Monday, June 13, 2011


Nice work to all on the rather lengthy sentences full of double letters. I must say, I missed Sue Chiappetta's entry(ies)  She should have been a lock on this one, as her name is full of double letters-Alas, she did not partake in today's fun. Plenty more chances for her to get back into the game.

While I wait for Judge Wendy to give me her official decision regarding those VERY long sentences, allow me to digress just a little....Today I had my annual physical. It was totally fine, but it was one more occasion that highlights the remarkable differences between me and Dave McKeon. When Dave had his annual physical this past December, he starved himself for two weeks and refused to eat anything that would show up in a blood test. He is a big believer in trying to fake out the cholesterol screening. I on the other hand, take the approach of : it is what it is...So, this morning, after taking the kids to the orthodontist (Nate McKeon got his braces off...looking good) I drove through the Burger King (McKeon family ritual--all doctors and dentist appointments are followed by some sort of foodfest) and while getting food for the progeny,  I shamelessly ordered myself a whopper junior with cheese. Yeah, I knew I had my physical later that day, but I was really hungry and a whopper junior really hits the spot. And really? who am I kidding?? Like the doctor can't see pretty quickly that I'm no skinnier or healthier than I was last year?? Whatever. However, I really admire Dave's "can do" attitude and eternal physical optimism....(but I will also add, both my blood pressure and cholesterol are freakishly low for someone who eats as much and as poorly as I do...)

Speaking of can-do attitudes, as I've mentioned, Dave McKeon took the low carb/no carb diet very seriously. (4 Hour Body has become his Bible) He has dropped almost 25 pounds. He is skinnier than when we met and like I's kind of freaking me out.... For a few reason: First of all, suddenly, three of our four sons weigh more than or close to what Dave weighs...What the hell?? How am I supposed to scare them straight when they are now bigger than their old man?  Sure, he can still kick their asses, and of course, we still hold all of the financial power, but the gap is closing and I'm feeling nervous ...Secondly, you know what they say about middle aged men who suddenly start dieting?....Yeah, me too. So, when I brought this up to Dave McKeon, he laughed just crazy hard in my face saying: "Are you kidding me? You think I would ever have a girlfriend on the side??? I can't even afford you. There is no way I'm bringing any other females into my life....even Posey's wardrobe is bleeding me dry. Jesus, the biggest reason why I'm sticking to this diet is that it's cutting down on the grocery bill.. Besides, you're the one who convinced me to go on this diet with you. and read that 1,000 page book..It's not my fault that you quit after chapter 2 and caved on the diet the minute you smelled Poe's onion rings....not that you need to lose any weight.  Oh, shit, don't get mad....See, this, this is why I'd NEVER have a girlfriend..."....and so it goes.... I swear though, between you and me...Dave McKeon has manorexia, He's getting way too skinny.  Though his drop in weight may be directly proportional to the rise in his Notre Dame tuition bill this fall....maybe if I started writing the checks around here, I could drop some middle aged spread, too...naaah, too stressful....

Ok, this just in: Judge Wendy has spoken (called) and the results are in. We are doing total points (quantity and quality together) because I really need to post ASAP and get back to my Nook---it is my new true love.  I am going to have to leave the Nook at home when I go to school because I cannot be trusted to be in the same room with it. It's siren song just sucks me in. ...(shocker that someone with my incredible will power can't stick to a diet...)

Now, I want to be perfectly clear....there were many great sentences entered today, BUT I did warn you that Judge Wendy is a stickler for syntax and clarity (you are lucky that you get to type these little ditties or Judge Wendy would be taking into account your penmanship as well) The sentences actually have to make sense, and despite all male thinking to the contrary, length is not always the most important factor. (You heard it here first).  As a matter of fact, one of the judges blatantly stated: "Once those long ones stop making sense, I just quit reading" And heard from another judge: "The first one that actually makes sense is getting my vote" . So, a little tip to the contestants:  when posting your entries, remember your judges: a control freak, rule following teacher, a skittish, flaky soon to be grad student and two moronic, swamp monster watching, no attention spanned adolescents. Pitch it to their level...and you will reap the rewards.

