Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"We're not having enough fun"

Since starting this blog, and particularly since starting the Burberry Fit Club Challenge, I have been laughing my ass off. I must admit, I am having a frighteningly good time with all of this bloggity goodness. I hope all of you are enjoying it, too, because, not meaning to get all sentimental here, life is short, and we all need to have a big, bunch of fun. I have always been a huge proponent of fun and goofing off. (who isn't? this is kind of like saying, I have always been a huge proponent of oxygen...) But, often fun get pushed aside for all of those other competing concerns like food, shelter, healthcare, orthodontia, Haiti, bad haircuts, ACT results, bed bugs, the economic slow down, peace in the middle east, TSA pat downs, antibiotic resistant germs and high fructose corn syrup. I'd like to take the time, in this very post today, to remind us all, to have more fun. Stop obsessing about your job, kids, house, car, 401K (or lack thereof), investments, the deficit.and tort reform and go out and have some fun. I'm not advocating illegal, immoral, destructive or even expensive fun, but just a little attitudinal adjustment. I think right now, as we head into the Holiday season, focusing on some light hearted, well intentioned enjoyment rather than on the doom and gloom of the every day struggle would serve us all well. Hey, that dark shit is always going to be there, I'm not saying to deny it, or be irresponsible about your obligations, but I am saying, keep it in its place, put it in perspective and go out there and enjoy your damn life. Today...

A long time ago, when Dave McKeon first started making some legit money, we went to visit a financial planner that his dad recommended. Remember, this was back in the go-go nineties, when the economy was booming, everybody was making money hand over fist and the McKeon's had access to a corporate jet (shit, I miss that jet). So, we go to this kind of stodgy firm in the city and meet with this very nice man, who is being overly solicitous to us because Dave's dad was a very good client of the firm, and the man says to us: "So, what are your financial goals?" And I say: "I'd like to have as much fun as humanly possible without totally jeopardizing our retirement or the kids' college prospects." He was some what taken aback and said to me: "No one  has ever said that before." (You would be surprised how often I hear that phrase, along with "you are my best customer"--much to Dave McKeon's chagrin). But I  totally meant it, and still do. Not sure if I've actually jeopardized our retirement, (it's debatable) or the kids' college fund (I think Pete will be very excited about attending college on a ROTC scholarship...) but I have had a many, many fun and memorable moments, both big and  small over the years and am recommitting myself to having some more.

***Big and True Disclaimer*** While we did indeed live large in the 90s, (hey, Nancy, do you remember that trip to Pebble Beach with 18 pieces of luggage, not counting the golf clubs?), and had a veritable blast, all of those high end, high jinks business write off days came to a screeching halt by the early 2000s, as the IRS cracked down on corporate perks (curse you, IRS), stock deals and options were held more closely, Dave started his own business, our kids got way more expensive, college tuition went up 200% and  all those bubbles started bursting (dot.coms, real estate, medicine, blah, blah, blah). We have a very comfortable, I'm certainly not complaining, but do not for one hot second think that we are floating on a sea of cash or rolling in the Benjamins. We are not. And even more importantly, don't go asking Dave McKeon for any money because I've already tried it and it's not going to happen. He is a huge proponent of this whole new austerity, belt tightening economy and is imposing that credo to his home life as well as his corporate life. I can understand it, but it still doesn't stop me from missing the corporate jet...****

