Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hello, all, we are now in London. I must say, we were very sad to leave Scotland behind. The people were amazing and St. Andrews was totally our kind of place--great hotel, great golf, super friendly people, a beautiful beach and a  lot of history. London seems very cool, but the people are no where near as friendly. Example: Bob, the car driver from Edinborough to St. Andrews is now Dave McKeon's best friend. They shared many right wing global political view points, golfing stories, and business insights.  Bob will probably be receiving a McKeon Christmas card, and is now on the short list for God father to our proverbial Ethiopian daughter. Bob came back to St. Andrews to drive us back to Edinborough and got a BIG FAT tip from Mr. McKeon (who was in a terrific mood because he not only played the Old Course, but also played the Duke's course, and met the Golf Captain --whatever that means--and got to talk golf history and trivia with him--Interesting side note to Dave McKeon's golf this morning: for those of you who recall, in celebration of his historic round of golf at the Old Course, Dave imbibed at the JIgger Inn--as he said "I only had 4 beers before Mass" and then proceeded to have a few Long Island Iced Teas in the Library at the hotel after mass, followed by a few more beers with dinner...Needless to say, someone slept through his tee time. However, in what appears to be gracious typical Scottish behavior, the pro shop acted like this was totally no big deal, sent a van for him, got him off as a single, and got him off the course in plenty of time to make our flight! Kim, this is why we did not go near a car...I can barely drive in the US, and Dave when not on the golf course, was really in no shape to get behind the wheel..).

In contrast to our bffs in St. Andrews, When we landed at Heathrow, we had to beg some sury cabbie to accept a credit card to drive us into London and let up us pay the upcharge. Then, the dude didn't even speak to us at all, and it was all he could do to open the door so Dave could grab our bags....He got NO tip from big Dave. Needless to say, he will not be our driver of choice for the next few days. But the city looks fabulous and tomorrow we hit the London Eye and all the palacey stuff. I can't wait. Dave McKeon can wait--he had his fun, he knows it, and now he just has to roll his eyes and pay the freight as we progress though London.

Great, great job with Friday night's tough questions. You guys are a riot. John, and Judy, excellent strategy naming every single girls name ever invented. John, you got it first--nice work. Maybe my kids should pay attention a little more when I tell them very interesting and educational stories about my youth. Chris, nice call remembering that Science Fair story--I actually did get some big award at the Illinois State Science Fair for some project that I totally stole from a book. I did build it all myself and truth be told, in 8th grade I looked like a 5th grader, so I think all the judges thought I was way younger and way smarter than I really was---I only wish that were the case today. And I was super tan the summer I met Dave McKeon--my boss used to call me Pocohantas as she made me go down stairs in our building to buy her cigarettes and lottery tickets (don't ask...anything that got me out of making copies was ok by me). I am pretty sure you cannot make those sorts of comments to co workers any more. but I took no offense. I was happy to be so tan.

John, sorry about the bike--aren't people just such shidiots???All day long--particularly in their jobs--if you tell the McKeon brothers cartel who this shid is and where he lives, they will take it from there. That is the way they roll...they look out for their friends.
 Here are the scores from Friday, and I hope that Stacy/John are still handling the big board:
John: 2 for  being correct, 3 for getting Alexandra first, 1 for getting Myrtle third=6
Chris: 2 for being right, 2 for being second with Alexandra=4 (Chris McKeon bookstore basketball update--Chris and team tighty whitey won another bookstore game today and are now in the group of 64. Nice job, Jimmer wannabee)=4
Tricia: 2 for correctness, 3 for being first with Myrtle BOOM=5
Louis: 2 for being right, 2 for being second with Myrtle=4
Mrs. Sarge: 2 for being right, 1 for being 3rd with Alexandra=3
Stacy, Amy, Judy, Suechi, Kim, Pete: 2 for all of you.

This just in--things are looking up in London--Dave McKeon just realized that he can watch tv in the shower in our overpriced hotel room. He is now watching golf high lights while he is showering. That may just ease the sting of being snubbed by our cab driver, the Nigerian concierge at our hotel, our German waitress and the Asian bartender.

