Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Two Posts in One Day?!!

Two posts in one day??!! Yes, you read that right...You can't pay for this kind of high quality entertainment, though I sure wish someone would. I want to take this opportunity to update the Burberry Fit Club Challenge Roster with a few new entries: (Sure, I could put them in a comment, but the post makes them seem so much more official). Names and bios are below:
  1. Emily Chiappetta--she's a fighter, she's super fit, she has a penchant for high end accessories and she is young.  Did all the rest of you read between the lines of her seemingly innocent comment about "after the marathon?" that was code for "I just ran a marthon and the rest of you slack asses did not...be very afraid..." She will be tough to beat, but again, may be derailed by her academic aspirations...she and all of those other Notre Dame over achievers (except possibly Louis) will forsake this blog come finals time...Score one for the grownups.
  2. Stacy Spracklin--she logged in as her daughter, which may be an innocent mistake or may be a ruse to lull us into a false sense of security regarding her technological skills. She appears to have some experience with losing ten pounds, and obviously knows her weight watchers quotations. I have a feeling that her presence will be felt in this competition.
  3. Mike Johnson--Yet another contestant from Steds. If these men band together, they will be a serious force to be reckoned with. However, it appears that they are easily distracted by any sort of alcoholic beverages...nice to know. I like Mike alot, and I like his mom even more...I wish him all the best in the Challenge...and I must admit, I totally laughed out loud at the Jared reference. (However, while I realize it's an accomplishment just to finish a marathon, just like it is an honor to be nominated, Subway Jared ran a five hour and thirteen minute marathon...got beat by Emily Chiappetta, Kyle Bailey, Tim Nickels, John Mattuecci, Oprah and me....)
  4. Pete McKeon--for some odd reason, Pete is insisting on being in this Challenge. As he gained three pounds on the first day of the Challenge, and fully acknowleges and concedes that he cannot/will not win the scarf, I figure: What the hell? Let the shid "participate" in the challenge.  It seems to mean a lot to him and he's not hurting anyone...what harm can it do? (I may live to regret these words...)Merry Christmas, Pete.
As a special aside to Nicole Caruso, no one is counting you out of this race, Missy. Keep the comments coming and you will more than hold your own...That goes for everyone in this Challenge. Your commitment to the comment, and frequency in hitting the blog is every bit as important as weight loss and  actual legitimate diet tips. In the interest of full disclosure, while I am totally psyched to help everyone lose weight and provide a super cool scarf to a deserving follower, one of the totally intended effects of this whole contest is for me to lose ten pounds and to drive an obscene amount of traffic to this blog,....so that I get a book deal. It's your classic win-win--the numbers increase exponentially on the blog, we all lose weight, somebody gets a Burberry scarf, and I am one step closer to a book deal. Everybody is happy....Some what Ayn Randian, but certainly not illegal.. Also, I am seriously amused and entertained by the caliber of the comments on the blog. Who knew that my followers would be so clever?? Please, keep them coming.

Now, to entertain you even further, I have inserted a super relevant past Kenosha News Column Favorite--The McDonald's One. Enjoy, but don't let your commitment to the Burberry Fit Club Challenge waver.

The McDonald's Column

On Monday, August 14th, 2007, the McKeon family received a shocking blow, and not to be overly dramatic, but life as we know it has taken a seismic shift.   We are all still a little shaken, but we’re rallying.

On this particular morning, I realized that we had absolutely no food in the house—no milk, no bread, not a frozen waffle or an egg to be had, but I wasn’t overly concerned.   I must confess, in the summer, food purchasing, storage and preparation at Casa McKeon is a little haphazard.   I hate wasting warm, sunny days navigating the aisles of Woodman’s, for my usual two cart, $400 visit.  Add on the time it takes to unload and put away all that food, and you’re looking at a three hour ordeal minimum.  So, during June, July and August, you won’t see me in any super market check out line, until we are truly Mother Hubbard desperate,

We had no food, but I wasn’t worried, because, well, we’d been down this path before, and obviously, I had a plan.  We had to be at St. Joe’s by 9am to pick up school packets for the big kids, and then on to the north side for 10:00 tennis lessons for the littles.  Simple.  I would just drive through McDonalds on our way to St. Joe’s, grab some McBreakfast, let the kids eat in the car (no syrup, no ketchup—car rules), run into school for the packets, and on to tennis.  After tennis, I’d bite the bullet and go buy groceries. 

