Happy Easter, everyone!! I know that you are all tingling with anticipation regarding the Holy and Lowly Challenge. I know, so am I. Sorry to be a lot later than intended with this VERY important post, but I just completed filling 12 Easter baskets (could not do them last night, because the "college boys" did not come home until quite late and I did not want them to see the veritable smorgasbord of goodies that comprise their Easter baskets.) Yes, everyone at casa McKeon gets Easter baskets...that's how we roll. I take my holidays very seriously and make the most of them. Just wait until the big egg hunt.
Also, as Brenna/Kim told you, we attended the Easter Vigil...most important Mass of the Year and by far the very LONGEST mass of the year. Dave McKeon had his black berry out well before reading number five. (out of seven...) Ask Kim. I try to stop him, but he so doesn't give a shit. (please note: Lent is over...some vulgarities have already crept back into my verbiage...of course they have) And I must say, the geriatric hand bell choir was quite a treat...It's nice to see someone bringing a "free form" version of that art form to the Masses...Dave and Pete were laughing so hard I thought Pete's head was going to pop off..Once again, the pious McKeon family ruins the most important mass of the year. Posey and Nate were serving this marathon or frankly, we would not have attended. Dave McKeon is an "hour max" kind of guy. Any Mass over an hour and he's out of there. However, it was a beautiful service and the true highlight was when Nate FINALLY got the incense lit...We have had a few issues with incense lighting before (don't ask, it was at a funeral and Fr. Bill just about punched the boys because they couldn't get it started..it was pretty awful) so seeing that smoke finally blooming was pretty much the Easter miracle for us this year.
Needless to say, I was a little tired when I got up this morning at 6am to make my famous cupcakes, load up the baskets (all twelve--five for my kids --sad, no Annie, 6 for Chris' friends, and one for Dave McKeon). I started with the cupcakes, figuring I could divvy up candy and goodies for the baskets while they baked. Excellent plan. However, after whipping up the batter, filling 47 cupcake tins, and popping them in the oven, I realized that I forgot to add the last three eggs....shiittt...Judy, I am feeling your lamb cake pain. I just let them cook, figuring it would be easier to throw out cooked cupcakes than oozing batter...did not work out as planned, and I had one big mess. It's cleaned up, the baskets are filled to the brim, and now, I am finally posting up for all of you. I still have to redo the cupcakes, but I'll do it while the big boys are at Easter Mass.
Then, I must fill the money eggs for the hunt this afternoon. We hide about 250 eggs and fill several with money. Here is this year's break down: 20 one dollar eggs, 10 five dollar eggs, 5 10 dollar eggs, 2 20 dollar eggs and one fifty dollar egg. Then, the person who finds the most eggs gets a fifty (the money jumped up a bit this year, due to the age level of the participants) twenty five bucks for second and 15 for third. It is a total blast and I think Chris' friends are somewhat surprised/horrified/scared at the fervor that surrounds the hunt. I also made all of these boys dye Easter eggs on Friday. Interesting to see, because I often forget that normal families do not do this sort of stuff once their kids stop believing in the bunny (I am not sure if Posey is still a believer. I think she's on the fence and just like you, Tina, I gave it all away this year. Of course, she is 11 years old, it is high time she learns the truth, just so she doesn't embarrass herself in middle school) Or if you believe Dave McKeon, normal families (read this as his family) NEVER do this sort of stuff. "What is all this shit??I never dyed an Easter Egg in my life. You just hide the basket. that's it. Not a million f"ing eggs" According to Dave McKeon, no one ever took him to the zoo (told to me as we were slogging five little kids through the Lincoln Park zoo), no one ever came to his junior high graduation (said in a loud voice as we are sweating our asses off in the gym, listening to some old dude drone on) no one ever wrapped his Christmas gifts ("no, you just set them under the tree. You don't wrap this shit. How much is all this paper costing me?") No one ever taught him how to ride a bike, throw a ball....on and on...
So, when Dave McKeon saw me buying 6 more baskets yesterday, adding to the candy total and bringing back a big wad of cash from the bank, he had more than a little to say "Seriously, you are making baskets for 6 college boys we just met??? And you are filling them with gifts and candy? I tunes gift cards too:??And we are putting cash is eggs for them to find? Are you f'ing kidding me?, just give them each a six pack--that's what they really want. Happy F'ing Easter. Here's some Miller light--in bottles. Your welcome" Well, we could do that, but I must confess. There are so many times that life can slap you upside the head, and slap you pretty hard, I might add., that when I can, (and I find I can more than you would think (like this awesome blog and challenge) I really do try to find the stupid, silly, fun part of as many things as I can, and enjoy the living crap out of those moments. Frankly, if not, then what's the point? Back when I was in high school, my aunt and uncle started the out door egg hunt for money. It was a total blast and as we got older, and brought our own friends home from college, we all took part and I remember it with nothing but joy and a huge smile on my face. My cousin Mark has vivid memories at age six of being plowed over by college kids who were not too cool to go hard for the eggs with the coins in them (quarter beers!!). And honestly, what sort of mom would I be if I didn't let Posey have the chance to get run over by some big kids in pursuit of drinking money?? Given that charge, I've tried to replicate some sort of egg hunt every year.
