For those of you keeping score at home, here is a brief synopsis of our standings:
The Frontrunners:--Judy, Louis, Angela, Emily, Tina Lampe and some combination of the Ponds--these people have come out strong with consistent comments, diet tips and believe it or not, have actually lost some weight. I am going to include my niece Maggie in this group, because although she doesn't comment as often as some of the others, the quality of her comments are top drawer. Anyone who can include "Jesus Shrine" and "Burberry scarf " in the same sentence and have it make sense, deserves some extra credit. And yes, Judy, you will be getting some style points for bring Cheryl into the mix, (Let's not lose sight of my original intent with the steer people, traffic and that elusive book deal guru toward the blog) Angela, every single time you mention "husband" and "Afghanistan", your stock moves up...I'm not going to lie to you, I just can't help myself. Let's hope Emily force fed you pumpkin pie for the last five days, just to give the rest of the field a fighting chance...Keep up the good work, fellas, your are in the lead, just don't fade now....
The Middle of the Pack--Do not for one hot second count any of these people out of the race...With just a few more comments, tips and sucking up, any one of them can steal the title and claim the scarf...Casey, Jeannie, (and her baby) my sister Wendy, Cheryl, Frank, Katie, Kristi Ambro, Amy, Jean F are all very much still in the hunt. But, if any of you really want this scarf (I'm talking to you, Amy Davidson and Jeannie, you're young, hip and can rock this scarf for many years to come) now is the time to make your move. A comment a day, a quirky diet tip that catches my eye, another comment about the 23 lb baby, use what you've got to keep your chances in play. I highly recommend joining in, taking on or taking down the Judy, Louis rivalry. It's working for Mrssarge....and is proving to be a very effective strategy...
The Stragglers--Hey, for all the rest of you, the one tip wonders, the silent stragglers, those who hollered their way into the Fitness Challenge but did not follow up with the requisite diet tips or comments, (I'm not naming any names here Larry Sanchez...) Do not despair, it's not too late. I saw the movie Secretariat and know that this come from behind thing can work...It may actually even be a strategy. I'm not judging here. 29 days is plenty of time to snatch the scarf and make it yours. Offering up a clever, witty bon mot every day, bringing a friend or two to the blog, taking a literary swing at Louis and Judy, continually mentioning your loved one currently serving in a military zone, or even just making me laugh up my diet Dr. Pepper are all legit and effective ways to climb the score board in the Burberry Fitness Challenge. Don't get left behind. It's a goddamn beautiful scarf, and everybody loves an unknown coming through at the wire. (Billy Mills anyone?)
To all the Challengers, Good luck, God Speed and for God's sake, hit the blog....
Today's Top Ten:
- The Stilt Giraffe in the Lion King--we saw Lion King in Chicago yesterday, very cool, along with the cheetah/panther girl...
- The Santa Claus at 900 N. Michigan--he's for real.
- if you too want to be a real Santa this year, donate now to this great organization which protects the rights of woman and children particularly those in China.
- Tina Burke--had shoulder surgery on Tuesday, otherwise would be kicking ass and taking names in the Fit Club Challenge.
- Brian Kelly--you all can hate on him all you want, but I give him credit for showing up to work everyday. It's been an interminably long season for him.
- The lobster salad at the Ritz--so tasty, so healthy,
- Becky Miller--the world's best babysitter, a true and great friend.
- Original Penguin wear--having a great sale right now, the downtown Chicago store is full of bargains and Christmas joy
- Pistachios--lowest fat nut, very seasonal, having to crack them out of their shells has got to burn off some calories.
- Christmas decorations--breaking them out, putting them up--HOHOHO
I'm a frontrunner, eh? Very nice, I like a lot... not that I necessarily needed any more motivation, but hey, with that title I'm not gonna not continue to kick major butt. Although, I'm not sure a true rivalry exists between Jpulera and myself. I mean, when one party is clearly and utterly dominating (points to self), there isn't much to rival... just saying ;)
ReplyDeleteSince Angela does have the whole husband/war card, I'm just going to go on and whip out the young/naive/poor/starving college student one from my deck. In this hectic time of my life (what with having to choose a major, deal with countless hours of school work, start considering a real job, make my parents proud, schedule in plenty of time to party), the comfort and pride of getting that scarf would be incredible...
