Thursday, March 31, 2011


Posting up, right on time. Nice to be back in the zone. Your answers to last night's questions were very interesting. The Hey, Arnold one which I thought was difficult you all got in a flash, (way to go, John) but that Catholic one (lifted directly from the ACRE test) gave some of you a little trouble. The correct answer is indeed the Magisterium. I tried to steer you in the right direction with the comment about it being a big word, but some of you just wouldn't bite. So, for the first time, not everyone is getting the full TWO points. This is how we separate the men from the boys. And frankly, it was the boy who got that one right.

So, here's how last night's points went down:
Chris/Jamarcus--TWO for answering both questions correctly, THREE for being first with magisterium and ONE for being third with the Hey, Arnold/Seacrest answer for a whopping total of SIX--well done, jedi
John: ONE point for the Hey, Arnold (how the hell did you get that so fast?) and THREE points for being first with it--FOUR total
Stacy: First of all, you are proving to be a very able competitor, every single day you are in the race to win, place or show.  Very strategic: TWO points for getting both answers, FOUR points for being second to buzz in on both..TOTAL: SIX points--very, very well played. You have a knack for stealing just the right answers and posting up just in time to finish in the money.
Judy: Sorry, I love you like a sister, but you should have followed Jamarcus on this one. ONE point for knowing the Hey, Arnold...and THREE extra credits for noting that he was a fourth grader, not a fifth grader. Again, how do you all know so much about Hey, Arnold?? Night's total: FOUR
Sue: Again, should have followed the Jedi Jamarcus. ONE point for knowing Hey, Arnold. But, FIVE extra credit points for being the hit that moved me over 20,000 Timing is everything. Your total for the day: SIX
Tricia: Smart thinking picking a different answer than your husband. And for dissing him, you get TWO big points. Also, TWO EC points for loving the Longchamp--it's pretty awesome, isn't it? so despite no longer having the will to win, you are tied with John for the night.
Mrs.Sarge: TWO very well played points. Way to cover your bases by posting up any and all answers. It is not against the rules to pick more than one answer. Nicely played.
Kim: Once again, you are spot on with the answers. TWO big points, plus ONE  point for being third with the magisterium plusTWO  EC points for completeness and Longchamp knowledge that does not involve handbags...impressive...Total: FIVE

For those of you keeping score I still have THREE extra credit points to award. But, Just because I can, I will be awarding a total of TWENTY extra credit points tonight, in honor of the 20,000 hits, so that really leaves me EIGHT points to pass around. I think--I swear adding up these points is requiring more skill than I have. And though I gave SueChi credit for the magic hit that put me over the top, I know that it was a team effort and those other four of you who were in the mix last night hitting the blog and commenting were a big part of me reaching that milestone. So, John, Jamarcus, Stacy and Judy-TWO EC point apiece for moving the ticker counter up...So, tonight's wrap up of total points for these all stars is: Jamarc-EIGHT points, Stacy--EIGHT total points John--SIX points, Judy--SIX points. Way to keep it close, way to support the blog, way to be a great bunch of team players. Frankly, a very good night for everyone. Hooray for the blog.

Tonight's questions: I am putting out a little disclaimer here--just as you all "borrow" answers from each other, I am going off the board and "borrowing"  questions for innocent bystanders.
  1. Who was the first martyr? (Jack McKeon gave me this question--he was just passing through the kitchen and I told him I couldn't make dinner until I finished this post, so someone better give me a holy question. He did....I'm not saying it's a good holy question, but it counts)
  2. This question was sent in by my good friend Barb Clark--who would probably by kicking ass in this competition if her company computer did not have some sort of firewall that precludes her from commenting (What's up with that??) Anyhow, here is the question:
    On the series The Monroes, starring Barbara Hershey - how did their parents die and what state were they going to on their trek to the West?  (I am hoping that Barb knows this answer, because I do not...)
Good luck to you all, No need to stay up too late, but let's keep those count numbers moving. I'm getting a little greedy. Because there is a little time, here is today's top ten:
  1. Longchamp--every single bag is a winner
  2. Citizen of Humanity jeans--the softest pair of jeans I have ever owned
  3. Wendy Nickels--panicked a little about the grout, but has nicely recovered--good luck this weekend. I am on speed dial to talk you off the ledge
  4. Bob Evans mashed potatoes--I don't love them, but my kids like them better than the homemades and it saves me a TON of time not having to peel a bushel of spuds
  5. Angel food cake--always good, even upside down
  6. Stephen Colbert--He still cracks me up even though his character is always the same
  7. Reese Witherspoon--did you see those wedding pics?? Your loss Ryan Phillipe
  8. The Lady Irish--Final Four bound
  9. Joey Rodriguez--point guard for VCU. He is an assist machine
  10. "We're Kind of Perfect" by Kacey Crowley--still love it
OK--done and done and 10 minutes early- you're welcome


  1. 1. St. Stephen THis is Chris/Jamarcus on Frank's computer

  2. 2. The Monroe family moved from Illinois to seek a new life in Wyoming in 1875. Albert Monroe, the father, had gone to Wyoming in 1866 and staked out a claim for his family. It took the family ten years to get what they needed to move there. The claim he had staked out was so close he could smell it! In fact, one day - the day that would be his last - he told his oldest son, Clayt that when they settled, Clayt was free to go find his own way.

