Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the Holiday P**** List--the gift that keeps on giving

Here we go...My stats are going crazy, the comments are through the roof. Over 9000 hits and 193 comments on my last post??!! Well, Merry Christmas to me..I love democracy, I love this country, I love this Burberry Fit Club Challenge.

Judy and Louis have got their PACs together, pulled in some lobbyists and are getting major votes on the tote board. Again, we've got ourselves a race that is just too close to call. Remember, those of you in the Challenge cannot vote for yourselves, but you can vote for anyone else. Also, only one vote per comment....I'm talking to you Jamarcus. It doesn't do me and my numbers any good, if you can double vote in one hit. Sorry. Finally, the following people are allowed to vote via their parents: Joey Parise, Jake and Henry Fitzpatrick. We trust their moms to do what's right. If anyone else needs voting dispensation or special consideration, please let me, the Burberry Fit Club Commissioner, know.

Finally, I have got to hand it to Brendan Fitzpatrick and Paul Pulera...Best. Husbands. Ever....(ok, tied with you to FF Pond...but husband Pulera votes like a man possessed.. and Brendan voted from a war zone. Talk about going above and beyond. Very impressive gentlemen, and nice to know the blog has made it's way to the middle east. Shalom to my people....Hope all of our servicemen and women stay save.

OK, there are less than 10 days until we crown a Fit Club winner and award the coveted scarf.  Keep up the good work, keep losing the weight, and keep driving the populace to the blog. New Rule: International votes count double...(this means you too, Maggie Nickels)

Now, on to today's topic...You've all spent the week boosting my stats, posting your comments, and keeping me amused. I meant to post this blog sooner, but my real life sort of got in the way. I know you've all been waiting for this one and I apologize for the delay, so here we go..., you've earned it,.. The Holiday P*$$y list. I hope it will not disappoint...Merry Christmas, my fine, fine friends...