Tip #17: Don't always look for the nearest, comfortable seat. Your body burns more calories while standing than when sitting (about 50% more) and if seats are limited, it's always nice regardless to give yours up to someone else. Charity and health all in one stance, why not?
That was pathetic, Louis. Remember, I went to Notre Dame so I know how much fun you are having. No one feels bad for you at all. I have not seen my husband for 5 1/2 months because he is evacuating injured soldiers from Afghanistan. I win.
ReplyDeleteTip of the day: Don't let your generous parents/other family members stock your fridge, they only buy the good (read not healthy) stuff since they know they won't be there to finish it. I'm too savvy to fall into that trap though. The boys are going to be eating well this week!
Go IRISH, Beat Trojans!
Hahaha, Angela, I tried... still though, I hadn't seen my parents in months, and I'm an only child, so that was way rough. If anything, the scarf would make my mother's Christmas, and we all know how important it is to love and respect our mothers...
ReplyDeleteWhew one holiday full of stuffing and pies galore down.... probably set me back a bit but I'm ready to fight back in full force!
ReplyDeleteTip of the day: I picked this one up while at Angela's this week. Eat with a baby spoon. WIth two nephews, her kitchen is filled with them! It is great because it forces you to eat slower and enjoy every bite that much more!!
Louis, way to suck up to Laurie with the "love and respect your mother" comment. Although, I am sure your mother would look very lovely in the Burberry scarf and you would probably get "son of the year". Don't count out us old people yet. It is hard to feel sorry for you when you are eating as healthy as you are as a college student. My college diet consisted mostly of ramen noodles, peanut butter, and macaroni and cheese, and, of course, alcohol. By the way, not a bad tip with the grocery baskets vs the carts, but you are not shopping for a family. I would like to see how long it takes Laurie to do that when I know she has at least 2 carts at Woodman's. I will add to that and say take the cart with the chair seat in back and push your kids - for me it is pushing an extra 180 lbs plus the groceries. If you pick up the pace, it isn't a bad workout. Look out for those corners at Woodman's, though.
ReplyDeleteAngela, while you indeed went to Notre Dame and know quite well the copious amount of work that we have on our platter, time's have changed. We definitely don't party as much as you all used to back in the day; new rules, greater competition, a more strict administrative body, and heightened security definitely make it harder to rage (what with crazy keggers, rock and roll, and all sorts of blasphemous substances) compared to a couple of years ago. Trust me, I've talked to many a grad and we weren't nearly as crazy (maybe just a little Loko...) as you all were back then.
ReplyDeleteAlso, at least you have a significant other (yeah, good angle I'm taking right here). Some of us aren't fortunate enough to even be in a relationship and are all alone,... painfully alone, yeah... maybe that scarf would help some of us reel in a slampiece (if, of course, we don't give it to our dear, loving mother)? Just a thought...
(I'm good, I know)
Louis...there's no crying in the BFC Challenge! Poor college student...such a stressful life. Like mrssarge stated...don't count us old cougars out!! I still find it hard to believe that you've lost 10lbs. in the controversial 11-14 days debate. What was your starting weight? With all due respect to your mother(which all mothers deserve lavish gifts!)this mother is still on your youthful tail for the scarf. I will share it with your mom because I am reading between the lines...and she deserves it, too!
ReplyDeleteWeighed in this morning and still holding at my 4lb. loss. Don't worry Louis...more is on the way.
Diet tip: This is not a diet tip but great information. If you're really doing all of the right things(working out, proper nutrition, etc.)the body sometimes reaches a plateau and gets stuck at the same weight for awhile. Fitness experts think it may have something to do with the fluid in the fat cells. Then suddenly the drop effect kicks in and your body lets go and you drop anywhere from 2-6 lbs. in one week. If you're doing the right things...the drop phenomenon will catch up. Just be patient and wait for the drop effect. Stay consistent and you will drop eventually.
Louis, I'm not that old. Kegs weren't allowed when I was there either.
ReplyDeleteAs mother to two boys, I do appreciate the love you would show your mom by giving her the scarf. I hope you have a backup plan, though.
Oops, I forgot. Husband, Afghanistan. Check.
ReplyDeleteOkay, despite the unknown sabotage of seemingly nice people known as my friends, I have been given pecan pie, won an apple pie at the office, and a friend gave me a quarter of a red velvet cake which, I am certain, rivals Kristi's red velvet cupcakes, and yet, somehow, I have not gained weight over the Thanksgiving weekend and am even down another pound for a total of 4. Judy, I have slightly altered your tuna/water diet - goes like this... tuna, water, Mike's hard lemonade, and pecan pie. Seemed to work.
