Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We've got ourselves a Horse Race....

Sorry for not posting yesterday. Some light started flashing in my car saying "Service Ride Control" . I have been driving with the "Service Air Bag" and the "Service Tire Monitor" lights on for weeks now, and I couldn't have cared less.... air bag? Pfftt, tire monitor? whatever....But for some reason "Ride Control" seems kind of major. I was afraid that parts of my car would start falling off, so I had to break down and take it in for service, and it shot my whole day...I am currently driving the kids' Kia and not only do I feel like I am driving a toy, but when I dropped all the kids off at school today, it looked like one of those clown cars at the circus...of course it did.

Now, on to the real reason I get out of bed every morning...this blog. I have to admit, I AM LOVING THE CONTEST!!!  We've got ourselves a real horse race here. And the comments are EXACTLY what I was looking for.  I guess this would be the time where I say "don't begin any fitness or diet regime without checking with your doctor". But seriously, you're all grownups and I'm not going to tell you how to live your lives. I'm certainly no doctor, but I see no medical issue with trying to lose weight to win a Burberry scarf. And frankly, if you want to eat tuna and water to do it, who am I to judge?

Below is a list of the official entrants. If you do not see your name on this list, you are not Nate, Pete or Jamarcus McKeon, and you still want to join in this super fun and VERY rewarding Challenge, hey, it's certainly not too late. Just read the rules in my last post and state your intent in the comment section of the blog. Couldn't be easier.
Here are the official Burberry Fit Club Challenge Members as of today in no particular order, with a little bit of bio so you all know who and what you are up against:
  1. Kristi Ambro--excellent cook, can knock me off my game, her daugher Amy wants this scarf and her husband Tom would love to get it on Dave McKeon's nickel---diet incentive: ? scarf incentive: high
  2. Barb Clark--already  very fit, new to the blog, somewhat of a dark horse, do not count her out
  3. Stephanie Chirbas--has a big job that keeps her at her desk all day, but she is another sleeper. Not sure how much she wants the scarf, admits to being fluent in profanity, so I  like her chances already. Needs to figure out how to comment before she will be considered a serious contender.
  4. Judy Pulera--Very fit, very committed. Has already staked her claim. She's commenting up a storm and has created a friendly rivalry with the gentlemen from St. Eds. I don't think she gives a shit about the scarf, I think she just wants to win--a scary combination. I like the intensity, I think she's in it for the long haul.
  5. Sara Pond--Do not be fooled by Sara's sweet exterior and kind comments. She's a serious competitor AND wants the scarf. She will be rock steady all the way, and has the technical savvy to score high and make a big statement in the comment portion.
  6. Brian Pond--I admire his willingness to jump into this Challenge. I am assuming he wants this scarf to give to his wife. He could greatly improve his chances by being deployed to a military zone.
  7. Angela--She has the motivation to lose weight (husband coming home from Afghanistan), really wants the scarf, AND has a very compelling human interest story. I'm not going to lie to you, she will score well in this competition, so bring your A game.
  8. Jean Fredricksen--I can't quite tell just how serious she is. She could be playing me, time will tell.
  9. Wanda Jaraczewski (I think)--She signed on early, but  may be having second thoughts. She's been quiet, thus far, but I know she's got perseverance and commitment, do not take her lightly.
  10. Amy Davidson--She wants the Burberry BAD, and was the impetus for the incentive in this Challenge, but she better get some comments coming soon or she will be sadly scarfless this winter. Has engaged an experienced "life coach" (Jane McTernan) for this challenge and should begin to make some noise. 
  11. Casey Ferraro--She seriously does not need to lose weight, I'm not sure if she wants the scarf, may have felt some peer pressure to join, but once challenged, can be relentless. May be the biggest dark horse. If she figures out the comment section of the blog, watch out.
  12. Jeannie--Casey's sister. Another sleeper, but went to a military boarding high school, so has strategy and tactical training unknown to many of us. Her weight loss motivation is pretty high, her tech skills are well above average, and she wants the scarf. Do not be surprised if a Canfield sister tag team full court press unfolds. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  13. Louis--one of the fine gentlemen of St. Edward's Hall. He's certainly got the comments going, He's not afraid of Judy Pulera, he wisely scored some points by talking up the blog and our awesome tailgates, and he's got youth on his side. However, This Challenge is a marathon, not a sprint, and youth can be easily distracted. Time will tell if he's in it for the duration. 
  14. Frank-- another Stedsman and a man of fewer words. I like his quiet confidence and his Light and Fit yogurt tip. I think he's got a strong chance to make a showing in this competition. He's from New York and New Yorkers don't back down. However, Final's Week may derail his progress.