THE HOLIDAY P*SSY LIST,  You know you are a Holiday P*ssy if:
  • You wear a Santa hat in your Christmas card picture. "Look at this p*$$y wearing a Santa hat. I wonder what that poor bastard did to deserve that"
  • You wear a Santa hat to the office. "He thinks that Santa hat makes him a doesn't. It makes him a p*$$y."
  • You wear a Santa hat to a cocktail party
  • You ever wear a f*cking Santa Hat...
  • You drink egg nog--"I'm not drinking this pussy sh*t. I don't care how much alcohol is in it. It looks like vomit."
  • You eat fruit cake "Fruit cake?? Tastes like sh*t, and the name just screams p*ssy"
  • You serve either of the above...
  • You think it's a bad idea to give your kid's teacher a case of Heineken or a bottle of Jameson  for Christmas. "What?? Trust me...Teachers don't want those p*$$y mugs...If I were a teacher I'd love this gift.  Teacher's pet, all the way."
  • You actually want to go to your kids' Christmas concert. "Are we divorced? Am I a p*$$y? No and no. Of course I don't want to go to the Christmas concert."
  • You get pissed at the parents who are laughing during the concert. "Tell that p*ssy to turn around and stop glaring. It's not my fault these kids can't sing."
  • You need the assistance of mistletoe.
  • You spend your Christmas bonus before you get the check. "Bad news, p*$$y, it's a crap economy and you're getting a ham instead of a bonus.  oooops"
  • You can't put a bike together with a butter knife
  • You can't put a doll house together
  • You can't put a pop a shot and a train set together 
  • You can't put all of the above together in less than 8 hours, between 10pm Christmas Eve and 5am Christmas morning. "Bring it on, p*$$ies, I am Santa F*cking Claus"
  • You forget to buy batteries.
  • You believe in gift wrapping. "No, I can't help with the wrapping, because I am not a p*$$y. Just throw the toys into a green garbage bag and put a bow on it. Done and done."
  • You help with the Christmas cards. "No, I can't help with the Christmas cards, because I am not a p*$$y. I don't even know any of these people and  the ones I know, I don't like."
  • You wear a Christmas sweater...  "That dude in the snow flake sweater can't even look me in the eye, because he knows that I know that he is a p*$$y"
  • You wear a sweater that matches your wife, kids and/or pet..."Never going to happen because I am not a p*$$y."
  • You put holiday clothes on your dog. "That dog in the Santa hat can't even look me in the eye, because he knows that I know that he's a p*$$y"
  • You put your lights up early when it is above freezing. "Only the p*$$ies get out there early, It's just not Christmas unless you are putting you lights up when it's snowing and the windchill is minus 10"
  • You miss one second of ANY football game (even Cincinnati vs. Buffalo) to put up Christmas decorations.
  • You miss a single Bowl game, even the Maaco Las Vegas Bowl
  • You over decorate. "Stop putting all this Christmas sh*t up. You know some p*$$y is going to have to take it all down, and that is not going to be me..."
  • You put last year's lights away all tangled up.."Which p*$$y put away these lights?"
  • Your Christmas tree has a "theme".
  • You give a Christmas gift to your UPS man.
  • You eat turkey instead of prime rib on Christmas Day. "Turkey is for p*$$ies. Santa and Jesus would both eat beef on Christmas. " 
  • Your Christmas list includes anything that can't be bought at the electronics, liquor or sporting goods store. "No offense, but please, this year, no p*$$y gifts from Neiman Marcus. Just get me some golf balls or a bottle of tequila."
  • You take a day off of work to go Christmas shopping.
  • You spend more than twenty minutes shopping for Christmas gifts.
  • You actually shop in a store. "I'm not waiting in line like some p*$$y. All my Christmas gifts will be bought on line...between 9 and 9:20pm. Done and done."
  • You are a guy and you wear UGGs "I hope you didn't pay money for those boots, because those are the biggest p*$$y boots, Ever."
  • You wouldn't like to get or give a box of Omaha Steaks this Christmas
  • You look forward to the company Christmas party
  • You don't know how to ski
  • You don't know how to ice skate
  • You don't love the Black Hawks
  • You wear mittens
  • You wear a neck warmer "Nothing says 'I'm a p*$$y' more than a neck warmer"
  • You go Christmas Carolling
  • You stiff the Salvation Army bell ringer
  • You don't own a car scraper
  • You don't know how to refill your wiper fluid. "Jack, it's that blue stuff in the jug, you p*$$y
  • You can't start the snow blower "Pete, you big p*$$y, you better figure out how to get that driveway cleared off before I get home"
  • You don't shovel the whole walk, but just a path to your door...
  • You don't throw salt on your shovel job. "The UPS man is going to sue my ass because one of your p*$$y sons failed to throw salt on the front steps....again. It's bad enough that your p*$$y mom gave him a Christmas gift.."
  • You set the thermostat above 68 degrees.  "Put a sweater on, p*$$y"
  • You don't love Linus in "A Charlie Brown Christmas"
  • You are psyched about the office Secret Santa
  • You wear one of those knit stocking caps inside. "Look at that Tom Brady p*$$y wannabee."
  • You wear a scarf inside
  • You wear a shawl neck sweater
  • You don't love the Little Drummer duet with Bing Crosby and David Bowie
  • You've never seen "The Bells of St. Mary's"
  • You fail to appreciate the genius of "It's a Wonderful Life". "What sort of p*$$y hasn't seen It's a Wonderful Life?"
  • You don't leave out cookies for Santa  
  • You forget to take a few bites out of the cookies
  • You don't burn your wrapping paper and boxes on Christmas morning. "Let's go, p*$$ies, collect this garbage and let's light it up. Merry F*cking Christmas to me."
  • You don't watch the Heisman awards ceremony
  • You don't choke up just a little when they award the Heisman Trophy
  • You actually believe that Cam Newton didn't know his dad was pimping him out
  • You didn't smile when Urban Meyer resign/retired
  • You get hammered on New Year's Eve. "You know what New Year's Eve is don't you? Amateur night for p*$$ies"
  • You hate snow (which makes me the world's biggest p*$$y)
  • You don't believe in Santa Claus
HOHOHO. Keep the votes coming. Somebody will be finding that Burberry scarf under their tree.

