Monday, March 28, 2011


OK, don't stone me. I know that I am running a little late with today's questions, but I have a very good excuse. I spent the entire day with my sister Wendy, helping her look at furniture for her new and totally awesome house. It was a full day's work, with many more days to come. Choosing the absolute right piece whether it be clothes, accessories, furniture, or jewelry takes some serious time and for me, is much more than a hobby, much more than a job, rather it's somewhat of a calling or a full blown vocation. I take my role as "the decider" very seriously and cannot be rushed. On the bright side, Dave McKeon is so very grateful that I am spending someone else's money (today)--Sorry, Tim Nickels, he loves you like a brother, and there is no one he'd rather share beers with at the Dockside, but Dave would still rather I spend your money than his.

Today's results:
Chris/J'marc: You are killing me, son. How do you know these trivia answers? You were the first to answer both questions right, so TWO points for correctness, SIX points for promptitude. Whopping EIGHT points in one night.  Go ahead, you earned it...
Sara: Very smart play, sister. Cheating off of J'marc, quickly--excellent strategy. For that you earn your TWO correctness points plus FOUR big points for speed. total: SIX--you are climbing the charts.
John: Nice try with the fake answer to throw off the pack, Didn't work this time, but I like the thought. You did answer both questions correctly and were the third blogger to do so, so kudos to you and congrats on the FOUR total points.
This is going to be a race to the finish. Keep it up.
Judy, Sue, Amy, Stacy, MrsSarge, Tricia and Louis: TWO points for all of you. Hey, has anyone heard from Kim today? Hope all is ok. I hate for her to miss her points. She is such a true competitor. I miss her chat.

Here are the extra credit points for today:
Judy: SIX ginormous EC points--so close to being in the quick three, so great for egging on the boys, nice multiple comments and big props for mentioning Monk Malloy--I am trying to get Nate McKeon to be Monk 2.0, but his jump shot isn't quite there yet...EIGHT  total points tonight for Jpulera. Watch your back, Chris...she's making her move.
Tricia: TWO points for mentioning abstinence--when my kids were little, I used to say that we should have been a stop on the abstinence tour. After spending a few short hours with the McKeon kids, American teens would totally reconsider having sex. FOUR total points--funny how you and John often seem to tie...great minds or what?
Amy: TWO bonus points for not practicing abstinence. It is so nice to laugh at someone else's kids for a change. Love that Ava...she's the best. FOUR  total points for you as well. Way to stay in the hunt.

Now, here are today's questions: Told you I'd be speedy:
  1. Who is responsible for ending the persecution of Christians? (lifted straight from ACRE)
  2. In 1980, two very well known teenage actresses starred in a movie together. In that movie, one of them lost something. What did she lose, and who did she lose it to? Name the actresses as well, please.
Now, only 36 minutes late. I am posting this up. J'marc should still be at work. Let's win this one for the grownups. Go, go, go, go....there's no time for a top ten today, just get out there and win this thing...


  1. Kristy McNichol and Tatum Oneal starred in Little Darlings, Kristy, playing Angel lost her virginity to Matt Damon's character, Randy. Boom

  2. Little Darlings- Angel (Kristy McNichol) loses her virginity to Randy (Matt Dillon). Tatum o'Neal plays Ferris.

  3. jamarcus...going with you on Emperor Constantine

  4. lost virginity to Matt damon(Randy)

  5. Thanks Tricia and Jamarcus.
    Kristy McNichol and Tatum Oneal starred in Little Darlings, Kristy, playing Angel lost her virginity to Matt Damon's character, Randy.

  6. 2. Movie: Little Darlings
    Tatum O-Neal and Kristi McNichol
    Kristi loses her virginity to Matt Dillon

  7. sorry, i meant matt dillon's character

  8. To be 100% accurate it was Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus.

  9. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I was all over that...


  10. Laurie...thanks for the x-tra points...I'll also pray that Nate is Monk #2!!!

  11. Constantine the Great (and I am pouting thanks to Jamarcus). I know he's your cub and all but the competitor in me is staring to come out! If I didn't have kids to take care of..........what happened to manning the phones tonight dude?

  12. Correction...Matt Dillion

    THANKS Jamarcus!!!

  13. it was matt dillon, the damn autocorrect on my phone threw in damon. be like emperor constantine and have some mercy on me for that

  14. Don't want to be caught in a technicality so I will also change the name of the actor who portrayed Randy to Matt Dillon.

  15. i worked from 630 to 830 eastern time today. since i will never get EC i'm not gonna tell my mom when i work or she'll job me every time. saucy woman

  16. It's on Jamarcus - I believe I answered correctly first. Doing the 'stir the butter' dance now. Matt Damon, psstttt.....

  17. Tricia...we are the God Speed people!

  18. Yes and Tatum O'Neal played Ferris. now my answer is complete.

  19. I'm a step behind Jamarcus and Heinzmaan...I get a handicap for being older....

  20. Dirty little secret. I had a huge crush on Kristi McNichol growing up. The cute tom boy thing gets me every time.

  21. Which Heinzmann would you be referring to? I do believe I have the man beaten on the second question. You know I'll beat you Heinzmann on any kind of 'entertainment' question. Remember - I get all my news from TMZ.

