Friday, December 17, 2010


Sorry that it took me until 3:30 central standard time to put up this all important, life changing, Burberry award winning post. I have had a very busy last few days and it has been difficult to find the requisite time to give this Burberry Fitness Challenge Victory post its fair due. Before I announce the winner, I have a few things to say.

First of all, this challenge has been a blast for me, way more fun that I had even anticipated and I want to thank you all for that. This Burberry Fit Club Challenge proved to be a very festive way to gear up for the Holidays and while I did not lose the 10 pounds I had hoped for, I certainly didn't gain any weight and even lost a few. That plus the 10, 700 hits I now have (!!!!) is a huge victory for me. Secondly, you are all great sports. I really appreciate your willingness to get involved in the challenge, to keep the snappy comments coming, to stick with the diet and exercise tips and to interact with one another. I loved the witty repartee and all the back and forth. I promise you at some point we will have a Fit Club Bash and bring all of you together. Louis and Judy need to do a push up throw down at the very least.  Angela, let me know when you are in town and we will set it up. You, too, Louis. It wouldn't be the same without you guys....

Finally, as the Challenge developed, I quickly realized that there would be many worthy contenders. It was purely a strategic move on my part to bring the popular vote into the mix because I seriously was trying to find a somewhat objective way to figure out a winner. About two weeks ago, I invested in some "runner up" gifts to honor those who made a valiant effort in the Burberry Fit Club Challenge, but may not be declared the scarf winner. Then, a few days ago, in a moment of panic and/or clarity and/or genius and/or stupidity  (take your pick depending on your feelings about the outcome of the Challenge or if you are Dave McKeon and have to pay my bills....), I ordered a second Burberry scarf because I seriously was not sure if I could choose a sole winner...So, now, today, I will be awarding prizes to:  Four Honorable Mentions, A Second Runner Up, A First Runner Up and Two Grand Champions. Yeah, you read that right. I am giving out EIGHT, count them, EIGHT, very cool prizes (only two are scarves, but the other ones are FREAKING AWESOME!!!)

Small, but important aside: If you go onto the internet, you will see many so called "Burberry" sites that sell purported "Burberry" stuff, including scarves. Guess what? They are fakes, even the one that looks like the actual Burberry website. I just want each and everyone of you to understand that the scarves won in the Burberry Fitness Challenge are the genuine, certified real knock offs, no fakies, no nothing. These are for real....and while I probably could have passed off a fake or two, those of you who know me well, know that I could never do it, because while you may not have known, I would have, and frankly, it would have driven me crazy....So, to the very special winners, you've got yourself one heck of a scarf...don't lose're welcome.

Now, back to the Challenge results... Before I announce the winner, I want each and everyone of you to know that I love you all equally and every single one of you is a champ in my book, but there are only so many scarves I can keep under Dave McKeons' radar and I think two is my limit. With out further ado, I present to you, the winners of the First Annual (? !) Burberry Fit Club Challenge starting  with the

