Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I know, I know. I'm late...again. Sorry, I started this thing at 7pm and then the phone rang nonstop. Don't these people know I have a blog to post??? I guess not.

Well alright!! I am loving the banter, the smack downs, the caliber of play here. Keep it up, keep it coming. Everyone's a winner in the Holy and Lowly Challenge. Because it's so darn educational.

So let's get right down to business. Yesterday's questions were a little trickier, no? How 'bout that best dressed question? I may not know my Bible, but I know me my best dresseds. And yes, that question did stop Chris McKeon's reign of terror...He may have been first, but he did not collect all the points this time. To the rest of the competitors, your welcome.

As you all know, the answers were 88 and Vito Pascucci.  Most of you got these right.....eventually. Now, Let's look at the score board for tonight:
Chris gets three points: 2 for having both right answers....eventually, and 1 extra for being first with the 88 kids.
Judy gets three points: 2 for having both right answers and 1 extra for being first with the Vito Pascucci--way to be a trail blazer, Judy. I knew you would start dominating this competition.
Kim, Mrs. Sarge, Louis, (welcome back, Louis-now it's a party!) Amy, Tricia, Suechi, Barb Clark (who gets the Kim Pechous papal dispensation as she works to master the comment portion of the blog) and Stacy all get their two points for getting both answers right.
Jane gets a point for knowing Vito Pascucci (I think it was her husband who told me the Vito Pascucci story originally) and probably will not get the Hermes cuff bracelet she keeps hinting least not yet..
Adam gets a point for knowing the King question (nice reference to Michael Irving)

AND NOW, I WILL AWARD THE EXTRA CREDIT, but before I do, I want to tell you all a little story:

When we moved to the east side of Cleveland (which considers itself the Boston of Cleveland--tons of prep schools, many over indulged children) our kids went to this really high end Catholic school. Pete aka "Typhoon" was in kindergarten. Unlike the other kids, Pete did not have to wear a uniform to school, and thus could wear the many cute outfits that I liked to dress him in. Seriously, Pete had a very rocking wardrobe. (little aside: all my kids were extremely well dressed because I noticed very early on in the kiddie game that people treated us much nicer when we slicked ourselves up. Frankly, when you have six kids under eleven, people kind of assume you live in a double wide or drive an Amish buggy. We tried to break those stereotypes with our sartorial splendor.) Anyhow, for the first few days in his fancy kindergarten, Pete would come home and tell me that he won "best dressed". I was slightly puzzled, thinking, "this must really be some high end kind of school if they are noting the Papo d'Anjo shorts that Pete is wearing with the Ralph Lauren sweater and tiny Bass Weejuns but hey, we're new here, what do I know?". Secretly, I was smugly pleased that not only could I hold my own in the fashion department with these east siders, but my kid was hands down, publicly acclaimed repeatedly as the best dressed kid in class. Here is Pete. Isn't he so cute? These were his play clothes. Now you know why I thought he was winning best dressed. 

When Pete came home the third day to tell me once again  that he was awarded best dressed, I said to Annie: "Can you believe they keep naming Pete "best dressed" in his class? Not that I'm surprised, but you think they'd spread it  know, they're only five year olds." And Annie looked at me like I was nuts (which I guess I kind of was) and said: "Mom, he is winning BEST REST--he's the kid that sleeps on the towel during nap time the best. No one is going to give a kindergartner some best dressed award. That's just stupid..." And honestly, looking back, I cannot believe that I seriously thought the kindergarten teachers at Gesu were giving my kid the best dressed award, but truth be told, I really did. This story speaks volumes about me in so many ways....(and that photo explains a little bit about our Pete, doesn't it?) and will absolutely explain part of the reasoning behind how I awarded the extra credit.

First though, I just want to say that starting tomorrow I will be giving out 10 extra credit points because you guys are all just that good. I really wanted to give Sue extra credit for the "favorite" comment, Kim extra credit for staying up, Judy for baiting both Louis and Chris, Stacy for the  paparazzi comment, Louis for coming out swinging and Mrs. Sarge for working late and still pounding the blog, but because I said five points last night, I will stick with five points because frankly, I need to follow the rules I set up for at least ONE day. But tonight, be sure to bring it, because there are 10 big points at stake--with those ten points, plus two correct answers, any comer can beat the total points of young Jamarcus and take over the lead in this big, people.

Little note to Amy Parker: Sorry, Amy, I've met your baby. You're not getting any extra credit for him. He's a total angel. Now, if you had asked for extra credit for your daughter who cut her own tongue in preschool because she wanted to see if the scissors would really work on a tongue...well, that may have held some sway....better luck tomorrow.