  22. Additional info:

    John Lennon had a soundtrack song in the movie Little Darlings..."Oh MY Love". It was removed when the movie was released a second time due to licensing issues. The song was replaced.

  23. Meanwhile our youngest child is stuck in the bathroom strapped to his toilet seat. Who do you think is going to get up first to get him off? Are we pathetic parents - I think so.

  24. You are sitting right next to me. Why don't you say something instead of airing the dirty laundry for all to see. I'm going. You enjoy yourself.

  25. Tatum O'Neal and Kristy McNichol, but Kristy lost her virginity to Matt Dillon. Am I showing my age and taste bad movies?

    Emperor Constantine, but I think my husband is bringing it least in my house!

  26. Done- AJH is all ready for bed now dear.

    BTW congrats to the Ladies of Notre Dame who just punched their ticket to Indy and have earned their spot in the Women's Final Four.

  27. Heinzmann...I don't think that Kristi will ever have a crush on you because she is a Lesbian. But you're right, she was a cute little Tom Boy!

  28. 46 years old & he still hasn't figured out Kristy McNichol is gay.

  29. Jamarcus, what was all that bull about working until 11?? You may have speed, but you've got to get the answers right...

    And I totally remember that movie, and also remember when Kristi aka "Buddy" on Family had that curly haired boyfriend (TJ? maybe) that she lost her virginity to while that Rod Stewart song "Tonight's the Night" was playing...Kristi really got around.

  30.'re still a baby...long way to go before you show any age!

  31. Does Heinzmann know that Jillian is bi?

  32. ....For a lesbian...Is she really a lesbian? I knew she was bi-polar, but did not know she was gay. Boy, this blog is educational.

  33. Does Heinzmann know that Chastity is now Chaz?

  34. Kristi's partner was Elisabeth Brrooks who died of a brain tumor. What else do you need to know, Laurie?

  35. Poor Sony Bono - he's probably rolling over in his grave.

  36. 1. Constantine the Great
    2. Kristy McNichol and Tatum Oneal starred in Little Darlings, Kristy, playing Angel lost her virginity to Matt Damon's character, Randy.

    Also, 41 comments already?! You people are freaks of nature, not fair.

    Also, I like to party... how's that for additional info?

    Also, Chaz is a scary he/she.

  37. Thank goodness your taste in women has improved over the years Heinzmann.

  38. Louis - check your facts before copying. It's Matt Dillon, not Damon.

  39. go tell Louis to get his copying facts right!

  40. Judy, you are a Kristi McNichol savant.

    Major shout out to the Lady Irish--way to go, heading to the Final Four by taking down Number One seed Tennessee and legendary Pat Summitt. Kudos to Muffy McGraw, coach of the Irish. Just think, Jamarcus, you could be basking in that Lady Irish glow if you were only man enough to practice with the women's team. Don't say Muffy didn't ask...

  41. 1. Constantine the Great
    2. Kristy McNichol and Tatum Oneal starred in Little Darlings, Kristy, playing Angel lost her virginity to Matt Dillon's character, Randy.

  42. Time to watch Dancing with the stars. No I'm not Gay. I watch it for the costumes.

  43. Am shocked to learn Kristy is a lesbian and am very interested in learning when it's appropriate to strap a child to the toilet. Sounds like my kind of parenting.

  44. 52 Comments and it's not even 9:00??!!. Somebody has so learned her lesson about posting before 8pm. or maybe Kristi McNichol is driving traffic to the blog...

  45. Heinzmann...I thought you were the type to watch Dancing with the Stars....I won't tell anyone that you're gay.

  46. Laurie...there's a lot of traffic because no one is in a hurry to got to bed...since you are not posting at 11:00pm!!

  47. 1. Constantine the Great
    2. Kristy McNichol and Tatum Oneal starred in Little Darlings, Kristy, playing Angel lost her virginity to Matt Damon's character, Randy.

    So there...

  48. I work til 11 some nights and not on others. You'll never know my schedule though bc you'll thwart all my attempts to score highly on this blog. Secondly, I'll practice with muffy and the girls when I damn please. This semesters focus is on the gpa, not practicing on a womens bball team. Let's get real, no one cares about womens sports.

  49. Ironic isn't it that Meredith Baxter played Kristy McNichol's older sister on the show Family... she's a lesbian too. Not only did that show create ratings, it apparently created lesbians too!

  50. For my mom:

    1. Constantine the Great

    2. Kristy McNichol and Tatum Oneal starred in Little Darlings, Kristy, playing Angel lost her virginity to Matt Dillion's character, Randy.

    My mom said you won best dressed and best gift at the Shower this weekend! Great seeing you!

  51. jpulera, don't tell my wife. btw when i mentioned the costumes it was the lack of fabric i was referring too, not the glitter.

    Amy, not only can you learn more about theology from my best seller "Modern Theology" but my next book, "The Miracle of Duct Tape, 1001 Parenting Tips and Tricks" will be available for the iPad in the Summer. You can also buy the premium edition that comes with a life like robotic Andrew. If you know Sarah or Brian they can explain.