  • Mrs. Sarge Lampe--Because she has consistently been the kindest and most encouraging competitor, along with being Miss Congeniality, Tina Lampe wins a very cool "Read and Feed" Bag from Project FEED. This is a special tote bag that when purchased, provides a donation to a child in a developing country with three school meals and three local language books. (Read and Feed--get it?) Pretty swift, huh? Your inspiring weight loss provides food for hungry kids in Africa and books to boot...told you they were cool consolation gifts
  • Emily Chiappetta--Emily has proven to be a great sister, great competitor, and a fun inspiration. (marathon, anyone?) Always quick with the comment, Emily wins the white FEED T-shirt, which when purchased, provides 10 meals to a school aged child in the developing world. It's a very cute shirt, Emily, and makes a very fine statement about your fitness level and commitment to world hunger.
  • Katey Caspar--Katey just makes me laugh. She has a great attitude, admits her caloric failings, and got kind of hammered at our school auction, because she did not have enough food in her system. Katey wins the black FEED t-shirt, because to be honest, the white one looks a little see through and, no offense, Katey, but Emily may be able to pull off the "see through" t-shirt look a little easier than you....being a mom and all,you don't want to embarass your boys with a "super, slutty mom outfit"
  • FF, Brian Pond--Because Brian totally cracked me up, and because he has the best name, and because he was the only other competitor besides me eating donuts, I award him a men's black FEED T-shirt (but it looks super small, so you may have to give it to Jordan....sorry, but on the up side, some African kid gets 10 meals....possibly donuts?) 
Nicely done Honorable Mentions, now ON TO OUR RUNNERS' UP:
  • SECOND RUNNER UP-- Maggie Nickels--she commented all the way from a foreign country, she vaccinated el ninos, she will be living in a Jesus shrine, AND she got a shitload of votes, courtesy of Louis. Though she did not comment as much as others, her comments were high quality and her vote count was massive, Maggie wins an original Project FEED burlap bag AND a t-shirt. The original FEED bad feeds one child for an entire year in a developing nation. So, every day, as you are carrying that bag around, Maggie, one little kid is eating all the calories that you avoided to earn the bag....Congrats to you!!! Sorry no scarf, but the Bag is pretty awesome.
  • FIRST RUNNER UP--Louis from St. Eds--Louis was an amazing competitor, the best weight loser by far and an excellent commenter. He did not garner the votes that others did, but was extremely gracious in voting for others. For his fine efforts, Louis will receive the black FEED t-shirt AND because Project FEED doesn't have much stuff for dudes, Louis will also receive a $50 "Lettuce Entertain You" Gift Certificate, so Louis can celebrate his weight loss at any of the fine Rick Melman establishments. Louis, you've been just great and I am really proud of you. I'm sorry your mom won't get the scarf, but you can tell her from me, she has a very fine son. Please send me your address ASAP so I can fire off your loot....Well done, runners up....And now..... OUR WINNERS ARE....DRUMROLL PLEASE..... (like this is any huge surprise...)

  • Angela obviously had the whole husband in Afghanistan thing going, but even beyond that, she was ever faithful to the comment, very positive in her attitude, super admirable in her work out and diet ethic. Moreover, Angela totally rocked the vote. She got many others involved in the blog to post up votes in her name. She was a great contender and I must admit, I am in awe of her single mom, working mom, husband over seas life style. I think everyone can agree that she deserves a Burberry scarf...and then some. Angela, please send me your address IMMEDIATELY and I will ship it pronto...You have to promise to send us all photos of you, the scarf and Brendan upon his homecoming. Merry, Merry Burberry Christmas to you....and give Brendan our love and support.
  • Judy Pulera is the total master. She not only worked the fitness angle like a pro, but she owned the comment section and ruled in the voting process. She had more people voting for her than John Kerry. It was awesome to behold. She represented the cougars with dignity, class and a competitiveness that was bordering on scary....Further, she can do like a million man style push ups. She totally earned her scarf, and I will drop if off whenever and wherever she designates.  Huge congratulations, deserve it. Now, one last request, please wear the scarf to Boot Camp and let me take a picture to post on the blog....
That about sums it up. I will send/deliver the winners bounty this weekend. Seriously, great job Burberry Clubbers. And don't abandoned the blog... Many, many fine fun posts will be coming soon during the holiday season and into the new year...thanks again for the fun...

Today's Top Ten:
  1. Judy and Angela
  2. Louis and Maggie (nice little ring to it, eh, eh,?)
  3. Tina, Emily, Katie and Fat F*ck Pond
  4. Burberry Cashmere scarves---the real ones...they are awesome
  5. Project FEED
  6. Kids in Africa with full bellies
  7. All the great people who cast votes, made comments, and hit the blog
  8. All of those like Brendan Fitzpatrick serving our country with honor and valor
  9. Luke Fitzpatrick Parker---latest addition to the family, we can't wait to meet him
  10. Posey McKeon--Posey turns 11 tomorrow and she is without a doubt the greatest Christmas gift we ever received...she is truly an undeserved joy.


  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I won't go as far as to say that winning the scarf makes the 6-month separation from my husband worth it.... but close.

    Merry Christmas to all and thank you, Laurie!

