Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Due to a school meeting, I was unable to post this up until right now. Sorry, about that but as the keeper of the blog, I am working hard to make sure that all those who may work late, have serious obligations or are otherwise so engaged (really, though, what is more important than answering these vital questions on this life altering blog??) have the chance to get their answers in before I send out the new questions, (I'm not leaving Mrs. Sarge out of the fun) but I also want to avoid those late night posts, because they are just brutal. So, as a loose rule, and I'm all about the loose rules, look for the next day's questions some time between 7 and 9ish each night (except Saturday night...). You're welcome.

Admit it, yesterday's "Little Darlings" trivia question was pretty awesome and sparked much blog traffic, comments and confessions....And who knew that the special '70s show "Family" would prove to be just as thought provoking today as it was back then...Good Blog Times, Good Blog Times..

Now, with this new scoring system, I am pretty much doing some high level accounting functions to tally the scores. It would sure make my life easier if the same person could answer BOTH questions first, etc. But, because I love you all, am super fair and do like to mix it up, I will continue to do this upper level math. And I am still trying to figure out the easiest way to type this all up, with the Regular Points, the Early Bird Poi:nts and that all important Extra Credit. 

Tonight, new format: Who are we kidding? No one ever gets the questions wrong, because you are all a big bunch of cheaters, (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that). It's all about the speedy points and the EC. So, John, Stacy, Jarmarcky-Mark, Sara, Judy, Amy, Tricia, Mrs.Sarge, Louis, Jane, and Kim--you all get your compulsory TWO points. Excellent. Also, I think that one of Sue's lovely daughters buzzed in for her (was that you, Angela, or was it Emily? Claire? Katherine??) so she, too gets her TWO big points.

John--First with the Holy Question: Constantine the Great, (THREE points for that), and Second with the "Little Darlings" Question-(TWO more points for that) bringing your point total for the night up to (SEVEN).  Oooh, College Boy is hearing footsteps....
Tricia--First with the Kristi McNichol, Matt Dillon, Tatum O'Neill answer so an extra THREE points for that, bringing your night total up to FIVE. It looks like a Heinzmann kind of night. Way to tag team it for total point domination...though your son went to bed late, I'm sure it was well worth it to rake in TWELVE big, big points for the family.
Jamarcus--Second with the Holy question, busted on the Little Darlings--you were first, but you were wrong. It's more than a little ironic that the same technology that allows you to jump in first burned you with it's autotext feature. As Stacy so aptly points out, Matt Dillon and Matt Damon aren't even in the same hemisphere... TWO points for being number two, and a FOUR point night--which would have been great last week, but in the new world order, is barely keeping up....
Stacy--consistency is thy name--Third to answer both questions (thanks for making that a little easier for me) ONE extra point per question, bringing your night's point total up to FOUR.  Well done,

Man, this race is getting tight....Allow me to further complicate the matter by awarding the extra credit:

Here goes:
 FOUR  huge EC points for whoever it was (Angela, Emily, Claire, Katherine, undercover Sue??) that awarded me "Best Dressed" and "Best Gift" from the shower. You all know my weakness for the whole Best Dressed thing, and I also take my gift buying very seriously. Public recognition of these two undervalued skills will always garner EC points...I think these points go to Sue....You did your part, she owes you one.
The following people each get ONE big EC point, (hey, man, there were a ton of comments, SO hard to narrow it down to just a few people...
Tricia--ONE point for noting Kristi McNichols sexual orientation--new news to me
Judy--ONE point for taking the lesbian theme and running with it
John--ONE point for confessing to your secret Kristi McNichol crush--this blog is all about sharing
Stacy--ONE point for confessing to the Matt Damon crush--confession is king
Kim--ONE point for owning up to some Matt Dillon love
MrsSarge--ONE point to you, too, for admitting to crushing on Matt Dillon AND Patrick Swayze

There you have it. Once again, a BIG night for the Heinzmanns. Lessons learned: EC points have been rewarded more than once for comments regarding Laurie or Posey's wardrobes, and EC points are also often frequently rewarded for sharing odd facts and personal, secret crush information...just trying to discern some trends here. This blog is all about self awareness.

