Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I am just starting to get over the Notre Dame women's loss to the Aggies and I think my pain is ebbing, because I know that I will be soon attending the fabulous wedding of Louis and the lovely Skylar Diggs.  How did that master love plan work out for you today, Louis? And, just asking, how was the stats test? You know that your foster mom/mentor/coach/capri sun provider Mrs. Sarge wants a full report. Ok, who am I kidding? We all want a full report.

Last night's question were quickly answered but once again, there appeared to be some ambiguity with the Holy answer. I will accept just about any answer on this one, but according to ACRE, the correct answer is the Apostolic Age. (I guess that makes sense, because the Gospels were written by the Apostles), but everybody's answers were right in the ball park, so once again, everyone is a winner. Just to let you know, ACRE gives multiple choice answers to its questions, which I just really can't do SINCE YOU ARE ALL ALLOWED TO CHEAT!!! So, that may account for some of the issues we seem to be having with those Holy questions...sorry. Here is the scoring for last night's questions:

John: TWO for being right, THREE for being first with the holy, TWO for being second with the lowly: Total--so far, SEVEN
Stacy: TWO for being right, THREE for being first with the holy, TWO for being second with the lowly. Total --SEVEN--John and Stacy--duking it out, speeding to victory.
Judy--TWO for correctness ONE for being third with the holy--THREE for now
Chris--TWO for being right, ONE for being third with the lowly--THREE
Tricia, Louis, Kim, Mrs. Sarge, Amy, Suechi--TWO for all of you--way to get the answers right, even with the iffy questions

Now time for the Extra Credit.
Louis: TWO big EC points for explaining all those cool "abreevs" to those of us who were born just a few years after the Apostolic age--thanks for this good and important information. I feel cooler already. your night's total: FOUR- big points -I'm working on the addition thing--thanks for pointing out my addition errors. And you thought that stats class wouldn't pay off...
Tricia: THREE big EC points for mocking John and posting your answers together. Your total: FIVE
Judy: FIVE important Extra Credit points.  Nice job egging Louis on and spurring him to go after the lovely Skylar. I love the banter and it's so nice to bring some young love to the blog. Don't let us down, Louis--go get the girl...
John: Again, as much as this freaking KILLS me, (because you already got the speed points) I am awarding you the huge, elusive TEN points for your extremely eloquent comment regarding your own personal Theology. (mine can be summed up as follows: Try not to be the world's biggest a$$h*!&) I totally get what you are saying, especially the part about rising above our "inevitable human weakness." Nicely worded, very appropriate, and kind of profound. SEVENTEEN points for the night--new blog record, but hey, you earned it.

I must admit, I'm pretty psyched about the way this whole Holy and Lowly Challenge is playing out. You guys are not only super funny, engaging, committed and witty, but you are a compassionate, intelligent and truly thoughtful group. How great is that?

OK, enough of this mutual love fest, on to tonight's questions:
  1. A Belgian born saint dramatically woke up during her own funeral (she had been presumed dead after suffering a seizure), she became extremely reluctant to spend time with ordinary people. In fact, in order to escape them, she climbed trees, hid in unusual places like ovens, and even levitated! Please name this saint and state what reason she give for her extreme avoidance of people.
  2. In the episode of Modern Family that ran tonight (again), which "Laurie/Lori "did Mitchell run into in the park who revealed that all the other kids were going to preschool?
These are some advanced questions tonight...but I know you all are up to them. No Top Ten, it's late and you've all got some questions to answer. Make it happen.


  1. Saint Christina the astonishing--she could not stand to be around people because she could smell the sin in them

  2. St Christina the Astonishing climbed trees to avoid the smells of sin in others.

  3. Because she could smell the sin on others.

  4. Dang, I watched this episode tonight but only halfway. That'll teach me to not do five things at once.

  5. she witnessed heaven, hell and purgatory

    She was insane

  6. wanted to avoid the smells os sin in others

  7. More info on St. Christina the Astonishing. She is also known as Christina Mirabilis and is the Patron Saint of Therapists which I believe is especially fitting because by the time this contest is over I will need to find myself one. In checking the Patron Saint Index her Patronage is as follows: against insanity, against madness, against mental disorders, against mental handicaps, against mental illness, lunatics, mental health caregivers, mental health professionals, mentally ill people, psychiatrists, therapists.

    Now I just need to find out who is looking out for me and my blog addiction and I'll be better.

  8. Christina the Astonishing could not stand to smell sin on others.

    Great Shoes Laurie as opposed to Boobs Laurie or Adult Braces Laurie.

  9. As for the Modern Family Episode, the best line tonight was, "Leave it to the gays to raise the only underachieving Asian in America."

  10. BTW Laurie, thanks for the EC. Very unexpected and appreciated. Before anyone says anything this is not a suck up post. I'm just trying to live my theology.

  11. Jamarcus - where are you tonight dude? Louis? Stacy?

  12. Louis where are you?...Throwing your rap at Skylar?

  13. Great shoes Laurie not boobs Laurie or adult racist Laurie

  14. 1) Saint Christina the astonishing
    2) Great Shoes Laurie!