  2. OMG!!! Just got home from's about 7:30pm and I ran to my computer. I wasn't expecting a tie...I really thought Angela(young cougar in training)was going to be the BFC Challenge Diva!! Angela...well done! Again, the best to you and your family! Keep the fitness thing's so much easier when you are younger to whip into shape! Louis...I really had so much fun bantering with you. You certainly knew how to push my hot buttons!!! I hope we do meet someday so I can give you a motherly (not cougar!) hug! I have 3 I really do know how boys are! You were the main reason I hung in there. I looked forward everyday for your comments and you always got me fired up! My husband always told me to settle down and give poor Louis a break! Thank you Louis, you kept me motivated,,you were a huge part of me winning. Plus, I learned some new vocab words from you!!

    To mrssarge... thanks again for your kind words and votes..I do hope we meet someday.

    And Laurie....what can I say? I am in awe of your creative writing skills...I really am. You are the best! And I am in constant awe of your endless energy as a mother, bootcamper and volunteer worker! And yes, but reluctantly, I will have my glamour shot taken at bootcamp with the scarf on(I don't know how much glamour it will entail at 5:15 in the morning!). Thank you, Laurie.

    And to Dave McKeon...thank you for sponsoring the BFC Challenge.

  3. Well Fat F*&k is quite excited to say the least. Actually a little pissed at myself as I wanted to post like 500 votes for me at the last hour to steal the thunder right out from under JPulera and Angela....But typical me, I got sidetracked and frickin' realized it was 12:20 and I was too late. Anyhow, Funny you mention donuts. I finished off my Filet Mignon at dinner tonight with a bowl of ice cream and donuts all the while apologizing to Sara for not winning the scarf for her. Little did I know (But she new) her Fat F*&k husband would be sportin' a new FEED XS shirt. Love it! Most of all, I enjoy your writing and look forward to the posts. Happy Holidays to all.

  4. Seriously???? This BFC Challenge crew has not been this QUIET in months! 4 comments? Really?

    I'm soooo happy for all of the winners. Great choices. I loved the motivation this challenge gave me this holiday season. Couldn't be happier with the initial weight loss (much more to go, however), diet tips, and pure entertainment.

    Laurie, you're a good soul. Keep the posts coming. I am a loyal follower.

    FYI - Brian DID order donuts tonight. How could a person resist "hot donuts and ice cream" on the dessert menu of a fairly upscale restaurant? You go Fat F*#k! You don't win an XS FEED shirt by ordering sorbet!

  5. I'm with you, Sara....How soon they forget... It's been less than 24 hours and my posse has all but disappeared. I guess the people only comment when a Burberry bribe is dangled in front of them....

  6. Good morning! The morning after....Hey Laurie...I'm still here!! I'm not going anywhere! Heading to Chicago after work today for dinner and a little shopping (I know what I don't have to buy!). Have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks Laurie (and Dave)for your generosity! I am very touched and pleased with the "mention" and the "title". What a great way to end the challenge knowing that good is being done elsewhere in this world in honor of all of us. The reason I didn't get to comment yesterday is this challenge along with work, a conference, and a few other million things have put me way behind in my holiday preparations and now I need to kick in high gear to get everything done. Congratulations to the winners! You deserve it! I do hope we get to meet in person some day as well. The past few months have been a lot of fun. Thank you again Laurie! Don't worry, your posse isn't going away. I love your blogs and can't wait for more to come. I am off to watch some CYC Lancer basketball! Have a great weekend!

  8. I win some stuff AND get a mention in the coveted Top Ten: crucial.

    Although I did not win the scarf (and would probably have to get my mother another Christmas if it weren't for the fact that she's currently vacationing without me), thanks a ton for the title of First Runner Up. I had actually thought about getting my butt in a more structured workout routine for some time now, so this was a nice and easy way to formulate that wanted stability: thanks a ton for the challenge, Mrs. McKeon.

    Jpulera; you did it... congratulations. I'm glad I was able to provide some motivation and that you didn't take some of the witty comments to heart. Although I'm rarely one to not speak my mind, I was slightly worried that my stubborn sarcasm and love for banter would come across the wrong way; glad to hear it didn't and proved as help during this challenge. Also glad you enjoyed the new vocabulary and ragging on a poor, innocent child ;)

  9. And I'll definitely still visit the blog, no worries there. If anything I'm sure Jamarcus will take some time off of studying every once in a while to remind to hit this place up.

  10. This was the best challenge ever Aunt Laurie!!! I can't wait to claim my prizes. Congrats to scarf guys deserve it. This blog has entertained me for weeks and will undoubtedly continue to do so.