Today's Top Ten:
  1. Posey's Fifth Grade Basketball Team--lost in a squeaker 28-2. Funniest sporting event ever.
  2. The Kindle--I SO want one of these....
  3. Paul Pulera--master of the vote
  4. Brendan Fitzpatrick--protecting God, country and Notre Dame..thank you
  5. "Teach Me How to Dougie"--my new favorite song...Just need to learn the dance
  6. Eddie Bauer down and fleece throws
  7. The Human Stain by Phillip Roth
  8. Gold and White Monogrammed China--looks beautiful on my Christmas table
  9. Wide plaid ribbon
  10. Santa Claus


  1. First comment on the new post! That counts for double! The boys woke up early this morning and wanted to vote for mommy! (I actually taught Jake to say "Vote, please.")

    Also, I'm so so amazingly proud of Brendan for making the top ten list. And for serving in a war zone, but, seriously, the top ten list, now we've hit it big!

  2. From Brendan in Afghanistan:

    I vote for my lovely wife.

  3. "You don't love the Blackhawks" and "You need the assistance of mistletoe".

    Classics.... so good.

    It's Thursday, so it's that time of day again to check-in with actual, fit club results. I managed to scrape another 10 seconds of my average mile time (huge win), and am now down a total of 15.6 lbs. for the challenge. What's that I hear? Oh, don't mind it, its just the loud, deafening sounds of success, no big deal.

    Tip #35: Go to lots of Ugly Christmas Sweaters party. You end up buying them from Goodwill/Salvation Army (money to charity, hooray), and they're hot as sh*t... which equals more sweating through out the night. It's a win-win situation, really.

    Vote: 1 for Maggie

  4. Okay, Laurie... sensing a little bit of favortism here... my boys can't vote for their mom? Ouch! Probably the only votes I can snag. If I actually teach them how to post it, does that count? Working the office angle, but we will see if they come through for me or not... told them we could do a Burberry scarf rotation if we win!

    Love the pu**y list. I have actually cried during the Heisman ceremony - full out tears - that might disqualify me.

    Now for the challenge. Despite being in Orlando last weekend and having lots of distraction, especially from a nice server who constantly referred to me as "my lady", after the Black Raz martini (try it if you are ever at the Portobello restaurant in Downtown Disney - best ever) and the house dessert, the extra walking did me well, because although I have not dropped any additional wait, I am holding steady at my 4lbs. Pales in comparison to Louis and Judy, but steady... Try the Subway diet - worked for Jared and he has a boatload of $$ as a result. Imagine this, Laurie, Burberry Challengers eat Subway in scarf race... great for TV ratings and could lead you to that promised book deal. And, Subway gets kudos for getting me to put spinach on my sandwich. Load up on the veggies and you are good to go minus the cheese, mayo and all the bad stuff. Don't forget the whole grain bread.

  5. Love the list Laurie! Very funny.. Loved the way you came full circle with the UPS man. You never disappoint.

  6. I cast another vote for Maggie. She is touring Mexico right now before returning to this Winter Wonderland. I'm not sure if she has Wi-Fi access, so that could explain her silence.
    But, again, the scarf would help ease her adjustment to the frigid climate. (And would go great with her tan.)

  7. I must also throw another vote to Angela. (Sorry, Maggie.) Brendan's plea from Afghanistan really tugs at the heartstrings. I also felt bad about the mini-van. We just bought a brand new one and I've been whining over the unfairness of still needing soccer-mom wheels when the kids are high-school and college age. Now, I feel guilty for my ingratitude and have a new appreciation for all those cup-holders. Really, the Sienna seats 7 but can serve beverages to 14.

  8. no one get mom a kindle. rumor has it one too many people already have...

  9. one vote for maggie

  10. one vote for emily chiappetta

  11. one vote for Mrs. Lampe

  12. i think all of my loyalties are covered..?

    and here's to hoping mom so wants TWO kindles..