ReplyDeleteLouis, I am certain young ladies would find you irresistable in the Burberry, but despite your Notre Dame status, Judy and I do have age, wisdom, and life experience on our side. Judy is much better at living it daily then I am, but I am digging deep. I have to say, though, guilt quiets the competitive spirit whenever I think of Angela greeting her husband wearing nothing but the Burberry - hard to compete with that...
Exercise tip - hanging Christmas lights outdoors - up and down the ladder a few hundred times is good for the legs. Falling off the ladder - generally not recommended. Have someone strong - not your 9 and 7 year old boys hold the ladder.
mrssarge...I'm going to add the pecan pie to the tuna and water diet and hopefully it will it will work for me, too. I thought by running the 5k fundraiser for Ellen last Saturday and the 2 mile Turkey Run on Thanksgiving would have helped me at least drop 1 more pound...I guess I needed Laurie there both times that I could have hung on to her shirt so I would have picked up the pace...but she wasn't there!
ReplyDeleteGood for you mrssarge to hang on to your 4lb. loss! Keep digging deep!
Diet/Fitness Tip: A lot of the diet tips get redundant after here is a fitness tip: The goal of your workout is to put a demand on your body that it is not used to, by taking yourself out of your comfort zone and creating a disturbance to your metabolism so your body will change. Breaking down muscle(strength training) will shake up your system, resulting in burning huge number of calories and boost your metabolism. If you don't create enough of a disturbance, your metabolism won't increase as much.
So that has been my problem... not only has my metabolism not been disturbed in a while, it has been in hibernation! Working to bring it out of hibernation and to get to some earthquaking disturbance. Judy, you are amazing! Good for you doing all of those runs even without being able to hang on to Laurie's shirttails. To go along with your fitness tip.... when weight training, don't stop reps at a certain # 10,15, etc. Instead, push it until you can't go anymore and feel the burn and fatigue in your muscle.'re right..go for the burn!!
ReplyDeleteHAHA Louis and Angela are cracking me up! Angela's "husband in Afghanistan" card is valid, but I'm afraid Louis's "poor college student" is not. The ND life is purely cushy...may I remind everyone that I have been living in a 3rd world country (ok, DEBATABLY 3rd world, officially "developing") for over 4 months now. I deserve that damn scarf after vaccinating small mexican niƱos in hospitals down here. You should see the lives these people live in the rural areas ... I remember once trying to describe to a group of Mexicans what a heater was. "Se logra calor sin fuego?!?" translation: it makes heat without fire?! Um yes...ponchos aren't the only alternative to the cold believe it or not, Mexican population.
ReplyDeleteDiet tip: Order your meal off the kids menu! Restaurants always over-serve. Or if you're not feelin the mac n' cheese, cut your portion in half and set the other half aside immediately to take home.
Sad to say I still haven't lost weight yet :( but I fully intend to before Cancun so watch out everyone!!!! Ima win me some Burberry.
Ouch, there's such a lack of love for Louis; not cool. Although I do not have a loved one in Afghanistan, and since apparently my hectic/stressful life at ND is not a valid card to play (although, I will say, being a business major is quite the job; again, scheduling in social activities,etc.), I will say; 10 lbs baby!
ReplyDeleteIf anything the sheer domination (not counting Frank, of course) in actually losing weight/getting fit should help for something.
Oh, and just like those Mexican niƱos, I also do not have a heater here at Notre Dame... so times are rough all around here as well... nothing like that scarf to keep me warm I say.
Oh, and I almost forgot;
ReplyDeleteTip #18: Get rid of any temptation. Out of sight, out of mind. Rid your fridge of all the useless, unhealthy snacks, it'll make resisting temptation that much easier. I said before..there's no crying in the BFC Challenge! You lost your 10lbs. in the debatable 11-14 days...again what was your starting weight? Are you maintaining now or are you going to keep on going?
ReplyDeleteI agree with mnickel1..Angela deserves extra points for the Afghanistan card and I think mnickel1 deserves points for her work in a "developing" country. But Louis should have points taken away for whining!
Diet Tip: Consume the majority of your calories in protein.