    But tragedy struck, and before the opening credits of the first episode, both Albert and Mary, the mother, were dead. They had to cross the Snake River and it was very swift. A rope came loose, causing Mary, the mother, to fall into the water. Albert jumped in to save her, then Clayt. Clayt and his sister, Kathy, had to bury thier parents that day. Their deaths left behind five children.

    So a swift river killed em on their way to Wyoming.

    Again THIS IS CHRIS!!!

  3. 2) parents drown...moving to Wyoming

  4. Don't worry, Sara, I understand what you said there and it will count. Also, thanks for the profanity. Living vicariously...

  5. 1. St. Stephen
    2. The Monroe's drowned on their way to Wyoming Territory.

  6. Laurie if you are looking for profanity I'm your girl.

  7. The Monroes is a 26-segment Western television series which ran on ABC during the 1966-1967 season – the story of five orphans trying to survive as a family on the frontier in the area about what is now Grand Teton National Park near Jackson in northwestern Wyoming.
    Michael Anderson, Jr., then 24, played the oldest brother, Clay Monroe. Barbara Hershey, at 18, starred as sister Kathy Monroe. Keith Schultz and his brother Kevin Schultz played twins Jefferson (Big Twin) Monroe and Fennimore (Little Twin) Monroe, respectively. Tammy Locke played the youngest sibling, red-haired Amy Monroe.[1]
    The parents died while attempting to cross the snake river!

    Just an aside the best trip ever we took second to the trip to Alaska, we white water rafted down the snake river. Class 3 and 4 rapids. Thank goodness my kids survived it was actually pretty scary at several points.

  8. Kim....I love your essay answers!!

  9. I thought you were an endorser for Levis 501's? I LOVE beating John's ass anyway I possibly can. If I were oh so lucky to win the ND tickets, not so sure I'd bring him....... WAIT, I'd need someone to drive me home after Dave's Long Island's.

  10. Laurie...I've been looking for Reese's wedding pics on all of the gossip sites and have not found one wedding pic! What is the site?

  11. Thank you for posting early - I can go to bed at 8:30 because John will be done answering by then.

  12. Tricia , I'll take you ON girlfriend. I've got the mouth of a sailor. You are going down my friend. Obviously, I can't answer an f'n question in time to get a damn god-forsaken point, I sure as hell can dumb down this blog with my foul mouth foder. Bring it on chickie...bring it on!!!

  13. Jamarcus - DON'T throw us off using Francis' name. Just sayin' dawg.

  14. Sara - where have you been all my life? Think of all the years could have spent swearing together - this is our summer girl! Think of what we could teach Shea!

  15. Does it count if I know someone who goes to VCU (really, I do).

  16. Thanks Judy, I'll let you in on a little secret if you don't tell anyone..............Cut and Paste baby Cut and Paste!!!!!


    Just got done securing our youngest to the potty. Parenting comes before Blogging. On a side note this early question thing is going the F@#* with my point totals. So now I really have to suck up.

    Today I tried to sell my body so my wife could enjoy a much deserved and coveted Longchamp. At $10 bucks a trick it may take a while but never-the-less I'm committed to the cause. Fat and balding isn't really selling to well these days.

    Laurie - I hope this new promptitude is short lived. The only good that can possibly come out of it is that the cut marks from the duct tape will not be as bad since I can now go release the Tasmanian Devil from his potty.

  18. John stop lying and shut up. Laurie - he's playing you.

  19. If I really wanted a Longchamp bag my boyfriend would buy it for me, just sayin'. But then I'd have some explaining to do.

  20. Okay... way to early post Laurie, but sadly as I ward off social services for my lack of parenting and neglect, it was Brock's birthday today and his choice was to go to Panera for his favorite chicken noodle soup and a mango smoothie. Mmmm. Need to rack up some mom points since my children are being neglected while I finish this move. We won't even get into the time on the blog... that interferes with my laundry time.
    1) St. Stephen was the first martyr
    2) the parents drowned and they were traveling to Wyoming.

