Wednesday, April 9, 2014

TOP FIFTEEN--cast your vote today.

Who knew that an innocent picture of some angels and their bikes in the clouds would inspire such captions? Rob, Stacy, Jessica, Tricia, John, etc., I think that's just a wrinkle in his robe…And I swear I certainly didn't notice it until ROB brought it up.  Then, of course, after that, I couldn't stop noticing…It's the fish/guy in the bag all over again. Beauty/Art/the wrinkle is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Regardless, once again, the captions are hysterical.  I was laughing and laughing at some of these gems.  However, I fear that despite my good intentions, (paving the proverbial road to Hell) this cartoon may not have been the very best choice during Lent. Sorry. I hadn't anticipated quite so many Hell comments.  (or ANY viagra ones) Once again, I may be leading you all into eternal damnation.  Sorry about that, but I have to admit, the captions this round have been very Lentertaining.  I had a tough, tough time choosing the TOP TEN, so of course, I had to expand the pool.  I really couldn't decide and it's getting late, so here are the TOP FIFTEEN--I know, I know--it's a cop out, but honestly, I had 22 that I loved more than my own family. (John's "Eternal Rest, My All", Marie's Mick Jagger one, Linda's 'I don't know how to ride a bike", Rob's "messenger of God', Jessica's 'Stop stealing my look!" and the hair one, too) But after running all the comments through the final filter of placing it under the actual cartoon, I was able to eliminate a few of them.


"Did you take the stairway to heaven or the ozone layer?"            Judy

"Life would have been so much easier if we just told people we were gay!"       Jessica

"I had cancer. You?"
"I voted too many times for Judy…"                    
Marie Pitt Payne

"Think we gave Him a big enough head start?"            Linda

"We never should have changed Lent to Lentertainment."       Joann

"This is going to have to do until Tony Horton kicks it and we can start P90X"…     Jan

"My bike seat is uncomfortable up here too, so I tried Viagra. Didn't help".      Stacy

"Jeez is that a spoke or are you glad to see me?"         Tricia

"I'm suppose to call my doctor if it lasts more than 4 hours, who do I call if it lasts for eternity?"    Rob

"I heard that in the Protestant section they get around on roller skates."          Ginny

"Yea, we're in purgatory. You get a Segway in heaven and a unicycle in hell! "
         Sue E.            (l love this one) 

"WTF? I thought hills were hell?"              John

"Hey Rob, now that our wives have killed us for spending so much time on that damn blog, do we still get to caption in heaven?"        John  (extremely well played) 

"Yup. I've looked at clouds from both sides now."          Linda

"For the record, I always thought we were asses for riding down Sheridan on Sunday mornings like we owned the road".  Rob   (I can relate to this one…every single Sunday) 

Time to vote--Let's make something special happen here.  Let's see if the rest of the field combined can beat Judy in the voting.  (In keeping with the Masters tradition of taking the favorite against the field, I propose that for this voting session, I will take Judy and you all will get the rest of the field--fyi--The Masters starts tomorrow) .

Don't let me down, Judy.  Keep your voting friends happy please. Voting closes at 7pm tomorrow night.  That's right--7pm.  I've shortened the voting a bit because I want to make sure Karla gets a full night's sleep. (and me, too)  I've given you the best I've got, now you all go get some votes. 


  1. I gave up voting for myself for Lent. Rob

  2. Remember - Bury the competition! Vote for Rob

  3. It's true - Today is Vote for Rob day!

  4. Rob is going to steal Judy's thunder - Just DO IT! Rob

  5. My Bro - Hey if I rearrange those letters I get ROB!

  6. the magic - ORB says vote for my BRO, ROB. Versatility in the name game!

  7. Give me an O, Give me a B, Give me an R, Scramble them! WHat do you get? A VOTE FOR ROB.

  8. It's not how you play the game but who loses! Vote for Rob.

  9. Surprise, Surprise, another vote for Rob

  10. Holy Cow Bro, of course I send a vote to John. Judy here we come.

  11. Tricia even though she may kill John for all his time spent on captions and voting.

  12. It's the least I can do Bro - Here is another for Rob!

  13. John for 2 in the top 15 (personally I love having more than 1 in the top xx)!!

  14. Rob - vote for yourself! Let's do this thing - ROB ROB ROB

  15. My darla Karla, since this an early vote maybe you will see this and be so kind to send votes to John and Rob each. Judy would want it I'm sure.

  16. No worries Rob - that's when I get all my secret internet shopping done.

  17. Got to take little John to school now then hit the Gym but here is one more for ROB - I'll be back!

  18. A vote for my dear friend Jessica, she came on strong this round.

  19. A vote for Marie, I loved the Mick Jagger caption (no offense to the judges).

  20. Okay I'll take my bro's advice, a vote for Rob.

  21. A vote for's early but I will get my voters out later today (don't want to wake them now)

  22. It might be Lent but that's okay as I've just sent a vote to myself. ROB

  23. Off to the office where this blog doesn't work so well (about the only thing saving me from myself) so a vote for Rob before I leave.

  24. Hard to vote on a phone on a treadmill. rob

  25. wht are the chances a 7 seed can win it all? Ask UCONN ond Rob

  26. A Tradition Like No Other or as I like to call it the official first day of spring. However, from now on it might have to be called VOTE FOR ROB DAY!

  27. gonna make laurie count her is another for rob

  28. it's not what you've got, it's what you give - Vote for Rob

  29. nice work Rob - my penance at confession today was 1000 votes for Rob. Way to use your lenten resources. Rob

  30. A vote for Rob - John is very persuasive

  31. Everyone who votes for ROB is invited to my house at 1pm Sunday for Bloddy's - (IF HE WINS THE VOTE TALLY) ROB gets another vote. Hell I'll even make Danish Abelskivers

  32. A vote for Sue E. because I liked hers too.

  33. Ask my Kids about Abelskivers - You won't want to miss out on this! Vote for Rob.

  34. A vote for Sue E. because I liked that one too.

  35. There will be Bacon from the deli counter at the Festival of Foods in the Bloody's too!!!! Hear that McKeon - Vote for ROB!

  36. Another vote for Rob because the bromance is pretty cute. Now I'm running away from home for a few days... I may or may not be able to jump in on captioning the next picture, but I'll be reading & laughing. ;)

  37. Seriously - The final round of the Masters will be on the Big Screen - Fried Batter (Abelskivers) - Bacon and Bloodies - TOO GOOD NOT TO VOTE FOR ROB!!!!

  38. did i mention that Andrew will hug and kiss everyone who donated to his walk too! Vote once more for Rob.

  39. Lucky for Rob, another red light equals another vote for Rob.

  40. You guessed it another red light, another book for Rob. Green Bay Rd. is slow.

  41. I am voting for myself --- and my 5 dinner guests vote for me too!!!

  42. A vote for Judy is like a prayer on my rosary bead.

  43. I don't normally vote, but I have to here because one cannot 'un-see' that line the artist drew in the crotchular area... it's not a stray mark. So I am voting for those who saw what I saw. One vote for Stacy.