  15. And I will be back shortly (Finance test tomorrow) with a full account of our encounter/romance... and more details about my imminent stats failure. Look for me tomorrow morning!

  16. coughcoughcough"suckup"coughcoughcough. John what are you going to do when Lent is over? Laurie's blog is your life. Seriously, our entire evenings revolve around this blog contest (the kid duct taped to the toilet can concur to this). It's going to be sad around the Heinzmann household after Easter!

  17. Adult braces, I thought he said adult racist--LOL!!!!

  18. I'm like a mini-tv show here on this blog, FTW (for the win).

  19. suechi - adult braces Laurie!

  20.'s called survival of the'll have to look out for yourself! After this blog challenge is'll be heading to Blog Rehab.

  21. Saint Christina the Astonishing, also known as Christina Mirabilis, was a woman who lived from 1150 to 1224 A.D in Brustem, which is in modern-day Belgium. She was orphaned at the age of 15 and subsequently raised by her sisters. In her early twenties she had an epileptic fit which was so severe that authorities thought she was dead. However, at her funeral she reportedly levitated to the ceiling and then woke up. While unconscious she claims that she visited heaven, hell, and purgatory.
    She could not stand the odor of people because she could smell the sin in them.

    Great Shoes Laurie

  22. Actually, f*ck it... I'll report tonight. I need the study break.

    Statistics went horribly, so I'm currently googling the Brown Mackie admissions sites (fingers crossed I get in!). No one finished the test in time, which just goes to show how inefficient it was in testing the adequate material... or how horrible the Prof is at writing test questions in English (WTF bro, this is Amurrrrica). Regardless, there should be a wonderful curve, so I may still be a domer next year, that is if I don't get kicked out by then for being too damn sexy (and holy, of course).

    My blossoming romance is coming along quite fine. The team got back late from Indy, so I didn't get my huge embrace... but I have started following Ms. Diggins on Twitter (still waiting for her to follow suit...), so nothing but big things can come from this point on, big things as in awesome, basketball playing Louis' running around, posting on this blog, drinking CapriSuns. Just kidding, but really... ;) Our eyes did meet each other's gaze earlier on South Quad though, I could have sworn I saw her tear up in pure ecstasy, either because of that or the damn South Bend wind viciously slamming against that gorgeous face. I'm betting on the former though, fingers crossed once more.

    Also, young Jamarcus is currently heckling me to drive him to McDonald's. The poor kid was working all afternoon and just got off, and the dining halls are closed, AND we all know how he loves himself a burger and fries. Unfortunately for Jamarcus, however, because I have an exam (and it's late at night, and I'm such a good person and care about the negative, health implications that could arise from consuming such "food" at such a time in the night) he may have to resort to a much healthier option, in the form of Jimmy Johns or some Sushi Rolls from the Huddle. EC Points for helping out the pack, Mrs. McKeon?

    But alas, that's me in a nutshell right now. I'm going to go back and study for hours on end, and hopefully A+ the hell out of my Finance test as to allow me to partake in numerous fun, CapriSun-filled, and intellectual(?) activities tomorrow night at Club Feve.

    To all I bid a good night.

  23. Hey Louis....if you hook up with Skylar, you should now be called...St Louis the Astonishing!! Someone should wake Louis up from his dream!

  24. I'm enjoying the research aspect of this contest. Just found out that Our Lady of Sorrows in Verona held Mass to serve those with special needs. Celebrating St. Christina the Astonishing with a Mass Open to All.

    Last year, a young altar server walked slowly towards the altar at Our Lady of Sorrows (OLS) on a Monday evening. Holding a heavy cross, he was supported by two helpers. When they reached the front of the church, the helpers stood back as the young man placed the cross carefully in a stand. He returned to a pew where his mother greeted him with a tearful hug and a photo. Such scenes were repeated throughout the mass, as OLS celebrated the feast of St. Christina the Astonishing with a service designed for those with special needs.

    How cool is THAT?

    As for after Easter, I'll just have to wait for the next contest or just have Laurie add a question of the day to her Blog that compliments the top 10. It's about expanding ones mind not the points. I can't help it if I good. ;) (I think I just made myself throw up a little in my mouth)

  25. Ouch Judy,
    I have to say I find the posts kind of entertaining. Live the dream Louis!!!!!
    I was wondering though since Laurie/Mrs McKeon blog is so amazinly popular aren't you worried lovely skylar might read this?

  26. Kim...I think the beautiful Skylar has plenty of other blogs and national interviews to tend to!

  27. Hey John that is cool. Maybe if we are lucky families,families like yours and mine will get to experience those kinds of things. Although I don't know about you but at age 12 we haven't made it out of the crying room (when we go that is)

  28. Love ya, Judy!!!!( I was just hoping I might get some EC for complimenting Laurie!)

  29. Kim, you'll get some EC from Laurie...she loves compliments!

    Oh, by the way Laurie, I noticed your new shoes at bootcamp this morning....very sharp.... Loved the accent of teal!

