Tuesday, April 15, 2014

SCORING UPDATES--extra credit galore

I finally got a chance to review all the votes for the "Excited Bikers".  Holy Viagra--I'm exhausted from trying to score it all.  I have to keep recounting because I lose my place and my eyes are twitching from staring at the screen. I commend John VERY much for getting out the vote for his special friend Rob.  Not only did you give Judy and Co. a real live run for their money, but you have proven yourself to be a true and self less friend.  The bonds that are formed via the blog are bonds that last--and I must admit, I LOVE seeing our blogging community come together over Lentertainment and more.  And to show that the love is shared by all, here is a fabulous photo of two of the caption masters, Rob and Judy:

Isn't it nice that all of our Lentertainment contenders are so photogenic? No captions needed here, Thank God.   And I do think that the Tory Burch tote would nicely compliment Judy's lovely dress. (and Rob's tie?).

The "Excited Bikers" cartoon was a classic and garnered some terrific captions. I did NOT notice the wardrobe malfunction, possibly because I cannot imagine anyone getting so excited over a bike…even a bike in heaven, but obviously all you hawk eyes saw a little more…(thanks, Stacy, Rob, Tricia and Jessica…I guess…because now all the rest of us will be joining you in Hell.  Because as Stacy articulated so well, once you've seen the "crotchular" wrinkle, you really cannot unsee it.--Extra credit has been duly awarded for the new and utterly awesome word "crotchular".  I will be using that one often. ) Below is the scoring chart for the Angels.

Allow me to explain a bit:
1. I awarded both Rob and Judy the full 20 points for the voting because they both had a shit ton of votes and I cannot attest to the accuracy of my counts because I was distracted as I was trying to count the votes while watching that "19 Kids and Counting, and was mesmerized by that one Duggar girl saying she was in love with some boyfriend she has never met. Further distracting me was Dave McKeon saying stuff like: "Who are these people?" "What the hell does that Jim Bob do for a job?""Are you watching this???" "Are they Amish with better hair?" " How can they afford to go to Nepal to visit some dude they've never met?" and "Oh, they home school. That's how they can afford stuff--no tuition"

2. Sue E got the voting 10 points and pretty much anyone else who got more than 3 votes got the 3rd place 5 points

3. FIVE HUNDRED HUGE extra credit were awarded as follows (your welcome):

  • 100 to Stacy for "crotchular"--totally explains itself
  • 100 to Marie for the Mick Jagger caption--it was pretty great
  • 100 to Sue Enders because her "they get Segways in Heaven and unicycles in Hell" caption was AWESOME and because she looks like she's having a blast in Turkey
  • 50 to Joann for referencing Nietzsche--she always classes up the blog--and for that I am grateful.
  • 50 to Tricia for boldly getting the "crotchular spoke" out there. 
  • 50 to Linda for overall very high quality work "We don't have to lock our bikes.." "I've looked at clouds from both sides now…" She was at the top of her game and is rewarded for that. 
  • 30 to Jessica because we are going to lunch for sure and the "Stop stealing my look" comment really hit home with me.  Some day, I will share with you all a very long story about someone who kept stealing my look and just how freaked out I was by it…
  • 20 very important points to John for acting in the true spirit of St. Francis and Lentertainment by giving rather than receiving with his bromantic gesture on Rob's behalf. This selfless act has launched John into first place…for now. 

Names       Previous         quantity           quality            voting                EC             Total
Judy 463 20 10 20 513
john 458 20 20 5 20 523
Joann 356 5 10 50 421
Linda 350 13 20 50 433
Rob 440 20 20 20 500
Jessica 351 10 10 5 30 406
Stacy 210 1 10 5 100 326
Sue R. 160 160
Brian K 50 50
Sue E 250 2 10 10 100 372
Michelle 106 106
Nate 105 105
Chris 99 99
Mr. DelFava 122 122
Joe Laken 2 2
Kim W. 2 2
Tricia 221 3 10 50 284
Kim P. 2 2
Ginny 46 2 10 58
Becky 114 114
Brifry 51 51
Kiki 173 173
Marie 131 2 10 5 100 243
Jan 61 1 10 72

John, enjoy this view from the top for tonight.  I will score the "Poodle Love" tomorrow morning, along with posting the TOP TEN from "Toxic Waste". We shall see who sits upon the Lentertainment throne once the next round is scored.  It's still anyone's game, so stay alert and stay tuned. 


  1. Every Lentertainment needs a touch of devil to keep things interesting. \../

  2. Rob and I both had our gloves off that night......we had a few laughs and drinks as well! Paul was our official photographer.

  3. Fancy!!! Smashing pic- "Lenttacular"!!