Now, time for the extra credit: Tricia and John get to split 10 points to help them feel better for the shid at the bike shop and because both of them were cracking me up with their comments and John's golf trivia. So, John: you've got 11 for the night and Tricia you've got 10. Nice job, Heinzmanns. You guys are sweeping this contest.  I'm impressed.
Mrs. Sarge: 10 points for always being so nice and complimentary of everyone on the blog. Niceness counts and has earned you 12 points for the night.
Kim/Brenna: 10 big points for you. I didn't know any of that stuff about St. Alexandra, like I said, I picked the name out of love for my second grade teacher AND my sponsor was my Aunt Sandy, who's real name was Sandra, which my mom felt was close enough to Alexandra to be legit...I guess...a 12 point night for you. And again, hang in there. Every day will get a little better than the one me.
Finally, for the first time in blog history, I am awarding someone 20 EC points at once, and that someone is you, Amy: 20 points for the sick baby AND mostly for that whole Brownie thing. You are a saint/masochist-a Brownie camping overnight? what are you? crazy??? when I was a camp counselor, every single week the girls in my cabin would beg to sleep outside on the beach and camp out. Every single week I told them no, and talked them into making homemade icecream. good fun was had by all...22 big points for Amy. Way to get back into the hunt and I hope Luke is doing ok.

Now, time for today's questions: I don't think I can top Fridays questions, but I will try:
1. What is the name of the Catholic Grade School that Monk Malloy attended?
2. What is the name of the men's "Golf Captain" of the Duke's Course in St. Andrews?

That is as good as I can do tonight. I'm not sure how hard or easy this one's are. I think that second one may be a little tricky. Now, here is a Top Ten:
  1. The original movie M*A*S*H-still a classic
  2. Bob the driver for hire in Edinborough.
  3. Victoria the spa manager at the Old Course Hotel
  4. The chocolate and caramel tart at Rocca
  5. Jack Wills--a cool British clothing store
  6. The Old Course at St. Andrews--it totally lives up to the hype
  7. The Jigger Inn--totally old school and a great outdoor patio (Stacy, your comment cracked me up no offense taken
  8. The tartan plaid little golf bag Dave got from Malcolm the starter
  9. Joules- another fun store in the UK
  10. Annie McKeon--so great to see her, so great to see that she can navigate her international life style
Ok, go answer these questions. And I am going to bed. It's midnight here...Look for tomorrow's questions hopefully a little earlier . good night.


  1. Monk went to St. Anthony's School in DC.

  2. Captain: David Watt
    Lady Captain: Carole Hughesdon

  3. then number one is Kevin Cademy-Taylor.

  4. Monk went to St. Anthony's School in DC.

  5. nevermind, Captain: David Watt
    Lady Captain: Carole Hughesdon

  6. Another tid bit that I so kindly shared with Mr. McTernan on friday was the origin of Monk's nickname, Monk. Believe it or not, his nickname was Monk back in his youth (he wasn't given the nickname for his religious career). When he was in 3rd grade, two of his friends at St. Anthony's School had an older brother nicknamed Bunky, who was a neighborhood hero for his athletic prowess. Malloy would call him Bunk to suggest a more familiar relationship with him. Bunky reciprocated by calling Malloy "Monk," and soon everyone started calling him Monk. It has stuck with him since.

    One of the many great nuggets of knowledge you'll learn about this man in the first volume of his autobiography

  7. What a coincidence, our "Saint Andrew's" nickname is Bunky (officially Monkey Bunky).

  8. Past Captains
    January 2010 – Present Captain
    Lady Captain David Watt
    Carole Hughesdon

    January 2004 – December 2009 Captain
    Lady Captain Gavin Hastings
    Lady Angela Bonallack

    December 2001 – December 2003 Captain
    Lady Captain Sir Michael Bonallack
    Lady Angela Bonallack

    July 1998 – December 2001 Captain
    Lady Captain John Glover MBE
    Maureen Glover

  9. No EC for handedly making it to the round of 64? Right now I think my bookstore team has more wins in the tourney than the Senior ND bball players

  10. Now I can relax!!! Made dinner for out of town guests from Maryland. Cooking...checking bog...more dinner preparations....checking blog...etc. Then...hastily looking for the answers!!!

    Everyone is progressively getting better at this and I think I'm getting worse!

  11. 1) St. Anthony's in DC

    2) Captain - David Watt
    Lady Captain - Carole Hughesdon

    John, you Rock! And Judy, you rock as well - making dinner and answering the blog questions. Amazing!

  12. 1) St. Anthony's in DC was Monk's grade school--great tidbit, Chris on the nickname origin!

    2) Captain - David Watt
    Lady Captain - Carole Hughesdon

  13. Monk went to St. Anthony's School in DC.

    Captain: David Watt
    Lady Captain: Carole Hughesdon

  14. mrssarge - thank you, what a nice compliment. You must have missed the totally exasperated look on my face having to listen to Andrew whine to get out of his stroller to wreck havoc in your new office & dealing with John's incessant talking about nothing while pretending to be sick. I was not amused that day. But again, thank you!