With that in mind, here are today's top five:
Number 5: Tricia--she just had the one entry, but her mention of Burberry and Tiffany's hit a chord with at least one judge--11 points for her.
Number 4: Brenna/Kim--she had 4 nice entries, and the judges found the one about the grinning doorman the best. 24 very nice points for her, and my eternal sympathy for the car vandalism...What's up with that??
Number 3: John for his last entry--sure, the judges realized that it makes no sense, but they just felt sorry for that "annoying aardvark eating that green apple". 35 total points for him tonight.
Number 2; Judy Pulera...again. The judges loved the Woodstock entry and the moms in the crowd were tempted by the "lip gloss/ ass halling (sic)" entry. 43 big, big points for Judy. Consistency is your middle name.
Number 1: Stacy, stacy, stacy...once again, hitting the home run with one swing of the bat. Everybody voted her "phone etiquette" sentence as their favorite.  I truly do admire her strategy...let's see if it has legs....

And I was just informed by one of the Judges that Suechi just weighed in. Sorry, Sue, the time was up, but if it makes you feel any better, you had Nate's vote, because "hey, I'm voting for Mrs. Chiappetta, because I can actually can understand what she's saying...." Too bad Nate can't tell time....No worries, Sue, there are many more challenges to come. Like the one for tomorrow....(nice segue, eh?) Here it is: In honor of Dave McKeon and his manorexia, and Laurie McKeon and her fooderexia, please write a limerick (or 50--John Heinzmann) about food or some food related topic (that has nothing to do with politics OR Michelle Obama).  Like:
There once was a family of eight
whose meals were chronically late
the mom wouldn't cook
so engrossed in her nook
that the dad dropped a shitload of weight

Or something along those lines. good luck. It's way harder than it looks. (the last line is a killer).

Here are today's top ten:
1. Pawn Stars---have you seen this show?? It's addictive--thanks, a lot Jack McKeon for bringing this to my attention...just what I need, another distraction keeping me from buying my books....
2. Michael Malone's books--they are very long and thus quite the Nook bargain...
3. Whopper Jr. with cheese---hits the spot
4. Olive Juice shoe sale for kids--some great buys, very classic shoes...stock up now for fall
5. The Dallas Mavericks--class move by  Mark Cuban letting the trophy be handed to the original owner
6. Matt Mattuecci--he can kick a forty five yard field goal--it's true, it's on youtube. I saw it..
7. All Girl's Allowed--Annie is working there this summer. Their Executive Director testified before congress today. It's pretty cool. check out their website...100% of all donations go directly to helping women and children in China
8. Bertucci Field Watch--a great value and very cool look...not a bad Father's Day gift for that hip dad
9. Nate McKeon--a fine judge and no longer a brace face--one less McKeon on the orthodontist receivables.
10. Casey Ferraro--saving my bacon this summer. Thanks, Case


  1. Because I care so much for the competitors out there, I want ed to share some information about writing limericks.
    The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 8 or 9).
    The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 5 or 6).
    Limericks often start with the line "There once was a..." or "There was a..."

    There once was a child named Donna
    Way pissed off at Mrs. Obama
    She wanted to eat
    A lunch that was sweet
    And wash it down with some fresh Java

    Opps its political, crap!

  2. There once was a Sausage named Guido
    Italian and hailed from Toledo
    In Milwaukee he raced
    On a grill he was placed
    I ate him now can't wear my Speedo

    BTW Boston just won GAME 7 - Wednesday at 7 CST for Lord Stanley's Cup - GO BRUINS!!!

  3. They say that consuming protein
    Will make you look pumped, flat,and lean
    But beware of ketosis
    It gives halitosis
    And dumps nitrogen in your bloodstream.

  4. Once I took a vitamin
    Thinking it would make me thin
    One swallow was all it took
    Before I knew I was hooked
    Realizing it was gin!