So, tonight's FIVE big extra credit points are awarded as follows:
Both Jake the Snake and Runhard (the other Jake) get ONE big extra credit point each for putting Posey on the best dressed know exactly how to turn my head.
Tricia gets ONE extra credit point , bringing her night's point total up to a whopping THREE because she was right, Vito Pascucci was on a domestic best dressed list, not an international mistake
And the last TWO extra credit points go to Adam, also bringing his point total tonight up to THREE because in naming Dave McKeon as not only best dressed but as a Duke, is pretty much genius, because as we all know, Dave McKeon is the financial backer of the Holy and Lowly Challenge and he will be the one footing the bill for all those awesome prizes, not to mention, the dude who will be mixing up the Long Islands.  Nicely played, Adam. I admire your gamesmanship....

With no further ado, here are tonight's questions:
  1. How many married Catholic priests are there currently in the United States?
  2. Elizabeth Taylor died today (RIP). She starred in a famous movie with Spencer Tracy. What was the name of her fiancee in that movie and the name of the actor who played him?
One, two three Go...but first: today's top ten:
  1. Elizabeth Taylor--love her or hate her. In her heyday, she was a total knockout
  2. Panera steak chili--full of protein
  3. Papo d'anjo children's clothes--that photo does not lie
  4. Chris' twitter friends--keep them coming
  5. Vito Pascucci--I think we would have been BFFs
  6. Larry Coe--gave me an actual copy of the ACRE test, (but no answers)
  7. Cadbury Caramel eggs
  8. The Jonathon Adler monogrammed pillow--a lovely gift from a lovely friend
  9. Robot Candy Company--home of the 10 pound gummi bear
  10. The Dixie Chicks--rediscovered them and all politics aside, they are chickeriffic


  1. There are 40,788 diocesan and religious-order priests in the United States.
    * 27,614 diocesan priests
    * 13,174 religious-order priests (Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, etc.)

    Buckley Dunstan (Don Taylor)

  2. John Heinzmann you sly dog, you beat me to the answers, good for you, you go girl. I will just steal your answers and hope to EC some how.

    The Elizabeth Taylor answer is:
    Buckley Dunstan (Don Taylor)

    Then I just realized John is either illiterate or trying to throw everyone off the correct answer for the priest question bc he didn't answer the question right. So I will have to stop writing for Wilson Miscamble and look up the correct answer...

  3. Opps thanks Jamarcus but I believe the answer is 80.

  4. Father of the Bride Fiance was Buckley Dunstan(Don Taylor)

    20% of priests are married
    About 100 are in the US

  5. Notre Dame teaches me relevant holy information, not this husband/priest bs. I bet Big Dave is just waiting for you to die mom so he can join the priesthood and lead us all to the promised land flowing with long island ice tea and honey.

    Thanks John, I'll mooch your answer again, I also believe that there are 80 married priests in the US.

  6. I thought I was pretty speedy on my answers...and I was surprised that I was 3rd! But I think I am the first one to get the US priest number correct!

    Did Jamarcus and Heinzmann get their posts 2 minutes sooner?

  7. jpulera I found that answer on the interweb too but I'm afraid laurie has some specific number that she found out at some meeting with the Arch or that her old nun friends told her. Laurie, sr. silvia and ms boss are bffs after all

  8. I think the question was how many married Catholic priests are there in the United States and while the words married and priest do not often appear together, with the old saying once a priest always a priest in mind: there are 20,000+ married Catholic priest currently in the United States who many argue should be reinstated to their clerical duties but there is that pesky issue of celibacy that seems to be the main roadblock there.

    The movie Elizabeth Taylor starred in in 1950 with Spencer Tracey was Father of the Bride (the original which I must confess I have never seen but could it possibly be as good as the one with Steve Martin?). Anyway the name of her fiance in the movie was Buckley Dunstan who was played by the actor Don Taylor.

  9. Actually I was having trouble finding the right answer so I thought I would add to the holy war against Jamarcus by buzzing in early to buy a little more time. He is a one sharp cookie. Even this late he didn't take the bait. The I remembered that I heard on the news that there are about 80. Time to sleep now. It's not easy being this good looking on lack of sleep.

  10. 1) 80
    2) Buckley Dunstan (Don Taylor)

    Great story about Pete! Love it!!!

    Also our Devil Incarnate not only rubbed liquid soap throughout her own at hair at PreK today, but also soaped up her buddy Lily's as well. They both looked like oily little greaseballs but smelled good. At least no one was bleeding or glued to the floor.