  15. Laurie - John is looking for a few "associates" to help him with his "air conditioning" project regarding the dumb f*ck's bike shop. Let me know when your shids are up for a little ruffian fun.

  16. Feel your pain Judy. Started checking the blog at about 4 our time. Not sure why but I think I remember reading that it would be updated around that time. Tricia told me at about 5:30 it was time to start making dinner. I'm usually the weekend cook in our house. So, I brought my laptop with me into the kitchen and started preparing our Grilled Nachos. For the Grillers out there, William Sonoma has great and fun grill gadgets. One of my favorites in the aluminum alloy with a pewter-like appearance nacho tray. Layer a pile of Nachos with meat, cheese and fixings into a pyramid. Place the tray on the grill (the tray can withstand heat up to 1000 degrees) and grill until done. The only catch comes when the post hits the blog 5 minutes into the grilling process. I'm happy to report that not only was I able to complete the answers but the nachos did not get burned. Wireless networking is the shits! Can't wait to enjoy some grilled shrimp this summer while gazing at my patch of the old course as the sun sets on a beautiful summer day. Long Island in had of course. PS, if Dave McKeon ever needs a fourth I have been known to hit a ball or two. I joke with Tricia quite often that I want to stand at the entrance of Shore Acres with my clubs and sign that simple says, "Need a Fourth?"

    Enjoy your stay in London Laurie. I'll be in NY City tomorrow and Tuesday on business so it will be interesting if I can continue the speed dominance but I will try.

  17. Cartel, not shids. Sorry, my bad. Shid is my new word today. Kind of have it on the brain.

  18. John - did we eat the same dinner tonight? Just asking.

  19. Oh Chris is expecting some extra credit for that? Wow, congratulations Chris, good thing you can read now that your in college. I think mom has higher standards than that. I, on the other hand, have other goals and ambitions, and since I learned how to read at the remarkbbble age of eleventysix, I am freey to folllow those goalz (still struggling with writing and the whole numbers thing- I skipped kindergarden so I can't count good). However I just choose not to because I figure why not give chumps like Chris a chance. And besides you know what they always say "you may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not."

    Oh and hows England mom?! You should tell dad to buy me a hat from St. Andrews or some shandals, his choice (a hat from st andrews would be awesome, but I really need some shoes with the perfect balance of being the ugliest sandals ever, and being a shoe that fits no outfit and is necessary in no situation, and also looks almost like a spider decided that your foot would be the perfect place to take a nap, so it real is a toss up). But, really do enjoy yourself, and I hope your having a blast with Annie.

  20. If the shandals you are referring to are Keen's - they rock!

  21. Monk went to St. Anthony's School in DC.

    Captain: David Watt
    Lady Captain: Carole Hughesdon

  22. Hey Laurie!!! You passed 25,000 hits on the blog. Congratulations, this blog contest is a brain-child. I haven't spent this much time on the computer since I got addicted to Majongg!

  23. Wow!!! 25,000!!!! And to think we are part of the 25,000! Way to go , Laurie!

  24. Judy I am stealing from you today GOTTA LOVE the oh so complete answers!!!!!

    Past Captains
    January 2010 – Present Captain
    Lady Captain David Watt
    Carole Hughesdon

    January 2004 – December 2009 Captain
    Lady Captain Gavin Hastings
    Lady Angela Bonallack

    December 2001 – December 2003 Captain
    Lady Captain Sir Michael Bonallack
    Lady Angela Bonallack

    July 1998 – December 2001 Captain
    Lady Captain John Glover MBE
    Maureen Glover

    Monk went to St. Anthony's School in DC.

    Laurie thank you for the tasty surprise. We may need to, okay we will definatley need to reorder for the food coma coming your way soon!!!!

    Tina I have no idea why that came up. I was using my brothers computer and signed in as I always do to preview the blog. Who knows!!!!! It is kinda sexy eh!!! I'm not quite sure I can do the alias proud but I'll give it the old college try.

    Laurie in between spending as much of Daves money as possible try to go to the Tower of London. First off fascinating learning about the history of some of its more illustrious inmates include Anne Boleyn, Sir Thomas More, Lady Jane Grey, Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I (when she was still a princess). Not to mention all f the ghostly guests they have there.

    Then there are the crown jewels to peer upon. I asked if they would loan me a few when I was visited. Sadly they said no and I was promptly escorted off the premise. (ha, JK).