  5. When sitting and drinking a Guinness
    He denied ever having a Mistress
    He coached with this tip
    To keep a tight lip
    Now Weiner is looking quite finished

    Damn political again. Sorry ;)

  6. Well fellow competitors this one will take some tome for me. Nice job Judy and John.Obviously GAME ON is the name of the game.
    In answer to your question Laurie one can only speculate. Unless I can find some top secret camera to record it all I am SOL. Considering the fact that none of my neighbors have had anything happen and it keeps happening to the car charlie is driving not to mention the feminine product thing last night I suspect it is a girl or girls maybe??????? But who knows. I suspect the nail thing was random it was probably picked up while driving. The car being keyed has given us pause... no one remembers it being there. The eggs well we know that isn't random and last night or I should say early this morning not random either. Charlie did the lions share of the cleaning I just had to pick up the feminine products.
    enough about that i need to rejuvinate some brain cells to keep up with john judy,tricia and the dark horse Stacy. I think i used them up in todays challenge.

  7. For the Brotherhood......

    There once was a student in college
    Who wanted fast food more than knowledge
    He went by Jamarcus
    In search of Cow Carcass
    McDonald's to aid in fat storage

  8. There is the Royal Dukan Diet
    I thought I would be brave and try it
    Sleek and trim like Pippa was the plan
    Ended looking like a fat Kennedy Clan!
    Sadly will now shop at Lane Bryant.

  9. About food I am most judicious,
    Choosing only foods nutritious.
    But I tell you, pal
    That if it's lo-cal,
    It sure as hell ain't delicious.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I cooked up some roadkill for tea

    a possum and rabbit or three

    despite all the grit

    my dish was a hit

    I now have a show on TV!

  12. I wanted to cook Crepe Suzette

    so googled it up on the net

    a French recipe

    was foreign to me

    I haven't stopped throwing up yet!

  13. Hot dogs at the baseball is great,

    it's what happens later I hate:

    they use stomach pumps

    to remove all the lumps

    perhaps I should stop after eight?

  14. I ordered a big plate of gyros
    with a bag of Frito-Lay Fritos
    Then when I got home
    My bed was my own
    Cuz the smells could repel mosquito's

    The above deletion was because the cadence was off and there was a word missing in this one. Would not want anyone to think I was being off color or anything like that. A note to the judges. Good Limericks follow the following Cadence:
    da da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
    da da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
    da da DUM da da DUM
    da da DUM da da DUM
    da da DUM da da DUM da da DUM

    or 9,9,6,6,9. They can also be 8,8,5,5,8 but should NEVER be considered proper if the syllable count is off like 8,9,6,6,9 or 9,9,5,6,9

    Wendy, I'm sure you already knew this but again I wanted to help out the rest of the bloggers so they have a chance.

    You know me, the caring and respectfully gentle one.

  15. An ode to McDonalds for you
    Not inside but only drive thru
    A burger and some fries
    The low price is a prize
    But nutrition hasn't a clue.

  16. I once was the hot dog champ
    So had to enter bootcamp
    I now needed to get new clothes
    So everybody doesn't know
    I am the same old hot dog tramp!

  17. There once was a piña colada
    On the bar at hotel Ramada
    It stood in a glass
    then straight to her ass
    Cuz her name was Michelle Obama

  18. I tried the 4 Hour Body
    Thought I was this young hottie
    I threw up all of the eggs
    Decided to drink a keg
    I'm still the same fat slobby!

  19. Each diet has drawbacks apparent
    Some eating risks are transparent
    If you're not a big fan
    Try this easier plan
    And consider a skinnier parent!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Once I ate an excellent steak
    Also ate some chocolate cake
    Couldn't even button my pants
    I knew I had no second chance
    To be this slender sexy snake!

  22. There once was a limerick bout food
    That somehow turned out to be crude
    I can't help myself
    Damn Stacy is stealth
    To lose means I'll never get screwed

  23. Should I get a Big Mac or Whopper
    Said Laurie McKeon the shopper
    Their fast and their sweet
    Not quite sure their meat
    Four hour lists them as improper.