When we lived in Ohio,  we were always cooking up some fun. My friend Nancy (of the 18 pieces of luggage fame) would call me and say "We're not having enough fun" and then we'd plan some bogus adventure or party or event to liven up the week. As the economy has tanked, the news is bleak, the weather is getting colder, it would be easy to turn your life to gray and block out the fun. I'm telling you straight here: don't do that. Call a few friends, order a few pizzas, buy a cheesy movie on Direct TV, and let the fun shine in. Below is a list of a few fun filled activities for you and your posse to enjoy--some are family friendly, some not so much. You can figure out which is most appropriate for your Holiday season. And because I know that you are all saving your pennies to buy your wives, girlfriends, sweethearts, mothers, parole officer,...a super, awesome, heartfelt, loving Christmas gift, while bringing you hours of sidesplitting enjoyment, none of these activities will break the bank. You're welcome. ...
  • have a ping pong tournament
  • have a beer pong tournament (only for those over 21...this means you, Chris McKeon)
  • play poker
  • play jenga
  • play "drunk" jenga (only for those over 21....this game is officially copywritten by Kim Westphal)
  • play Scrabble
  • play profanity Scrabble
  • watch old Christmas movies...White Christmas, Holiday Inn, It's a Wonderful Life, ...
  • watch new Christmas movies...Fred Claus, Four Christmases, Elf, ("Santa, I know him") even those ones with Tim Allen
  • get a big box, hide in it, jump out and scare your friends--I've seen the video of this, and for some reason, it kept those boys in St. Ed's hall amused for hours....
  • go see a movie with a group of friends..lots of good holiday fare out there
  • play spoons
  • play drunk spoons
  • play Scattagories...but not with my sister Wendy. She will bite your head off, and get you kicked out of your hotel with her highly competitive and really noisy tactics...
  • play flag football outside--just like the Kennedys'...but not at my sister Wendy's or she will not let you back in her house with your stinky clothes and muddy shoes...true story...
  • have a Turkey Bowl flag football tournament with your buds
  • run the Turkey Trot, with your buds
  • deck the halls...with your buds
  • buy some carpet skates...these are the greatest, cheapest toy ever...fun for the whole family
  • make homemade pizza with a big group of friends, kind of messy, but very fun
  • have a soup off, chili cook off, or pasta sauce off...food and fun...do you hear me, Laurie Rafferty, I'm talking to you....
  • hook up your ipod with some high octane music and have a dance party....fyi...people dance more when fueled with Long Island Iced Teas...fyi2...for those of you in the Fit Club, dancing is great exercise...
  • Go window shopping
  • Go get Hot Chocolate or Coffee
  • Go Ice Skating
  • Watch other People fall down ice skating
  • Have a Secret Santa with your friends
  • Invite all of your buddies over to watch all of the old episodes of Modern Family, Friday Night Lights or Mad Men. that can be easily purchased on your television...provide cheap eats...see below...
  • Gather the crowd for some cheap eats: Nothing says fun like Little Ceaser Pizza, the Box of Burritos from Chipotle, the Family Feast from KFC or a bunch of Jimmy Johns...
  • Hop a cheap flight to Vegas (not kidding, there are some super cheap flights out there...)
  • Hop a cheap flight anywhere. Best way to change your mental state is to leave town and recharge
  • Go see Santa...He will make you happy....I recommend the one at the Bloomingdale's Mall in Chicago...short lines, cute surroundings
  • Call a friend and meet for lunch
  • Go our to breakfast (cheap meal, great way to start the day) with your favorite people
  • Meet up for holiday cocktails
  • Mix up some holiday cocktails and have your friends bring over some appetizers--pigs in a blanket,  cocktail meatballs, cheeseball and crackers...the usual
  • Read any book by David Sedaris
  • Get that "Crafts for Poor People Book" by his sister Amy
  • Make some of the crafts in that book
  • Not really, unless you really like that whole crafty thing...
  • Rent any stupid movie, mute it and make up your own words
  • Join the Fit Club, it's not too late, and we are all having a "all the live long day" blast...
  • Read this always fun and exciting blog....or just read Mark the Shark Titus's one, It's super funny.
Obviously, the reoccurring theme here is getting a group of people together and letting the fun flow. You don't have to do anything fancy, don't have to spend a bunch of money, you just have to be committed to having a good time. Fourth quarter earnings are going to suck anyway, so you might as well enjoy yourself as your portfolio goes to hell..because "we're not having enough fun."

Burberry Fit Club Challenge Update: the Burberry Fit Club is still going strong and though I did not lose any weight this weekend, the good news is, I haven't gained any...progress at this point. Judy and Louis are neck and neck (pun) for the scarf, Excellent strategy to continue posting comments every day...other competitors take note...Angela is right up there, playing the Afghanistan card with abandon. Her sister Emily is ratting her out, but there is nothing I love more than pitting sister against sister. Speaking of which, Casey and Jeannie are adding their comments, and I must admit, I want to see and feel this 23 pound baby...Jeannie, send a photo and I will put it on the blog...Tina Lampe has proven to a consistent contender and is actually losing weight...nice...Cheryl Parise is an up and comer, she will not be denied, and has many useful diet tips, especially those involving Mangia and 64s. Frank, I don't know how you lost ten pounds already, but I am jealous.