    Any interesting propositions yet. Chuck and I,while in Edinburgh, were asked if we wanted some swingers to come to our room. I was in the lou heard the question being asked, I came out and said "did they just ask if we wanted singers to come to our room". Chuck has a pretty good chuckle (no pun intended) out of that. Needless to say we did not partake in the very generous hospitality of the Scottish younger crowd.

    Keep up the reports on your goings on! I am soooo living vicariously through you right now!!!!!!!! One of our big plans was to own a flat in London likely not ever going to happen but who knows maybe I'll still get lucky. Of course I would rather have a cottage in the hebrides or along Loch Ness. Dreams are good thing!!!!!!

  25. Kim, that's hysterical. No offers of swingers (no surprise) but we are looking forward to a fun day in London. We are meeting the young British man that Annie has been seeing...this should be interesting. Dave can barely tolerate her American dates...let's see how much he can intimidate a Brit who can't dunk, doesn't know crap about real football, and has been raised on socialized medicine... will keep you posted. Chris, major EC if you make it to the round of 32.

  26. Laurie and Dave --You are missing a snowy April day in Wisconsin--ahh, spring! Can't wait to hear about Annie's dashing young Brit!

  27. missed the bear crawls this morning!! I hope the young Brit does well in his interview with Dave McKeon! If the young Brit is still living,than I guess socialized medicine works!

    Have another super day in London!!

  28. 1) St. Anthony's in DC

    2) Captain - David Watt
    Lady Captain - Carole Hughesdon

  29. I would like to formally apologize for responding so lately, as such an act is usually not my nature. I've just been a non-stop passenger on the Struggle Bus after this weekend's festivities (Pigtostal & Blue/Gold Game, hell yes!... although I did miss the McKeon tailgates </3)

    I would also like to ask, since it was previously mentioned that EC would be awarded for Hansbrough's autograph... does that apply for Mr. Basketball player's urine as well? This guy, right here, may or may not have had the pleasure (?) to urinate next to Hansbrough at Pigtostal... and may or may not have had his Calvin Klein jean legs soiled as the rather intoxicated bballer stumbled to balance his cup, "bro hat", and big head.

    They have yet to be washed... have them go to the highest bidder (or most EC awarded)? Take your pick.

  30. Oh! And I also may be venturing up to the wonderful city of Kenosha at some point during Easter break to "study" with Jamarcus and his First Floor Crew... and to visit Mrs. Blogger-Extraordinaire of course!! Get excited.

    (My mommy and daddy are out of town for Easter... neglect, no doubt brought upon me do to my inability to provide my mother with a Burberry scarf... *jpulera*)

  31. True and embarrassing story from London: Pat and I were there when I was about 5 months pregnant. We went to the theatre to see Les Mis (which was so amazing), and right when we got there, I had an urgent need to find a bathroom (part pregnant, part traveler's distress). I asked the usher where the rest room was and he asked if I needed a rest and was I ill? I said not just yet and so asked where the bathroom was. He asked if I needed a bath? I said not just yet. That's when I knew he was jerking with the dumb American. Tears started welling up in my eyes because I was about to soil myself, and he finally took pity on me and said, "You must mean the loo? It's that way." Major disaster averted.

    Lesson learned: ask for the loo if you've really got to go!

  32. 1) St. Anthony's in DC

    2) Captain - David Watt

  33. Thank you so very much for the massive extra credit. I have to confess though we did not do the overnight camping. I have Daisy Scouts, which is the youngest group (kinder and 1st graders) and they didn't make it. 6 ticks, a piece of detritus in an eyeball and one splinter were all a little much for these young ladies. I'm hopeful that next year when they are Brownies that they'll toughen up a little and make it overnight!

    Luke is doing better and we are down to breathing treatments every 8 hrs instead of 4 so life is good! Am loving your trip antics! An Mark wants to know if Dave plans to just stay in the shower the entire time in the UK?

  34. Shout out to Jack McKeon(and parents)--today's teen in the Kenosha News--great pic, nice interview and GO IRISH! Congrats!

  35. Laurie, I googled high protein, low carb in London and it came back with eat fruit or vegetables from the market--true anywhere I suppose, but that's it?

  36. Stacy, when we were in Paris last year I got made fun of for asking for the restroom too! These women (who worked in the bakery) just looked at each other and started to laugh(rude)--they call it the toilet--whatever, but I do think that is THE word everyone should know when going to another country(along with please and thank you ;) )