  30. Christina the Astonishing could not stand to smell sin on others.

    Great Shoes Laurie

  31. Louis, thanks for sharing your progress with "Plan Skylar". Playing it cool and casual is always a great first step. Also,thanks for not taking Jamarcus to McDonalds...his fast food addiction is just so wrong, in so many ways. Thanks for not feeding his habit.

    Suechi, I was dying over adult racist Laurie...and am hoping that I was the muse for "great shoes" Laurie...(such a funny episode)

    And I am mesmerized by St. Christina--I wish I could smell sin,it would really save me some time, because then I could stop hacking into my kids facebook accounts to check for inappropriate posts, stealing their phones to check for inappropriate texts, or lifting their ipods to hear their inappropriate songs...

  32. Sadly, I got trumped by a computer-hogging, paper-writing, homework-finishing daughter and that pesky laundry tonight.

    DIRTY JOKE: A young Asian man and Asian woman get married. Both of them were virgins, so they were nervous on their wedding night. The wife says, "I heard that we should try number 69. I heard that number 69 is good." Her husband says, "Chicken and broccoli????"

  33. In the words of my husband, "If I've offended anybody, I'd like to apologize." He says this when we leave any sort of gathering or party. He says it's probably appropriate and just good policy.

    Good night.

  34. 1) Saint Christina the astonishing
    2) Great Shoes Laurie!

  35. jpulera, ouch... just shoot down my dream, it's not a big deal or anything. Killing the aspirations of today's youth? Negative EC Points for that I say!

  36. And Mrs. McKeon, you're welcome. I may have to budge tomorrow and take him for lunch, felt so bad for the little addict, he wanted a burger so badly. Oh, also, HUGE plaid, Original Penguin that young Jamarcus has. I told him it was epic, and not to my surprise, he mentioned you had picked it out for him. I wish my mom had such phresh (like the ph-? All the hip kids are using it) style, touche'.

  37. Packing up my desk as we speak... big move day at the end of the day and Friday. Yes, Tricia, I do work for Lakeside Pediatrics. We will be in our new space on Monday, provided I pull this move off - otherwise, we might be seeing patients in the parking lot. So my answers quickly and briefly, not much time for banter tonight.
    1) St. Christina the Astonishing
    2) Great Shoes Laurie

  38. Louis, sounds like you got this love gig down pat and certainly don't need any advice from me... if Skylar doesn't take the bait, I am sure you will have 20 other young collegiates waiting in the wings. But, I am a sucker for romance, so keep us posted. Us old people need some enjoyment out of life and what better than rooting for young love!

  39. Mrs. McKeon, I forgot to mention what I was talking about was the jacket... haha, Finance has fried my brain it appears. But yes, it's awesome, kudos again.

    And Mrs.Sarge, that's the spirit, thanks for the support. I'm definitely keeping my hopes up with Ms. Diggins, and if that means sitting awkwardly close to her in class until she's almost forced to look into my eyes and fall head over heels (as they all do, it's rough sometimes being this ridiculously good looking), that damn it, that's what I'll do. All's fair in love and war, they say?

  40. Kim - For a while we would go to St. Robert's in Union Grove and I would hang out in one of the classrooms. Fr. Howard could be heard anywhere in the building. Then we started going to St. Anne. Spent most of my time walking the concrete lobby. Just was not getting anything out of being there so I completely understand the "When we go" comment. If you have a second, here is my email address, I would love to hear about your situation. I find it nice to talk to others who "Understand".

    Laurie, if your shoes really did have teal on them, that is one of my favorite colors. Very happy yet soothing at the same time.

  41. First of all, John sees kelly green as teal - are the Packers teal & yellow? I think not. Mrs. Sarge - Dr. Abraham is our hero, LOVE LOVE LOVE her! Good luck with your move, excited to see the new space. You might have to rent a separate moving truck just to transport Andrew's file, be aware!

  42. Mrs.Sarge--good luck on the very big move today. Your blog family is rooting for you!!

    Louis, I know...isn't that jacket awesome? You should see the sport coat Jack is wearing to school today--old school Brooks Brother plaid. (the boys get to dress up today as tt is a tennis match day,--they are playing The Prairie School--ie a rich kid school--Nate is playing the reigning state champ--he will get pounded like a nail--trust me, the highlight of the day is Jack's sport coat) I have another shipment from original penguin showing up today. My boys don't know how lucky they are, please continue to fill them in...

    John and Tricia, come to St Mark. Fr. Stephen is super laid back, and the old guy we have sometimes is pretty deaf, so either way,it's good.

  43. Deaf might be good. Be careful what you wish for Laurie. The Heinzmann clan can be a very scary bunch. True fact, little John once swiped the host out of the priest's hands during communion. I think all the old ladies in the front pew passed out. Not to worry, big John intercepted so no Host dropped to the floor. Can you get kicked out of mass for that? When you have Pete re-baptized can I send little John with? Maybe a good head dunk or even full immersion so it'll stick this time.

  44. Who cares what color the Packers are? Cheese is nothing more than mold.
