Monday, January 3, 2011


Admit it. You thought I was never going to post again, didn't you? You couldn't get so lucky.  I was taking a much needed break and spending some quality time with my.... kindle....(you thought I was going to  say with my kids, didn't you?) The kindle is a little compact miracle that I grow to love more each day. The kids, well, they're ok, too.  But now, after my little rest,  I am back in the blogosphere and ready to post it up for the foreseeable future. I have quickly realized that the only way I am going to make it through what appears to be a very long and cold winter is to immediately plan a Spring Break Trip and to blog my way along for amusement and profit. Amusement from you, my fun and funny followers, --do not let me down...and profit from that book deal that I am certain is looming on the not yet visible, but soon to materialize book deal horizon...( I feel that 2011 is my lucky they say on Wheel of Fortune "c'mon, big money").

Speaking of amusement, do you all remember the photo that was mentioned during the Fit Club Challenge of Mr.Brian FF Pond kissing Sarah Palin? Well guess what? That photo really exists and I have a copy of it. I am inserting right here into my blog for all to see. (Please note and quietly applaud right now, in the privacy of your home, office or car the enormous upgrade in technological skills I am showing by inserting this photo into my blog.. Yes, I am impressed too...a new year, a new techno savvy me...You're welcome.

I personally cannot get enough of this photo. That is really Sarah Palin and that is really Brian Pond. Note that they are both ball cap aficionados....hmm...Man, this could be the start of something big...I am totally putting it out there that if any of you have any photos, no matter how stupid or incriminating that involve anyone we even remotely know kissing a celebrity or even a psuedo celebrity, those photos had better end up coming to this blog. I mean it. It is these "brush  with greatness" moments that will put this blog on the cyber map and reel in the ever elusive book deal....To the Ponds, I thank you for the photo and sharing your special moment with all of us. To the rest of you, let's go. Don't let the Ponds make you look like unimpressive, non celebrity kissing losers....get those photos coming....

So, Happy New Year. Bring it on, 2011. Thanks to the Burberry Fit Club Challenge, my pants still fit. Despite the Burberry Fit Club Challenge (TWO Burberry scarves and awesome consolation prizes?,...Laurie, you are too much), I still have a few pesos in my checking account, so all in all, I am eager and ready to meet and greet the New Year. I have made only one resolution this year, (which is one more than I made last year) but it is a good one:  I am giving up profanity. I mean it, I am going to work like crazy (see? I could have said "H*LL", but didn't ) to eliminate the cursing...especially the f-bomb. I have found that I am dropping it more and  more frequently, and I fear that people may interpret my constant stream of profanity as an indication of a low vocabulary. This could not be further from the truth...Hey, I took the GRE last month (this will be fodder for another post, trust me) and a low vocabulary is not my issue. (negative exponents, absolute values squared, enormous three variable equations turned into two page fractions?...that's my issue.) So, to class up the blog and show my verbal prowess, I am refraining from blatant and gratuitous expletives.

Allow me to clarify: As my New Year's resolution for 2011, I am giving up profanity. However, there will be a few exceptions and I just want to get them out there, so you all are not calling me out on ever tiny, knit picking cuss word. The following situational profanity is allowable:
  • Crap is not a bad word. I will try not to use it a lot because it is a lazy word, but it is not a bad word....
  • The P*$$y List keeps its name. I'm quoting someone, so it doesn't count. Don't worry, Dave McKeon took almost a full week off over the Holidays, and thus provided plenty more items for the list. Just ask Casey Ferraro and Laurie Rafferty. You spend 10 minutes with Dave and the list grows..
  • Any other "quotes" of other people's profanity does not count, especially if I am quoting Tommy from "Rescue Me".
  • "Hell" can go either way.  I will be the judge of when it is appropriate
  • "Shidiot" is not profanity
  • If someone does something just extraordinarily stupid, and you know it is going to happen, I am allowed to use an asterisk in the expletive that will be necessary in these rare circumstances.
  • When the police pick up Pete McKeon for some shidiocy, (and you know it's going to happen) I am allowed to swear at him until his ears bleed
  • If Notre Dame ever gets beat by Tulsa in any sport ever again, heavy profanity is absolutely permissible.
  • If an anvil, piano, bank safe or any other super heavy object falls on my head or foot, I am allowed to swear like a sailor
  • If I am in the middle of a particularly difficult Boot Camp session, I can let the occasional curse word slip...What happens at Boot Camp, Stays at Boot Camp,  right, Judy?
  • Words that sound like profanity "freaking, fricking, frigging, darn it, mother puss bucket, etc..." are allowed in small doses...the more creative, the better
  • Taking the Lord's name in vain is off limits....this will be difficult, but I will try hard
  • If I suddenly find out some super shocking news (but it has to be really shocking, like: I'm pregnant, Annie's joined a cult in London, Chris makes the Deans List, Modern Family gets cancelled, Daniel Tosh is really a woman...) a few expletives are allowed.
Other than that, I'm speaking on the straight and narrow. Only clean, fresh, smart and chipper words will be coming out of my mouth and off of my fingers. On to a new and better me, on to a new and better year.