As we headed north on Sheridan Road, our gateway to the city of Kenosha, the route we travel innumerable times a day, anticipating those golden arches, we were shocked, no stunned to discover that McDonalds, our McDonalds, was closed for the next four months. No way!  For the love of God and all things holy, why didn’t any body think to confer with me on this?  A little advanced warning would have been nice, some sort of community forum, possibly, or a psychologist on site to break the news gently. Didn’t anybody do an impact study before taking such drastic measures?     

When my kids were smaller, I was one of those overly smug, slightly irritating parents, who doled out Happy Meals only as a very special treat.  Dinner was usually a home cooked, food pyramid friendly, culinary experience.  And while I still strive for that Betty Crocker perfection, as the kids have gotten older, with schedules rivaling the landing at Normandy, the McDonald’s drive thru on
Sheridan Road
has become our auxiliary kitchen.  And now that it’s closed, some of the McKeon progeny are a little nervous about where their next meal is coming from. 

I know fast food isn’t the healthiest, (although the Asian chicken salad isn’t half bad) but on those days, and there are a lot of them,  when we’ve got a tennis match after school, Junior High football from 4:30-6:30, varsity soccer at the same time, different place, two kids with CYC football practice from 5:00pm- 7:00pm, (GO VIKINGS) and a band concert at 7:00pm, a home cooked meal is physically impossible.   Just making the requisite pick ups and drop offs takes the fine precision of an Indy pit crew. (I know, I know,  today’s kids are ridiculously over scheduled, but we do stick to a very strict one sport per season rule, and no travel teams; however, even that, multiplied by six kids creates a logistical challenge.  And frankly, I’m keeping my kids in organized sports as long as possible, in the hopes that they will be too tired from practice to hold up a liquor store.)

 In all honesty, it’s not the food we’re addicted to, it’s the fast.  We’re always pressed for time, and the Sheridan Road McDonalds, strategically located in the middle of my route, is just so convenient.  Maybe I’ve gotten a little complacent, lulled by the siren song of fast, easy food.  Since that is no longer an option, we’re soldiering on.  I know it’s a stretch, but I’m actually considering leaving my loop and driving all the way to the Pershing Boulevard McDonalds.  Who knows? We may even try Burger King or KFC.  And God forbid, if I get truly desperate, I may even pull out the crock pot.  (But I doubt it)

Hope you liked this vintage column. There's plenty more where that came from. Moral to this story: Staying away from McDonalds will bring you one step closer to the Burberry Scarf and Fit Club Victory....

No Top Ten list with this post....already did one today,  and it could very well be too much of a good thing....However, I  will list one thing that is so  not my favorite--that snotty, mouthy little blond kid in the Toyota Highlander commercials. Seriously, that kid needs a "firm understanding" as my mother would say, and Toyota needs a new advertising agency. 

Keep those comments coming, keep the ticker moving, keep the faith in the Fit Club.


  1. Okay, Laurie. I am in as of November 4. Spent the first day of your challenge at Jake's football banquet eating pizza and cake... great first start. By the way, I would like to say publicly, that again, I would love to have your "fat ass". There are also way too many skinny people in this challenge, which should make it easy for someone like me, but alas you are all probably way more diet savvy... My first tip for you is knock off the full size candy bars and go for the miniatures - 3 or 4 of those will meet the craving and put them in another room. We keep all the candy/snacks in the office in the kitchen, so you burn calories getting there.. allows for extra candy. Ask Annie, she can verify.

  2. Yes!!! Tina Lampe and Kevin Moyer...two very worthy contenders, two very strategic competitors are in the Fit Club and taking on the Challenge...Bring it on...

    I must say, in response to Judy Pulera's diet tip about eating naked in front of a mirror,....woooooow, nice tip...harsh and scary, but very effective. Even I could not eat a Kristi Ambro red velvet cupcake if I had to eat it naked in front of a mirror. My only problem is what happens when you are eating out? No shirt, no shoes, no service.

  3. Okay, I have to let out a Yahooo!!! for figuring this out. I was thinking if I couldn't post a comment, I might have to give up my day job from embarassment. For the record, how could I be too good for the group when I am barely on the outside of the circle? You do know how to get me fired up though, and what you don't know about me is I am super competitive, although not in the diet world, so this will be an unhealthy mix for me. Currently, instead of running up and down the stairs doing laundry, which might be helpful in this challenge, I am figuring out how to post comments to your blog and book deal. My next diet tip - don't eat anything that tastes good!

