Sunday, March 27, 2011


OMG!!! Why am I always so late posting these on a school night? I have boot camp at 5:15am and yet, I finally just finished tallying the scores for the day, and the week. I know, you guys are all tired, too, but no one can sleep for all the excitement of the Holy and Lowly Challenge.

Well, I won't keep you in suspense much longer: here are Friday's results:
Bal haamon was correct, and there appears to be differing schools of thought on the whole "Dude Looks Like a Lady" deal. According to my original source, the answer was Vince Neil, but further research also noted the whole drag queen, pub crawl thing. I'm not fighting over this one. I personally like Vince Neil because it is a short answer, but once again, because it is Sunday, and it's late, everyone is here are our Friday scores:
Jamarc--FOUR big points--first in with both answers, both answers were correct. Excellent work. Your strategy is working
John, Tricia, Louis, Stacy, Sue, Tina, Kim, Judy all get TWO big points. Nice work. Way to stay focused and keep up your level of intensity. Many of your fellow competitors failed to answer this pre weekend question. This may come back to haunt them in the later rounds. These early points add up quickly, as you will all see from the total weekly tally. Remember, consistency is key here.

Now, for the extra credit: John- FOUR massive points for you. LOVED the way you wove all of those Aerosmith songs into your comment. And any useless details are always a hit with  me. VERY skillful move--you are certainly making your mark, especially for a late entrant.
Stacy-- For some reason, you consistently earn extra credit. I think it is because you always make me laugh. You were right on the money with the shrunken apple head remark. And for that you receive TWO very important EC points.
Sue: --I'm not going to lie. You are receiving ONE extra credit point because Claire's shower was so great, and also, because I totally stiffed your daughter Emily and forgot to give her the FEED t-shirt she won in the BurberryFit Club Challenge. I kept wondering why I had an extra t-shirt in my closet, but never connected the dots (Hey, Emily, send me your address and I will pop the t-shirt in the mail. And your few months without that t-shirt earned your mom ONE big EC point. She should thank you for that)
Tina/MrsSarge--ONE big point for you for mentioning BonJovi, so I could get the whole "still married to his first wife" thing out there as a subliminal hint for Dave McKeon (not that he actually reads this blog, but....)
Tricia--  Despite the fact that your husband already scored 4 HUGE points, I am awarding you ONE big EC point just to show everyone that I certainly did not hold your rocker chick comments against you (they cracked me up). I love the comments from everyone, particularly when they are opinionated or personal. C'mon. I wrote a whole post about all the things that creep me out. The least you guys can do is share a little back. (Aside to Kim Pechous: I'll see what I can do about the whole Scotsman in a kilt thing. I don't want to get your hopes up, because Dave McKeon has already made his stance on luggage over 50 pounds pretty unless it's a little, tiny guy or he is willing to pay his own way to the US, I may have some trouble...)
And finally, to show once again, how imminently fair I am, I am awarding ONE giant EC point to Louis, the son I never had, because his comment about "success, good looks and victory" made me laugh. I may very well be stealing that line at some point.

So, now that we've awarded all of Friday's points, it is time to tally up this week. Let me tell you, folks, we have got an VERY tight race here. I'm not kidding. Eight of you are only within a few points of each other, and one or two well played rounds could move anybody to the front of the pack. Here we go, according to my calculations, (and please correct me if there is any discrepancies. You've all heard my GRE math story, so I am sure the error is with me) our leader board looks like this:
Stacy:   19 big points (a testament to the steady player...excellent comments)
Jamarcus: 19 big points (being fast does have its advantages...)
Kim: 16 points (posting often works well, too)
Sue: 15 points (consistent, witty, and an excellent cook)
Judy: 14 points (never fails, and will come on strong)
John: 14 points (late start, but is shooting to the front)
Tricia: 14 points (another very steady competitor, always seems to pick up the EC)
Tina: 13 points (would have even more points if she hadn't missed the first day)
Louis: 9 points (coming from behind, building momentum)
Sara: 8 points (making up for lost time. DO NOT count her out)
Amy: 7 points (if she were kidless, she would win this thing)
Adam: 5 points (a little streaky, but throws down when he has to)
Jane: 4 points (pretty great for someone who makes up her own questions)
Barb: 2 points (she'd be killing if she could master the comment portion. Kim, tell her how it works)
Jakes (Snake and RunHard):  1 point apiece--awesome for two guys who aren't in the competition.

As you can see, it is just about anybody's ball game. And to make it even more fair, because it does seem that Chris and John have some techno knowledge that the rest of us do not possess, starting tomorrow, I will be awarding THREE points for the first correct answer, TWO for the one who answers next and ONE point for the one who answers third. Does that make sense? So, now, instead of getting four points for answering both questions correctly and first, you will earn SIX points, and it will go from there. These possible TWELVE extra points are in addition to those TEN golden Extra Credit points. So, keep answering quickly, and you will be rewarded, Keep answering wittily (is that even a word??) and you will be rewarded. And just keep playing for the love of the game and the points will take care of themselves.