  24. There once was a lady of eden
    who on apples was quite fond of feedin
    she gave on to adam
    who said thank you madam
    and they both lost their souls to the eatin

  25. amazing antelope stew
    is supposedly better for you
    than a goulash of rat
    or hungarian cat
    but i guess that you probably gnu

  26. I've got to get ready for work
    You bet I'll continue to lurk
    While eating my lunch
    I'll post up a bunch
    that will make you all go berserk

    You know I was thinking that all this rhyming is good practice for when I run for President. Talking in circle and rhyme seams to work for Jesee and Barack. This blog is awesome!! It helps in so many ways.

  27. there was a young lady in a crew neck
    who's appetite simply was unich
    "theres nothing like food"
    she contentedly cooed
    as she let out three tucks in her tunic

  28. there once was a man who ate nothin
    except for blueberry muffins
    one day instead
    he decided to try bread
    now he spends his day near the oven

  29. there once was a family of six
    who couldn't start a fire from stix
    the campground was bare
    so they ate raw hare
    and the rest of the time had the sicks

  30. One wish is to look like Giselle
    But have awesome arms like Michelle
    Kept watching my weight
    Worked out all by eight
    After all this what the hell!

  31. their once was a girl named annie
    who didnt like to sit on her fanny
    a lover of all
    she helped to save them all
    All Girls allowed upped(sp?) the anti

    I took a look at the website. Its very sad. It's amazing to me the archaic practices that exist in other parts of the world. I know you must be very proud of Annie!!!!!

    The limerick was not written for extra credit. Annie is going to have some amazing life experiences to take with her as she moves forward. How Cool!!!!

  32. Every diet has contradictions
    Some have extreme conditions
    Although their guidance is wise
    Might have to wear a larger size
    Some catalog diets are fiction

  33. Tricia loved to eat pizza pies
    But they went straight to her thighs
    Pizza made her butt big
    John thought she was a pig
    And now every night she cries

  34. There was a girl who loved Tiffany’s
    So she lived on a diet of peas
    To be able to afford
    A sterling silver cord
    She had to work on her knees

    (thanks Laurie for turning me on to Tiff’s)

  35. While paying at Burger King
    I had to show off my bling
    It was better than a Whopper Jr.
    Washed down with a beer in a schooner
    It was my new necklace not a ring

  36. There was a cafeteria at Notre Dame
    It served burgers that didn’t taste the same
    As no one can compare
    To the Whopper Jr. fanfare
    Because they are cooked over a flame

  37. There once was a girl who went to London
    Who ran so much on her foot grew a bunion
    The local cuisine rivaled that at a kid’s camp
    So she left and invested in a travel Longchamp
    And came home as skinny as a turnip or onion

  38. Have you heard that Pippa is now single
    John don’t think you can go out and mingle
    She loves to dine at expensive hot spots
    And drinks champagne on very long yachts
    I’m sure just the thought of it gives you a tingle

  39. If I were an good english teacher
    these poems would be fed to a creature
    They pretty much suck
    to rhyme is not luck
    So take your seats back in the bleachers

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I'd hate to eat what you guys cook
    You can't follow rules in a book
    8 syllables twice
    than 5 ain't that nice
    And that's how a limerick should look!

    JEEPERS girls. I thought women were the ones that were good at english. You guys suck!!!!!!

  42. Will you have a Pepsi or Coke
    While dipping some bread in the yolk
    There's no coffee for me
    or disgusting RC
    I'm a soda for breakfast bloke

  43. What would you like on your Tombstone
    Speak out loud and let it be known
    Pepperoni please
    or Sausage and Cheese
    You can't order it on the phone

  44. I once fed a squirrel some salami
    When finished he asked for spumoni
    he liked fruits an nuts
    then just like a putz
    said, next time bring me some pastrami

  45. You might want to check YOUR spelling and grammar Heinzmann. I've noticed a lot of mistakes. Mine rhyme so my timing's off, go suck an egg or something.

  46. Creme brulee and brownies, I can't pass,
    Red velvet and lava cake, but alas
    Though I know what I'm doing
    Why bother with chewing
    When I could simply tape them on my ass?

  47. There once was a Major named Blago
    Who can't spend his time in Key Largo
    With his arrogant grins
    And his illegal whims
    The verdicts were just to much cargo.

  48. We aren't even playing anymore but he still has to beat me.