Here are tonight's questions:
  1.  Who was the only person saved from the battle of Jericho?
  2. Who was Al Gore's  college roommate? and where did they go to college?
These are super easy. I'm trying to give everybody a fighting chance. Get going now, it's all up for grabs.
No time for a Top Ten, just time for some great comments. Please don't disappoint me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rehab and her family were saved from battle of jerico

  3. THanks Stacy now I'll look it up Tommy Lee Jones - Harvard

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rehab and her family were saved from battle of jerico CHeating now

  6. I'm going to need Rehab after this blog contest is over...

  7. 2) tommy lee jones harvard

  8. just got back from work, cheating off of jpulera who has a track record for success.

    2) tommy lee jones harvard

  9. It's definitely Rehab and her family.

  10. Dang you guys are fast... I thought this night my job would actually give me an advantage, but apparently, Children's internet is much slower than the contenders'.
    1) Tommy Lee Jones was Al Gore's college roommate at Harvard.

    2) Rahab and her family were saved in the battle of Jericho.

  11. Al and Tommy aren't lovers...are they?

  12. ok correction....Rehab and her family were saved.

  13. false alarm, i think 1) is actually rehab and her family

  14. Rahab put a red cord outside her window and that is how the army knew that she helped God.

  15. OMG!! You guys should work for JimmyJohns because you are freaky fast.

  16. mrssarge - you should talk to Al Gore about your slow internet... he invented the internet, you know.

    jpulera - I got lucky with my timing tonight, but you should know that I can't do a single boy-style push-up.

  17. Do I get bonus points, Laurie, for being the only one, I believe, to spell it correctly? Although, after drinking a vat of Sir Dave's long islands I will definitely need rehab, I believe the correct biblical spelling is Rahab.

  18. 1) Tommy Lee Jones - Harvard
    2) Joshua

  19. I got mine messed up (brain's overworked);

    1) Rahab and her fam.
    2) Tommy Lee Jones - Harvard

    There you go.

  20. John Lithgow lived across the hall and got all his inspiration for the stupidity of Third Rock from the Sun existentially from the aura of Al Gore. Just Saying...

  21. Stacy...good for you that you got lucky.....yiu still had to have SPEED behind the luck!!! And I'm sure you can do a push-up!

  22. Favorite Tommy Lee Jones movie was The Fugitive - loved him in that role, but I also liked him in Coal Miner's daughter.

    Laurie, did you know that he played offensive tackle on Harvard's 1968 undefeated varsity football team?

    More importantly, did you know he wrote his senior thesis on "the mechanics of Catholicism" - very appropriate given the nature of this challenge, don't you think?

  23. Not to crash the party, but Joshua FOUGHT the battle of Jericho. He didn't need to be saved...he was in the army destroying it. Laurie with the trick questions...

    And for the record, I kind of have a crush on Tommy Lee Jones.

  24. Perhaps at our new location my Time Warner Business Class will be better than this slow as molasses T1 line I currently have to use.

    Other favorite Tommy Lee Jones movie was "The Client" with Susan Sarandon - great movie.. great John Grisham book.

  25. By the way, Laurie, appreciate you creating the "window" of time... seriously thought I was going to not make yesterday's round.

  26. Ok....heading up to bed...have to get my *ss out of bed at 4:45am for bootcamp...need to be rested in order to keep up with Laurie!! Really it's true....she has more energy than anyone I know!! Also....Laurie loves the song, IT WASN'T ME by Shaggy...nasty lyrics...but still a great song!

  27. While political activist Al Gore and actor Tommy Lee Jones are both well-known American celebrities the two men who have made their names and careers in very different fields have the notable oddity of having been paired together as college roommates while the two were at Harvard University together.