  11. Louis, where are you? I need you because you are a rung on my ladder! should have gone with my priest site said about 100 US priests are married!

  12. Nice to know that I'm not the only one still up. That married priest question is a little nebulous, isn't it? I may have to grade on a curve for that one. Don't forget, there are 10 big extra credit points just for the taking...

  13. Trust Judy, she will not lead you astray...or she watched the same news story that I did about that priest in Milwaukee who is married and just got ordained....

  14. I'm covering my bases now, according to, like jpulera said, 20% of priests are married, and about 100 are in the US.

    Due to global warming, inflation, fat people, and the existence of institutions like USC and Ohio State, the exact number will never be known. So mom, if you have some exact number you're obviously lying. And to lie during lent? For shame, for shame.

    P.S. Mrs. Pechous, I'm ready to tussle if you think you can handle it. I'll be coming at you with 7 different kinds of smoke

  15. Changing my married priest answer to about 100.

  16. Hang around me Jamarcus and you'll go places!

  17. Good night...can't wait to see the scoreboard post tomorrow night! Remember, Jamrcus...I was the first one to get "Vito" right and I bet I got the US married priest number correct, too! So you better hang with me!!

    I think Louis whimped out tonight...

  18. I'll take your word for it jpulera, if we collude we can easily take home the top prizes. With the lack of time i put into my studies and into this blog instead, and your track record of success we would be a formidable team

    (mom im kidding, I put all my time into my studies and then whatever time i have left I give to God. I don't talk to girls and don't get invited to parties, so you don't have to worry about my time commitments)

  19. The GPA speaks for itself, Jamarcus. In the infamous words of a second grader: I want results, not excuses...But maybe you are wising up if you are planning to join Team Pulera...She can do more pushups than dad. (Don't tell dad)

  20. I'm also stealing the answers because, like Jamarcus, I'm too busy giving my time to God and grotto-ing to look them up myself, ergo...

    1) There are about 20% of priests are married, about 100 in the US.
    2) Buckley Dunstan (Don Taylor)

    Also, jpulera, of course I didn't wimp out. I would never give up the opportunity to banter, it's like what I do. Today was ND's unofficial st. patrick's day so I am late due to my involvement in other activities all day, I would never quit, it's not what I do, and I'm also a rung on your ladder apparently (whatever it is that means).

  21. Oh also, Mrs. McKeon, the whole me getting the Long Islands deal still stands by the way. I'm sure I could find some time in between my studying and not-partying to put it to grand use, AND keep it away from Jamarcus (so we both win, not gonna not)

  22. 1. Give or take 20% of Catholic priests are married, about 100 in the US.
    2. Buckley Dunstan portrayed by Don Taylor

    Considering I am Orthodox, most of our priests are married but theres a bunch of rules that go along with that. Now I'll proceed with dropping some REAL knowledge.

    100 - 20 = 80. Thank you Holy Rosary. 80 happens to be the age Moses was when he spoke to the Pharaoh on behalf of his peeps and also the amount of seconds needed for C-Mac to chug a 2 liter of, you got it, Dave McKeon's famous...Tropical Punch Kool-Aid.

  23. Okay, I went back after seeing I had a HUGE discrepancy with my number but I am actually standing by it--it was on a Catholic site--that 100 married priests number was from the atheist, agnostic Austin Cline--really??? what does he know or care for that matter? The number of practicing priests that are married makes sense to be less than 100, but once again, once you learn to be a priest you stay a priest--I know I learned that somewhere along the way--why else would that 20000 number be out there? Maybe it was suppose to be 2000, now I am doubting myself but oh well, I have spent way too much time researching this--was this a trick question, lulling everyone into a false sense of a simple question with your opening comments? Wait, if they are married and a practicing priest do they get their priest day off and a married day off so they end up with two days off from two separate vocations every week? Mmmm...I wonder.

  24. I must say, Suechi makes a mighty fine point (and a mighty fine blueberry muffin, too.) While this was not intended to be a trick question, who'e to say it may not have more than one answer? The real strategy here is to capture that extra credit...that's how to rack up the points...

  25. Yo Dawg - yep I watch American Idol. The news story I saw said about 80 (I'm sure it was FOX6, fair and balanced). I'm sticking with my original answer. Jamarcus jumped ship and caved to the peer pressure. It is much like the people who had forsaken God and worshiped at the alter of the Golden Calves made by Aaron. Indecision is the eighth deadly sin. Theology by John, Catch it!

  26. Yo dude...Heinzmann..if you're watching FIXED News...oh...sorry Fox news...than you are going to be in the losers bracket soon!

