look sweet but………..

  47. OH, John, I am so with you. The TV sports world certainly knew what it was doing by having the Masters come on only two short days after the women's NCAA finals. Otherwise, the McKeons may actually have to engage in some sort of familial conversation other than: "Butler is shooting like a big, bunch of P**$$&$", and "Maya Mooore has to be a dude,she really does". (although as Dave McKeon notes: the Masters par three tournament is on Wednesday, so we really don't have to miss a beat.)hooray for that.

  48. GO IRISH!!!

    That ought to get me some extra credit.

    Whatever Chris says as the answers.

  49. 1. Discerning of spirits
    words of knowledge
    words of wisdom
    gifts of healing
    words od miracles
    interpretation of tongues

    2. Couple: Tyler and Catelynn
    Baby: Carly
    Adoptive Couple: Teresa and Brandon

  50. And oh thank you, thank you for the extra credit, the encouragement and the knowledge!

    Think of me tomorrow morning around 9am EST as I have to go meet with Monsignor. He's a little intimidating to me but I honestly believe Luke is such an angel because my belly was blessed almost monthly by him while I was pregnant and Luke has been blessed no less than 5 times since he's been born (and he's only 14 weeks old!).

    Can you tell I spend a lot of time at the girls' school? Plus Olivia is our little nun in the making, she looks forward to First Friday Mass and not because they always get out early. Brown-noser.

    On a completely other note, I actually snorted from laughter over your descriptions of the bald McKeon Brothers. Is there video of Chris doing the Six Flags dance? I'd possibly pay to see that.