  15. Nicole--I know she wants the scarf, but I saw her eat that sub. She's got all the potential in the world to be a serious contender, but her job is stressful. Let's see if it will throw her off of her Fit Club game.
  16. Maggie Nickels--I was waiting for at least one of the Nickels' girls to jump into the fray. Though she is my God daughter, she is fully eligible for the Challenge. However, do not be deceived by Maggie's easy going exterior. She's got a deep and driven steeliness to her, and can bring it out at will. She also has the extra incentive to avoid the "Gordita" label. She is spending the semester in Mexico and is more than ready for some serious upscale cashmere indulgence.  
  17. Kristina--Of course you are in. You publicly declared your intent and that's good enough for me. Enjoy the cruise, and pray that you get wi-fi, so you can send in some comments and diet tips, while lounging on the Lido deck. Remember, the comments and diet tips are critical.
  18. Stephanie Connolly--Declared her intent via email. She's got stamina, she wants the scarf, but must master the comment portion of the blog to live up to her full potential.  May be the most likely to just go buy her own scarf and call it a day.
  19. Kim--I'm taking your comment to mean you want in. Your welcome. Just a warning to all competitors, when properly motivated, Kim is a force to be reckoned with.  Ignore her at your own risk. Point of clarification: who do you think invented the "Heels and Clubbing" Diet? Don't make me have to tell the story about winning that dance contest at the LineBacker Inn again. However, I will acknowledge the excellence of that tip. But I think it only works if you are in college.
  20. Tina Burke--a recent entry via email. Word to the wise: Tina Burke could kick my ass all day long. She played softball in college, still pitches like a fiend, works out hard, and won't back down from a challenge. Her only weak spot, mastering the blog....until she shows the ability to comment, tough to assess her chances.
Below are a few folks that I thought would Take the Challenge and have thus far wussed out. Yeah, I'm calling you out right here:
  1. Grace Nickels--She's young, but she's a natural. Her competitive nature (she's made several girls cry on the tennis court, including her own doubles partner) coupled with her love of upscale luxury items make this Challenge a perfect fit. Maybe she is intimidated by her big sister... maybe she's just biding her time.... 
  2. Matt Nelligan--Though he is skinny as a rail, I know he could clean up in the comment section. We all know how easily swayed I am by good celebrity gossip and Matt's got the inside line on the Swifts.
  3. Taylot Swift's Mom--sure, she probably wraps her garbage in Burberry scarves, but word on the street is that she could stand to drop a few pounds.
  4. Tina Lampe--I guess now that she's won the tuition raffle at our school, she's too good for the Challenge and is just going to buy her own Burberry scarf.  Fine, be that way.
  5. Kevin Moyer, Mike Johnson and Alex--Boys, I've met your mothers and you know they would LOVE to get this scarf for Christmas. How do you think that they will feel when they heard that you had a chance to win a Burberry scarf for them and didn't even try? Very sad, that's how.
  6. Katie Caspar--It is quite possible that Katie Caspar has no recollection of this Challenge at all....or of this weekend at all...How are you feeling, Katie?
Now, here is my own Fitness Update along with a few diet tips:
Pounds lost: 2!!!--I am back to my original weight and thanks to all of your tips, I am recommitted to losing those ten nagging pounds.
Diet Tip 1: Buy new work out gear. I got me some new running shoes and a few "dri-fit" items. I am just immature enough that I still get psyched by new shoes and clothes....even if I'm just going to sweat in them.
Diet Tip 2: Eat Lunch with Jane McTernan--you will feel like a total whale eating anything other than a salad, because she will be sitting across from you eating nothing and drinking black coffee. This is why she is excluded from the Challenge. Super human will power and no body fat.

Keep those diet tips and comments coming. I am overwhelmed by the response and can't wait to see how this thing unfolds....(and also, I really want to lose 10 pounds....)

Today's Top Ten:
  1. Light and Fit Yogurt--excellent source of calcium
  2. Nike Dri-fit apparel--not as chokey as the under armour stuff, but still keeps you warm
  3. Jack McKeon--shaved off his mohawk, visited West Point last weekend, and is the only McKeon child other than Posey, not messing with the Burberry Challenge
  4. John and Wanda Jaraczewski--thanks so much for taking Jack to West Point. A once in a lifetime experience...
  5. Avacadoes--loaded with vitamins, tasty and filling
  6. Manrico Cashmere--best store on Michigan Avenue--put their sweaters on your Christmas List
  7. Zach Koenes--always there when you need him. Christmas lights, ping-pong tables, hanging curtains
  8. Monogrammed Tiffany sterling cufflinks--just beautiful
  9. Blueberries--apparently the best diet food ever.  I believe...
  10. All the Burberry Fit Club Challengers....my VERY favorite people: helping me lose the weight and get the book deal, all at the same time....I am living the dream...
Remember, it's not too late to join The Challenge. We will take all comers. No one will be turned away...except for my kids...but they are used to that....


