Saturday, March 8, 2014


Man, you guys are good.  Once again, it's the first day of a contest and I'm in too deep.  There are many, many captions and there is NO way I am going to be able to narrow it down to 3.  To quote Pope Francis: "No f'ng way!" (He didn't actually say that, but this papal f'bomb is going to last me a lifetime) I easily could pick 20 great captions... from Joann's entries alone.  Just a word to our vaunted competitors: Joann  has come to play. She's consistent, racks up quantity points with the best of them (and by that I mean John and Judy), and seems to have a savant-like recall for very appropriate quotes that make the judge(s) laugh. You had me at Beefy Weefy.  And though I have never seen the Walking Dead, you played those lines like a real pro.  Obviously, this is not your first rodeo.  And your use of the Deliverance quotes was masterful.  (Aside: I have never seen the movie Deliverance in its entirety-- it's just too scary, creepy, awful for me to watch the whole thing.  Dave McKeon knows if he wants to make me shutter, all he has to do is say "Squeal like a pig" in a southern accent and I am covering my ears and cringing.)   Nicely played. Be afraid, Dear Readers, be very afraid. But let's see if she can hold on for the long haul.

 John, Judy, Tricia, Stacy and Kim, welcome back. We know your stamina, your consistency and commitment. Good Luck. However, I am super impressed by the new comers: Linda, Jessica, Kim Westpal (who frankly could really kill in this contest) and Mr. Del Fava--welcome to the big time. It's only going to get better.  Jamarcus, if you are going to play the quantity game--and I have seen it work for you EVERY Easter---you better get out of bed before the crack of noon on game day and work the blog.  The J Triumvirate kicked your ass today--though you had a few good lines.  Good luck logging into the blog while you engage in Spring Break debauchery in Punta Cana (wherever that is).  That Tory Burch tote will not end up in the hands of the weak and uncommitted. This is a marathon, not a sprint.  And I for one, am excited to see how it all plays out…

Because there were so many great captions, I called in a consultant. We conferred, we discussed, we debated.  We laughed our asses off--and I'm not going  to lie, it was a real hard choice.  That's why this post is going up later than I expected. I should not be surprised, and yet, I am.  EVERY time I run one of these contests, I can't stick to my own rules, because of the vast quantities of great entries. ( I need Judge Wendy, from Nerdy Wordy  to keep me on track.  Instead, I have Nate)--so, after a late night deliberation, here are the TEN captions we like best (in the order in which they were posted) and rather than 20 points each, these clever captionist, (it's a word, look it up) will get 10 points apiece (because otherwise, some people will have like a million points come Easter Sunday, and well, that's a lot of points) These top 10 captions will move into the lightening round, where everyone and anyone can and should vote.  Again, I'm not sure how the whole voting thing will work--and I honestly don't care if people vote on the Facebook, with comments--just so I don't have to choose the actual top three.  It's just too much pressure.  Bottom line- try to get your friends, family, co-workers, random strangers to vote for their favorite captions. And try to get them to do it in the comment section if they can, but I will add up Facebook votes, as well, as long as they are attached to the original FB post of this entry.  People can vote early, often, repeatedly etc.  And like everything else about the blog, we'll see how it all shakes out.  "And now, the WICKEDLY talented…." (wasn't that John Travolta slip up the best?)

BEST 10 CAPTIONS FOR THE HILLBILLY PHOTO the order in which they were posted:

"I thought he'd be happy being a Daddy"   LHantke

"What's done is done, Nicholas"            Jamarcus

"He got a real pretty mouth, ain't he?"      Joann

"Granny, what did you do to Colonel Angus?"     Tricia

"Ellie May and Grandma were the first to arrive and enter the tomb. Jesus was still there but for an unknown reason he was dressed as a cowboy. Then it hit them.  On the way to the tomb, they saw a police officer, a construction worker, an indian, a biker and an Army man. That's Lentertainment!!!"       John

"Seriously?!? Another Dick Cheney hunting 'incident'?"        Jessica

"Worst first date ever."     Judy

"Who's 'King of All Sports' now, Putin?"                Joann

"No, no, no, Ellie Mae! I said, 'Show him your RUBIES.'"   Stacy

"Ok Granny, you can have his feet because yours seem to be missing."  Mr. Del Fava

You've read them, you love them, And no go out and get people to vote on them. Please.  