Thanksgiving is looming, and we are basically down to our last month of Fit Club Challenge. Now is the time to ramp it up, suck it up, and buckle down for Burberry. C'mon, Clubbers, don't give up now...Let's go, Ponds, keep those comments coming...I'm waiting to hear a little more from the fabulous Nicole, and a few others...It is still anyone's game (this means you, the incredibly silent Maggie Nickels, don't make me call you a gordita). Keep the Challenge in the forefront of your mind this Thanksgiving because you know that Judy and Louis will be eating white turkey meat and tuna on Thursday...Keep those comments coming...

Today's Top Ten:
  1. Nancy Joyce--the best hostess, the best fun, the best friend...
  2. Blue Cheese stuffed olives--please don't tell me these are not diet food...they are sooo delicious
  3. PURE cashmere--great catalgue and website, and really good cashmere,
  4. Levi s501s,--a classic good look
  5. Last week's episode of Glee with Gwyneth Paltrow
  6. Kate Middleton---nicely played, Waitey, Katie... good things come to those who wait...and her waiting has brought her a Prince...a real one, with a castle and everything....well done 
  7. Kate Middleton's dad--way to go, getting Prince Charles to pick up the tab for your daughter's wedding
  8. Ben Silver--super old school men's wear catalogue--
  9. William Arthur Christmas cards--order them from my friend Roger, he's the master
  10. Amanda Clingen--took our Christmas photo, took Annie to the ND game in Yankee Stadium, and wasn't too embarassed to shoot photos in an ice cream parlor...thanks...
Enjoy the post, enjoy the day, now get out there and have some fun...just make sure to invite me...

BTW--the scarf is here, the scarf is beautiful, the scarf wants to go home with you....


  1. Great Post, Laurie!! Too much doom and gloom surrounds everyday...that 's why I joined the BFC Challenge! Can't wait each day to check out the comments and see what my competitors are up to. Absence is erosive..that's why I'm still here and still in it! That scarf is going home with me!

    Diet Tip: Don't eat on Thanksgiving Day...stay in bed!!

  2. Happy almost Thanksgiving! My husband will be home in around 6 weeks so the pressure's really on! (And the excitement is mounting, it's going to be better than Christmas!) I have lost a pound and am almost down a jean size... watch out, you Sted men, former Lewis Chick out to win. P.S. my sister is here for Thanksgiving and I'm hiding all the healthy food.
    Tip of the day: Watch food network while you're working out. I swear, you burn more calories watching food that you aren't eating.

  3. Don't be fooled... you better bet I'm going push some extra helpings of stuffing and pie Angela's way! (I say it in the most loving way)

    Tip of the day.... eat especially healthy tomorrow so that Thursday's splurges taste even better!!

  4. Great Read Ms. McKeon. I had a boat load of fun this past weekend so I took your words to heart. I spent the weekend in north western WI trying to put venison on my family's table. Since that did not work out too well, I was able to enjoy the benefits of staying on a dairy farm where the dairy food group is highly promoted (organic by the way). I drank enough of the milk straight from the milk tank to make my girth not whittle at all. Top it off with lots o beers and I am still one big ol Fat F*&k.. The only healthy benefit of hunting in the ridge areas near LaCrosse are the gargantuan hills I got to climb every day. Being fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life I have been told.
    Diet Tp: drink water while filling your pie hole with cheese curds, you don't feel as guilty!

  5. I really liked this post Aunt Laurie. It made me really excited for the Holidays!!

    I am blaming my silence on the beach trip, the business of the last week of classes, and the shock of finding out that instead of my planned rooming situation with #10 on your Top Ten, I have been thrown into a double on the first floor near Sr. Chris with a sophomore in the band whose facebook information informs me that: "I love being CATHOLIC!!!!" and "I love GOD!!!!!" and "I love classical music!!!" Hmm. Well then.