Fat F*&K here. Well, did you all know that the Rec Plex put in a new olympic size pool and altered their parking for members where we need to have parking passes? It must have just happened this weekend cause I never saw it until now! That membership is well worth it...Such wonderful new amenities. I made my way to run on the treadmill and got two plus miles in and all I could picture was Jillian Michaels squatting down on top on the treadmill yelling at me to get in shape...She obviously does not know, ROUND is a shape. I then stopped at the fitness desk to set up a personal trainer and was telling them about this scarf and this bet and .........
ReplyDeleteDiet Tip: When you choose to have a movie night at home and you go to pick up movie popcorn at the theater, pick the bucket without the "butter". It saves a few hundred calories and wash it down with a Mich Ultra and a 32 oz glass of water (kind of the same thing).
You go Fat F*&K...great diet tip! Maybe you should put a few sessions with Jillian on your wishlist. Hang in there..but the fight for the scarf will be brutal!
ReplyDeleteWhining? Who's whining? I'm simply doing what everyone else is doing Jpulera. Only real difference is the domination on my part; boom. I guess it's true what they say, people also hate on those that are on top ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't really know if I'm maintaining or not, I just want to get my mile times down, which means more cardio and acute lifting. If numbers on the scale go down, they go down. I'm more interesting in increasing fitness level to crush my old 5k times, etc.
Tip #19: Don't eat alone. You're more likely to indulge when you're by yourself, as no one's around to see you scarf down those twinkies.
I am officially loving the banter here, and must confess, like Cheryl, I may have done some damage this weekend--started off like a champ, ended like a chump--with pizza from Toppers (it's not even that good...)Back on the wagon today.
ReplyDeleteHey, Louis, I AM old and we couldn't have kegs at ND when I was there...Being an ND student earns absolutely NO extra credit in my book--in fact, my undergrad years were so much fun that I stayed on for law school, got married there and cried like a baby when I finally had to leave.. However, congrats on the weight loss, I'm hoping to join the losing crowd again...
Maggie, I am giving you some props for stopping disease in the Third world and spreading the good news of "fireless heaters"...
FatF*ck, extra credit for the awesome name alone...I feel your pain...
Alright, alright. I guess college isn't all that bad... still though, I think the young crowd would benefit from that scarf just as much. You know, since we'll be out and about more, showing it off, ... or giving it to our mothers, like I stated earlier.
ReplyDeleteAnd I guess it was before all of your times then, and more in the male dorms I'd imagine, because I've definitely had a couple grads come in with wild (much more wild than today, surprisingly enough) stories of their college years.
P.S. - Also, Mrs. McKeon, nonsense; you're not old. Old people don't have such legit blogs (or throw such a mean tailgate)... besides, when the angelic Chris McKeon first invited me to one of the said tailgates I thought you were his sister! Old?... no way.
Tip #20: Don't overdo drinks like Gatorade and Powerade. While they are good to replenish and hydrate, some physical activity is necessary to require such rehydration. If you're just sitting around all day, there's not need to consume such beverage, you'll just be getting all of the calories/sugars, water will do.
Nice strategy, Louis, sucking up to the keeper of the scarf. Do what you've got to do, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, in addition to the loved one in a combat zone, red velvet cupcakes, clever turns of phrase, mockery and funny names, flattery will totally turn my head. Fellow competitors, take note....
ReplyDeleteOk Louis...I have a new name for you Shi-thead. WTF, what the fudge. I don't swear in front of kids... Judy, I ran with you and it was my shirt that you hung on to and you placed..OUCH girlfriend. Laurie, still have that jar of HOMEMADE raspberry jam for you. Is that working????
ReplyDeleteDiet Tip: Do one good deed a day. You won't loss any weight, but you will feel really good. Next Holiday, Parise Navidav.
Thanks for the love, Parise, appreciate it. What can I say, I but speak the truth; sorry I'm not sorry.
ReplyDeleteTip #21: Focus your anger/jealousy (like that brought upon by yours truly, for example) towards your workouts; it's great motivation.
Okay poor starving college students, husbands in Afghanistan, vaccinating ninos in Mexico... everyone has a story that pulls at the heart strings.. What about us slightly above average, over 40, working mom's with fat asses? No sympathy angle to work here, just have to go straight for the competitive jugular some way. Diet Tip #: Buy a scale that talks to you. This was my husband's idea. You step on the scale and it says "Hello" and announces to the entire household (it is so loud)what your weight of the morning is... it might as well just say "you are fat! Give up! Casey, if Brock ever tells you what he thinks he heard the scale announce my weight as, I will deny it. I liked it better in preschool when for Mother's Day he said I was 6' tall and weighed 35 lbs. Maybe just my left thigh, but he was sweet about it.