In all honesty, I am having a big old blast with this contest. You guys are too much. And because I love you all, I will quickly post up tonight's super special questions:

  1. After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the king of which land takes Sarah?
  2. Name the sales woman from "Say Yes to the Dress" who was too scared for several weeks to go to the doctor after finding a lump in her breast?  
Admit it, these are both great questions. Good Luck on that second one.

Now, today's Top Ten:
  1. Shaka Smart--coach of Final Four bound VCU and magna cum laude grad of Kenyon College
  2. Filet wrapped in bacon--an integral part of my high protein diet
  3. 4 Hour Body--super interesting book. Inspiration for the McKeon high protein diet
  4. Club MDub--if you don't know what it is, I'm not allowed to tell
  5. Monk Malloy--am reading his autobiography and loving it
  6. The Fighter--GREAT movie
  7. The sisters of Mickey and Dickey --what a total riot
  8. The Zeller brothers: Luke, Tyler and Cody--all Mr. Indiana basketball players
  9. Tiffany crystal candlesticks
  10. TOMs PRICE furniture store--managed to get my sister Wendy to start buying sofas for the summer house. Well, alright for that... 


  1. the stupid saleswoman is Keisha

  2. With this new scoring system thats 6 big ones for your boy. God Bless America

  3. Not too proud...
    King of Gerar

    Thanks Jamarcus (you better be right!)

  4. Four points for me - King of Gerar and Keisha. I would have beaten Chris but the feed burner thing did not work right. I tried the old throw out the wrong answer trick again.

  5. Cheat first, confirm later. Check.

  6. answer...King of Gerar...and Keisha

  7. According to my Bible, Genesis 20:1-2, right after Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, it was Abimelech king of Gerar who took sarah. The king of Egypt had taken her at another time and Abraham again claimed that she was his sister so he would not be killed.

  8. Where the frick does one find the story of Sodom and Gomorrad so quickly?

  9. Finally, before i go to bed, some food for thought for all of you bloggers. If you know the answer to this age old question, please enlighten me.

    Who is smarter, Flipper or Lassie?

    stay classy

  10. Well I'm not a bad googler and i had to write a paper about Abraham like a month ago. Stick with me jpulera, you'll go places

  11.'re the man!!!!!

  12. are!!!

  13. I don't know....Jamarcus...but my guess would be Flipper.

  14. Coming from a girl that did math workbooks for the love of it every spare moment of my school-age years (yeah...Posey and I have LOTS in common), I have to admit, the points thing is mind-boggling at 11:51 PM.

    Words to live by "... and the points will take care of themselves. " AMEN, sister, AMEN!

  15. Happy Monday peeps! See I'm not passed out so that means I'm wide awake. It is going to be a great week! Positive vibes to all of you.

    On a side note, did anyone know that the dead sea is called dead sea because it is so salty it can not sustain life. Probably learned about that many years ago but this contest is proving to be very educational.

    Think Pink! Tackle Pink! The Pink Panther! Victoria Secret Pink! The artist Pink (now there's a rock star I might be inclined to eat crackers with) After all Pink is one of Steven Tylers favorite colors.

    Nite Nite.

  16. I don't know if jpulera is being sarcastic, but hell, if she's calling me the man i will take it

  17. Abimelech, the King Of Gerar took Sarah from Abraham and all women in his house were then made barren by the Lord in punishment for taking her against her will. He eventually gave her her freedom. Interesting read--very educational, may I suggest a US history contest for the spring, summer months--this is very educational. Happy Monday!

  18. Since it seems that there are many references to colleges on this blog I wanted to give a shout out to my alma mater, St. Norbert College, for winning the 2011 NCAA D3 Ice Hockey Championship on Saturday. A little known fact is that back in the 80's when hockey was a club sport at both SNC and Notre Dame, the schools played each other.

    Also when I woke this morning the first thing that came to my mind was that Steven Tyler would not have liked living in Sodom (San Fransisco). Not his style at all. He probably would have been better in Gomorrah (Las Vegas). You can find more info on this correlation in the 6th and 9th chapters of my Theology reference guide.

  19. Keisha is the salesperson who had a lump in her breast and waited to have it checked out. On a lighter note, how about those final four??? VCU didn't even watch the selection show--went out to dinner instead--something to be said for the laid back approach!

  20. My money is on the kid who is still writing papers about Catholic stuff. Thank you Jamarcus.
    1. King of Gerar
    2. Keisha (now, why young Jamarcus is up on his bridal show gossip is a whole different issue.)