Here's the scoring thus far: If you find a discrepancy, take it up with the judges.

                        Quantity points                        Quality points                    Total
Joann                   26                                               20                                 46
Judy                     23                                               10                                 33
John                     22                                               10                                 32
Jamarcus                9                                               10                                 19
Tricia                      8                                               10                                 18
Linda                      4                                               10                                 14
Kim P                     2                                                                                      2
Kim W                    2                                                                                      2
Jessica                   2                                                10                                 12
Stacy                      1                                                10                                 11
Mr. DelFava             1                                                10                                 10
Michelle                   1                                                                                      1

"And Viacom has 400 points…which is pretty good" Honestly, we could have picked 30 captions.  There were so many good ones.  Excellent work done by all.  Now, we leave it in the hands of the voters.  So, those of you in contention, get out the vote.  Hey, and if you all have any brain storms on how to get massive voting on this thing--let me know.  I may award you Viacoms points….

And if anyone can figure out how to make columns in this blogging format, you can have Griffendor's  points too, because I have just spent an hour trying to line up these figures--on the template there is no feature for columns--that I can find, so I have to space them all out, and even when they look fine on my end, the minute I publish, they are whacked…It's driving me crazy….And, we all know my limitations with technology.  Seriously, if someone can figure out how I can just drop in points and have them not look like they were done by a dizzy preschooler, I'll ship you a Tory Burch bag tomorrow. 

I assume we will work all the techno kinks out soon enough, but for now, Enjoy these top ten and get out the vote.   And because I got this post up later than expected, we will extend voting through noon on Sunday.  Results will be posted Sunday night, and the new photo will go up on Monday.  And then the fun begins all over again.  That's Lentertainment. 


  1. I'm voting for mine. Jesus as an original member of the Village People. C'mon, if nothing else creativity for moving the scene into a Lenten reference and out of the sexual. Just trying to save your souls.....

    1. I vote for John, to save my soul, of course.

  2. I vote for Stacy's Rubies! Also, maybe put the scoring in a spreadsheet, take a snap of the spreadsheet and post it as a photo.

  3. You may need to enlist the help of one of the McKeon kids the first time or two but this should work

  4. and if you don't believe me go here and see the scoring chart I just made.

  5. I'm voting for Jessica, the newcomer from Eau Claire who secretly wants to be a K-Town resident.

  6. In the spirit of giving, I really enjoyed the Colonel Angus this morning so one point there. Also the Dick Cheney reference was quite clever too!

  7. In typical Heinzmann style I'm voting for mine. One of the best SNL skits I've seen.

  8. Replies
    1. As if Laurie's too kind words weren't enough, still Unreal has been guilted into a vote for me... now there are tears in my eyes... thank you, thank you!

    2. As a relatively new Catholic (in my 8th year), I am now consulting 'Catholics for Dummies' to prepare for my next confession... and to determine if I can substitute 'not voting for myself in this competition' for 'ice cream' for the remainder of Lent.

  9. john because my dad not only looks funny but he is very creative. You all should be so lucky.

  10. JUDY, JUDY, JUDY!!!
    Hope that counts for three votes!

  11. I love my Mommy so I vote for Tricia. I do however don't want to think about it.... :/

  12. Judy Pulera all the way. Clearly. I mean...c'mon.

  13. I don't feel like reading anything else in my life because of Judy Pulera's post. It was that good. Vote for her.

  14. 3 votes for Joann! From my husband, my 15 mo old son (yes, he read all quotes and specifically stated Joann's were his fav), and me :).