  13. Sorry, Tina, but I know Jake and Brock. They are both more computer literate than I am and I'm sure they could figure out how to post a comment much quicker than Wendy did...However, a few of those martini drinks you were talking about may persuade me to change my mind...

    Nice job, Louis with the weight loss...I have stopped weighing myself because I just don't need the bad news. My jeans are telling me all i need to know.

  14. So, a shout out to the Fit Club motivation! I had my annual PT test (consisting of 1.5 mile run, push-ups and sit-ups) and despite being post-two babies, I scored my highest ever!!! I got a 99% (ran out of time before I reached the max on the push-ups but my run time was 10:40!) which earned me a day off of work.

    Laurie, thanks for the laughter and the motivation. However, the day off of work is only good for one day. A burberry scarf is good for life. So, that remains the ultimate prize.

    Jake and Henry both vote for me again. Definitely under a month until Brendan gets home!!!

  15. Tip #36: Cardio, cardio, cardio. ('nuff said)

    And I'll give another vote to Maggie.

  16. I do not know who this Meg is, but I like her. Nice call out on Sue Chi. She should so be voting for Angela. I'm not buying the "can't figure out the comment" thing. I did a Habitat Build with Sue and she could make a computer with chicken wire and a hot glue gun, if she had to. Maybe she doesn't want to play favorites by voting for Angela rather than Emily...Nice concept, Moms who don't play favorites--wouldn't know too much about that... Just ask Chris.

    Saw FF Pond out in public. He looks fit and strong, but his voting population seems to be dwindling...Let's get in the game, FF. Let's keep those votes coming....

  17. From the Master voter...a vote for jpulera!!

  18. Go Bears!!! Another vote for my wife, jpulera.

    The Master voter who keeps on voting!!

  19. Louis, you're the man!! Although I have now lost a total of only 5lbs....I would like to add a couple of comments. During this BFC Challenge..besides trying to lose some weight...I also wanted to lose body fat as well. I didn't take my body fat measurement(I wish I had!) but I feel that I have also lowered my body fat in the process. Another goal was to increase my strength training poundages(which I have). A true test of improving one's fitness level is not based solely on weight loss alone. The questions you have to ask yourself are...Did I lose weight...did I lose body fat, did I increase strength and do my clothes fit differently? One may not show weight loss on the scale but clothes can feel loose because you traded fat for muscle and muscle weighs more.
    Fitness tip: Do not get too hung up on poundage loss. Base your progress on what I listed above. Weight loss is not a sign of fitness. The question is..can I do "real" pushups, can I do burpee thrusts, can I bench, etc. Your clothes will fit differently once you start sculpting your body. You want to build some muscle. Internally you will be healthier, too!

  20. should describe the 2 homecoming outfits you have purchased when you meet your husband....and we can all vote for the one you should wear!

    You go girl with the fitness program!! Awesome!!

    A vote for Angela!

  21. Jpulera, your need to explain yourself somewhat confuses me. As you stated; the goal of this is to get fit, no one said any differently. Drop the, what appears to be, insecurity about not showing a bigger number on the scale. If you're stronger, faster, leaner; good for you, that's huge. I can lift more now, dropped my mile time significantly, and just feel better overall too... the number's are just looking good too, that's just an added plus.

    Tip #37: Again, focus on yourself and your fitness/weight loss. Don't worry about others, don't do it for others,... do work for you.

    And I'll give Maggie another vote.

  22. Judy... you are so right. Those are words that were told to me years ago and we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Unfortunately, now after many non-fit years, I am just plain fat, so I can't use that reasoning. I can say, though that even though I have only dropped 4 lbs in this challenge (to date) - still one week to go.., I have lost a total of 16 lbs since I began this little life changing adventure and can proudly state I am down one pants size and can return to shopping at one of my favorite stores. Fitness Tip - many of you run marathons, do boot camp, and other races and are in great shape. For those of us easing back into things and struggling with their schedule, break up your fitness work out. Do your cardio in the a.m. for at least 20 mins, maybe some more at lunch, and then later in the day your strengh training for another 15-20. You get your hour workout in without even realizing it. I vote for Judy Pulera!