  4. Because I have none of my own, I am going to offer a diet tip from Harold, from the old cartoon "Hey Arnold". Eat 12 low-fat Mr. Fudgies instead of 6 normal ones. Some of you may remember this episode, most will have no idea what I am talking about.

    Oh, and Grace told me that she read this blog for the first time today, only to come across a suggestion that she join the "Fit Club" and attempt to lose 10 pounds. "She tryin' to tell me I'm fat?" was her only response. Not so sure if she's going to join, or read this blog again......

  5. Amy - Here is your diet plan for tomorrow:

    Breakfast - black coffee...no cream, no sugar, no mocha, none of those silly "shots" (alcohol or otherwise), just black coffee.

    Lunch - Plain salad and raw vegetables (however no carrots, as they contain unnecessary sugars). Again, all the coffee you can muster...no additives as noted above.

    Dinner - See lunch. Wasn't it good?

    Hungry? Go to bed, and read your menu tomorrow when you wake up.

    Good night....we have work to do.....by the time we are done, this scarf can double as your skirt for the holidays. Stick with me!

  6. Hear ye, Hear ye!!! Caruso Diet Tip #1 - University of Kansas (J-Hawk Country) Professor of Nutrition, Mark Haub drops 27 pounds on Twinkie Diet. Yes folks, we are talking about Twinkies, Snoballs, Little Debbie Nutty Bars, Oreos and my all time fave...Doritos. I, of course, like to utilize the Dorito chip as a shovel into a tub of Dean's French Onion Dip (Yum-oh - don't knock it till you've tried it...) HOWEVER...this is legit. Google it...Mark Haub University of Kansas. He even got his cholesterol to drop. Go figure. I am sooooooo in!!! Kristi Ambro those Paielli's Red Velvet Cupcakes were goo-ood. I should know, I ate 3 as my SPANX dug even deeper into my flesh - you told me yours were better and Laurie can't stop friggin' blogging about them...Bring 'em on. Let's see if I can get my triglycerides to drop a few points. Tee Hee Hee. I can feel the softness of that scarf caress my neck already...I may even get some gloves to match.

  7. Oh...and before I forget, I would like to add the McRib Sandwhich to that Twinkie Diet list.

    Tom Ambro, remember, I am 3 up on you. Get Going!!!

  8. Oh, there is no chance that I'll forsake this blog or competition come finals week, no worries there. I'm far too stubborn and too much of a procrastinator to study and not continue commenting/kicking ass.

    Diet Tip #4: Tell other people that you are losing weight, toning up, etc. If you let other know of your effort, then they're more likely to (hopefully) help you and make an attempt to be supportive. Also, if you let it known that you are making a point to lose weight people can and will call you out and embarrass you if they see you scarfing down a plate of brownies (and yes, I said "scarfing down"; I know, I'm good), so if that's not a good motivator, I don't know what is.

  9. HAHAHA if i were the judge of this round of comments/tips I'd have to back up my cousin Maggie on this one for not only the great Hey Arnold reference (we spend way too much time reminiscing about the tv shows we watched as kids-maybe you, nora and I wouldn't have "accidently" called the cops that one time if our parents had paid us any attention. too bad. instead we were raised by Nickelodeon and Disney Channel), but also for the Grace quote. That is totally something she would say.

    My next diet tip is to let your lips get so chapped (or just have the weird genetic lip chapping issues i have-ask my mom and my aunt, we all suffer from it) that it hurts to open your mouth all the way. This prevents you from eating as much and also makes it really difficult to eat salty things as they only dry out your lips even more. My lips are killing me right now (see weird genetic lip chapping problem) so if anyone has lip tips to go along with their diet tips please pass them on.

  10. I am just commenting to show Wendy Nickels that the "kid in Mexico" is not her only genetic experiment who can comment on the blog. quite honestly, being trapped in this academic bubble of hell (without a car, might I add) does not leave me much time to step by step talk my mom through how to sign into her google account, which I graciously created for her. I am going to refrain from the dieting contest, because I know Aunt Laurie did not create it with this niece in mind. If that were the case, she would know to make the winning prize a nice hobo off-the-shoulder bag or a loose bohemian sweater. She is the only one who knows how to shop for me, after all. I am also too excited about upcoming food, including catered chipotle and a few bowls of tortellini soup this weekend, a nice big batch of signature Kristi Ambro red velvets up in Kenosha over winter break, and a steaming vat of pastine at the next Auntie Rose throw down. Once my hollow leg closes up, then we'll talk dieting.