    1. Of course he did because he's the smartest 15 month old on the planet!

  15. A vote for Joann! I've been coerced.

  16. A vote for Joann - Putin - she cooks my meals

    1. Gabi, you are the best daughter ever. Very impressed that you've mastered the log in, etc. Well done, grasshopper.

  17. Vote for Jessica. Come on Jessica where are all your E-Town friends? I don't even see Sissy on her yet!

  18. Hmmmm . . . I do sense some sketchy voting activity here, but I guess when in Rome, godspeed to the person that has to tally these votes!

    1. It's so very sketchy - but you came to my rescue again - multiple times! Bless you, Nat.

    2. Sketchy is how we roll…and dodgy, too--As the person who has to tally the votes, I will take you godspeed and hope for the best.

  19. Joann - Putin! Have to say, every time I write/say Putin I think of Poutine, yummmm . . .

  20. Another vote for Joann - Putin!

  21. Perhaps putting the table on Excel, save it as a PDF and then post it to the blog? Just thinking here!

    1. I thought of that too. I'm hopeful I can figure it out soon…or everyone is getting a tote.

  22. Jack Welch just called and he still works on Sunday's. He is voting for me. Just saying.....

    1. I knew Judy would be the toughest competition here. I may be sucking her wind, just like bootcamp.

      Ah, the irony of it all. The internet which helped me in the first leg of round one, is turning out to be my Achille's heel in the second leg. I want that tote, but I want that counter to hit 100,000 most of all. I will personally visit some peeps to help them log into this blog today if needed.

    2. Joann... A lot of my friends n family r having trouble logging in.

      And Joann... Ur wind is just fine!

  23. Voting is over peeps. Even my vote from Jack probably will not be counted. What is this Chicago? Also, the time money proposition being wasted by the multiple votes for Judy could probably buy a tote for all the women following this drama and the guys a nice cigar and a round of golf. But I digress, Judy obviously has many pictures of people in here arsenal.

    1. Jack and Andrew are real too. I'm not whining, just reporting the facts.

    2. You can have the clutch, I don't have shoes to go with it. CASH is KING!

    3. John, Chicago style...really? Not Chicago style....worse...Judy Style!

    4. John, it's not a clutch--it's a tote. BIG difference.

    5. I'm not a chick, what difference does it make? They both hold crap don't they? One a bit more than the other. blah blah blah

    6. John if buy me both I can show you the difference. Anything I can do to help.

  24. John....maybe you need to read Sheryl Sandberg's "Lean In" instead of the lame Jack Welch's bs��������

    1. I would prefer to continue reading all I can about Angela Ahrendts

    2. Hahaha. Jack Welch is kind of creepy--and really looking OLD.

    3. John, I think Sarah Kate Ellis is a better match for you.

    4. Holy CRAP Pulera, I have enough issues dealing with you. Are you trying to kill the competition off?

  25. Sweet Susannah! This voting is awesome--and HUGE props to Judy for bringing in the vote--I am super, super impressed. Now, time to score and figure out how to make a chart…this could take a while, and unless Posey can assist, I may have to wait for Nate to arrive home this afternoon, for spring break. to get the chart thing going. Loving the vote--AND of course you all have to vote for yourselves…but I love that you also vote for each other. You're the best. Take the afternoon off--look for the winners later tonight. New photo on Monday. It will be great.

  26. Too late this round _ we'll get em next time

  27. I'm beginning to think these people voting for Judy didn't even read what she contributed. Another flawed voting system. Just saying... #GODBlessAmerica

    1. What the heck does this mean?

    2. why does it have to mean anything?

    3. Your caption was stupid...Laurie just selected it because she is a nice leader....and she didn't want you to cry. Next session no one will even know you are in the challenge! ��bye bye...tote is mine with the cash in it! ��

    4. and I'm supposed to be the mean one?

    5. Kids don't make me come in there and seperate you two - play nice or you'll both be at confession next week.

    6. Tricia.....just make sure you have John's big boy Jack Welch underwear all ready to go for him tomorrow. I know you You make sure he wins you something!

  28. Lord help me. Sorry for not having my shit together and letting me fellow contestants down. For what it's worth I would have cast a pro vote for Judy and Tricia. I don't know how I will make it through the next few weeks without peeing my pants. Thanks for the laughs.