    And Louis, I need you in this competition so you can be a rung on my ladder as I climb to the top of this competition!

  27. Once Again this is the 2nd time this am that I am on here typing my #$*& answer. 6am today,after banning any use of the computer from 7pm-10pm last noc and finally gave up, I typed in my answer hit the post comment and it says "error cannot process". Needless to say I lost it all(I think I need to shorten my answers), my kids got up late(7am) and Charlie doesn't have his homework done because I refused to allow him on the computer last night! Do you think SJCA will give Papel Dispensation for all of the above?????

    Well JaMarcus I guess you won this round. Although I see you were beaten to the punch. I was just wondering don't you have a study group or a frat party to go to!!! That would give the rest of us old people a chance. As you I really am in it for the competition( I best take a nap today)specifically to beat you!!!! That been said if I plied w/ pizza,wings and a few kit kats would you give me the secret to setting up an alert on my computer. I believe I may be kicked out of my house if I bann the use of the computer again!!!

    Thanks to all you bloggers for the first answer:Buckley Dunstan(Don Taylor)
    On to the important stuff----
    Once again I am going to give a dual answer
    Technically speaking all priests are married to the church: There are 41,226 in the US(18 cardinals,430 bishops,40,788 priests). By the way there are 5131 seminarians and 17,165 deacons.
    As far as the number of priests married to another person there are approx 100
    Heres a little more info for those that are interested. Celibacy is a discipline practiced universally in the West but not in the East. Pope Pius XII granted permission to a Lutheran minister after WWII.In 1967 Pope Paul VI called for a study of the circumstances of married ministers of other churches becoming Catholic Priests. In 1980 Pope John Paul II allowed a married Episcopal clergy to ordained. Since then, Vatican officials have considered requests from other Christian denominations.
    According to Archbsshop Dolan in 2008 the Catholic Church will not be ordaining married men on a regular basis.

    Take That, JaMarcus!!!!!!

  28. Kim coming in huge with that game changer. "Technically speaking all priests are married to the church", BOOM... get that religious taste. I like it.

  29. And jpulera, is that scarf on too tight preventing circulation to your head? There's no way I'm getting used this time around, I'm taking no prisoners.

  30. Hey Laurie,
    My second attempt today was done on Sister Sylvias computer with her near by. I believe she is the next best thing to heaven!!! Any extra credit for that????

  31. Hey Chris, I mentioned the study group, frat party but maybe imbibing in/on a beer bong might slow your reflexes and give the rest of us a chance!!!! I AM ONLY KIDDING< IF YOU DO THAT YOU WILL DIE!!!!
    I agree with your mother I am not encouraging under age drinking!!!!!
    Just thought to add some humor extra credit is at stake(although I may have just ruined my chances). It's funny right Laurie?!?!?!

  32. Hey I think I figured out the time thing. I was looking at the time when I just posted the note to Louis It says 8:30 am. It is actually 10:32 am. With my superior deductive reasoning skills(or not) I realized If you don't sign out it must keep you at the time of your last post??? Learn some thing new every day!

  33. Since when did my husband jump into this contest? I thought we were a team dear? ;)

    Still thinking up something witty to score some extra credit points because obviously I have some serious competition - husband included.

  34. Father of the Bride fiance was Buckley Dunstan portrayed by Don Taylor (coincidentally NOT the guy who took the Nestea plunge, as I first thought. That was Don Meredith. I smacked my back on the pool water many times imitating that guy.)

    For the married priest question, my source is a story from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: "about 100 married priests have been ordained in the US since the late Pope John Paul II created an exception..." blah blah blah.

    Interestingly, the article goes on to say that "Although it is highly valued, Pope Paul VI states that celibacy 'is not, of course, required by the nature of the priesthood itself. This is clear from the practice of the early church and the traditions of the Eastern rite churches. Much has been said about practical reasons for celibacy, such as giving the parish priest more time to dedicate to the children of God, etc.' "

    Hmmm, the priests really took to dedicating themselves to the children of God, didn't they??

  35. Here goes:

    1. 100 married US priests
    2. Buckley Dunstan (Don Taylor)

    Guess I’m going to have to earn points by other means today. Seeing as you blogger contestants get your information from credible news sites such as FOX News, FIXED News or whatever, I will give you some insightful facts about our dearly departed Elizabeth Taylor, RIP, from my news sight, TMZ.