  1. lucky for you i already bought myself a cashmere burberry scarf like 3 years ago...otherwise i'd be putting up a much bigger stink about being excluded from this competition-especially considering i plan to date all the young/attractive/rich royals in europe next semester...

    diet tip for all you steds boys (who i'm rooting for, by the way)-don't eat anything other than cereal or raw vegetables at the dining halls because i'm pretty sure it's all fried in grease and butter. grab and go is another great option. also, my roommate last year said gin and tonic (add lemon and lime for more flavor-also, those are fruits-healthy, right?) is the least caloric alcoholic drink, so impress the ladies by having something other than beer while also being calorie conscious. i'm 21 now if you need access to booze...

    how's that for a little sabotage? you're welcome steds

  2. Looky here...considering it took me 16 friggin' blogs to figure out how to post a comment, I think my contention for this scarf needs to advance a few notches. At least I should make the top 5 of the "Shidiot Comment Challenge". Seriously...

  3. Ouch, called out. I'd like to say that I am indeed in this competition. I'm a quiet competitor, a bit of a dark horse. I'm planning on bringing home the gold (or the scarf), as I casually shed off the lbs. like Al Roker.

    -Mike "lighter than Jared" Johnson

  4. Annie, I appreciate the support (and offer to purchase beverages of the alcoholic/fun variety). The gin and tonic tip is gold, by the way, that's the next one I was going to suggest; I think it's somewhere around 170 calories or so for one drink (compared to ~300 in Redbull/Vodka and +450 in a Margarita).

    Also, I'm not gonna not comment and stick through this competition... it provides another form of procrastination from my studies and, hell, the scarf would get me major points with my mother for sure.

    Diet Tip #3: When in doubt, group it out. Nothing more motivating than going to workout/run with other people, if anything your lazy ass will do anything in its power to not be the slowest/weakest and keep up with the others. (Steds Runs? I think so.)

  5. Alrighty then... I'm in! Although I can't figure out why you would want dieting tips from people who NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT???? The diet tips should be coming from those too skinny to participate, no? Here's my tip from Weight Watchers (where I have probably lost over 100 lbs - sadly it's the same ten pounds, ten times over!): Tell yourself "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." (With the exception of Keebler Fudge Sticks - they are totally worth it. Really.)

  6. Hmm...somehow it's odd getting alcohol "dieting" tips from college students (I'm assuming all are of the legal drinking age - wink, wink). I'll use it 'cause I sure can't continue to lose any weight at 450 calories a pop - yikes!

    Bowl of Cheerios for breakfast/Chicken Noodle soup for lunch = Mangia for dinner!

    Tip: Preplan your meals for the day :)

  7. For the (written) record..by "access" I meant "access to a car." I'm still just so excited to be 21 that I feel the need to mention it in every comment. (Louis, Mike, Frank et al-contact me in a forum outside the blog if you need "access to a car")

    Another tip: Don't wear your loosest and/or most comfortable clothes (i.e. jcrew boyfriend cut trousers...) every day because they trick you into thinking you're skinnier than you really are, which can lead to eating more than you probably should. Not that I wore pants like that today or anything...

  8. Tip of the Day: Do leg presses with your small children for every point Notre Dame scores. The kids love it and it's a good workout, assuming ND's offense can kick it up a notch. Go Irish!

  9. No complimentary Wi-Fi on the cruise, so here are my favorite diet tips this week:

    Stay out of the kitchen - yes, it's more challenging to feed the youngsters, but less temptation means less consumption.

    Squats - anytime, anywhere. Focus as if you must use a public unsanitary restroom...sit back and low.

  10. I have added the following comment on behalf of my sister Wendy, who appears to be having a few technical difficulties...Hoping this keeps me in the summer house good graces...Wendy says:

    "OK, Laurie. I am seriously considering finding a new design consultant for the Torch Lake House project. Noone in my family (other than the kid in Mexico, obviously, who is not here to walk me throught the process and probably doesn't want any competition) can figure out how to comment and sometimes even read the comments on your stupid, frickin blog. I have wasted way too much time and am frustrated beyond belief. I have made several attempts to comment ( with exceptionally witty and worthy diet tips, I might add), but unfortunately, noone will ever be the wiser. The stupid computer screen keeps taunting me with response info regarding 'feeds' (how is that for irony?) and such. So, I guess it is fortunate for me that I really could care less about the Burberry scarf. The last thing I want to do is hide the small amount of neck area that remains beneath my over 50 sagging jowls. So, keep your damn Burberry scarf and when I suffer a brain aneurysm ( I may not be able to navigate the WEB, but I am a damn good speller) from making one last valiant attempt to figure out how to comment to your Blog challenge you can deal with the guilt and explain it to our Mother.