My kids have hunted eggs in the desert in Arizona (spring break--Nate fell in a cactus, ouch) in several rental condos and even in the Fitness room/pool area of the Ritz in Boston (Spring of 2007--the year of the east coast college swing) I wanted to hide them out in the park but it was super cold. The front desk gave us until 7:30 to clear out of the exercise area, so eventually Dave and I just started throwing the eggs into the pool and then told the kids to go get them...good times, good times. And in all honesty, they are really good times.
And as I circle back on all of this, I hope you all understand just how much joy I've gotten out of this challenge. You all make me laugh very hard. You are clever, smart, engaging, and quite lyrical. (new lyrics to Peter Cotton tail? Killer) You are all also extremely kind, caring and compassionate. The connections that have been made through this blog (and even I was surprised at how interconnected you all are--just like Kevin Bacon) have been heart warming and life affirming in a way that has meant more to me than most of you will ever understand. It's been an honor and a privilege to get to know you all better and I know that I have had the very most fun of all. Thank you for that. Don't worry, there will be more challenges to come...some even affiliated with this blog.
Now, with out further blah, blah, blah on my part (I know John already skipped those first six paragraphs to cut to the chase and find out who beat him...haha), here are the answers to last night and the all important scoring. Yes, the Easter Vigil is the most important Mass of the year, and The Movie was With Six You Get Egg Rolls, starring Doris Day and Brian Keith (have a tiny crush on Brian Keith--he of the original Parent Trap "Mitch, it's been so long, so very long..." and Family Affair fame). Brian Keith/Jake Iverson wooed Doris Day with Champagne and popcorn. I totally loved (still love) this movie, and Doris Day looks amazing and her clothes are still WAY cool --check out her suede boots when she is in the grocery store--classic) Great job finding the answers and a very nice not on which to end the questions. Here are the scores:
Judy--Way to bring it home: 2 for being right, 6 for being first with both (though John came through with the popcorn and champagne, so he gets first honors on this one as well) 8 very crucial points for you!! These will come in super handy...as you will see.
John--2 for being right, 3 for being also first with the lowly and 2 for being second with the holy. 7 big points for you. I give you HUGE props for finding the popcorn and champagne answer. (see EC below) Nicely done, enjoy those net flix.
Suechi--true to the end, you get 2 points for being right, and 2 for being second with the lowly, and 1 for being third with the holy. your total--5 crucial points.
Tricia: 2 for being correct and 1 for being third with the holy=3 for you.
Stacy, Jamarcus, Kim/Brenna, Mrs.Sarge, Louis, and even Brian (nice work with the answers, they weren't correct, but they were good) 2 for each of you. Great work. Great results and now, time to award the EC.
Here is a little side note/disclaimer on the way this whole EC system works (and I'm not saying it's a good system, I'm just saying it's my system) So, before someone goes crying foul, or getting steamed, just understand that my system is not scientific, but more Laurietific. As I read the comments, I note the ones that make me laugh, the ones that are very kind, the ones that take super skill--poems, songs, etc--and I jot down EC points. I do not tally or add as I go, I just know how many points I have to distribute and place points next to each person's name on my little score card. That's about it, so when you see how this whole thing finished, you may think it was rigged or contrived, but I can only say, " I wish". If I could do this sort of math in my head, I would not have had such flop sweat while taking the GRE. So, as you see how this thing unfolds below, just kind of go with it and please remember the spirit of this HOLY contest and the spirit of the blog. Here is today's EC:
John: 80 big EC points. Your totally earned it with the songs, the extra effort on the popcorn and champagne thing, and the total body of your work. Your comments were incredible, consistent and spot on. your total for tonight: 87,
Judy: 40 EC points for you. Great comments, loved the With Six you get Egg roll summary, and loved your continual speed, spunk and spirit. Your total for the day: 48
Stacy: 30 EC points for you. Great poem (again) and honestly, great, ass saving scoring. I really appreciate it and hope the volleyball is all you ever dreamed of. your days total: 32
Sue chi: 25 EC points for you. Loved your comments, loved your willingness to share the recipes, and thanks for bringing such an upbeat voice to the blog.
Tricia: 25 EC points for you as well. Thanks for all the babes you thought could play me in the movie and thanks for always making me laugh. Your comments were always timely, informative and clever. You and John are WAY fun, and when he wins this thing, I hope he picks the ND tickets so we can make a day of it.