    After graduating from a Dallas prep school known as St. Mark's School of Texas Tommy Lee Jones went on to attend Harvard where he played on the football team as an offensive lineman. Many fans of the acting career of the movie star do not realize that in his youth he was a formidable football player that went on to attain the accolade of All-Ivy League offensive lineman before graduating cum laude (Latin for "with honor") with a degree in English from Harvard in 1969.

    Long before the Texas native would go on to star in such blockbuster movies as The Fugitive (as Marshal Samuel Gerard), Batman (as Two-Face), and Men in Black (as Agent K) Tommy Lee Jones was placed in a dorm known as Mower B-12 as a freshmen in college. As a matter of sheer coincidence future Vice President of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore was housed right across the hall from Jones. The two young men from differing backgrounds struck up a friendship that would go on to last a lifetime. As upperclassmen at Harvard the two close friends chose to live together as roommates.

    The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the people, "Shout! For the LORD has given you the city! The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to the LORD. Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall be spared, because she hid the spies we sent...

    I'm hoping length gets the ec points this time!!! I'm running out of strategies!!!!! Oh and by the way Laurie you looked FABULOUS tonight!!!!!!!

  28. Ok Laurie....you have to tell us all what you wore to the shower and what your gift was...since you were voted best dressed and best gift!!!

    Good Night!

  29. Kim....what you just said...ditto....I want your ec points, too!!

  30. 1) Rehab and her family were saved from the battle of Jericho.
    2) Tommy Lee Jones was Al Gore's roommate at Harvard and thank God Al founded the internet so we could all find that out with little effort. I think he started the internet after his Love Story romance with Tipper--what a guy!

    Rosie O'Donnell is coming to Chicago to do a talk show from Harpo Studios!!?? One more show not to watch--she probably idolizes (and believes) Al Gore!

  31. Judy--She wore a Burberry jumper and gave Tiffany candlesticks--now you know why she won the best of awards!

    Kim--loved all the extra facts--great work.

    Good night all--

  32. Good Night Judy! I, too, think you should confess to what the dynamite outfit and gift were, Laurie... and apparently, not that there is ever any doubt, you looked good tonight, too!

    Laurie, did you know the going rate for a designer is $25000 for a build out - start to finish? Didn't use one for the clinic, but priced them out... you need to do some serious negotiations with your sister!

  33. If spelling counts here is my answer for #1: Rahab and her fam.

    If not, thank you in advance for the two early bird points.

    As for having a crush on Tommy Lee Jones I can not say that I do so in an effort to shamelessly encourage the dispersion of EC my way I will share some words to inspire some dialog.

    Drop the Jones and you are left with Tommy Lee of Motley Crüe fame. Which definitely gets me thinking about Girls, Girls, Girls. This will probably get me in a bit of trouble with my wife at Home Sweet Home. It is possible that I'm Misunderstood but let me just say I just got one of those Looks That Kill. Let's just say If I Die Tomorrow, it was not from Smokin' in the Boys Room. There is still a Wild Side in all of us and I'm willing to bet that Dr. Feelgood is hosting a Hooligan's Holiday at a summer house somewhere really soon. All of you ladies still qualify as Hell on High Heels and could truly Kick Start My Heart. I'm just grateful for a Piece of Your Action. It's the Same Ol' Situation You're All I Need. PS. Laurie, when you go on your trip please stay away from the London because our collective commenting Primal Scream will cause Ararchy in the U.K.

  34. Now that I was a little late with my comment, I can see what you wore and gave since Sue just offered it up. Nicely done... not that there was ever any doubt!

  35. I have to be honest – I was not the person who said Kristy McNichol was a lesbian although I did make several comments about it. Let’s face it, it’s pretty obvious isn’t it? I believe jpulera was the contestant to make Kristy’s sexual orientation known to us bloggers. Now……..