    I realize I have been slacking, but watch out everyone. If I'm going to be living in a Jesus shrine all semester I'm going to look damn good doing it in that Burberry scarf.

    Diet tips: If you're going out to eat, have a healthy snack before you go. you will be less likely to stuff your face at the restaurant. The same goes for Thanksgiving...eat lots of the veggies before the meal so that when the potatoes and stuffing and pies come around you won't be so famished.

    Another tip (I got some catchin up to do...): Park far away! Unlike my mother who has been known to spend up to 20 minutes waiting for the spot next to the handicapped one to open up, it is best to park in a far spot and force yourself to walk. (I really should get my mom a handicapped parking sign for Christmas. Doesn't under 5 ft qualify as legal midget??)

  6. Great post Laurie! You know I am all about fun - ask my office (in between when I am snapping the whip, that is). Laughter is the best medicine. Diet tip - hire Judy and Louis as personal coaches, they obviously have this thing down pat!

  7. mrssarge....I've been coaching myself for almost 57yrs. and I'm still trying to figure out this healthy/fit aging thing. Famous proverb: Experience is the best teacher because she gives the test first and the lesson afterwords. Nothing magical...just hard work...and ...if you're good to your body it will be good to you. Come and join Laurie and me at our bootcamp.

    Diet Tip: Overload on turkey so you sleep thru dessert!

  8. This was an awesome post, Mrs. McKeon. A lot of us are definitely guilty of getting wrapped up in our busy schedules and troubles and focusing on what we don’t have… undeniably a good reminder to just let loose and have fun.

    I will say as well, kudos for mentioning the Drunk Jenga option. I brought my own set this year and it’s been fantastic; so much excitement and intoxication – what more could someone ask for? I actually wrote an article about the marvels of this game earlier in the year for a student website, it’s quite funny if I do say so myself, so if you’re ever bored and want a quick laugh, let me know (or if you’re interesting in learning more about Drunk Candy Land or Hungry “Drunky” Hippos).

    Tip #14: When shopping for groceries, if possible, use baskets instead of a shopping cart. It’s not a huge workout, but walking around with two, heavy baskets is undoubtedly more beneficial than pushing a cart. Heck, you can even do reps while browsing the shelves… trust me, it’ll get you tired and ensure at least a baby workout.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving Eve to all!

    Diet Tip: If you do the tuna and water diet today...you will be all set for splurging tomorrow!

  10. Judy, I have only been at this for 43 years, but hope that I will be where you are at when I get there. I can hope at least. I have spent the last 10 years in the pregnancy, child-rearing haze I like to call "workingmomhood" taking care of everyone but myself - kids, husband, bosses, employees. Recently, I decided I needed to focus a little more on taking care of myself. The BFC is just a little start to a whole lifestyle change. I have way more than 10 lbs to lose. Thanks for the invite to Boot Camp. I would love to be there. I have always told Laurie I think I would love it. I used to work out with a personal trainer (BK - before kids) and I think his work outs would hold up to Shane's. Diet Tip: Don't go to the grocery store hungry - you end up buying things you don't need. Holiday Tip - if you are bringing a dish to a friend's, choose a healthy option that at least you know you can eat or fill up on rather than the high calorie dips and snacks that are out there. I am well known for my fresh fruit tray that always gets requested. Happy Thanksgiving Eve to everyone!

  11. mrssarge..Keep up the great work...keep on truckin! I've walked in your shoes...like you said...kids, husband,employees, etc. Still am!! It's never over. The BFC Challenge definitely has brought awareness to our health habits plus much amusement! Laurie's the woman!! Let's all keep having fun! Keep your eye on the scarf, mrssarge..go for it!

  12. Sorry I've been MIA this past week. Life got in the way of one of my guilty pleasures -- this here blog! Laurie, your post came at a great time. I'm gonnna have more fun! I'm down another 1 -- 3 total.

    Diet tip: announce your intention to lose weight publicly and post your weight loss the morning of the biggest eating day of the year to keep you honest! Oh boy...here we go...