Now, before I do a final tally, again I want to thank you all for participating, and who are we kidding, everyone is a winner here, just for being a part of this blog family (Ok, ok Capone--I'm getting there)
As always, there are great competitors who do not finish in the top five: These two woman are the "honorable mentions" with a big emphasis on the "honorable":
Kim/ Brenna--j has been just a delight on the blog, a truly compassionate individual with great insights, and great commentary. Probably gave us all the most pure info per comment than anyone else. If Kim had not missed a day or two, she would have ended in the money. For Kim/Brenna--I have a very cool key chain, charm thing from Harrods.
Mrs. Sarge/Tina--once again, Ms. Congeniality and quite the mentor for young Louis. I honestly can see Mrs.Sarge's smile in every one of her posts. She too missed a day or two because of her work obligations, but made a more than valiant showing, and because of this--she also receives a cool, Key chain, charm from Harrods. (do you want the one with the "bobby" or the one with the Harrod's bear?" you and Kim can pick.)
Little Aside to
Louis: You did great, SYL. You've got your youth, Skylar and an invite to the McKeon egg hunt. You don't need these prizes...
Now, the top five: in reverse order...Just another aside: This was WAY tighter than I thought. I honestly thought that with all the regular points, speed points and extra credit points that the totals would be more spread out. They are not. However, there are no ties, so that's something. Feel free to ask for arbitration on the point totals, but I'm not sure if it will get you anywhere. I've basically turned most of the math over to Stacy. Talk to her.
Number 5: Suechi with 220 big points. Sue always had great things to said. Between her recipes, the poem and her holy knowledge (special shout out to her spiritual advisor and in house chef, Chip) Sue never let me down. Best line ever: "Adult racist Laurie". It still makes me laugh . Add to it that she is in the midst of planning a wedding and Well, it's a testament to her that she made it into the top five--nice job. Sorry, but you get whatever prize no one else wants...(rosary??)
Number 4: Judy Pulera--with 234 points. Judy always finishes strong and I knew from the beginning that she would finish in the money. She, Tricia and Stacy were so close in the point totals that it made me kind of nervous..not nervous enough to go back and re add up all the points, but kind of nervous still. Judy was so consistent, so fast and so great with comments....I always knew I could count on her to come through. She and Louis really do need to get together, just to put this whole push up thing to rest...Judy will win, I promise. So, Judy, once the top three make their choice, it's all you. Again, great, great job . (didn't find the St. Claire goggles and the Catholic bookstore--what's up with that??)
Number 3: Tricia---with 240 points. Time and time again, Tricia had me cracking up. I love her take on the whole mom thing, and can totally relate. Add to that her love of the high end accessory, and I am not surprised at how well she has scored in this competition. I swear to you, Tricia, you and I will be sporting those Hermes bracelets...maybe not this week, maybe not this year, but someday...trust me. Well done, well done.
Number 2: Stacy--with 249 points (told you it was close) Stacy really pulled out in front once she introduced the spread sheet--and then clinched it with the poetry. A super nice touch, which scored really well. Stacy played a masterful game, not really relying on speed, but confident in her ability to score the EC, and score she did. --between the jokes, the comments, (shrunken apple head, Stephen Tyler) her math skills and her rhyming ability, Stacy was a true competitor. You get second pick, Stacy--hope you get what you want.
Number 1, that's right, Number 1--John/Capone...With 304 enormous points. You did it, dude. YOU ARE THE WINNER!! YOU'RE NUMBER ONE, YOU'RE NUMBER ONE!! (time to do the "churn the butter" dance) Really, once you jumped in, was there any doubt? You ALWAYS finished in the money--right answers, major speed, and a total flair for the comments. The golf knowledge was just an added bonus. Once Jamarcus p*$$ied out, it was totally yours to win. And win you did. Honestly, John never, ever let down and he brought the entire level of the competition AND the blog up a huge notch. thanks for being on the show. You get first pick of the fabulous prizes and then it will go from there. Take your time with the picking up. It's a tough choice...tickets, booze, bracelet, gift card, rosary??? so many options, all of them AWESOME!!
So, that ends the Holy and Lowly Challenge. I know I had a good time. Hope you all did, too. Happy, Happy Easter everyone. I hope your day is filled with chocolate, eggs, great food, friends and family. And if you got nothing else from this competition, it's all about balancing the Holy and the Lowly. And having some fun along the way. Winners, let me know the prizes you want and I will arrange for delivery...again, thanks and congrats to all.
I will close this out with a little quote from Chris' friend Kevin (the college boys just left for Mass....nice to see. They really are great guys) as he came down and saw his Easter basket: "An Easter Basket, a money Egg Hunt AND eternal life? I LOVE Easter" (holy and lowly, baby, holy and lowly)
Have a great day. Top Tens return with the next post...your welcome.