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome are the motivator!!! Like the sorry I'm not sorry...back at you.
ReplyDeleteLouis, what the frick is acute lifting? I hope you're not sweating to the oldies with Richard Simmons. And Louis, for the 4th time, what was your starting weight? You have been ignoring that question.
ReplyDeleteAnd girlfriend,Cheryl Parise, yes, you did set the pace for me in the Turkey Run. Thanks, woman!
Diet Tip: Avoid anything white...white sugar, white bread, and white flour.
When I say acute I mean as of critical importance, as in lifting should definitely be incorporated into any routine. And starting was 214 or so. I believe Frank and I started around the same and are at around the same point now, great motivation going basically head to head here at Steds.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Average 5 mile, mile time is down to 7:27. Be scared.
Louis, the 214 or "so" can mean the difference in losing 10lbs. or 7lbs. The or "so" can really blur the poundage loss. Just making a point.
ReplyDeletemrssarge...keep hanging in there!
great recipe from Tony, Head Chef at Mangia's. Turkey Soup. Take the whole carcass of your turkey (even if you spatch cock it..LOL) and completely cover it in water, adding one pound of carrots chopped, one lrg. onion chopped and 6 stalks of celery chopped. Cover and simmer for 6-8 hours. Remove turkey from pot, cool and remove remaining meat. Add meat and extra veggies to pot and simmer until done. THE BEST EVER.
ReplyDeleteDiet tip: Eat Turkey soup for the next 28 days.
Jpulera, the "or so" refers to the decimal pound. I don't remember if it was 214.4 or 214.6, as I didn't jot it down. So no, that difference is not that significant as last time I included the weight to the tenth decimal I was called out on being too accurate (if such a thing even exists). That 0.2 difference or not, still dominating, so please continue to be afraid.
ReplyDeleteTip #22: Do somewhat organize your workouts. As good as random, sporadic runs sometimes feel, it's nice to have them set in your schedule ahead of time, makes them feel more like a priority and a necessity (and often you're more likely to follow through).
Happy Tuesday everyone!
ReplyDeleteI have a few days of catching up to do so here I go....
-SET GOALS!!! Weight loss or not.... I just signed up for a Half Marathon in Phoenix in January. Now, no matter how much schoolwork I have, I know that not running is not an option. And if I shed a few pounds along the way... so be it : )
-Bake Christmas cookies but then give them away... my roommate and I love love love to bake but don't want them tempting us in our room! SO we put them outside our door. Its AMAZING how fast they go!
-Stay away from Starbucks hot chocolate....360 calories in one drink... suck it up, its not THAT cold : )
Louis...since you are into "acute" weightlifting..I'm curious what are your best lifts in the bench press, the squat and the deadlift?
ReplyDeleteDiet Tip: Oprah's not eat after 6:00pm.
Cheryl Ann Parise....I don't think anyone knows what spatch cocking a turkey means!! Unless they attended the Mangia's class like we did (LOL)! Great soup recipe!
ReplyDeleteI am SO glad the end of November is finally here. Bring it, December.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to publicly thank my mom for decorating my house for Christmas -- it looks amazing, like a mini 4405 Wilderness Dr.
Today at PT (physical training, the Air Force's mandatory group workout) we were doing a bunch of circuit training and towards the end, they had us doing push-ups. Now, push-ups as a first exercise, okay, but toward the end when I'm already tired... not so much. So, as my arms are shaking and I want to just stop (who's watching anyways?) I had two thoughts: 1. "My husband will be home from Afghanistan in roughly 4-6 weeks. These last few push-ups will be worth it!" and 2. "DO IT FOR THE SCARF!"
True story.
Judy, Yes I know, but its fun to say spatch cock a turkey. I made the soup today, so I will bring some over tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteToday I did a due (2) work-outs. One this morning and one this afternoon. I also had 2
thoughts in my mind...that damn scarf ( I love cashmere) and Louis. So, Louis,I guess I have to say gratzie.!!! Also, I'm sad to say I gained a pound.
Parise, no problem. My tips work; huge.