    Happy Thanksgiving Laurie and fellow followers. Good luck today!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

    Diet Tip: Eat the protein foods first!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    I didn't really workout as much this week (and partied a little more than I should have...) so I just maintained; down a total of 10 still.

    Tip #15: Have a "safe" food choice at your Thanksgiving dinner, something you'll probably bring yourself that you know is healthy, etc. This guy's mother made a tasty fruit/veggie salad, I know what I'm starting the feast with.

  15. Missed the Thanksgiving Day post due to traveling to northern WI to visit my parents. One Thanksgiving Day meal down and no weight gain, one to go... Yes, as many people do, we celebrate 2 Thanksgivings. The one tonight has a lot more alcohol. So, if you do 2 Thanksgivings, do you do tuna/water for 2 days after?

    Judy, thank you. I agree and I agree about the blog and about Laurie. From the first day I met her she has made me laugh and her blog is better than any therapist for helping me de-stress. I have great admiration for you, Laurie, and your biceps from boot camp! Keep the blogs coming - it will keep me from having to see a therapist! For those of you shopping today, running to get that coveted item is great exercise and then running to the parking lot to get the hell out of the store and all of the rest of the crazy shoppers even more exercise.

  16. Okay...day after Thanksgiving...will not be weighing in until Sunday morning. Hoping to still maintain my 4lb. loss or even do better! Will find out Sunday morning!

    Diet Tip: I think everyone really knows what to eat by now...no sh*t food!!!

  17. Happy Black Friday!! Hope everyone found the deals they were looking for and stayed true to the Burberry Challenge. I must admit, it's been tough this weekend, but I can hear the clock ticking and I know that I have only 29 days left to take off the remaining 7 pounds. It's go time...Here is where we separate the pretenders from the contenders...Keep up the good work, keep up the comments. Now is the time to pick up the pace. Burberry or bust.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oh, Black Friday... I'm pretty sure I got a workout today from all of the screaming and road rage I produced trying to drive through mall traffic on my way to lunch. Honest to God, some people should not be allowed to drive, when I get that scarf the first thing I'm going to do is wrap up and trek over to Congress to propose tougher driving restrictions (I'm talking to you, creepy old lady with a mean visor and a very, very, large middle finger)...

    Tip #16: This is more of a suggestion, but what the hell: grapes (or any fruit I'd imagine). I added some grapes to a Caesar salad yesterday, in place of the usual dressing, and it was awesome. I know people make fruit salads all of the time, but why not exchange the fatty dressing on some other classics with some fruit, definitely a healthier option.

  20. Louis...you sound pretty confident about that scarf...you better keep looking behind you because there are several of us on your tail!! And hey....maybe the creepy old lady was justified in extending her very, very, large middle finger! You did state that you produced road rage on your way to lunch.

    Diet Tip: Have one meal replacement of tuna and water today!

  21. Okay... made it through 2 Thanksgivings with no weight gain - no loss, but at least I am holding steady. Spent the night up with a puking child. Diet advantage? Stomach flu after Thanksgiving... might put me in the lead unless I can fend off the virus. Diet incentive this shopping weekend. Your favorite store tells you they no longer carry your size, but the salesperson proudly states they are going to carry more size 2's. Great for all you size 2's out there, but for me it was a scene from Pretty Woman all over again. More incentive to walk into the store with the Burberry scarf wrapped around my neck and then buy the smaller pants size. Diet Tip: Look for items that have at least 4 grams of fiber or more. Did you know that one raw pear has 4 grams of fiber? Choose high fiber snacks that fill you up and you won't be looking to fill up on empty calories.

  22. Bad week and weekend. I was totally out of control. 2 Thanksgivings or Franksgiving. He ( my Husband) doesn't give shit, but it does have a nice ring to it. Did the Turkey run with Judy and we had a blast. Partied all day Saturday...the last middle school friend to turn 50. I was kicked out of Casa for life. I agree with Laurie, find something fun to do. I enjoy a night with family and play Farkle. Now try and say Farkle 10 times FAST....Weight loss before the 24th was 3#. I'm afraid to get back on the scale....Will let you know tomorrow. GO BADGERS!!! Rose Bowl. Yahoo
    Diet tip: Just drink one day!!!!!

  23. drunk jenga. classic.