    Things I am excited to come home to tomorrow: my FEED bag and shirt, Auntie Rose's house (but I hear there's no pastine which makes me want to cry), access to a gym (would've been useful for this challenge), toilet paper in the bathrooms, water from the tap, and streets with no stay dogs.


  11. Congrats to all the winners! Great job Laurie, that was an impressive blogger challenge! You are a great blogger, and have made a reader out of me! Super funny stuff! And, I'll really make you a bag if you want one (and will do some advertising!). Take a look at what I have at If you don't see anything you like, I can make custom bags too! You can contact me through that website on my shop page :)

  12. Loving my FEED shirt Laurie! Thank you for the honorable mention status. Considering the fact that I did not receive a single vote or lose a single pound I am very flattered to have received such a high ranking. The biggest compliment to me, of course, is that I make you laugh. I know a funny gal such as you never flies that compliment around without meaning it. You may tell someone that they look skinny in their jeans without meaning it, but never that they are funny… We certainly do not want to encourage the unfunny to continue their attempts. Totally agree with the top picks... How could you NOT pick Angela? And Judy, well she sounds like she may be able to do some serious A$# kicking, and let’s face it Louis is young, he will bounce. I will be happily wearing my feed shirt while I feed myself this holiday season and bask in the glory of making the top ten. Thanks Laurie and Happy holidays to all!

  13. Oh my goodness! 11,111 hits! That's got to be lucky! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I miss all my BFC challengers!

  14. Laurie...bring on the next challenge!!! Even if you don't....I still will tune into the blog!! And Laurie the hits just keep on coming!
    See you in the morning!!

  15. I like that I keep getting called young, by the way.

    I was going through some sort of life crisis earlier about having to "grow up" and be "responsible", but these comments are most definitely making me feel better about said worries.

    Can't wait for the next post.

  16. What a way to be greeted at 5:15 in the morning....with a Burberry Scarf!! I'm already attached to it!! Thanks again, Laurie.

    And congrats on your Jack getting into ND!! Three at that's a trifecta! Way to go mom!!

  17. THanks so much Laurie!! What a fun challenge : ) It made my studies go by a lot faster when I felt obligated to check and write on the blog : )

    And YAYAYAYA on Jack getting into ND!! SO much fun! I'm sad I won't be there with three McKeons!!!

  18. Just noticed you need my address, my bad;

    423 St. Edward's Hall
    University of Notre Dame
    Notre Dame, IN. 46556

  19. Judy... can't wait to see the picture of you sporting the Burberry at boot camp. I am sure it looks fabulous on you!

    Laurie, sounds like from the blog comments that Jack got into Notre Dame as well. Congrats! Even the early decision - good work mom, and Jack of course!

  20. The scarf came today!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I didn't have anywhere to go but I have been wearing it around the house. Thank you so much Laurie! Merry Christmas to all -- only 2 weeks until Brendan gets home... I'll post pictures!

  21. yeah...Can't wait to see Angela and Judy in their Burberry finery. Merry Christmas to all. I hope to get a quick post up tomorrow. Again, way to go all Burberry Fit Club Challengers---a little shout out to Sara Pond, you look great in your Christmas card photo. I'd like to think this Challenge had just a little bit to do with it...humor me's Christmas time

  22. First year EVER that I've appeared in the annual Xmas card. Hmmm...thanks to BFC? Quite possibly. However, there's nothing a drapey (cough...Loft) scarf and some clever cropping can't hide! Hiding behind the pudgy pre-teen doesn't hurt either. Have a great Christmas! I'm back in the gym after the holidays!

  23. Thanks....I thought I looked like a pre teen!

  24. Laurie,
    Just got your Christmas card -- loved it! I am holding out until we have homecoming pictures in a couple of weeks. Thank you again for the scarf, I wear it all the time. I may have been a little overdressed for the playground today, but oh well.
    Merry Christmas!

  25. Okay..enough of Christmas celebrations and feasting!!! Going back on the Burberry Diet Plan..have to get back to business. Still enjoying the scarf!!! I'm getting a lot of compliments on it!

  26. Oh....I thoroughly enjoyed your Christmas card, too! The pictures were beautiful and the letter was hilarious!