Okay, I know that it has been a while, so I just want to remind you all how this whole blog thing works. I write/post some highly entertaining, high quality stuff, including super photos like the one above. You read the stuff, log on and send me back some comments. It's just like what you all did during the Burberry Fit Club Challenge, BUT there is no incentive involved (other than making me laugh). I think you are all mature enough, kind enough and engaged enough to  post up a comment now and then, without having to be bribed. Moreover, maybe a few of you could convince some of your equally witty and nongraft loving friends to check out the blog as well. C'mon, you can do it...We will see how this whole "mature, honor system" thing goes, and if you are all good, (followers, comments and photos) I will run some new incentive laden challenge in the late winter. When we will all really need it, but until then, just keep reading, commenting, following and SENDING IN PICTURES OF PEOPLE KISSING FAMOUS PEOPLE....please. Thanks.

ps--To Angela Fitzpatrick: You kissing Brendan on his return from Afghanistan totally counts as a "famous kissing" photo.  Do not disappoint.

Today's Top Ten--(somethings will not change in this new year)
  1. The Kindle--it truly is amazing. I am not kidding.
  2. "Pretty Little Liars"--it is back on tonight with the season premiere
  3. Blue Mercury in Lake Forest--has many great facial products for men and women...ask for Linda, she knows everything 
  4. "Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules" --a Book of Short stories endorsed by David Sedaris.
  5. Sue Chiappetta--she and Emily are totally stocking up Annie McKeon for her trip to London. I am VERY grateful
  6. Jack McKeon--got into Notre Dame AND put all the Christmas decorations up.
  7. Those white rappers from Maine who sing that mash up song that mixes the theme from the show "Rugrats" with a bunch of rap stuff...sorry, I can't remember their names, but it's a great song.
  8. True Grit-the new version of the movie, or the old one
  9. The "kissing Sarah Palin" photo
  10. 2011--the year of the Book Deal


  1. Really?? I'm the first person to respond..."Cool"!! Kindle all the it. Can the photo be of "Me" standing next to someone great and famous? Or, does it have to be a "Kiss"?
    To help you with your New Year's Resolution, I have made up a list of words to replace your swear words. Please, don't ask for a cheat sheet....You really should get the swing of the so said words.

    !. "Oh, Sugar"!!!!!
    2. "Oh, Fudge"!!!!
    3. "Oh, Heck"!!!
    4. "You are such a shi-thead!!

    Hope this can help you Laurie. So....
    Here's to you, and
    Here's to me, and
    Here's to friends we always will be,
    And if by chance we disagree.
    Well, fudge you and here's to me!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  2. Glad you're back, Laurie!

    Don't worry, I will send pictures your way. Christmas was wonderful, but these last weeks of waiting have been so hard. To reward myself (and thanks to inspiration from my new scarf) I have decided I deserve a totally indulgent reward for the last six months. I'm leaning towards Burberry pumps.... a close tie with a pair from Kate Spade.

    He should be home by Saturday. Pics posted by Monday, I promise!

  3. Hey Laurie...Happy New Year (even though I saw you at 5:15 this morning)!! And Cheryl, Happy New Year to you, too! I promise that I will give Laurie the jelly on Wed.