    The additional points for promptitude (another new word?) are going to hurt me, since I made a decision that sleeping was more important than the Johnny-on-the-spot points. And since the King of Gerar is both dead and not a funny guy, I’m going to try one of my favorite jokes on you.

    This man says to his wife, “Why don’t you ever yell back at me when I lose my temper with you? You just calmly walk away.” She replies, “It makes me feel better to clean the toilet when I’m mad at you.” Her husband asks, “How does that make you feel better?” To which she replies, “I use your toothbrush.”

  21. Jamarcus, after the age of 40 the only character trait left is Sarcasm, so yes, jpulera is being sarcastic.

  22. Seriously, Chris, how did you find that "Say yes to the Dress" answer??? You are killing me. I keep trying to find trivia that you will not know. Did you call Kimmy Westphal in on this one?

    I solemnly vow to all in the blogosphere that tonight's questions will be posted around 7pm central time.... I am pretty sure young Jamarc will be working the phones at the ND Call Center looking for donations from disgruntled alum...thus leaving all the early bird points for the grown ups. Plus, I REALLY cannot take one more late night. I am way too old.

  23. 1) King of Gerar
    2) Saleswoman - Keisha

    Thanks guys for the help.

  24. By the way Jamarcus.... I will go with Flipper.

  25. Jamarcus....I am not being sarcastic...I only direct sarcasm to Louis!! Contrary to what Heinzmann really are the man in this competition.

    Jmarcus... as for Lassie and Flipper...I'm going with Mr.Ed who would be the most intelligent of the 3 of them!

    Laurie...100 BONUS points to you for posting earlier tonight!!!!!

  26. you think I am going to throw sarcasm at Jamarcus when the mother of this cub hands out the Bonus points!! I'm not that old and senile yet!!

  27. Dudes & Ladies.......(like it?) I am going straight for the answers today as I've already used up all of today's brain cells pleading my case for my son's room placement for next year. For all you youngsters out there - parenting is hard! ALWAYS remember that (that's my shout out for abstinence today).

    King of Gerar

  28. Jamarcus, guess you are the man. I now have something to aspire too.

    Laurie, sorry if I offended you by being sarcastic with one of your cubs.

    Are you buying this?

  29. thanks jpulera, but to be quite honest i think you'd rack up more bonus points if you'd throw sarcasm at me. So go ahead, make my day

  30. Well, Jamarcus...depending how this all starts shaking out towards the end of this challenge...I might have to let this lizard tongue loose.

    Jamarcus...thanks for giving me the go ahead to unleash on you if necessary. You're one of Laurie's Tiger I know you can take it!

  31. Looked into Monk Malloy....what a fascinating man...truly a special person in these changing and challenging times within the Catholic Church. The world and the Church needs more Monk Malloy's!

  32. Word to the wise...don't try catching up on YCSMIHK blog on the iPhone while waiting for your eyes to dilate. As the pupils got bigger, the words got smaller and unreadable. If only I were on camera -- could have been VERY comical to watch. Just sayin'...

  33. 1) King of Gerar
    2) Keisha (I'm sad to say I actually knew this answer, mainly because I like to spend quality time with my mother, due to me being an awesome son of course, but also because I have been stuck on TLC at some time in my past... I was an arky major, shoot me)

    I'd just like to say that SOME OF US are busy being hard-working, undergraduate students that have difficult accounting tests to take in the morning, so I am glad the extra points for being first were lessened... cause it's not fair or holy.

    Also, thanks for the extra credit point! It's about time the adopted black sheep of the McKeon family got a little love.

    And jpulera's sarcastic because she's over 40!? God, this explains a lot... I thought daytime tv and crazy college-aged children were the only things to pop up after the big 4-0... damn. I will say though, there's no way she can beat me at push-ups, even if she doesn't look a day over 21 (being nice, extra credit? I think so...)

  34. Oh, and filet wrapped in bacon sounds freaking awesome, btw.

    (^PS, I should get extra points for introducing the supposed over 40 crowd to some kewl, new, hip internet lingo. I mean, "btw" (pronouced: be-tee-dubs)... too legit, lol.)

  35. Note to my people: I have spent the entire day with my sister Wendy helping with the summer house--sorry, I just got in. I need access to that house and will postpone the blog life to get it. Tonight's questions will be up in less than an hour, but the only way I can speed it up is if I score fast tonight, so don't pout about EC points. You get what you get... Check the blog in about a half an hour or so. Aloha

  36. Jpulera, I was born ready.

  37. Louis...bring on the push-ups!!

    And Louis...I know that compliment wasn't sincere(about the 21 thing) need to direct those compliments to Laurie since she's in control of the bonus points!!

  38. Jpulera, it was directed towards the entire over 40 crowd, because that's just the kind of kind, nice guy I am.