ReplyDeleteJpulera, I never said I was into lifting. I said that I needed to start incorporating it into my routine; ergo, I don't really have a 'best' anything cause it's so inconsistent still. I run at the moment, that's my main thing.
Tip #23: Spend more time reporting positive, personal progress to keep you motivated and focused on yourself,... rather than focusing on small details about your other competitors. When it comes down to it, this is about personal, lasting successes (and I guess kicking ass, if you're me).
Spatch cock what?? Seriously, I think I need to know what that is all about...Keep up the good work, Clubbers...nice to know that the scarf is motivating you all toward fitness. Hearing your success stories is keeping me on the (semi) straight and narrow. I have not had a candy bar for well over a week ...have had some swedish fish (can't give em up), but no chocolate.
ReplyDeleteProgress, I guess...New post tomorrow, I promise
Louis...quit trying to give the impression that you are the poster boy for fitness when you haven't even incorporated weight training into your fitness program yet! Okay, Louis, whatever.:)
ReplyDeleteLaurie, when I see you at bootcamp in the morning, I'll explain what spatch cock means!
Diet/fitness tip: Be sure to incorporate weight training into your fitness program because it will build muscle and burn more calories.
Jpulera, never said I was the poster boy of anything. Simply stating my (rather numerous) successes. Such claims of which you accuse me are simply made up and invalid.
... just saying, definitely not gonna help drop those extra pounds.
Tip #24: Always make your drink "light", especial at Starbucks. Pretty much same taste, way less fat/cals.
Mother's Helper...spatch cock a tukey: Backbone removed, butterflied open!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteLouis...never said that you stated that your were the poster boy...I said you give the impression that you are. Still surprised that with all of your successes(as you have stated) it still amazes me that you do not incorporate lifting. Have you ever done a push up? Jealous....I don't think so dude! I think you feel that someone is on your heels and calling you out a on a few things. It's obvious that you have to keep validating yourself.
ReplyDeleteKristi...where have you been?
Diet tip: Add extra fiber to your fills you up and keeps your digestive system clean....which will result in more energy and less toxins entering your bloodstream.
Jpulera, it's not validating, I just get bored and like to stir things up a little (and I was kidding, to be completely honest). Ha, and yes, I can do a pushup. Hell, I can do a lot of pushups thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteTip #25: Show of those pearly whites and smile. Smiling works a significantly larger number of muscles than frowning (can't remember exact number at the moment, unfortunately), and you look less mean, which is legit.
Okay, while you guys discuss acute lifting vs dead lifting and push ups my fitness tip for the day is do your push ups and stomach crunches alongside your children. Keeps me motivated because there is no way I am going to let my 9 or 7 year old boys do more push ups or sit ups then their mother. I do a bunch more just to prove it to them... they don't see me barely able to get out of bed the next day with muscle soreness, but as long as they think their mom is a hero, I am okay with that...Also, kids like to make charts, so we chart our progress and if you miss a day, it is really obvious.. keeps you on task.
ReplyDeleteWow Laurie you have certainly gotten people riled up. The pressure is a little intense. I would love to give the details of the list, but I am a little leery of the scrutiny. I am enjoying the banter as I sip on my Swiss Miss hot cocoa (sugar free and only 60 calories) take that Star Bucks. Tip for the day: Make a big ol' pot of turkey Chili. Ground turkey, Tomato sauce, peppers, onion, McCormick chili seasoning packet, and bushes beans for chili. Delicious, low calorie and LOTS of fiber. you do girl pushups(on your knees) or big boy pushups? When you come to K-town we'll have to have a pushup show down(big boy pushups). Laurie will be the judge.
ReplyDeleteKatey Casper....join in the fun!! Don't be leery of the scrutiny. I just have to keep Louis honest.
mrssarge..keep up the good work!!
Thanks Jpulera, as if I'd have to lie in order to dominate... :) And "big boy", aka the only real kind of, pushups, obvi. I really hope you're merely attempting to be sarcastic in your comments, because this is almost a little laughable.
ReplyDeleteTip #26: Go running in the cold/dark. Minus the whole possibly being dangerous thing (unless we're talking lakes around ND of course), at least I always end up running faster if anything to get out of the cold.
Diet tip: read these comments. you will laugh so hard at everyone hating on poor louis that you're bound to burn some cals.
ReplyDelete^ solid tip.
ReplyDeleteTip #27: Stop hating on poor Louis and get your butt in the gym.
Laurie, Laurie, Laurie...