  23. By the way... thanks for coming through for me Annie - much appreciated! Also, a vote for Angela. I agree with Judy - let's vote on homecoming outfits!

    Also, big distraction tonight in the annual office holiday party. It has been tuna and water the last two days in anticipation of tonight!

  24. Fat F*&k has been hitting the internet trying to drum up all those little Fat F*&k's to help one of their own. As it goes to show, no wonder they're little fat f*&k's, they can't even muster enough G damn energy to type two words...FAT F*&K! Not giving up though. I'm in negotiations to have someone willing to break JPulera's computer and her husbands so I don't need to read anymore votes for the "fit one"!
    PS...Nice X-Mas P**** list Ms McKeon and it was nice to see you in your tight jeans :)

    Diet Tip: I have to stick to the stress Fat mind is worrying about other things than feeding my Fat face and I am trying to keep drinking that water.

  25. I'll put another vote in for Frank.

  26. I vote for jpulera......she is my boot camp idol!!

  27. Another vote for the grateful Emily

  28. A vote goes out to Pete McKeon, the King of Christmas

  29. And I'll vote for Louis again. I'm hoping someone from sted's or at least Notre Dame can bring home the bacon.

  30. That being said, another vote for Maggie

  31. and top it off with a vote for Louis

  32. Listen, Louis...don't dump your insecurities on me! You said you are confused on what I said? Too bad, you missed a good point.

    Mrssarge...hang in there. You get it!

    A vote for mrssarge!

  33. Hi! What a crazy couple of days! Thanks for the votes! I will tell my husband he's banned from reading the blog and then I'll post my outfit options!

    Jake and Henry send a vote out for mommy!

  34. Jpulera, you really should spend a little bit more time reading comments more thoroughly. At no point did I say I didn't understand what you said, in fact I actually agreed with you. What I said confused me was the apparent need to validate yourself. So what if you only lose 1 lb, if you are stronger, in better overall shape, and just healthier, that's the goal. I was agreeing and commending you, Mrs. Drama.

    Tip #38: Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Don't overeat 'healthy' snacks like trail mix and granola, at some point they stop being healthy and just turn into excess calories that you don't need.

    And I'll vote for Maggie again.

  35. Then I'll put another vote down for Frank.

  36. oookk! i have been MIA and my sincere apologies! I blame finals : )

    here are my diet tips....i have a lot to catch up on!

    1. book your spring break trip to Punta Cana....the idea of being in a swimsuit for a week with the entire senior class....yep pretty much the ultimate motivation.

    2. pumpkin oatmeal... delicious, filling, AND healthy!

    3. this is my ultimate means of procrastination (besides reading this blog, of course) it is a "visual potluck" type in any ingredient and all of the recipes with it come up with pictures!! Make cooking healthy easier as you sift through the recipes....the also have phenomenal Christmas dishes : ) be careful...everyone i tell gets hooked on it! : )

    4. bake things like muffins and cupcakes instead of cookies....less likely to munch since they aren't as bite sized!

    5. workout to Glee music... i swear i run twice as fast during Glee's "Forget You", "Marry You" and "Hey Soul Sister"

  37. also... Kyle wants to vote for me again

  38. ohhh and since I AM Jake and Henry's favorite aunt... they vote for me too...paying me back for the extra chocolate chips I slip in their pancakes! : )

  39. And one more for Angela because I don't feel like going back to sewing...

  40. Am I the only one who leaves things for the last minute? Man my back's another vote for Angela...because I need yet another break.

  41. And am I also the only idiot who thought making every single Christmas gift this year by hand was a great idea? Note to self: this is a terrible idea. Another vote for Angela!!!

  42. Another vote for my mom jpulera!!!!

  43. Oldest son votes for his mother, jpulera!!!

    Go for it mom!

  44. I vote for Maggie. And I think my votes should count 2 at a time, as I am as big as a house with this gigantic baby.

    Love the P*ssy list - as usual it's pretty on point. Merry Christmas McKeons!