    Casey, since you feel my pain (and obviously are smarter than I am since you have succeeded at least once in mastering this comment thing), I am going to root for you. You don't need to lose a single pound, but that scarf would be showcased by your lovely neck quite nicely. So, I will contact you in private with my pithy diet tips and you may claim them as your own."

  11. After being called out in today's post, i feel that it's the perfect time for me to make my pre-meditated, fashionably (but admittedly not as fashionable as the scarf) late entrance into the fit club race. While all of these other members have been in it from the beginning, my late entrance will give me the upper hand, as I have been planning my way to the top since the fit club was born. Sorry people, you no longer have a shot.

    -Kevin "lighter than Mike Johnson" Moyer

  12. Well, this Pond (Brian) is doing it right. Not eating breakfast, just drinking coffee with cream and Equal in the morning and then having only 20 minutes for lunch and of course grabbing what everyone would....2 donuts at Dunkin Donuts. Had a gatorade too, cause it's lunch. Back to meeting then home to to have my Boss's boss take us out to Mangia where I have to recommend the Apple/Walnut/cranberry/ice cream dessert. Quite tasty. Total weight lost ZERO. I am in it for the long haul though. It's a marathon not a sprint...right?

  13. Alright, alright I am in. You shamed me into it. Apparently one of my great diet tips is no food, just cosmos .. not too great for your head at your child's swim meet the next morning, but great for the waist line...I will have you know that my memory of the cashmere scarf carrot is crystal clear; well maybe not crystal , but I do recall asking you to dip Johnny Dep into that flea bath, get him all 21 jump Street and then send him my way...

    And now for the award winning tip .... Make a list .. you may only eat foods on the list. The list should include healthy foods with a few treats thrown in ( sugar free pudding, homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies Etc....) The list should be at least 50 - 75 items and include all items in each recipe. The list should be mostly fruits and veggies .. meats should be chicken, turkey and fish, limit the dairy and breads should be whole grain. You can then eat these items any which way you want .. No time constraints, no weird combinations .. Trust me I have tried everything and this was what finally worked for me. On January 2nd I made a list .. If It was not on the list I did not eat it... My skinny a$$ husband lost six pounds the first week so I made him go eat long johns at Olivers ( I feel even fatter when laying next to him). By Spring break I had lost about 15 pounds. I have veered way off the list since and have managed to gain back 5 or 6, but I am telling you that I have tried it all and this .. along with the Insanity Beach Body DVD ( a 60 day work out ordeal) did the trick. That all being said .. next time you see me out and about with a red liquid in tow .. please by all means hand me a sandwich, with items on or off the list.

  14. Alright mom, have it your way. I guess it would be a little unfair for the other contestants if I was allowed into the competition (I would be like the Secretariat of this Horse Race), but if this steed is banned from competing for this year's triple crown, his full support goes to the Stedsmen. Bring the scarf home to Our Lady, gentlemen.

  15. Hey hey hey you think I am playing you? Ask Wanda--I actually unchained myself from my desk and walked around Lincoln Park today. Driving your well-traveled route of Sheridan Rd., I too pass that McDonalds and unfortunately for me, it's now opened! But I did resist my normal cheeseburger and got a salad. But truthfully you should all be worried. I've put on enough weight in the last year that it really should come off easy, right? I just needed the public humiliation to do it. Down 2 lbs. Just watch when my real effort kicks in! Diet tip: drink water and lots of it.

  16. Hey, Judy, we're all still here. We're just commenting on the next post, the one with the retread McDonald's column. Louis claims to have lost 5.2 pounds, Emily is nervous about this weekend's tailgate (me too--once you've had a few Long Islands, even stale corn chips seem delicious) and Angela is playing the Veteran's Day card (and playing it very well, I might add). Look forward for another post tomorrow...

  17. Thanks Laurie! Okay...I just figured it out...there are 2 different sites to post a comment. This one(We've got ourselves a Horse race) and the other one which is "Join the G*dd*am Fit Club."

    I lost 2 lbs. and posted it on my chart.
    Where's Louis tonite?
    Maybe he's on the other site. Did he post his 5lb. loss?
    Anyways...I posted 2 diet tips on the other site the past 2 days.

    See you in the morning at bootcamp Laurie!

  18. I also vote for Judy Pulera again!

    Rick B

  19. Judy Pulera is a winner - go Judy!


  20. Judy Pulera gets my vote- she is an Iron Lady!

    Rick B

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