  52. Will there also be an app for that? I look forward to the duct tape lessons and it's particularly timely as I threatened my 3 yr old with it earlier tonight. It was lost on her however since she doesn't know what that is.

    Sadly, I know neither Sarah nor Brian. I'm part of the family that remains hidden away but I blame my husband and our spawn for that.

  53. Laurie, you need to host a blog "family" reunion so we can all get to know each other. How big is that summer house?

  54. Touche angry people, touche.

    My real answer is:
    2) Kristy McNichol and Tatum Oneal starred in Little Darlings, Kristy, playing Angel lost her virginity to Matt Dillon's character, Randy.

    Also, women's sports?!?! Either we're all comedians or really big fans of oxymorons...

  55. John, I'm placing my pre-order of the e-book just to get my BONUS gift of Andrew!

  56. My good sir, are you the one currently on hour 7 of, probably 16, working on budgeting, income statements, and contribution margins? I think not... with all due respect, stick with the skating and glitter my fellow competitor.

  57. OK, Jamarc- and your little friend Louis-no dissing the women's sports. While I appreciate your laser like focus on your GPA, just admit that you have avoided working out with the women's team because you are afraid that the Lady Irish will kick your ass.

    John, great idea about the reunion. At the end of the competition, we will bring the whole "YCSMIHK" blog family together. You can bring the duct tape (and your new book).

  58. Okay....Heinzmann...I get it....the lack of a costume is what you are looking for....I'm sorry..I take back my gay comment about you!! I also think that it is a great idea to have a blog picnic...we're going to have to wear our screen names on our name tags!

  59. we should have a competition at the reunion too. in person the trash talk can fly in real time. I'm just spit ballin, but heck, if we really wanna up the stakes, some shunning or public humiliation of the losers should definitely be involved.

    and my name on here is Jamarcus not Jamarc, respect my culture meese.

  60.'re right..."Family" produced 2 lesbians...what about brother he gay? Oh well..who is what it is....I hear that heterosexuality is coming back now.
    I have a brother who is gay and i love him to death....we have great conversations about the gay many misconceptions. He is very religious and has many priest friends around the country. Oh is the 21st century....people have to come out from under their rocks or come out of their's a vast world out there!!!

  61. Meant to say brother, "Willie" from Family might be gay..not Bud. My mistake!!

  62. Wow you skip a day ad look what happens. The answers are Little Darlings Kristi McNichol lost virginity to Matt damon

    Constantine,just an aside he was a bit of a tyrant himself a little passive persecution!!! Like John said men are pigs, although I wouldn't say all just some.
    Hey JaMarcus any chance you'd share points with me???? I have fed you and gave you a sleeping bag when you slept on my floor!!!!
    Gotta go out of town, send prayers!!!!!

  63. My third book. "Braille for Bloggers" is now on the way. This one is for you Sara. Since Laurie can not figure out the automatic mobile view feature in blogger here is a way to be successful at viewing, reading and commenting the blog on the go. Bookmark this url in your phone browser:

    It has been said that if Google is put in charge of the Apocalypse, at least it will be an organized one. (This is computer geek humor)

  64. I am amazed that anyone would confuse Matt Damon...

    who also happens to be married to his first wife, has four daughters, organized a charity to bring clean water to Third World countries and is a former Sexiest Man Alive...

    with Matt Dillon...

    who had a three year relationship with Cameron Diaz in the late nineties, got arrested for speeding, and has freakishly angular features.

    Laurie - Matt Damon is my celebrity crush, in case that wasn't obvious. Went to see him in 'Adjustment Bureau' last weekend and I recommend you do the same...

  65. Jamarcus... I know your auto-correct started this whole Dillon/Damon confusion, but you need to get your head in it, Man. And you need to work more hours... ND needs it... And so do the rest of us...

  66. Glad you responded, Kim...Laurie was worried.

    I don't know Heinzmann....your books are going to have to compete with Laurie's!! We'll see who's will hit the best seller list first!

  67. Wow did I really put Matt Damon. It was 6:30 ish maybe that's why. I meant Matt Dillion. Had a big crush on him after the "outsiders". I can take or leave Matt Damon.
    Thanks Judy! and Thanks Laurie for worrying. It's kinda crazy right now. I will do my best to stay connected. I definitely don't want to lose my points.

  68. Just giving you all a heads up--look for tonight's questions sometime around 9ish. I have a 6pm meeting, and should be home around 8, will finish the tally, post up the questions and watch the comments flood in. This blog is on FIRE!

  69. Under the gun once again.... my clinic move is becoming a serious handicap in this competition.

    1) Emperor Constantine

    2) Kristy McNichol played Angel in Little Darlings and lost her virginity to Matt Dillon's character, Randy.

    Thanks all you competitors, although I did know the Little Darlings answer without having to google. Kim, I too had a crush on Matt Dillon after The Outsiders, although, I had a bigger crush on Patrick Swayze back then....

  70. Kim... definitely will keep the prayer chain going as well as the direct fax line to the big guy - that's my mother-in-law's specialty.