    Brian Pond with a famous person? Isn't Sarah Palin the poster girl for the "Hooked on Phonics" course?

    I'm going look back into my photo archives for my "brush with greatness" moment with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hopefully I can locate it.

    Good luck Laurie, with your New Year resolution!
    You will have to put a lock on that lizard tongue!

  4. Happy New Years Mrs. McKeon! I'm sure you and your clan partied hard up there in Kenosha, not gonna not.

    I'll definitely still stop sans any material incentives, no worries there. Where else can I carelessly banter with my elders without risk of being reprimanded? Also, thanks again for said material incentives, I can't wait to get back to ND and show off that shirt.

    I'll look for some pictures, I think I may still have some from when my future wife (that's Ms. Swift for all of you that don't know) came to visit Notre Dame last year. I'm not sure they'll be appropriate for a family-friendly blog though, may have to slap a PG-13 rating on it, just in case... but I'll check.

  5. Hey Laur, glad to see you're trying to clean things up a bit. Now Jeannie won't have to worry about those "school Friends" (ha ha). The first thing that came to mind after reading your blog was the cute pic I have of the two of us (considering this is the year of the book deal, I'm giving you celeb staus), HOWEVER, considering it took me FOREVER to figure out the comment thing things aren't looking that promising on teh post the pic front! (Wendy, I'll be expecting directions soon I'm sure)
    ****By the way, in writing....YEAH JACK...(officially the "smartest" McKeon)

  6. What? No more swears? I'll be the first loyal follower to try to convince you to come back to the dark side. F*%ck, Sh*t, Da@#m, Mother F*Ck@r? LOVE those words in print! Of course, I'll read the blog either way.

  7. I think everyone is really missing the part about Pretty Little Liars in your top ten because it's a ground breaking show that should win awards.

  8. life's good (aka the rugrat song) by the cave boys is truly a great song. they produce a similar sound that chris, jack and myself will strive to achieve when we take or rap group/man band public. our cover of say my name by destiny's child should drop this month. HEARD IT HERE FIRST! sorry kim...

  9. Totally into the no crap stuff.... I have been asked to give a presentation on Autism. Living with an Autistic child...oh crap!!!. Did I mention that my audience is high school staff and students. Hummm.... maybe one of the McKeon's can give me a couple of pointers???
    Hey Laurie, Does meeting Derrick Brooks, Linebacker for Tampa Bay, on top of the Empire State Builing count for a famous photo? If so, I will post my brush with fame.

  10. Happy New Year, Louis. Are we ready for round 2?

  11. Jpulera, that's not even a question. Of course I am, are you though? It may be in your better interest to stop while you're on top, because I'm definitely dominating this next one...

  12. Okay Louis...whatever!! You're on!

  13. Laurie, I did try to comment earlier but had a malfunction and it did not post. I am sorry to hear about the no more swearing. I took heart to your Sailor speak as I felt a kinship in the swear spoken or written word. I wish that was on my 2011 Resolution list but I ran out of paper so it will have to F*&k'n wait til 2012! And you have my Pic!

  14. It's official! He gets in tomorrow!!!!

  15. Angela, I don't know you but I know your Mom and Dad. I can't tell you how excited I am for you! God's speed!!!

    Laurie, so glad to see the blog is back and entertaining as ever. I'm with Brian...I will definitely miss the profanity!

    Keep at it! Your book deal dream is closer than you might think. The front page of the Personal Journal in today's Wall Street Journal contains an article, "Are Americans Wusses or Just Fond of Trash Talk?" Entertaining and comparable to The P*$$y List but not nearly as funny. You are way ahead of the National News.

  16. Best of luck on the resolution! Good move - I think it might increase your following and therefore, get you closer to the book deal! Just don't get too PG on us:)!

  17. Laurie...I've been thinking about your non-profanity resolution. Why stop or change now? Who cares? It's been a part of who you are(in a good way!). If anybody doesn't like it..too bad. And besides, it might be a little boring without it!


  19. Adam...was it the one on "Fast Food Sushi?"

  20. Adam, I saw that video a couple of days ago... so good haha.