    I will provide a tip, as long as it doesn't commit me to this competition: pick up Scuba Diving. Forces you to burn some cals as you throw a good 50 pounds of equipment onto your back at eight thirty in the morning and jump into a freezing cold lake. An extra plus, feel good about yourself when a TSwift family member p*ssies out when his feet get cold. One more bonus - the sight of yourself in a full body wetsuit will get you working to burn that fat.

  11. My scuba-certified daughter has walked me through this process in the hopes of earning some points towards attaining transportation while in South Bend before her sister returns form Mexico. Since, I have not been contacted by Casey yet , I will share a diet tip that I know she can relate to as well. As a preschool teacher, my tip is to surround yourself for most of the day with mucous-dripping, nose-picking, hands-down-the-pants four-year-olds. Love them to death, but loss of appetite is guaranteed.

  12. It's like a family reunion reading these comments!! This comment is strictly to fulfill my family obligations. I will add a second comment for those not related to me. First of all, Halleluia and congratulations to Wendy Nickles for figuring out the comment section of the blog. (nice diet tip, by the way. No wonder Jane McTernan is so skinny).

    Next, Nora your comment about ASwift (brother of TSwift) along with acknowledging my almost savantlike shopping skills, scores you some serious points, even though you are not in the contest. Distribute them as you like to your favorite contender. (Just a side note, I too ate like Nora for several years, and while she may not need "The Challenge" this decade, she may want to commit a few of these tips to memory, because once she turns 40, I guarantee she will need them)Congrats on being scuba certified. One step closer to freeing Willy.

    Maggie, props for the Hey, Arnold reference. A little TV never hurt anyone. Just ask Posey.

    Finally, Grace, we both know that you have no weight to lose,but we also know you want that scarf. Think long and hard before turning your back on the Challenge...

  13. Here is the comment for those not related to me:
    1. Seriously excellent comments today. This is shaping up to be a Battle Royale
    2. Tina Lampe is totally sandbagging about her techno skills or lack thereof. do not be fooled.
    3. Katie Caspar is in and I'm psyched. Her fast twitch muscles will be hard to beat. Awesome diet tip...complete with first hand experience.
    4. Judy Pulera has been very quiet today, which makes me nervous...
    5. I am VERY intrigued by the Twinkie diet...would be even more intrigued by the red velvet cupcake diet. Thanks, Nicole
    6. Louis, I appreciate you numbering your diet tips...smart plan, organization helps.
    7. Where are the rest of the St. Ed's fellows today? Tick, tick, tick...
    8. Interesting that Amy Davidson's coach has commented but she has not. That scarf is not going to win itself.
    9. Taylor Swift's brother Austin is a freshman at ND. I've heard it on good authority that his attempt to be scuba certified was aborted...hmmm.
    10. I want to go on record that I have never eaten a McRib...

    Keep the comments coming.

  14. Thanks to the previous post, I have been contacted by many people to "help" with commenting -- even been offered a free lunch if it works (did someone say FOOD? I'm in). As of now, I am just as pis**d as they are. Frustrating. Still working on a few of 'em. Up side -- we've probably banged on this post several hundred times in the process. And for that...You're Welcome!

  15. Happy Veteran's Day everyone! I want to (in all seriousness) thank my husband and all the men and women he treats at the hospital every day for their sacrifice being away from their loved ones for so long. I am so proud of him.

    Imagining his homecoming waiting with our two little boys at the airport (when he left Henry, our one year old, wasn't even walking, now I can hardly keep up and Jake's (2 1/2) vocabulary has multiplied exponentially) is workout motivation enough for today. Also, picture me welcoming him home wrapped warmly in a new Burberry scarf.

  16. p.s. Laurie, I love the McDonald's post. Keep em coming!

  17. my next diet tip for the week is....stay away from tailgating! just the thought of how much food and alcohol that will be present on Saturday at the McKeon tailgate worries me to no end in terms of the fitness challenge! Needless to say, Mr. McKeon's long islands, the soup, chipotle and desserts.... not the least caloric way to spend a Saturday...buuut I wouldn't have it any other way : ) GO IRISH!!!

  18. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am checking in again, so please get ready to start shaking in your boots, cause I'm definitely still in it to win it. Why the confidence you may ask? Well it may be because this guy, right here (the handsome Sted currently sipping on some iced water) is already down 5.2 lbs.