  45. Here's a vote for Emily! There must be something with you Chiapetta's and buttering up your Nephews/Grandkids with chocolate chips. The other day Grandma let Jake dip his breakfast banana into a bowl of mini chocolate chips. No wonder he's forever asking when Grandma is coming back!

  46. I'll put one vote in for Maggie.

  47. And Fr. Jenkins would probably want to vote for me (let's be honest), so one for me...

  48. working all day....entertaining tonight. a vote for jpulera!!!!

  49. wonder woman, judy is another vote for jpulera!!!

  50. Only 13 more shopping days until Christmas and the last week of this challenge along with the holiday stress of gifts, cards, wrapping and everything else, should help the stress diet tips. As for exercise, when you are behind on your shopping, just spend your time "running" from store to store and around the racks and you will be fine. Also, have your laundry on a different floor in your house. Ours is in the basement. Enough of modern architecture where it is on the same floor. Running up and down the stairs to load, empty and fold the clothes is way better exercise. Good luck to all in this final week of our challenge.

  51. Jake and Henry both have colds right now, so imagine them with their red, snotty little noses saying "Vote Mommy!"

    Ok, so here are the top two contenders. The problem is I don't know when he'll be getting in... 8am? 7pm? Who knows? I tend to overdress, but that comes from my mom... "best to be the most dressed up than the least"
    Outfit #1: White jeans (in my new size!!! and, even though it's after labor day, I do live in South Carolina and it's about 60 today) with black heels and a black top from Ann Taylor with black ruffles and sequins (understated even though it doesn't sound like it). Topped off with the burberry scarf -- perfection!
    Outfit #2: gray wool dress from jCrew. OH NO! I just tried it on and it's too big! NOOOO!!! I love that dress. Alright, I'm going to have to get back to you on option #2.

    This is so hard! I mean, I haven't seen him in 6 months! I can't wait. And, we should find out a return date this week. I need lots of prayers for patience at this point.

  52. I'm voting for Maggie once more.

  53. And once more for Frank as well.

  54. And since I'm procrastinating for finals; one more for Maggie.

  55. And my mum wants to vote for me once.

  56. And then one more for Maggie N.

  57. Nice, nice job, Clubbers. Way to get the vote out. We are heading into the home stretch. Only a little over four full days until the end of the challenge. Now is the time to go full court press. You've got yourselves a scarf to win. AND I've got to get to 10,000 hits. Best of luck to us all...

  58. Laurie, you'll be to 10,000 before the end of the challenge, no problem.

    My favorite new workout -- short and sweet: 20 minutes rotating between the following: 2 minutes at a high setting on the elliptical/bike/stair stepper, then 20 squats, then 20 push-ups, then 50 sit-ups on a balance ball. Repeat. It's only 20 minutes, but it is tiring!

    Jake and Henry both voted for me tonight.

  59. The boys also both voted for Aunt Emily. :-) Happy finals week, Em! Now go celebrate with a starbucks hot chocolate! xoxo

  60. And I'll put another one down for Maggie.

  61. Ok Clubbers.....Sorry for the MIA..It's Christmas !! Yes Laurie, tooo busy. Also, I'm not getting on the scale. Giving up "Date Nite", is not an option. Plus, the Parties...please!!! I'm officially recusing myslef. Joey was going to vote for me again, but I told him, " forget about it".
    Angela, always dress a little over....
    Laurie, if you make the 10,000 hits, I will give you a scarf.!!! Not a burberry But, one that I think you will like. (Made by my mom!!)

  62. My final and last vote goes to FF Pond.

    The p*$$y list made me realize how much I have solidified my p*$$y rating in life...

    "Who's that p*$$y who keeps voting for that FF p*$$y to win a scarf? Both a bunch of p*$$ies!"

    I was feeling good after the first p*$$y list, with one major violation (sushi), but this new list has forced me to reeavaluate (as I write this on my day off I took to Christmas Shop with my wife).

    Really, who has gone unscathed?

  63. Jpulera is in it to win it!! Give her
    another vote from me.