  21. 1. St. Stephen
    2. The Monroe's drowned in the Snake River on their way to Wyoming Territory

  22. Kim, you Rock! Now why didn't I think of that whole cut and paste thing!

  23. Laurie - Have you tried the Jimmy John's Un-wich? It's a sandwich in a lettuce wrap instead of bread... great high protein meal and freaky fast.

  24. Clever, clever. Sara and Tricia, thanks for filling my profanity void. I really needed a fix-I fear (know) that swearing will be one of those things that I give up for Lent, and then pick right back up with a venegence the minute Easter dawns. One year I gave up sweets, ate so much sugar on Easter morning that I passed out in church--I was an adult at the time...true story. Keep the cursing coming..Had any of you guys ever heard of that Monroe show??

    Tricia, your boyfriend can totally buy you that bag. Just tell your husband that you got it from your (fill in the blank: mom, sister, girlfriends...) Truth be told, the husband probably won't even ask. Anything that doesn't show up on the visa bill is fine with Dave Mckeon. Nice job beating the better half.

  25. Laurie, the other parishioners probably just thought you were passed out from partying the night before. I can't tell you how many times I've smelled alcohol on my fellow pew mates before communion.

  26. Stacy - I can't go to Jimmy John's - they make me so anxious when I'm ordering that I never order what I really want. I just mumble anything I see on the menu to get them off my back. They are freakishly fast.

  27. Laurie...did you open the bottle of Sweet Bitch wine yet??

  28. I'd like you to know that I have snapped out of my temporary insanity of last night... honestly, I sat in front of our home computer refreshing my screen maniacly for over two hours (I curse Kristi Ambro). Personally, I am probably responsible for 500 hits on your blog. And while that is great for you and I am anxiously awaiting your first book, the dark circles under my eyes indicate that it's not great for me.

    So if I get any more points for promptitude, it will be sheer luck. But I will be trying a wide variety of tactics to garner EC points. For instance, I'm going to get a quote for getting my minivan painted in Burberry plaid...

  29. And of course, I can't curse Kristi Ambro. Anymore. I only cursed her for a bit when I realized she was responsible for the delay last night.

  30. Louis and Jamarcus are in the midst of roompicks. That is why Jamarc was using someone else's computer--he was busy watching the room pick board. Thank God for him they don't assign room pick numbers by GPA I like these seven oclock posts--still gives me time to fold the laundry and watch crap tv...

  31. Hey Tina stick w/ me I'll fill you in on a few sneaky underhanded tactics....
    Truth be told I had spent way too much time typing the mega posts and then promptly would delete them.
    I had an ahha moment one morning @ 3:30 am(while questioning my sanity I seriously got up out of bed to post @ 3:30 am)and contemplating the demise of my computer. It was either find a moment of brilliance(mind you there are very,very few of those moments) or find a really great therapist
    Wow I believe I should end this pointless rambling. Point being stick w/me sister I lead you to the promised land.....

  32. Stacy how do you refresh your screen

  33. on the double arrows way at the top of your screen.

  34. Kim, I am yours baby... be my Moses and lead me to that promised land. You and Judy are my heroes!

  35. Kim, although I am a little worried about the
    3 a.m. thing.... Dave's long islands will cure what ails you at 3 in the morning! No need for the therapist.

    Tricia, I agree with you about Jimmy John's - I barely have my order done and the sandwich is in front of me wrapped and ready to go. Definitely freaky fast.

  36. Louis, don't let the duct tape fool you. Despite the recent signs of neglect, my boys have a pretty good life, although they have not been to Notre Dame yet. Have to win the tickets so I can send one of them with my husband to a game. A few years ago I was almost taken out by one of the members of the Irish Guard when I was standing a bit too close!

  37. Thanks, mrssarge for the compliment...don't know why I'd be your hero...but like I said.... I'll take the compliment! 6 bonus pts for you!

  38. I seriously stared at my computer waiting for you to post last night for over an hour--pathetic, I know. So tonight I don't even get home until 10:15 and there is a veritable novel of comments! Oh well, will definitely go with St. Stephen and the Monroe parents drowned on the way to to the Wyoming Territory. The Disney animators must have loved that series as Nemo and Simba both lost one of their parents--what is it with parents dying to make a show compelling??? True story --when our girls were little they played Barbies constantly and they often played that they were kids living alone because their parents were dead--scary!

    Oh, Kim, I really love your answers---very well done! And Chris yours was extremely informative tonight too. It is almost too freaky fast at Jimmy Johns---wonder what a drive thru would be like there???