    That's right, a week into this fit club thing and that's what I already have to show (please, hold the applause).

    Tip #5: Put up Christmas decorations. Not only does everyone love the warm, loving feeling of the holiday season; but climbing up ladders, titter-tottering on the edge of furniture hanging up lights, and setting up a legit tree can definitely quite the workout. Oh, and chicks dig the Xmas decor as well, the romantic hue of the lights really set the mood.

  19. Way unfair! I am so glad that I have no desire for that scarf because who can compete with Angela's tear-jerking tribute to troops and toddlers? Even Louis, with that damn 5.2 (really? is the .2 necessary?) weight loss, should feel threatened.
    In response to the Nickels and McKeon offspring's criticism regarding being raised with unrestricted (and often encouraged) access to the 'shidiot' box, I beg to differ. Your mothers were exposed to a steady diet of The Brady Bunch and Gilligan's Island and look how they turned out. TV can be extremely educational. Where else can you learn how to make a transistor radio out of a coconut? You kids learned many a valuable life lesson from The RugRats and don't try to pretend otherwise. Television can also be a helpful diet aid. I defy anyone to avert your eyes from a great show like Tosh.0, long enough to grab a snack from the frig. Feeding your face will cause you to miss some great clips.
    (Catch Tosh.0 tonight at 11:00 Chicago time.)

  20. Nice to see Jean Fredricksen putting the gloves on and getting into the ring. Louis, 5 pounds and 5 diet tips--Well done, Grasshopper. Wendy, keep the comments coming, I know you don't want the scarf, but you know Grace does...Judy Pulera, down 2 pounds, very consistent, and we all know there is plenty more where that came from. However, given that it is Veteran's Day, Angela's got the advantage...for now.... There is always tomorrow, when the playing field gets leveled again. Pace yourselves, we've still got 43 more days. Look for another new post tomorrow. Tonight's confession: I was cruising along today until I od'd on watermelon licorice (fat free) and now am heading toward a diabetic coma...shiiiittt.

  21. Don't worry Laurie...I'm not quiet...I'm still trying to figure out all of the different sites to post a comment on. You're going to have to explain it to me tomorrow morning at bootcamp.

    And Louis, I'm not shaking in my boots. Don't get too cocky either! Because you don't know who's on your *ss for the scarf!!

  22. Because I will be away at the BEACH til Wednesday morning, I think I need to offer more than one diet tip ....

    1) Take a trip to the beach. Bikini season is always motivation for calorie cutback
    2) Make a vow that you will be able to run 5 miles by Dec. 19. You will probably fail, but that is beside the point. (I'm up to 2.5, but 3 isn't lookin so good...)
    3) Eat Lean Cuisines! Those are the favorite food in our house back home. But if you even think about touching my Sesame Chicken, I will beat you up until you are deafer than Auntie Rose.
    4) Drink the water in Mexico. You will be puking and diarrhea-ing for days (and your poo will look like someone stuck a firecracker in the toilet), but at least everything you eat will go straight through you!! Montezuma's Revenge can be sweet (he he I am so clever)

    Wish me luck on the 15 hour bus ride I have to the prettiest beach in Mexico tomorrow!!! (Mom I will call before I leave)

  23. Since my advantage is slightly lessened today, here's a real tip: Oatmeal for breakfast. It is filling, but healthy. Especially nice on our cold 50 degree mornings in Charleston.

  24. Wendy: Of course that 0.2 is necessary; afterall, I go to Notre Dame, precision and accuracy are basically my middle name.

    Angela: Great job on playing the Veteran's Day Card, playing around with and inducing female emotions; clutch move, I can respect that.

    Tip #6: If you can't find someone to go work out with, go running at peak times on highly populated courses. Running around places where there are a lot of people will keep you from slowing down your paces and will most likely motivate you to run harder and faster.

  25. Hopefully everyone is still feeling amped up during this weekend!

    Diet tip: Follow all of the diet tips from everyone.

  26. By the way, I know a guy who lost 23 lbs in the 5 weeks from November to Christmas 3 years ago. 12% of his weight. I'm going to get diet tips from him.

  27. Ok, Laurie. 4 comments today outta me. Am I caught up?

  28. i really think that i should win!!!!!!!!!!!! the kids will vote for me or they will make your life hell if i dont win they like me best :)