    1. Rahab and her family
    2. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were roommates at Harvard (or as Wiki notes it “housemates”. Maybe they are gay……….

    It’s a well-known fact that Al Gore has no rhythm. During Fleetwood Mac’s (love them by the way) performance at Bill Clinton's presidential Inauguration Ball (1-19-93) big Al couldn’t clap on beat, let alone move.

  36. Leaving work now and headed home and to bed... was hoping I would have you all as witnesses as time left from work in case I get attacked in the parking structure, but no such luck since you are all fast asleep. What is up with that?

  37. I'm still awake. Post again when you get home so we know your home safe. ;)

  38. Sue, thanks for the props, and all of you, feel free to steal the Tiffany Candlestick idea to send to any betrotheds you know. They really are awesome--total classics and will work with any decor. Send three instead of two, three is just way cooler...

    Mrs. Sarge, great to know about the going rate...I am just trying to get enough sweat equity in the place to earn my family one week per summer up there...I'm not sure if I've reached that threshold yet. You've met my kids, they take up a lot of beds and eat a lot of food. I've still got some work to do, but nice to know the value of my time. Also, you work WAY too hard. Jason owes you a raise, a purse, an Hermes cuff (just tell him to call me for the list of "bonus" items he needs to get you...)

    John, those song infused paragraphs always make me laugh.

    Look for tonight's questions after 8pm or so. Have a great day. AND welcome back Upside Down Kate, Jump on in the game...

  39. Yes, Tricia...I was the one who informed the bloggers on Kristy's sexual orientation....I thought enquiring minds wanted to know!

    As for Al Gore: He was responsible in an economic and legislative sense for fostering the development of the internet. The out-of-context distortions he said were misleading during an interview.

  40. Ok...I will most likely miss the posting tonight because I will still be working. So...I am going to have to cheat for the first time:)

    Jamarcus...I'll probably be counting on you!

    Louis might lead me astray!

  41. John,
    Thanks for looking out for me... did make it home safe and back at the desk this a.m. Have a good day!

  42. Laurie, I will make sure I give Jason your number.:>) I figured you were working out the deal with your sister. If you add up the value of your time for all your volunteering you would be a billionaire - figured Dave might like that.:>)

  43. Interesting tweet from brian kelly today mom: "sorry for the spelling error. These smartphones can be tricky with autocorrect." Well if my main tweep coach kelly has some troubles, I think my autocorrect conundrum should be overlooked.

  44. "tweep"??? Still having some trouble J.

  45. well collectively, all my twitter followers are called my tweeple. I decided singularly, I would call them a tweep

  46. There once was a blogger from K-town,
    Who needed to drive up her hit count,
    This game was her intention,
    Now I need an intervention
    As I can't seem to put the damn mouse down.

    Since our teachers will have to pass ACRE,
    Now we're all good Catholic test-takers.
    Thank God for the college kid
    Who knows what Abraham did
    And gives the answers to some of us fakers.

    Then celebrity trash suits me fine.
    Tommy Lee Jones kept young Al Gore in line.
    Kristy McNichol is gay.
    Regis will pay.
    What is there that's not found online?

    But the question that I must now pose
    As we struggle with blog-posting woes -
    And jpulera is ready
    And Heinzmanns stay steady -
    Why am I typing and not folding clothes?

  47. 1) Rahab
    2) Tommy Lee Jones

    I almost feel bad about all this cheating but am way sick again. Got another shot of Botox to my esophagus yesterday. Gotta love my hubby who once again turned down my GI's offer to put the extra in my face because he loves my laugh lines. That's true love since they just look like wrinkles to me! ;)

  48. getting ready..just got home from work!

  49. another prompt post from laurie "teach me how to tell time" mckeon

  50. I feel dirty... used... a mere instrument to increase her hit count... it's a shame that my competitive nature won't let me go to bed.