  39. For all those pullin for VCU and Coach Shaka Smart aka WAKA SHAKA FLAME:

  40. 1. St. Stephen
    2. The Monroe family moved from Illinois to seek a new life in Wyoming in 1875. Albert Monroe, the father, had gone to Wyoming in 1866 and staked out a claim for his family. It took the family ten years to get what they needed to move there. The claim he had staked out was so close he could smell it! In fact, one day - the day that would be his last - he told his oldest son, Clayt that when they settled, Clayt was free to go find his own way.

    But tragedy struck, and before the opening credits of the first episode, both Albert and Mary, the mother, were dead. They had to cross the Snake River and it was very swift. A rope came loose, causing Mary, the mother, to fall into the water. Albert jumped in to save her, then Clayt. Clayt and his sister, Kathy, had to bury thier parents that day. Their deaths left behind five children.

    So a swift river killed em on their way to Wyoming.
    [[Thanks Chris for that easy copy/paste... 4th Floor <3]]

    Mrssarge, you should let the kids visit me and young Christopher one weekend. We'd show them a grand time (full of studying, jesus-loving, and zero interaction with ladies and/or McKeon Long Islands-esque beverages) and I'm sure they'd enjoy some time off that ivory throne.

    Also, I'd just like to say that room picks went swimmingly and young Jamarcus and myself will be neighbors on the fourth floor next year... that's right, penthouse-status (no big deal). I say this would allow not only the opportunity to continuously study/pray vigorously Thurs-Sat night, but also to maybe throw a McKeon Family Tailgate in the wonderful hall of St. Edward? I think yes.

  41. Thanks Judy and Sue. Judy I should be somewhat embarrassed to admit this(but who am I kidding I have no shame) I was closing out my screen and going back into it every time, no wonder I am never first! I am seriously computer challenged!!!! Thank goodness I know how to "copy and paste", Tina it's not cut and paste but copy and paste(they're the same thing anyway,right?????)

    Louis I believe I may have a few more young uns for you and JaMarcus. Since I am pretty certain Charlie needs no help in the entertainment area. I would like to offer up the rest of my gang (Will, Sam and Grace) of course you may need a whole bunch of capri sun for yourself with this bunch !!!!!!!!

  42. Judy, You and Kim are both heroes in my eyes or perhaps better stated - women I admire. Classy ladies, intelligent, witty, competitive, fun... could go on and on....

  43. Once again, Mrs.Sarge showing herself to be the original Mrs. Congeniality--and it really is legit. She's sincerely that nice. That is why her boss needs to buy her some serious swag.

    Stacy, thanks for the tips on Jimmy Johns AND on that whole refresh thing. Good to know. Speaking of Jimmy Johns, they once delivered to our ND Tailgater, which created a bit of a hassle with the ND parking security staff--but they were super fast.

    Tricia, which Mass are you going to? Is it in the morning? Nice...I kind of respect those who make it to Mass after a long night. I must confess, Dave McKeon has been known to have a beer or two before 4:00 mass on Saturday, but on a Sunday morning? interesting.

    Sue, we ALWAYS played did my kids. Think about it, every cool kids book is full of them: Harry Potter, Cinderella, The Boxcar Children, The Little Princess, The Secret Garden..the list goes on...

    Remember, it's Friday night..the questions will be up early rather than late. Be ready.

  44. 1. St. Stephen
    2. The Monroe's drowned on their way to Wyoming Territory.

  45. Tina THANK YOU for the kind comments. I am not sure I am deserving of them. Actually I agree with Laurie you are the "original" and you deserve the compliments you gave 10 fold. You're the Best!!!!

  46. Kim - I see you got your refresh answer... That just bypasses your computer's periodic search for updates (I think? John and Jamarcus are real computer savants). And every refresh gives Laurie another hit of the blog variety, so it's all good.

  47. Louis, the boys would love to meet the guys who stole their Capri Suns. I suppose you and young Jamarcus couldn't do too much damage in a weekend. Makes me a little nervous, though, since Laurie tells me Jamarcus and Jack raised Pete and Laurie says the verdict is still out on him... :>)

  48. Aw shucks, Laurie. I think you have rendered me speechless and that is not easy to do. Thanks for the compliment, though.

  49. Laurie - it was at an Easter morning mass. Nice huh? Holidays are tough man.

    Seriously, I lose my inability to speak upon entering a Jimmy Johns they make me so nervous.

  50. 3 tricks today. That Longchamp duffel will be yours in no time dear. That is if I don't have a heart attack first. Better up the fish oil supplements. ;)

  51. By the way Laurie, not that there was ever any doubt, but you were my hero from the moment you gave me my tour at St. Mark's 6 years ago... the rest is history!

  52. John, let me know how that side job works out for you... might convince my husband to try the same. I just googled those Longchamp bags and they look pretty sweet!