    Liz (as she detested being referred to as) was born with a rare mutation that caused a double row of eyelashes, making her even more alluring, especially on camera. Hmm…….. She became the highest paid actress in history when she signed to play Cleopatra for a cool one million dollars – Julia Roberts, she paved the way for you! Not only was she an actress she also produced movies, had her own line of perfume, was an aids activist & a husband stealer (good thing we didn’t run in the same circle because if she tried to steal my husband…probably not appropriate to say as it is Lent & Laurie gave up swearing on her blog, shame ).

    “National Velvet” was not her first movie role. She made her screen debut at the age of 10 in the 1942 film "There's One Born Every Minute". Liz owned two of the world's largest diamond rings (both from Richard Burton). The first was an engagement ring featuring the 33.19-carat Krupp Diamond. For her birthday in 1972, Burton paid $1.1 million dollars for the heart-shaped 69.42-carat Burton-Taylor diamond. Laurie, would Dave McKeon mind if we added one of these to the prize list? They do fit in with today’s “fashion theme”. And I have to say Pete was quite dashing back in the day.

    You’ve stopped reading now haven’t you?

  36. Mrs Pechous, you know the way to my heart. if you're willing to send me pizza, kit kats, a six pack of... caprisun and other treats of that nature, I will answer questions on your behalf. Think about it.

    Secondly, John, I didn't jump ship, I just covered my bases, I'm answering both 80 and about 100, the rules didn't say anything against hedging your bet. Besides, 80 and ABOUT 100 are like the same thing.

    Thirdly, Motherload, after getting a big fat A from B- Bill, I would like some sort of EC or a top 10 appearance as your most studious child. Let's face it, Annie doesn't do any work in London, Pete's making raps, Jack's just counting down the days til he's a stedsman, Posey is probably staring at the TV as I type, and Nate's only a sophomore at SJCA...enough said.

  37. Attention all of you hip bloggers following this blog of a 48 year old, excuse me, 33 year old woman: if Laurie actually posts some questions while the sun is up, you'll have a chance on me tonight as I have to work. now is your chance to really chap my ass and pull into my rearview so bring your A-Games. that is all. stay clasy

  38. Jamarcus - I'd be willing to send some goodies your way if you'll do some answering for me :) I make a mean chocolate chip cookie - might come in handy when you get the munchies after drinking Mrs. Pechous' caprisun. Think about it.

  39. 100 married US priests

    Buckly Dunstan (played by Don Taylor... who incredibly to me is NOT the same guy who took the Nestea Plunge... that would be Don Meridith... who was a sportscaster with Frank Gifford... who guest hosted on Good Morning America and met Kathie Lee... who starred in Regis and Kathie Lee with Regis Philbin... who was the sidekick of Joey Bishop... who was in the Rat Pack with Dean Martin... who did a celebrity roast of Katharine Hepburn... who starred in Suddenly Last Summer with none other than ELIZABETH TAYLOR.

    Wiki wiki wiki

  40. Okay... little under the gun here. Last night I kept waiting for you - the night owl to do your post. Load of laundry, hop on the computer,load of laundry, hop on the computer, but to no avail. Then fastly asleep was I. Kudos to all you late night champs.

    Answer: 100 married priests

    2) Buckley Dunstan (Don Taylor)

    Did you know that Elizabeth Taylor's personal photographer lives in Franklin, WI?

  41. Hey Louis,

    I could send you some capri suns in a mighty care package. I am thinking you are best equipped to take on Jamarcus. I am going to be out of commission hit or miss for the next 15 days as I move my clinic, but you seem to be able to hold your own against the mighty proven champions like Judy and new to the ranks - Kim. I could use some help to keep in the running!

  42. By the way... I would agree with Kim.. doing her comments anywhere near Sister Sylvia should give her extra credit holy points!

  43. haha tricia i didn't have to think too long, so long as i can answer for others, which should be totally legal because this is america and i can give my points to whomever i damn please, i would be glad to answer for you and mrs pechous in exchange for some sort of care package.

    we can hammer out the details in some forum inaccessible to my mom

  44. ok I wasn't asking you to answer my questions. I just want to know how to put an alert on my computer so I don't have to sit there all night. I'm answering my own questions. I do make a mean choc chip cookie though! you may have a chance to beat me tonight. since I just left your mom at SJCA I'm guessing its gonna be a late night. I'm going to bed early. No nap for me today!!!!
    Game OJn Tomorrow Ja Marcus congrats on the A!!!!I would be happy to answer on your behalf Tina!!!!!good luck with the move!!!

  45. mrssarge, Caprisuns would be greatly appreciated. God knows I'll need all the extra, um.. energy?... to take on jpulera. And I can indeed Caprisun young Jamarcus under a table, so send them my way!
